American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 285: bait

Chapter 285 Bait

“Earl Rush? Your BT handpicked black guy?” Pete Bean asked.

 He knew some of Tommy’s personnel arrangements, so he immediately thought of the black lawyer who was currently gathering support from the lower class blacks in Los Angeles.

Tommy shook his head simply: "No, Earl is my good friend. I will not ruin his great future at this moment. I have higher expectations for him."

"So, Jeff LaVine?" Pete threw out another name. Although Tommy went on vacation, his vacation was not simple. He knew what Tommy was planning. Since Earl Rush still When it comes to being thrown out, it feels like the only thing Tommy can throw out is the fool in Miami who believes in the flat earth theory.

"The answer is not that difficult to guess, right? Jeff is not suitable for that position. Ever since he took out the medicine ball at the inauguration ceremony, people have been questioning his brain every day, and people have been asking him to do IQ tests. That position The pain was excruciating for him, and I felt that I should put him out of his misery. I asked David to prepare a better job for him, as the head of the Miami Police Department Volunteer Service Corps, which he could do every day if he wanted to. Bringing a group of veterans to help the police catch illegal Cubans, but it's not him. He just took the opportunity to retire. I need a real Democratic politician. Anyone who can't help but stand up will be killed. I just hope that the two Determined Democrats can understand my difficulties." Tommy did not deny it this time, but he still explained it, saying that he needed a real politician to be the victim:

"Both Bill and Al said they would try their best to help me select idiots, and I would choose the stupidest one. As for Jeff, he was not included in my selection. After all, if he ran for the election, no one would I can beat him, and his position has already allowed me to sell to the ex-wife of Mr. David Kennedy, Mr. Shriver's cousin-in-law, in exchange for Martin receiving an employee salary in Lorna's Congressman's office, and at the same time, investing in the acquisition of Martin. Bill Lynch, a black genius from the campaign company, will serve as Lorna's chief of staff."

Shriver tapped his knuckles on the table lightly, ignoring the conversation between the two, and kept focusing on the muted TV screen. It was not until Tommy and Pete finished talking that he looked at Tommy and spoke slowly: "See how America taught Japan a lesson, Tommy? That approach never goes out of style."

"I think so too. Therefore, my VOX can be said to be established for Murdoch. Your Excellency, since the establishment of several VOX reporter stations in the UK, their only job has been for him." Tommy looked at Shriver and said seriously He nodded: "I'm ready."

Shriver observed Tommy's expression, finally nodded, spread his hands and smiled at Peter Bean: "Then what are we sitting here talking about? Let the young people give it a try, Peter, while I'm back in New York Before that, take me to taste your collection at your private winery in Los Angeles.”

After gaining the approval of the two old men, BT TV Network and VOX News Network began to increase the broadcast of negative programs against Japan, and shifted from the state to publicizing the international terrorist activities of the Japanese Red Army, changing public opinion from targeting China and Japan, converted into negative reports on international communism, and then promoted the spiritual brainwashing of communism and the pervasiveness of the Soviet KGB. Fortunately, in order to fight against the Soviet Union, the United States made many pseudo-realistic brainwashing documentaries that smeared communism and the Soviet Union. Tommy only Just dig out those documentaries and play them.

After talking about the brainwashing and infiltration of communism into Western people, Tommy's VOX News Network broadcast an interview program, which mainly asked the interviewees to talk about their experiences of witnessing communism's pervasive penetration into Western countries. In the program, the British Robert Hillman, a tenured professor of political science at Worcester College, Oxford University, said that the infiltration and brainwashing of communism in British campuses was very serious at that time. He still remembers a student named Rupert Murdoch who was sitting on the desk in his dormitory. With busts of Stalin and Lenin on it, he criticized the British political system in school debates, earning him the nickname Rupert the Red Devil at the academy.

In the program, a photo of Rupert’s dormitory was also shown. Although there was no bust of Stalin, in the photo of Rupert taking a photo with his roommates, a bust of Lenin on the desk in the corner could be clearly seen.

The three major television networks CBS, ABC, and NBC plus Turner's CNN almost immediately smelled the smell of blood, and invariably arranged their own news commentary programs to distribute comments based on the interview, which often lasted less than three minutes. Many commentators joked that, If Murdoch is a communist, then America is due for another McCarthyist purge.

Of course, Murdoch's response was also very fast. Maurice Schoenfeld, the head of the VOX television network, called Tommy the day after the show was broadcast and said that someone from News Corporation's public relations department would call him and hope that After Murdoch returned from England, they were able to sit down and chat together.

Tommy smiled and said: "The Murdoch Group has accumulated US$7 billion in financial debt due to its large-scale leveraged buyouts in recent years, a large part of which is short-term debt that has not been converted into long-term debt. Why have we waited so long? When one-third of his short-term debt is about to mature, several major TV networks swarmed over to sit down and have dinner, not just to sit down and chat with him.”

"What reason do you want me to find to humiliate them?" Schoenfeld was the president hired by VOX through Tommy's angel investor Benjamin Rosen. He is a German Jew who previously founded the Independent Television News Association of America. Through the association, he The reason why Wolfe Tucker, who provided aggregated news reports to all independent television stations in the United States and built VOX, could give up his position without complaint was that, in addition to Tommy's promise to let him serve as the head of the financial news network, this Jewish guy Your connections and abilities are also very important reasons.

Tommy smiled evilly and said: "You can find any reason. For example, I can't see Australian country people. I don't know why, but when I see Australian country people, my lower body feels uncomfortable. I always feel like I'm going to be infected." *Possibility."

Hang up the phone, Tommy dialed Susan's number: "The mixed-race black girl I asked you to arrange to file a lawsuit before should have lost the case in the first round due to lack of evidence?"

"Yes." Susan said: "The defeat was very complete. In order to ensure the loss, many witnesses and evidence were not released under Delia's suggestion."

Tommy said with satisfaction: "Very good, let that black girl have the best acting skills, because what follows is the highlight of her life. I want everyone to know that there is an American black star who was hired by an Australian film company. The senior executive raped her, but she had no choice but to lose the case. Delia and you will accompany her in the subsequent appeals, and the entire process will be tracked and reported."

In the following days, the VOX TV network broadcast the documentary "Thirteen Thirteen Months Later" produced by the VOX UK branch. The documentary interviewed and filmed typical representatives of the 6,000 printing union members who lost their jobs in the 1986 Wapping strike in the UK. , restoring their tragic experience in 1986.

The general content of the documentary is that Murdoch hopes to build a new printing factory in Wapping, London, to introduce more advanced computer platemaking and printing technology to his "Sun" and "News of the World" newspapers to improve printing efficiency. However, once the new When the new factory is completed, the previous traditional printing workers will be laid off on a large scale. About 6,000 people will need to be laid off. Therefore, before the new factory is completed, the most important thing is not to let the news leak out, so as to prevent the printing union from finding trouble in advance and blocking it. Construction of new factory. So Murdoch came up with a good idea. He took the initiative to contact the printing union and said that the company was going to launch a new newspaper called the "London Post". The market prospects were very good, and for this purpose, a new newspaper was to be built in Wapping. After the printing factory is completed, it can create a lot of printing jobs.

The British Printing Union may have been too successful for more than a century, or the union leaders may have been bribed by Murdoch in advance. In short, it did not realize that some capitalists dared to blatantly deceive itself, so it believed it to be true. As a result, it was not until the new factory was completed and put into production. , the workers did not get the opportunity to work, and only got the cruel truth, that is, there was no new newspaper "London Post" as promised by Murdoch. You were deceived.

The day after the Wapping printing plant was completed, the Sun moved its headquarters there. On the third day, Murdoch announced large-scale layoffs, and the printing unions immediately went on strike and demonstrated. However, they did not understand that times had changed. In the computer age, workers’ naive idea that if they went on strike would prevent newspapers from being released on time was completely shattered. As early as the time the factory was being built, Murdoch had already trained a group of new people who had not joined the printing union, teaching those employees how to use computers. Typography and printing.

Moreover, when the striking workers desperately tried to use human walls to block the newspaper distribution trucks from leaving the factory, Murdoch's political ally in the UK, Margaret Thatcher, mobilized the police and the army in most of London to drive away the striking workers. The **** incident, and all of this, had almost no chance of being reported in the UK, because almost all the channels for speaking out were controlled by Murdoch. In the end, the Printing Union could only announce in humiliation that the strike that had lasted for thirteen months had completely failed. Thousands of printing workers finally accepted the cruel fate of being laid off.

If major television networks and newspapers had previously used a joking tone when commenting on Murdoch's belief in communism in college, then after the documentary, which was shot by the VOX television network in the UK at all costs, was broadcast, news comments immediately Become serious, because this is a question that is so serious that people can't help but think about it. Since Murdoch, an Australian, can deceive British unions, why can't he deceive American unions?

What’s even more frightening is that the documentary uses real data to tell the audience that during the thirteen months of the Wapping strike in the UK, there were almost only a handful of reports about the strike in various British newspapers, and the BBC News was also likely to get the support of some big shots. Under the instruction, relevant reports were minimized as much as possible, and the video data of the strike scene was even more pitiful. This is obviously the power of Murdoch. He controls the British media and can make the British media learn when to shut up. Then, if the As the Australian grows stronger in the United States, will he teach the American media to shut up as well?

A series of reports from VOX News Network made even people with slow reactions realize that Tommy was looking for trouble with Murdoch. But just when everyone thought that Tommy would throw out more powerful information, the situation suddenly changed and BT Television networks began to broadcast the news that Tricia O'Neal, a black Hollywood actress, sued executives of 20th Century Fox for sexual **** with her, but ultimately lost the lawsuit due to insufficient evidence.

To be honest, even black audiences were a little confused when they heard the name of this actress. Of course, Tommy could understand everyone's confusion. After all, this actress did not have any masterpieces. She only relied on her model figure and exaggerated expressions trained in Broadway musicals. , has been acting as an atmosphere actor with few roles in various TV series and movies.

But this is the best choice Susan can find. After all, this woman has really been hurt by people from Twentieth Century Fox Film Company, and she is willing to watch Susan promise her a share of the BT TV network's self-produced series. Only when he had the opportunity to make an appointment was he willing to stand up and expose that past incident.

Seeing that Tommy suddenly changed from biting News Corporation to attacking 20th Century Fox Film Company, CNN's old Turner couldn't help but call him to ask if Tommy was high on drugs. Only when you are old can you do such stupid things.

Because although Twentieth Century Fox is Murdoch's industry, it is completely different from News Corporation. Even if Tommy bites the woman harder, and even proves to have been harmed in the end, the result will be nothing more than that Fox executive being Resigning and bearing the consequences personally would not hurt Murdoch or News Corporation. He hoped that Tommy would wake up quickly and focus on attacking Murdoch. He was willing to let CNN broadcast the documentary Tommy shot for Murdoch 24 hours a day.

Tommy ignored Turner's sincere advice, and as this trivial harassment case came to light, female lawyer Delia Keys announced that she would provide pro bono legal aid to Tricia O'Neill, and the well-known American female lawyer Hillary -Clinton also called on women to bravely come forward and expose this behavior.

One, two, three, with the promotion of the TV network, Susan's female artists also began to break their silence at the right time, and bravely told the camera about the painful experiences they had encountered in exchange for the opportunity to work in Hollywood, but they He did not accuse other Hollywood companies, but simply disclosed his experience of harassment or innuendo from Fox Film Company executives to expand the influence of this failed case.

Just when old Turner always felt that Tommy had turned a good hand into shit, successfully diverted the American people's attention from Murdoch to Hollywood gossip news, and helped Murdoch take the initiative to solve the trouble, Tommy once again Now, at home and abroad, his two television networks are broadcasting material directed at Murdoch and Fox Film Corporation from Chinese television and Chinese newspaper news.

If I could sum it up in one sentence, it would be that Murdoch had visited China before and received a high-level reception. During his visit, Murdoch donated hundreds of Fox Film Company’s classic film copyrights to Chinese television stations free of charge. According to what American television stations now want, Calculating the price of purchasing the license to play classic movies, the total authorized value of these classic movies is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars.

The host of the program commented in front of the camera: "Americans who want to watch the classic movie "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" need to pay Murdoch, but thousands of miles away, the Chinese regard the United States as their enemy. But he can enjoy his generosity for free. Of course Mr. Murdoch can support communism. That is his freedom. The problem is that he cannot give away American things to our enemies for free. At least he should ask the director before donating. Actors and other staff, are they willing to see their works sent to those places? This is not Australia, this is not the United Kingdom, this is the United States, Mr. Murdoch."

And after getting the opportunity to beat up Murdoch, Old Turner simply sat in front of CNN's camera as a commentator, with an unstoppable gloating smile on his face:

"The Australian named Rupert Murdoch is definitely a communist. He gave classic American movies to China for free. The whole world knows that the United States and China are now on the same level, and the situation is so serious that a second wave may erupt at any time. In the three world wars, what Murdoch is doing now is like giving free artistic photos of Marilyn Monroe to the other side’s soldiers to admire before the war begins, to boost their morale!”

"And when he sent out those movies, did he pay extra money to those film practitioners? No! So the production process of this Australian bastard's film company is, *Our beautiful American actresses use their pretty faces to auction blockbuster movies to make money in the United States People's money, and finally give the work to communist countries for free to show off to people in those countries, how he humiliated our actresses and made money from us! Fuck you, Rupert the Red Devil! Fuck you Do you think the United States is your home country, Australia, and you can be lawless? Go back to the Soviet Union, you **** KGB spy!"

Looking at the vulgar words of Old Turner in the CNN news commentary on TV, Tommy adjusted his sitting posture comfortably: "After setting the bait, it's time for the fish to take the bait."

 (End of this chapter)

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