American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 324: thisisAmerica!

 Chapter 324 thisisAmerica!

Tommy and Otilia's wedding was not large in scale, and there were not many guests. There were less than a hundred people in total. Almost every invitee had a deep enough connection with the Hawke family, and the wedding took place in France. My family's estate in Newport, Little Snowflake.

Dad Colin and his white-haired father-in-law Mr. Farrell warmly hugged every guest and thanked them for coming to their son or daughter's wedding.

However, after the passers-by greeted the old man, they often chose to go to Tony Leon who was sitting at the banquet table further away to greet him and surround him.

"Bethia called. She was busy taking care of the family business in London. She would come back to have dinner with me after she was done. Úrsula called me to congratulate me and said she was sorry that neither she nor Jenny could come. During the wedding, she has an international conference, and Jenny has to deal with a lot of official business." Otilia held Tommy's hand, took photos with several guests, and whispered to Tommy: "Ursula didn't come, but actually let I’m a little lucky, because it makes me less embarrassed, how could you bear to put Jenny in such an environment?”

"You have to believe in Jenny, she can solve anything." Tommy patted Otilia's hand holding his own: "Don't think of her as you, think of her as another me, even if you are in heaven, you can still solve it." Transformed into hell.”

The Ursula in Otilia's mouth is the mother of Jenny's husband, who comes from the German Albrecht family, and her husband's surname is von der Leyen. Tommy came to Stanford University to teach with her husband, a doctor, in 1992. , whom she started dating while she was enjoying the housewife life at Stanford University, also gave birth to a son for Tommy, who now bears the surname von der Leyen.

Ursula lived with her husband at Stanford University for five years. Like her husband, she originally had a medical background. However, under Tommy's persuasion that "learning medicine cannot save Germany", she began to engage in politics after returning to China.

  Thanks to Tommy's support, her political path has been very smooth. Of course, the main reason is also because the United States has a military garrison in Germany. When she encounters some difficult problems, Tommy's brother Tony can lend a helping hand in time.

For example, in 2010, it was Tony who asked US military intelligence personnel stationed in Germany to use traffic accidents to solve several conservatives in the CDU party who opposed Ursula's nomination. This made Ursula von der Leyen finally become the president. German President in Murdoch's Cabinet.

At this time, Stephen, who was the temporary master of ceremonies, had already called Tommy to the stage and addressed the guests. Tommy let go of Otilia and walked towards the stage: "Want to hear some love words?"

"Later I thought about it, and it was indeed the case. I still remember when Otilia and I were dating, my friends would always ask her out of curiosity, Did Tommy like you when he was in high school? Then Otilia became very serious. Explanation, No, there were many boys who had a crush on me at that time. They would look for opportunities to approach me and chat with me, but Tommy was not among them. He was only interested in studying. He even gave up his previous crush on me in order to study. I gave away many beauty magazines and movie posters that I had accumulated for a long time to other people to avoid distracting my energy.”

After the president expired and resigned, Ursula was nominated by the United States and was successfully elected as the Secretary-General of NATO as the sole nominee. After all, in the eyes of the United States, she was one of its own who could be trusted, and she indeed served as a member of NATO for the United States. The country has made great contributions to selling arms, and those who work seriously should be rewarded.

Her husband Christian is responsible for managing the Hawke family's business in Germany. Those businesses can be regarded as Tommy's dowry for his daughter.

Jenny had just won the mayoral election in Hannover, the capital of Lower Saxony, and officially entered politics as a young political star of Albrecht. German newspapers called her a ferocious she-wolf.

Because she was worried about her daughter, she often flew to Germany to visit her daughter during that period. She hoped that if her daughter was unhappy in life, she would tell her frankly that she was willing to file for divorce for her daughter. Even if Tommy objected, she would bring Jenny back.

To be honest, Otilia feels that she has been reluctant to remarry Tommy. Most of the reason is because Tommy sent his daughter to faraway Germany. He feels that the so-called family is just a chess piece and tool in his hands.

 “Is this a word of love?” Otilia smiled with emotion: “You haven’t said a word of love to me in many years.”

"Adolescent boys will become selfish and insidious when it comes to relationships, so **** like Dennis and Pam often introduced my feats to Otilia behind the scenes and slandered me. Of course, I also did the same thing, I gave them the posters and told Otilia to study hard."

"I don't remember what Mr. Williams said at all, and I don't want to listen. My first thought at the time was, I'm so lucky. I met my girlfriend when I just turned eighteen. My second thought , you have to get rid of those eighteen-year-old fools who met her at the same time as you, like Dennis, like Pam."

“Every time I hear Otilia say this, I laugh without saying a word, but today, I want to say, how is it possible?”

"So in anger, I was about to ask a lawyer to sue the school until it was closed down. Otilia stopped me. She said, if you do that, I will stand on your opposite side and defend Lincoln High School."

"She knows in her heart that the reason why she doesn't return to the country is because her father is entrenched in the United States. She can't do anything when she comes back. It will be her turn to make trouble after I die." Tommy said to Otilia: "Hill It doesn't matter to me whether Bert is a nerd or not. He likes physics, science, whatever he wants, but not our daughter. She must be a strong person on her own. I want her to have the ability to control her own destiny. Because I’m not sure her husband can take care of her as well as I take care of you.”

The father-in-law actually knew about his wife and Tommy, but he didn't care. In other words, his father Tommy paid his father-in-law so much for prostitution that he couldn't refuse it.

Tommy stood on the stage, looked at all the guests below who were looking at him, smiled and said:

"Time flies, forty-two years have passed since Otilia and I first met. At that time, I was still a high school student and she had just graduated from college. To be honest, I hate Lincoln High School because even though I and Otilia Otilia jointly donated a lot of money, but they only hung Otilia’s photos. They would rather hang photos of dogs or other animals next to hers than put my photos next to hers. They mocked and said, hey, pay attention to your identity, you are just a pet shop owner, what qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with the female justices of the United States."

"I told Lincoln High School about this incident. I thought they would be happy to survive the disaster. But do you know what Lincoln High School said? They said that this just shows that they made the right decision and you just don't deserve to be with them. Otilia’s pictures hang together.”

As for Tommy and Otilia’s daughter Genesis, Tommy introduced her to marry Von der Leyen’s eldest son Christian. The two now live in the home base of Ursula’s natal Albrecht family, Germany. Lower Saxony.

Otilia desperately imagined her daughter's living environment for a while. She felt that if it were herself, she would definitely want to end her life by committing suicide.

"I was a normally developing adolescent boy at the time. How could I not like Otilia? Like Dennis, Pam, Sean and dozens of other boys from Lincoln High School, I first saw her. , I just like her. Yes, adolescent boys are so superficial and straightforward. I still remember that scene. Teacher Ronnie Williams called me to go to his office. I walked over, opened the door, and saw the office. There is an angel standing inside.”

However, the daughter said that life here is very comfortable, and her husband's family's local influence is enough for her to feel like a fish in water, not to mention the indirect help from Uncle Tony. This makes her life in Germany almost without any difficulties and challenges, and she will only return to the United States. Make her uncomfortable because America has her **** demon father, Tommy Hawke.

 So the environment Jenny is in at the moment is that her mother-in-law is her father's mistress, and a certain brother of her husband is her half-sibling.

"Otilia didn't notice my affection for her. As she said, Tommy was only interested in studying and making money, but I want to say that that was the only way I could pursue her at the time. I was never a person. As a lover of fairy tales, the story of a rich man’s daughter marrying the son of a shipbreaker and still living happily is not suitable for me. Although I like to provide everyone with the opportunity to realize the American dream, I am essentially a pessimist. I clearly understand that, I want to pursue her, I want to help her put on a wedding dress and a wedding ring, and add Hawke's surname in front of her name. I don't want to go to her every day to create encounters and chat with her, but I want to become outstanding and better. , you have to do it, even if other men fall in love with her and pursue her while you are trying to evolve alone, when you complete your evolution and reappear in front of her, you can still make her believe that she chooses you for her life. The most important and correct choice.”

“So, look back and see what Otilia said to her friends. Isn’t it interesting? How could I not love her? I just love her and I will keep moving forward.”

“In fact, before I officially dated Otilia for the first time, her father, Mr. Farrell, found me privately and had a serious and in-depth conversation with me.”

"Don't look at your father in surprise, Otilia. It would be the same for me, and I would not be as gentleman as Mr. Farrell. Speaking of that conversation, Mr. Farrell was very sincere. He told me The reason why he only has one daughter, Otilia, is because the moment the couple took over this lovely little angel from the nurse, he understood that he could no longer share his love with other children. She is mine. Daughter, I want to give her everything I have."

“Mr. Farrell said that when he found out about my existence, he panicked because he knew that his daughter was going to be taken away from me, a bastard, and there was nothing he could do about it.”

"He told me about his panic for a long time. He said that Otilia was raised very innocently by their couple. She still believes that those beautiful fairy tales are true. If you love her, please let her continue to believe in this world. Just like a fairy tale, everything has a happy ending."

“I told him that based on my personal experience, the world is not a good place at all. And his answer was very candid. He said, so, that’s the meaning of your existence for her.”

Tommy said this and looked at Julian Farrell, who was holding Otilia in the audience and preparing to hand over his daughter: "I think I took good care of your daughter?"

Julian smiled and nodded. Tommy took his daughter step by step from an ordinary rich girl to the seat of the Chief Justice of the United States. He knew that the blood and darkness hidden under the glamor of his daughter's journey had all been destroyed. Tommy chose to take it upon himself.

 In other words, the word "care" is no longer worthy of Tommy's efforts.

“So, father-in-law, can you please take Detective Pinkerton away from me?” Tommy quipped.

Julian said humorously: "Of course, we have already evacuated. Next, it will be my daughter who monitors you personally."

"I promised Mr. Julian Farrell a lot of promises, and now I want to say that all of them have been fulfilled, including the last one, family first."        So, you can safely hold Otilia's arm, once again Give her to me, and this time, I won’t let go.”

Julian held Otilia on his arm and slowly walked towards Tommy. Looking at Otilia getting closer and closer, Tommy said:

"I want to say that when you know who you want to spend the rest of your life with, you will look forward to the rest of your life starting as early as possible. And I have already started looking forward to it since the day I was eighteen. Now, I have solved it After all the work, I want to return to my family and be a real man.

When Julian handed Otilia's hand to Tommy, the audience burst into warm applause. The most enthusiastic ones were old Colin, Tony, Ashley, and Tommy's mother-in-law from the Hawke family. After all, they The shame of the Hawke family in his eyes is now finally grown up, a late bloomer, and he understands the responsibilities of a man.

Otilia turned her face sideways, let Tommy kiss her cheek, and then looked at the visitor:

"Many people think that I must have been very sad to leave Tommy more than ten years ago. I know that after we separated, Colin immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to California to teach Tommy a hard lesson. Tony and Ashley came back from overseas to comfort me. In fact, I was not very sad, I just thought about one thing clearly at that time."

"My Tommy, when I got to know him, he was a man far ahead of his peers. He knew more, thought more, and saw more than I did. He deserves everything everyone gave him. Praise, in fact, a lot of people think so too.”

"But in fact, after living with him for so long, I realized that he is an ambitious and energetic big boy who doesn't know how to stop. He doesn't know how to cherish or love. So after reading a lot of parenting books, I , left him decisively."

"I need him to realize this problem himself. 99% of the men in this world are not smarter than my Tommy. He is really, really smart, but when it comes to relationships, he is like an irresponsible child. If you want him to grow, you must let him lose something.”

"But it will be very difficult for a smart kid like Tommy to grow up again, because he is already very good, and we also know that single wealthy young men will never be lonely. They have countless ways to deal with loneliness when it is about to appear. Vent it, such as dating, work, consumption, travel, etc. All I can do is grow and wait patiently."

“Let myself grow up enough for him to realize that I am qualified to talk to him as an equal and discuss my views on certain events, and wait for him to grow up.”

"In this way, after he finds that dating, traveling, etc. can no longer bring him comfort, he will realize that he needs a formal and responsible relationship in his life, which is what we often call , the prodigal son returns.”

Otilia looked at Tommy gently: "I think my Tommy is ready to accept that relationship now, right Tommy?"

 “How do you know?” Tommy asked curiously.

Otilia kissed Tommy gently: "Don't forget, I am your teacher, and this is the last lesson for you to grow up. Now, get out of class is over, say goodbye to your teacher, and then, Say hello to your wife.”

With everyone's wishes, the small wedding ceremony ended perfectly. After the ceremony, most of the guests were led by Julian to visit the manor, while Tommy and Otilia were with Susan, Sophia, and Diane. -Lian En, Ginny Bullock and other women were chatting. At this moment, their son Hilbert came over and whispered to Tommy:

 “I want to leave for a while, father.”

Tommy looked at his son: "What happened?"

Otilia and several other women also looked over with concern.

"Uh... my girlfriend Connie's mother is pregnant. She has been feeling a little uncomfortable since she came here. I guess the flowers and plants at the wedding may have made her allergic, so I want to send her to a hotel to rest with Connie first." Albert said awkwardly.

Tommy nodded understandingly: "Connie and her mother also came to my and your mother's wedding? I'm very sorry, I didn't notice them. Where are they? I'll go over with your mother and say hello, or I Arrange for someone to accompany her to the hospital for a check-up."

 He thought that the other party felt uncomfortable because he didn't say hello. This was indeed a result of his poor reception, so he explained to his son seriously.

Otilia and Sophia asked in confusion at this time: "Connie's mother is pregnant? Isn't she divorced?"

At this time, Tommy stood up and looked around for the figure of his son's girlfriend Connie. After preparing to see clearly, he went over to ask the other party to forgive him for not treating her well. However, after seeing clearly the appearance of the other party and his mother beside him, Tommy immediately sat back. Position: "No wonder it's uncomfortable...Shit...Son, I'm a little uncomfortable too. Send them to the hotel. I'll visit them after I'm done. Peppa Pig, send Hilbert and the others to the hotel."

After Hilbert left, Otilia stared at Tommy's face: "What happened?"

"It was an accident. I didn't know she was Connie's mother. That day at the Eagle's Nest, I thought she was a neighbor from Germany...and she didn't wear a wedding ring. I hadn't returned to the family yet, so..." Tommy nodded. Buried on the table, he said depressedly.

Otilia held her forehead and said speechlessly: "I was Ursula before, but now I am Hilbert's mother-in-law... How can I marry you Tommy Hawke? The sacrifice must be so great, even the other party's mother must be sacrificed." Are you pregnant?"

"It was really an accident. I swear, I didn't need to do it deliberately, and I didn't need Hilbert to go abroad..." Tommy defended weakly.

Otilia stood up and walked towards Colin in the distance: "I want Colin to talk to you seriously."

“I can’t believe you drove such an intellectual and elegant woman like Otilia to the point of losing her composure.” Diane Lane said next to her.

"Don't worry about Otilia, Ms. Lane, if I were you, I would start worrying about Archie's marriage now." Sophia reminded from the side.

 Diane Lane shrugged: "It doesn't matter, Archie's Canadian girlfriend is from a single-parent family. Her mother died of illness and now she only has her father."

In the distance, Colin, who learned that his son was once again helping to reorganize the family, shouted to his helpers, regardless of the fact that there were still guests, "Martin! Martin! Come here and restrain that **** Tommy for me, I'm going to castrate him!" "

In the distance, the miller Martin, who was communicating with people in a suit and leather tie, heard Colin's roar, ripped off his suit, pulled out a large stun machine from his waist, and walked towards Tommy with vigorous movements that were inappropriate for his age. :

“Boss, don’t blame me. Godfather wants me to subdue you. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. This thing that old Page left for me is the first time I’ve used it today...”

There was a crackling sound, and there was a burst of electric shock. Martin fell in front of Tommy. Tommy picked up the electric shock device modified by Page and discharged electricity from the handle: "Yes, Page must be very happy. After so many years after his death, he is still alive." I can give you one more shock."

Dennis, Pam, Stephen, Jason, Jim and other friends who had not left the stage also looked at Tommy following the sound, curious about what happened. Tommy took a deep breath and said loudly to them:

“It’s not a big deal. To the great United States, it’s just a trivial matter. I accidentally made my son’s mother-in-law’s belly bigger.”

Several people were stunned on the spot. Pam was shocked and said: "Marrying your daughter to the Hawke family and asking your mother to sleep with the man's father? This custom is too obscene..."

“Which state still retains this custom? I want to try it too.” Stephen asked curiously.

 “There will definitely be a chance.” Tommy looked at his best friends:

 “Afterall, this is America.”

  (Full text completed)

 (End of this chapter)

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