American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 266: Professor Tommy's small political class

Chapter 266 Professor Tommy’s Political Classroom

 There are still more than two hours before the Democratic Party’s intra-party primaries officially begin tonight.

"Mr. Page said to me that more than an hour ago, more than 400 veterans rushed outside the scene, holding various slogans and Jeff's face, well done Martin, your brothers and some black people The veterans were all placed in the front row to make the scene look less racist." Tommy leaned against the doorpost of Jeff's living room and said to Martin, who was busy helping Jeff adjust the receiver.

Martin didn't bother to answer Tommy's words, but was helping the micro-receiver in Jeff's ear perform the final debugging and fixing. Nowadays, this kind of micro-receiver is no longer considered cheating in political elections, and almost every politician will put it in his ear. Pretend, because in this kind of election speeches and debates, you never know what kind of weird question your opponent will interrupt you when you want to express your heart. If you are at a loss and speechless, the TV station will The camera will immediately convey your silly expression to all the viewers watching the live broadcast on TV.

"It feels like a chickpea has been stuffed in my ears." Jessica and the children also had receivers put in their ears. They don't need to go on stage, but they need to be in the front row as candidates. When family members appear, members of the election team will meet one-on-one, with each person staring at one, reminding them to sit down and not make any etiquette details that are indecent or that may easily be caught and criticized by their opponents.

"You are just one, dear, I am two, and the two are not the same size." Jeff stood motionless in front of the dressing mirror, but responded to his wife.

Marcus's styling team members took Jessica and the children to the more spacious backyard to test the reception effect of the chickpeas in the ears. To ensure nothing went wrong, Jessica and several children were A receiver was plugged into the left ear.

Throughout tonight's live televised primary debate, they will be closely watched by members of the Marcus team, who will be reminded by voice at any time of various issues, mainly etiquette, such as when to smile, when to applaud, and if their opponents are in Attacking Jeff on the stage, they could not open their mouths to help him fight back, control their emotions, get up and leave the table when it was over, pay attention to what they should pay attention to, where to meet Jeff, and walk out of the venue with Jeff, how they stood in the corridor, and what to do with the venue. How about shaking hands with supporters waiting outside and so on.

As tonight's candidate, Jeff has one more candidate than Jessica and the children. He has one for each ear. The reason why he prepared two is to prevent other candidates from playing tricks, such as through some Jamming equipment and cutting off competitors' receiving signals. Although people like Jeff have accumulated some experience in live speeches before, compared with other opponents who have been in the political arena for many years, if they don't have a receiver, they are basically in trouble. The live broadcast turned into a slow-responsive, speechless fool.

So to be on the safe side, Tommy prepared two completely different professional receivers for him, so that even if another candidate's election team mistakenly mistook the model of one of the receivers in Jeff's ear, cutting off the His timely reception function also ensures that there is another receiver in his ear that continues to work stably.

"Where did you buy these two beans, Tommy?" Jeff shook his head, testing whether the receiver would fall, and asked Tommy curiously: "This thing, I mean if the students are If I put something in my ear during the exam, can everyone get into Harvard?”

Jeff knew that politicians would all wear this thing, because he had seen similar props in many TV series and movies involving elections before. He was just curious why no one wore this to take the Harvard entrance examination.

Martin was also stunned for a moment, then looked at Tommy, his eyes sparkling: "Did you hear that? Boss, Jeff has discovered a business opportunity. Yes, we should sell this thing and make a lot of money. We want to give Little Haiti all the money." High school **** who are learning how to sell weed in public high schools or are preparing to join gangs, give them a chance to go to Harvard!”

“The thing in Jeff’s left ear is an unmarketed product developed by a technology company founded by my Stanford alumnus in Silicon Valley. It wants to use it to obtain orders from the U.S. Army or the U.S. National Guard. The thing in the right ear is a product from East Germany. , a shrew best friend of mine used this thing to complete the interview across the Berlin Wall, so I’m not sure how many convenience stores your black brothers have to rob to get enough cash to buy these two beans.”

While Tommy was talking, he took off his suit jacket. Page came over and fixed two transmitters the size of playing cards on his belt, and fixed the microphone on Tommy's collar. After checking, he said to Tommy He nodded and indicated that there was nothing wrong with the two transmitters used to direct Jeff's live performance.

“Isn’t it a bit wasteful to use such a high-end product in an election of this scale?” Martin said with a smile when he heard Tommy talk about the advanced receiver.

Tommy waited for Page to adjust the transmitter, then straightened his collar and asked, "Do you know the benefits of investing in a bunch of technology companies?"

“I’m not sure, maybe Hawke’s whole family can get into Harvard with this thing?” Martin shook his head and gave an answer that even he thought was unreliable.

“Let politicians who have always been accustomed to courting traditional industry sponsors understand that times have changed.” Tommy arranged his shirt, put on his suit, and walked towards the door of Jeff’s house.

The Democratic party primary and first-round candidate debate for the special election for Florida’s 18th District House of Representatives seat were held at the WLRN-TV television studio on First Avenue in Miami’s East District.

WLRN-TV is a secondary member television station of the PBS public television network in the United States. As a public television network in the United States, the PBS television network is a non-profit organization that is not allowed to have a political stance and always ensures neutrality. The programs are broadcast for free to the American people and the main income is It comes from donations from the American people and program broadcast fees paid by affiliated TV stations. It has more than 300 affiliated member TV stations. It is the only TV network in the United States that has member TV stations in all American territories, including overseas territories.

Whether it is CBS, ABC, NBA, FOX or Tommy's BT, these commercial TV networks cannot completely cover all states in the United States, let alone overseas places such as Hawaii and Guam. It can be said that as long as they are on the territory of the United States, as long as If you have a TV set, you may not be able to watch other TV networks, but you can definitely watch PBS. In addition, it is a non-profit organization and has no political stance. Therefore, the live broadcasts of American political elections are broadcast by PBS member TV stations in various places. Held, the TV station will also broadcast the candidate's performance live to the people in the constituency.

The 300 Democrats in the 18th district who have received the invitation letter will watch the debates and speeches of these candidates on the spot. After the primary debate, all registered Democrats in the district will receive the first letter commissioned by the Democratic Party Office. The call from a three-party professional investigation company asked the Democrats for the names of the candidates they decided to support after the primary. The entire process was recorded to prevent candidates from cheating in the primary.

There are seven candidates who have qualified for the primary debate tonight. The unqualified candidates will not even be mentioned by name and are collectively referred to as others. Just like Zach who participated in the election last year, these can appear on live TV. A candidate is equivalent to having an opportunity to present himself in front of all voters and even non-constituency people, and how to present himself is naturally to show his charm, eloquence and incitement.

The entire live broadcast debate lasts for 90 minutes and is divided into three stages. Each stage lasts for 30 minutes and revolves around an issue. Each candidate has two minutes to answer the questions raised by the host. When all candidates have finished answering, Then the free discussion phase around the issue begins, that is, the seven candidates need to compete for the remaining sixteen minutes to make as surprising a statement as possible and impress the voters. Of course, the opponent will interrupt at any time and disrupt the rhythm. If Interject cleverly, counterattack sharply, and speak meaningfully, and your opponent can get more impression points. However, you must also consider self-defeating effects, such as blind interruptions and empty speeches, which may also leave a bad impression of rudeness and vulgarity on the audience.

Strictly speaking, the seven candidates cannot know in advance what the three issues are, because the issues were decided upon by the Democratic Party office and the backbone of the Democratic Party in the constituency six hours before the live broadcast started, and were handed over to the PBS station, and the station would hand them over to someone. There is a moderator responsible for presiding over the debate, and the moderator himself decides how to ask questions based on his understanding of the topic.

The issues in the intra-party primaries are also a battlefield between the two parties. From each other’s intra-party primary debate issues, we can judge what kind of cards the other party will play in the decisive battle and which direction the campaign tone is trying to take.

 In fact, the issues are not difficult for those who are interested to guess. The election teams of each candidate have already been promoting the issues to be finalized according to their own candidates’ slogans as early as the early publicity period of the election.

For example, regardless of whether the Republican or Democratic parties, the issue in this primary election must be racial, because the most powerful candidates from both parties are Cuban-Americans, and both are preparing to become the first Cuban-American representative in the district.

Secondly, tonight’s issue should include a female issue, because among the top three candidates in the Democratic Party according to simulation data, there are two women: Rosario Kennedy and Joanna Pepper. In addition, public welfare, social security, and medical issues should also be selected.

Tommy stood on the street lighting a cigarette, while Jeff’s black driver Lance wiped the camouflage graffiti pickup truck that Jeff and his family would take to the venue tonight.

He didn't care what the topic was at all, because Martin's employees had prepared detailed speeches for all topics. Jeff had not only read those speeches countless times, but he had also read them carefully. He was not worried that a stranger would appear. Topic, I don’t know how to speak, because the host can’t go too far away from the topic, and suddenly ask the killer question about why Florida has so many outstanding people, which only God can answer.

The only thing he needs to consider is how to quickly give a sharp and unexpected counterattack in the short three seconds when Jeff's speech is interrupted during the free discussion stage of the live broadcast, leaving the troublemaker speechless.

The reason why it is only three seconds is because countless election teams have used countless live broadcast debates to come up with answers. Counterattacks within three seconds are the length of time that voters can accept. Although most American voters do not have the ability to respond extremely quickly, This does not prevent them from identifying candidates who do not know how to counterattack for more than three seconds as slow to respond.

A Beetle drove over from a distance and parked on the roadside outside Jeff's house. Louise Deville, dressed in professional attire, waved her handbag without even getting out of the car: "Tommy, this is the topic tonight. , genuine! Got it through special channels at the Democratic Party’s office! Why are Martin and Jeff’s calls unanswered or turned off!”

But she was disappointed. Tommy did not happily run over and **** the issue information from her bag. Instead, he stood there, holding a cigarette and staring at her with a half-smile.

"What's wrong? Did you know in advance?" Louise opened the car door and got out of the car, holding her handbag and walking towards Tommy and asked.

Tommy lowered his head to look at the road, then looked at the surrounding environment in the distance, and finally looked at the beautiful woman who graduated from political science who walked in front of him, and said with a smile: "It was you who made the stupid decision to frame Jeff. , or was someone instructing you to do this? You'd better think clearly about answering this question."

Louise was slightly startled when she heard Tommy's words, but immediately asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

"It's not you." Tommy observed Louise for a few seconds, and then said with certainty: "Rosario's election team, anonymous friends with other strong candidates, I saved you, girl."

Louise Deville stared back at Tommy for more than ten seconds, then suddenly started breathing heavily like a drowning person. The portfolio in her hand seemed to be hot, so she threw it away in a hurry, and even kicked it with her high heels after it dropped to the ground. Arrived in the distance.

"The other party probably didn't expect that I had been inseparable from Jeff since the eight hours before the debate. According to his idea, I shouldn't be here, and the thing in your hand will appear in Jeff's hand." and Martin, as for why their phone calls cannot be connected, there are only two phones that can find them, but they must be answered by me first." Tommy said to Louise in a calm tone: "Naturally, it is to prevent the situation before the primary election. An emergency like this.”

 Then he shouted louder: "Mr. Page!"

Page came from the corridor of the main entrance. Tommy pointed at Louise: "This girl should have some gadgets on her body. Do her a favor and find it."

Page motioned for Louise to leave with her. When she heard that the old man was about to search her, Louise did not object and followed Page toward Jeff's garage like a puppet.

Ten minutes later, Louise appeared again wearing Jessica's floral home clothes. Paige said numbly to Tommy from a distance: "There is a micro bug in the inner bag of the handbag."

"Politics is not only about power and beauty, miss, but also betrayal and betrayal. You think you are proficient in political science, but political science courses will not teach you how ugly human nature is." Tommy clicked again. Holding a cigarette, looking at Louise who looked even more numb than Page, she said: "Best friend? Best colleague? No matter who you are, if you really give that thing to Martin or Jeff, what will happen next?" Find a way to appease Rosario’s anger.”

"Klein, my boyfriend, he is the administrative secretary of the team." Louise reached out, took out the cigarette from Tommy's mouth, and took a sip herself: "It can't be him. We dated when we were in college. Isn't that right? Maybe, I believe he was just conveying Tom or Lorna’s arrangements, he wouldn’t do that, he couldn’t be an informant for other candidates.”

"But you don't dare to call Tom Chaffee or Lorna to confirm immediately, because you are worried that it will ruin your remaining luck." Tommy was taken away from the cigarette, licked his lower lips, and turned towards the courtyard. Go inside:

"Learn to get used to it. This is real political science. It's a brand new course that will never be taught to you in a college classroom. Your performance in this class was very bad and should have been revoked. But you were lucky enough and Professor Tommy gave you a make-up exam." Opportunity."

 “What should I do?” Louise asked Tommy’s figure.

Tommy glanced at the woman standing there: "Have a drink and take a nap. If you wake up and decide that you still want to continue doing this kind of job of serving politicians for a living, just remind yourself that all your relatives and friends , your classmates want to frame you the moment you wake up and make you doomed. You must listen carefully to every word they say to you, because it may be a lie. Only when the person you serve wins and sits on the table he wants to The place you want to sit, when you really welcome the holiday, their trust and your emotions will temporarily return to their original state, and it will continue like this until retirement."

 “Perhaps you don’t have to wait until you retire to go crazy?” Louise said self-deprecatingly.

Tommy lowered his head and glanced at the time on his watch, then walked towards the main entrance of the living room without looking back, and responded: "On the contrary, many American conspirators enjoy this kind of work. When did you see those people?" Are the top managers of a large election consulting company who help the president plan his campaign go crazy? Never, they have only two endings, becoming your boyfriend and taking a step forward in their career, or becoming you and ending their career."

 The next second, Tommy disappeared through the door of the living room.

 There are still one hour and thirty-seven minutes until the election begins.

 (End of this chapter)

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