American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 51: student debut

  Chapter 51 Student debut

"Now we need to find out why the professors from Princeton attended our summer camp?" Ottilia asked Tommy Hawke, who was leaning over his desk and writing an advertisement, a cup of coffee, and asked in a low voice. .

Tommy stopped and took the coffee: "Thank you, Miss Farrell, actually, do you know? Although I am very curious in my heart, I am sure that the professors in Princeton are definitely not interested in our summer camp or one of us. , but I am not going to waste time on this kind of useless speculation, no matter who it is, no matter what the reason is, first, use this opportunity to add a glamor to your resume, and second, it is now, to make money , just use the name of Princeton University professor to make money from those rich people!"

"Well, the school told me to increase the intensity of the summer camp. The principal said to me that other teachers can be arranged to participate, and said that I can go on vacation normally, and he wants to talk to you about the final donation to the school. Donation question," Otilia Farrell said to Tommy.

  She is the mentor of this big boy, but now she doesn't seem to be doing any real guidance work. Most of the time, Tommy is asking her to help with something.

This made her feel that she may be inexperienced, because although she participated in many summer camps in high school, they were all participants, and she did not have the experience of building such an organization from scratch. In fact, this instructor, like Tommy in front of him, Dennis who is collecting supplies at this time, and Pam who is spreading rumors, are all newcomers through and through.

And Otilia thinks that Tommy may also need those experienced instructors who can continue to provide him with ideas instead of asking him to make decisions every time. Although she is very interested in this summer camp, she thinks Still leave the choice to Tommy.

"No, you've been here, Miss Farrell, tell the principal that if the advisor changes, or he dares to try to provide what he calls school resources to force us to increase the donation ratio, I will be on the day the Princeton professor comes, Give the other party a **** and tell him that this is the welcome ceremony that our principal taught me." Tommy immediately objected when he heard Otilia's words.

  Seeing Tommy's objection, the smile on Ottilia's face became a little sweeter: "Really? I thought you would need the help of teachers who have rich experience in counseling clubs and organizations."

"The Bible says that the cedars are the beams and the pine is the rafters of our house, and no one else can enter it." After Tommy Hawke finished speaking, he drank the coffee in his hand and handed the coffee cup back to Ottilia. Turn around and continue to work at the desk.

  Otilia took the coffee cup handed by Tommy, and felt that the sentence this guy said just now was weird. It was a verse from the Song of Songs in the Bible, which meant that he did not want others to set foot in his room.

  Tommy is indeed used at this moment to represent the mood of not wanting other teachers to intervene.

   But the problem is the next paragraph of this poem, my sweetheart, among the women, like a lily among thorns.

  This is what King Solomon said to his lover.

   What is this guy implying? He was either gay, with Dennis or Pam, or both of them, or not, and he was the only woman in the group at this point.

"Are you hinting at me, Tommy? This is not something you should consider now. When you get the university admission letter, you can tell me openly. It's not a bad thing to like someone, you You can tell her generously, but there must be a more suitable time." Otilia hesitated, and finally felt that it was out of the teacher's professional ethics and irresistible curiosity, and reminded Tommy.

Tommy turned his head to look at her, and then continued busy flipping through the stack of documents in front of him: "Of course, Miss Farrell, there will be a day, I don't have time to think about the relationship right now, I'm thinking, find some of the best The elite high school students who signed up first, let them act as free guidance assistants for you for the reason of accumulating experience, sharing your work."

   "Have you found it?" Otilia breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Tommy's words.

   "I found a few." Tommy handed the selected information to Ottilia: "The first place, Chris Ferguson, lacks enough competition honors, and was asked by his father to rush into the prestigious Ivy League. The Los Angeles visitor."


   "Chris! The other party is All-In!"

  In a reserved casino in Massachusetts, a young man wearing a cowboy hat sat expressionlessly outside the casino, and kept placing the poker cards in front of him according to the news from a young man who ran out of the casino.

   Obviously this was a game of Texas Hold'em. The young man was unable to set foot in the casino because of his age, but it didn't affect his betting with the people in the casino.

  Four community cards have been drawn, namely 4 of diamonds, 9 of hearts, 9 of spades, and 10 of spades.

   "All-In." The young man outside the casino said, and his companions ran in immediately.

   Soon there were exclamations and shouts: "A straight flush kills four nines!"

  The young man stood up, pressed the brim of his cowboy hat with his hand, turned up the corners of his mouth, and walked towards the parking lot in the distance.

   "Where are you going! Chris?" The companion came out holding the chips and shouted loudly.

  The young man opened the car door: "Take a boring summer camp, so that I can enter the Ivy League according to my father's request."


   "Second place, David Shaffer, a poor guy who is similar to me in public high schools in Georgia, believes that college can change destiny."


  In Dunwoody, Georgia, a fat white high school student wearing glasses was handing two videotapes and a few small bills to two black youths in front of him.

  The black youth opened his schoolbag, which was full of books.

   "This was stolen from the Gwinnett County Library." The black man handed the schoolbag to the fat white man and said in his mouth.

  The fat white man greedily touched these books, flipped through them one by one, and then changed his face: "I asked you to steal according to the list of books I gave you! You stole several books by mistake!"

"David, I wouldn't do this kind of business if I was **** literate!" The black young man counted the money, turned and left, walked a few steps and turned back to him and asked, "I can help you get some more tomorrow." .”

  David zipped up his schoolbag and put it behind his back. Behind the lens, his small eyes looked at the black man with sparkling eyes: "No, I'm going to a summer camp tomorrow. I'll contact you when I come back."


   "Third place, Zoe Winters, an Italian girl from North Adams Public High School in Massachusetts."


   "Zoe!" A middle-aged woman shouted to a dark-haired girl who was sitting on the lawn in the distance and meditating.

  The girl turned her head and looked at the woman: "What's the matter, Mom?"

  "Paul called and asked you to go out to watch a movie together. If you agree, he can drive to pick you up." The woman smiled: "My daughter is very popular, not bad."

   "Tell that idiot to point the woman's poster to fuck." The girl cursed in a low voice with disdain.

   "What did you say, Zoe?" The mother asked loudly, not hearing her daughter's words clearly.

  The girl named Zoe responded with a sweet smile to her mother: "It's nothing, Mom, I'm just thinking about what I need to prepare for summer camp, tell Paul for me, I don't have time."


   "Fourth place, Catherine Nahn, an elite girl from a private high school in Manchester, New Hampshire."


   "Those classmates killed countless lives! Butterflies, beetles, ants and even birds, they cruelly made them into specimens!" In a luxury car, the brown-haired girl sat on the back seat and said loudly with dissatisfaction.

   "Yes." The father who was driving nodded: "It is indeed a bit cruel."

"But they were praised by the school, what about me? I didn't hurt my life, Dad, but Teacher Jaina severely criticized me and called you." The girl said: "There are serious problems in education in this country. "

  Holding the steering wheel, the father smiled bitterly and said, "Catherine, I don't think Teacher Jaina is too much, but I think you scared her."

"Why? I just proposed that instead of harming those lovely lives, we should simply choose creatures that everyone hates in this school to make specimens. The most hated creature, without a doubt, is the principal. In this way, we have completed the homework assigned by the school. , and no longer need to see nasty creatures appear on campus." The girl's tone was full of displeasure: "We all know that Teacher Jaina actually hates the principal, but she hypocritically rejected my proposal and criticized me."

  (end of this chapter)

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