American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 288: Please donate your own money

Chapter 288 Please donate your own money

The people of the United States are outraged. They don't care whether Murdoch is a Soviet spy, whether he worships Stalin, or even whether he likes to kill Australian dogs or British workers, but they care about one thing very much.

That's what Tommy Hawke told them, the Hollywood movies they need to pay for tickets to watch, the Hollywood movies they need to spend money to rent at video stores, the Hollywood movies they need to pay to subscribe to premium channels, that far east It is a big country, but it can be broadcast on TV stations for free for the people to enjoy without spending a penny.

Damn Murdoch gave countless classic movies including the "Star Wars" series as his gifts to each other, but **** Americans now still have to pay even if they go to the cheapest second-hand movie theater to review the "Star Wars" movies. one dollar!

The American people are so pragmatic. If you let Americans take advantage of you, you are definitely a good person. But you are making money from Americans, chasing American movie stars, and then you package and give away free movies that Americans need to pay for. Enemies of the United States, this is definitely forced communism. Murdoch is simply the Stalin from Australia!

 Murdoch: The Soviet KGB’s most successful infiltration of the United States in history! "Boycott Fox Movies!" For every Fox movie you watch, the Soviet Union will make one more bullet to invade the United States! ” “Nude photos of Fox’s victimized actress: Fox is my nightmare” “Australian barbarians stole Hollywood and gave it to China! 》…

Various small daily newspapers in the United States that focus on scandals and gossip finally understood the reason why Murdoch's "The Sun" makes money. They followed the style of "The Sun" and gave the news a sensational title and posted a few pictures. Photos of revealing actresses, with Murdoch's face glued to the actress's chest, will increase newspaper sales.

As the number of followers increases, more and more revelations about the Murdoch family come to light. Some reporters even obtained photos of Murdoch’s Estonian father-in-law when he was serving in the Soviet Navy.

Murdoch's mansion in the United States and the company headquarters in the United States were suddenly filled with various demonstrators and reporters from various media carrying cameras. They stayed outside 24 hours a day, hoping to capture the Australians for the first time. However, Murdoch never showed up. Instead, Murdoch's young wife Anna, her children, bodyguards, and servants were photographed boarding a business car with solemn expressions, heading to the airport to fly to the UK on a private jet.

 Then everyone realized that Murdoch, who announced that he would settle in the United States after receiving American citizenship, had been living in London, England, and only sent his wife and children to enjoy life.

Even though his reputation in the United States continues to deteriorate, Murdoch has not responded. Of course, the fact that he has stayed in London, England, does not mean that he is immovable. On the contrary, he is now at a loss. The current situation is that he must sit in London, England, to ensure that he is committed. The Sky TV network, which cost up to 188 million pounds, has been successfully launched. This is his most important business battle in 40 years. If he wins and the Sky satellite TV network is successfully launched, then the audience of his channel will no longer be just in Australia or the UK. But all of Europe.

By then, any European family, as long as they have a TV and a receiver at home, will be able to watch the wonderful programs provided by the Murdoch Group, including exciting Hollywood movies, exciting European sports programs, various timely news, and No subscription fees required, everything is free.

As long as the Sky TV network quickly spreads in Europe, then he will be the out-and-out king of European media. All European politicians who need publicity and propaganda to gain votes will kneel in front of him, just like the British before. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Murdoch was in London, but he was not unaware of the news published in American newspapers and news. He recognized the photos of his father-in-law at a glance. Those photos were definitely taken away by him when he broke the scandal. Those British Labor politicians provided it because those photos were taken out by the BBC to criticize him a few years ago.

Moreover, providing ammunition to the Americans, stabbing oneself in the back, and avoiding direct confrontation is definitely the British style.

Of course, the BBC provides dirty information to the Americans not because it is helpful, but to fight against Murdoch. Murdoch’s main purpose in establishing Sky TV Network is to compete with the BBC for the European satellite TV market. The two parties have long been full of conflicts. There is a smell of gunpowder, and the fighting has been going on for nearly two years. Three senior executives of the British Satellite Broadcasting Corporation were criticized by Murdoch's "The Sun" and "News of the World" for their scandals and eventually resigned. In return, the BBC destroyed the BBC. Doc's dream of obtaining a satellite broadcasting license in the UK forced him to rent more expensive foreign commercial satellites.

Murdoch has no time to spare in London at the moment. He is busy lobbying the gentlemen of the British upper and lower houses, because the BBC has teamed up with several small British satellite TV networks to draft a new policy bill for British satellite TV technology. The policy is simply for Murdoch. Tailor-made can be summed up in one sentence, that is, anyone can build a satellite TV network in the UK, but the Murdoch Group cannot.

Murdoch and the BBC, who have been fighting for nearly two years, have now seen their swords turn red. Both sides have revealed through different spokespersons or news that they are determined to win the satellite TV network. The Murdoch Group has prepared up to 188 million pounds for the Sky TV network. Of the start-up funds, 40 million pounds are planned to be used to lobby the two houses of Congress to reject this bill. The four major shareholders of the BBC said that they have raised 420 million pounds so far, and they will aim their guns at the sky just waiting for the bill to be passed.

Although Murdoch had no time to pay attention to everything that was happening in the United States, he still took the time to call Presidents Reagan and Bush, hoping that they could shut up those stupid American idiots. By the way, he explained that his poor father-in-law was not a Soviet navy at all. The officer, who was just an Estonian seaman, was forced to do menial jobs in the Soviet Navy fleet for a period of time, and was almost shot in the name of a West German spy for secretly watching a West German TV series on Finnish television.

However, before the president could speak, another friend of Murdoch's, another big figure in American politics, had already spontaneously stood up and accused the Americans of this random labeling behavior.

New York Mayor Ed Curry, a Democrat.

Everyone knows that he is a good friend of Murdoch. He was elected mayor of New York that year because of the overwhelming publicity given to him by several large and best-selling newspapers owned by Murdoch. Therefore, he opened his mouth to support Murdoch. People find it strange.

In an exclusive interview with a New York newspaper, he talked about the recent accusations against Murdoch by many media: "I want to say, how long has McCarthyism passed? Just because Murdoch placed a bust of Stalin on the table in his dormitory when he was studying. , just because he sent a batch of movies to China? Are we going to accuse him of being a spy? If this continues, will we have to investigate why the UK can buy a bust of Stalin, and who sold it to him? If someone Say, yes, it should be investigated! So congratulations everyone, we are back to the United States of McCarthyism in the 1950s. During that period, this is what we did. We couldn't even publish Mao's theoretical books, and we couldn't even remain silent. You could even be jailed if you didn't speak out against communism! It was a terrible time, and believe me, no one liked McCarthyism."

"Someone told me, Ed, Murdoch is a bastard. He makes money from Americans' movie tickets, but sends the movies to China for free. You know, there are still many poor people in China who look down on "Star Wars" Yes! I agree with this question. Indeed, I must admit that there are people in the United States who are unable to go to the cinema and watch a movie happily due to the temporary difficult situation. There are also many people who think that we should not care about the world outside the United States, but should really Pay attention to the internal problems of this country. What movies do other countries watch? What does it matter to the United States? I understand everyone’s anger, but I must say that the world is getting closer and closer. The United States should not be conservative and separate from the world, but embrace and join. Murdoch gives away movies , is to pass on American morality, rule of law, culture and the great American dream to the entire world, so that the entire world can watch American movies, eat American food, wear American hair, and witness the greatness of the United States with their own eyes."       "Back to The question just now is, if putting up a bust of Stalin is a spy, then should we dig President Roosevelt out of the cemetery and hang him again? Not only did he have a photo of Stalin, he also took a photo with Stalin, and Sitting in seat C in the center, looking like Stalin was doing his bidding, what should we say about President Roosevelt being the mastermind behind the Soviet Union?”

“So, keep your eyes peeled, those clowns jumping up and down trying to recreate McCarthy are more likely to be Soviet spies.”


Tommy put his feet on the desk and leaned back on the chair. He held in his hand an article refuting Ed Curry written by SSD alumni Ted's best writer. After reading it, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Tongtide’s number:

“How low of a salary do you have to pay Mr. Thomas to come up with something like this to deal with you?”

“I thought the article was really good, and the guy had won a National Criticism Award,” Ted explained over the phone.

Tommy threw the fax manuscript on the table and said dissatisfiedly: "So, this whole article will simply question whether Ed Curry was elected mayor of New York because of Murdoch's support, and then mention his dirty work with real estate developers. Deal? It’s not as easy for Susie to make her man Jason’s money as it is for this Mr. Thomas to make yours.”

“Just tell me what you want people to see on TV and in newspapers. The worst I can do is to change the draft to a writer who doesn’t need his own ideas.” Ted sighed and said.

I shouldn't have found a well-known and personal style writer to write this stuff. I should have found a pretty blonde who knew how to operate a typewriter to sit next to Tommy and listen to his nonsense, and then publish it verbatim. , then this **** will definitely be satisfied.

Tommy smiled: "It's not that exaggerated. I just want to say that although Ed Curry's speech was short, it was very high-level. He started from McCarthyism, then talked about the significance of Murdoch in spreading American culture, and finally It also extends to the greatest President Roosevelt in the United States. If you use this kind of **** to refute him, it will really be like the **** that Congressman McCarthy said in his mouth. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation from happening, the refutation should also be high-level. Remember , all in the name of America."

“You’d better open the phone recording and write down how to attack the mayor of New York in a sophisticated way.”

"Mayor Ed Curry described the great significance of Murdoch sending American movies to China for free. The reason is to let the world feel the power of American culture and all the beauty of the United States. But I don't know whether it is neglect or intentional. In short, , Mayor Curry forgot to mention the foundation of our great America, liberty and equality."

"He mentioned morality, the rule of law, culture or the American dream, but what about freedom? Everything he said was based on freedom. I was shocked that such an important virtue in America was forgotten, so I did a little bit more Understanding the work, I found that Mayor Ed Curry did not forget about freedom intentionally, but that he did not care about freedom at all, at least during the ten years he served as mayor of New York, he did not care."

“He always emphasizes that the minority obeys the majority, which doesn’t sound wrong, so he can force the closure of many entertainment venues under the banner of HIV because the majority of the people support it, and he can force HIV carriers to be sent to medical centers because the majority of the people Support, he can drive away homeless people in New York, because most people support it, but is this freedom? No! This is false institutionalized freedom. The most important manifestation of this false freedom is that the strong group deprives the weak group of their rights. Rights! In the name of freedom and equality!”

"He continues to create confrontation between the strong and the weak, always siding with the strong, that is, the majority of the people, and seeking fame and private property in the name of democracy. The people of New York think that the mayor is closing those places for their safety. Please , why don’t you see which real estate developer the store that was forced to close down was finally sold to? I heard that there are several bars in the black community in Brooklyn that have not been forced to close, why? Because no real estate developer is interested there.”

"The American people do not lack an open and tolerant mentality, but this must be based on equality and freedom. No one objects to Murdoch spreading American culture for free. We only question the inequality in his dissemination, which harms the interests of vulnerable groups in the United States. What is equality? Equality means that while he is willing to give away a large number of Fox movies to China for free, Fox's American movies should also be permanently screened in American cinemas and TV stations for free, otherwise the word equality should not be tarnished."

"If he can do this, I think anyone who still stands up and accuses Murdoch is definitely an enemy of free humanity."

"The problem is, Mr. Murdoch did not do this, and neither did Mr. Ed Curry. He despised equality and freedom, closed down entertainment venues, but did not consider the demands of vulnerable groups and forced them to be sent to medical centers. , but will not pay their bills, expel the homeless in New York, but do not allow them to take away their blankets and cardboard boxes. The only time he and Murdoch showed equality and freedom was during the honeymoon period when they ran for mayor of New York. Working together, their deal was an equal one, with Ed Koch becoming mayor of New York City at the expense of the Murdoch Group's free expansion in New York."

“Oh, there was another time when Mayor Curry had an equal deal with a real estate developer. He obtained the stock of the New York real estate developer at a low price, and then asked the real estate developer to buy the land stigmatized by HIV at a low price.”

"Finally, please allow me to remind Mr. Murdoch, and Mayor Ed Cochurch, who is eager to explain to him as an Australian, to show goodwill to the world next time and not to personally donate the movie ticket money of the American people. Please donate your own money!"

 (End of this chapter)

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