American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 253: how much do you love him

  Chapter 253 How much do you love him?

(Given that religion is a very sensitive existence, so... let’s fast forward to the process of fundraising from cults, and continue to the next stage of the absurd campaign tour. In fact, I quite like those strange cult materials in the United States. After all, I bought them specifically for this This pseudo-bible published by non-mainstream sects in the United States is quite interesting. The author is a master of sophistry, but the safety of this book is the most important thing, so I will keep it for myself.)

  Tommy walked into Martin's newly rented office with a can of Coke in his hand. He looked at it and said, "It looks good. This is the atmosphere that a campaign office should have."

  In the spacious but messy hall, seven or eight workstations are separated, and a TV picture wall composed of twelve TV sets is piled up in front of one wall, and different TV channels are being broadcast.

Campaign materials with Jeff's face printed on them were piled up in disorder, five or six staff members with work cards hanging on their chests, and staff members wearing baseball caps with Jeff's campaign slogan "Say No to Cubans" printed on their heads were busy in the hall, or Either by hanging the phone to their ears and covering the receiver to signal colleagues to keep their voices down, or by staring at a TV set on one wall, which shows various live talk shows in the Miami area. Once a certain show ends, they are ready to pick up Call the host's number and chat with him about getting on that show.

"The phone for BT Miami's "Good Morning, Liberty City" program has been unavailable. The program has been broadcast for half an hour, but the phone has been busy!" A young staff member tapped twice on an office at the end of the hall The door of the room, then pushed it open, and said with the probe inside.

Martin was sitting on a luxurious leather swivel chair in the office, with his back to the door, staring at the whiteboard on the wall, when he heard what the other party said, he said without moving: "Then continue to dial the numbers of the host and program director, All your job today is to find them for me and tell them we don’t need money right now! Those candidates can talk to them, and so can Jeff.”

When the staff left, Martin looked at the scribbled constituency map on the whiteboard with a marker pen. He first made an X in Little Havana, then picked up the phone to broadcast a number, and said incessantly: "Page Sir, how is the billboard installation for those niggas? Three were injured by the cubans, and two are now in a vegetable state... Those cubans are really cruel, are they fake? Are you sure it's a fake, not real Got hurt by a Cuban? You **** tested it with a taser? That's my half brother! Damn...are you going to give all the black Harts a taste of your taser? "

"How much did my poor brother say? Three thousand? Fucking three thousand? Very good, take out your stun that looks like an elephant's trunk, and press the switch on his **** for me! If he If he's not dead, tell him to come back to me and I'll shock him again! After teaching him another batch of black workers should arrive and let the cameras keep filming the atrocities committed by the Cubans. Don't let those stupid *veterans help fight Cubans! No! Even if they take the initiative, stop those alcohol-soaked bastards! Tell those meddling old guys that if they dare to shoot and kill Cubans, Jeff will never leave him for the rest of his life Mom wants to be elected again!"

The door behind him was opened, and Martin, who was already annoyed by Page's on-site news, covered the receiver and roared loudly without turning his head: "How many times have I said it! Be polite! I'm ha The boss of Special Consulting Company! Give me enough respect, or you interns will never get my letter of recommendation! Get out!"

   "Sir, the Hawk family asked me to inform you that their mill needs your help in grinding." Tommy leaned against the glass door and said with a smile.

"Holy Shit!" Hearing this familiar voice, Martin dropped the phone, turned around and stood up from the swivel chair, and explained to Tommy in fear: "Boss? You finally returned from missionary work? I thought you were going to wait for Jeff's first I can only come back after a party nomination primary. Also, I didn’t mean what I said just now. I was scolding the staff, most of whom are rude interns, thinking that my office can be treated like their girlfriends. Anyone can come in and out at will, but your office is next door, I guarantee no one has gone in, it's as brand new as a virgin."

He finished speaking in one breath, and then found that Tommy was the only one, and asked curiously: "Where are Nick and the others? We need them now, we need cameras to go to Little Havana to shoot the footage of the Cubans destroying Jeff's billboards, the more the more the better." good."

"After Nick accompanied me through seven churches, he chose to take a vacation. He returned to Los Angeles, but he said that the new person in charge should be able to come today and continue to take over." Tommy looked at Martin, who was dressed in a business style : "This outfit makes you look more like a big shot than those gold necklaces and gold rings."

Martin in front of him wore a smoky gray stiff collar shirt with the top button undone, but the cuffs were not rolled up but buttons were buttoned up. He had a low-key business watch, a pair of black suit pants and black leather shoes. The simple gray style room complements each other perfectly. Compared with the impostor who hung a big gold chain around his neck and wore ten gold rings on his hands pretending to be a black big man in Los Angeles before, although Martin is still chattering, he looks more pleasing to the eye.

"Your social charity donated 200,000 yuan to Jeff's campaign action committee. The first thing I did when it arrived, I followed your instructions and found a professional overall campaign stylist to package Jeff's family of five. The image is an extra gift from him, he hopes to cooperate with us for a long time, that guy also stipulated that I can’t eat fast food, drink Coke, and can’t throw cigarette butts, so he gave me this.” Martin was a little unhappy about his situation, at this time Turning around, he picked up a white mug without any pattern on the table, and complained to Tommy:

   "He also said that I can only use this to drink coffee, and I can't add too much milk, and I can't eat greasy and smelly food during work, and I have to look clean and capable."

   "It seems that you listen to him very much." Tommy nodded with satisfaction: "You should listen to professional advice for this kind of thing."

"If I don't listen, how can I convince Jeff to listen, I don't want to listen to that guy." Martin sighed: "The **** said that my haircut is like shit, I have the best **** haircut in Little Haiti division."

  Tommy bit the straw and took a sip of Coke: "Where's Jeff?"

"I called ten minutes ago and he was getting tattooed by a stylist and his wife Jessica was crying because the stylists donated her old clothes to the church and forced her to wear them to show her **** Underwear that looks taller, but she just can't get it in." Martin shook his head, introduced Jeff's latest situation, and at the same time picked up the car keys on the table and said to Tommy:

   "I can personally drive you to see this candidate who made 700,000 political dirty money for Boss your charity."

   "It's impressive, Martin, I haven't seen you in two weeks, and you actually know the word political dirty money." Tommy joked to Martin with a smile.

Seven churches, relying on Gary Duney's orthodoxy and Tommy Hawk's sophistry, and a series of political rewards for Jeff Lavin after he was elected, Tommy finally got a total of 70 million in donations, and then two hundred thousand to Jeff's campaign action committee.

Martin took Tommy out of the company, and then helped Tommy open the door of the rented Cadillac business car: "The hosts on TV taught me that they swore that Jeff must have received political money, otherwise he would never have appeared Competing with other people on the candidate list, and spending labor and money, and posting campaign advertisements everywhere, I now think you are right, boss, you can earn more from politics than feeding pigeons in the square, 700,000, even if We pumped all the pigeons in Miami for a round, and they couldn't make that much money."

Martin now admires Tommy so much that he has nothing to say. When they came to Miami for vacation, the two of them had almost nothing, but in less than a month, he had become the founder of a campaign consulting company and a campaigner for a senatorial candidate. The manager, although he is very busy with Jeff's campaign every day, but when he thinks that he has more than 100,000 campaign funds in his hand, more than a dozen team members, living in a business hotel, and driving a rented high-end business car, It made Martin feel like a dream.

   What's even more exaggerated is that the boss Tommy standing behind him already has 500,000 in his hand.

Five hundred thousand, money that many Americans can't earn in their entire lives. My boss made it in his hands after wandering around Florida for two weeks like a vacation, and there is no need to disclose the name of the donor at all, and there is no guarantee that the money must be spent In Jeff's election campaign, he only needs to use an excuse to do public welfare, and get the money from the foundation account to his own wallet. The easiest way is to buy advertising space on his own TV station and quote a high price. It can be clean money at Tommy's disposal aboveboard.

   "Do you want to go out next time? Boss?" Martin held the steering wheel and asked Tommy who was flipping through the newspaper in the back seat.

  Tommy looked at the news about the campaign in the newspaper and said, "No, rest until after Jeff's party nomination speech, and then go to make money."

   "Can you continue to earn money?"

"Of course, those candidates who originally had a certain winning percentage, but with the sudden emergence of Jeff, have become hopeless, and the funders behind them need to re-bet because the opponent is out. At that time, find a way to make them re-bet On Jeff." Tommy said, "I thought I'd be away for two weeks, and you already knew the process."

   "Jeff's two best friends, as well as all the relatives of Jeff's family, were arranged by me to be included in the campaign team to receive a salary." Martin said cautiously: "I have seen other campaign teams do the same."

   "Get to the point, Martin." Tommy looked up at Martin who was driving, and then continued to look down at the newspaper.

  Martin licked his lips: "Uh... the campaign team also has a few of my relatives working. I guarantee that they are really working and they are not lazy. To prevent them from being lazy, I even asked Page to oversee the work."

   "How does it feel without Peppa?" Tommy laughed.

  Seeing that the boss didn't get angry because he arranged relatives to come in to make money, Martin also grinned and showed his white teeth: "That's great, every day is like a Roman holiday."

Martin drove Tommy to the long-lost Jeff's house. When he got off the car, Tommy even suspected that he had gone to the wrong place. The house was still the same house, but the colorful flowers in the flower bed in front of the door had been disposed of, leaving only the monotonous But neatly green, a U.S. Army flag and a United States flag are crossed on the roof to form a flag gate. The kennel on the right side of the front yard is still there, but the two small and cute dogs have disappeared. No, it was replaced by a square scarf with an American flag pattern around its neck. Just sitting in the yard, let the pedestrians on the street scare the Canary bulldog with its **** clamped.

With the old camouflage-painted military pickup truck parked in the open-air parking lot, Tommy believes that those voters don't even need to see Jeff LaVine, just need to see the first impression of his home through the TV, and they will be able to make a decision. Pictured Jeff as definitely a patriotic and very tough white tough guy.

   "This dog is nice. It looks like a pet for a veteran. Where did you get it?" Tommy whistled at the bulldog and asked.

   But the dog obviously didn't like Tommy's teasing, especially when he saw Tommy, an unfamiliar face, walk into the yard swaggeringly.

"Hey, Lance! Keep it quiet! This is Mr. Tommy Hawke, he runs a charity that gave Jeff two hundred thousand dollars, and if this dog bites him, I promise, he'll be fine last night." Mr. Page, who is drinking with you, can hang you and your dog with a blank face in the next second!" Martin said loudly to a black middle-aged man who was squatting in the front yard to check the lawn mower.

  The black man stood up, glanced at Tommy, then turned his head and yelled at the dog. The dog immediately closed its mouth, and the other party continued to squat down, like a dumb man, playing with the lawn mower silently.

"This is Lance, a homeless **** who I met when I was giving a speech at a nursing home. The pickup truck broke down. Lance helped fix it. I think it's just right for Jeff. Give him a job so everyone can see that Jeff is really helping the veterans. Currently Lance is Jeff's driver, gardener and pet sitter. The dog is also his. Once he has this job, he will take it The dog was stolen from the ex-wife." Martin opened the front of Jeff's living room and gestured to Tommy:

   “Welcome to the home of Patriot Jeff LaVine.”

  The entire living room has been given a new look. Before Tommy could enter the door, he saw a deer head decoration of a white-tailed stag hanging on the facing wall, and a shotgun hung below it.

  Before Tommy left to help Jeff find donations, there was a family portrait of Jeff’s family and his two buddies hanging there. A group of people were in the photo, smiling brightly like fools.

Stepping into the living room, I found that the original landscape painting above the fireplace has also become a bald head oil painting, and the row of photo frames on the eaves of the fireplace have also changed content. It used to be Jeff's family life photos, but now the most conspicuous is a photo frame, not a photo, but a piece of letter paper with a pen written on it:

"As long as this country, this government protects our power, it is worth defending to the death! As long as it is worth defending, every American is willing to use his flesh to form an indestructible shield to protect it! If that day comes, among us, Some may bleed and be wounded, some may be captured and tortured, some may be killed in battle, but I believe that as long as free folk with arms love this country, we shall never be conquered by foreign enemies!"

   Beneath it is a small line: To the best soldier in this country, Jeff LaVine.

   Signed by Owen Cohen.

Tommy is no stranger to this passage. It is the seventh president of the United States and the first Democratic president of the United States. It is a line in Andrew Jackson’s inaugural speech. The high school history class has an introduction to this speech, but the final signature is him Very unfamiliar: "Who is Owen Cohen?"

"Former deputy commander of the Florida National Guard, the above paragraph is true, the small print below, and the previous line are also true. The name Jeff Lavin was signed by a beautiful handwriting employee. This letter Originally, all soldiers serving in the Florida National Guard received a letter, and Jeff was no exception, but Jeff didn't take it seriously at all, and his genuine letter was thrown in the car hastily by him. In the armrest box, and one time his son had diarrhea during a trip, he simply used it to wipe his son’s buttocks, so we had to find another one and changed the name to his.” Martin introduced .

  Tommy even noticed that the tapes of popular songs in the cabinet before had been replaced with folk songs with straightforward and patriotic lyrics.

"Thank goodness! Tommy, is that you? You're finally back! ~Help us~ Everyone is crazy! Everyone!" Jessica, Jeff's wife, heard the voices of Martin and Tommy in the living room. He trotted down from upstairs, rushed towards Tommy with a face full of grievances, grabbed Tommy's arm, and then seemed to have found a confidant, and took all the grievances he had encountered during Tommy's absence. poured out.

Jessica is a very virtuous and traditional housewife. Jeff goes to work every day, and she takes care of the four children carefully, prepares dinner for the family, and takes care of the lives of the family members. Although she is a housewife who takes care of the four children Very tired, and occasionally Jessica would fantasize that she could be like the women she saw on TV, wear beautiful and decent gifts, design a beautiful hairstyle, and attend those formal receptions, etc., but that It was just a small fantasy in her spare time. When all this really happened, she realized that it was not what she wanted at all.

  First of all, two cute dogs that have been raised for many years, were suddenly thrown into the foster care of relatives in the countryside, and in exchange for a large bulldog that their four children wanted to be fed dog food to show their affection, and they all wanted to kowtow carefully on the ground first.

  Since the appearance of this patriotic mastiff wearing an American flag kerchief, the morning newspaper and milk delivery boy has been scared to wet his pants for four consecutive days.

  The house that used to be messy but absolutely warm is now decorated to look like half a military dormitory. Although it is neat, it always feels that it does not belong to her. She seems to be serving here instead of living here.

All the photos that record the good memories of her family were put away and thrown into the storage box in the attic, and replaced with various photos that she thought were scary, such as Jeff in camouflage, holding a shotgun, and a white-tailed deer in front of him. Photos, and even found a bunch of photos that Jeff's father sent from Vietnam back then, and hung them all over the house. The most exaggerated thing is that when he was in high school, he participated in the photos of shooting training in the school's rifle club. Come out and hang in the bedroom, every time Jessica lies on the bed and sees her stupid appearance holding a rifle in high school, she wants to cover her head with a quilt in embarrassment.

The four children, except for the two who were too young to be safe for the time being, the older two were thrown to the Boy Scouts weekend military training camp for a drill. A little tramp covered in mud, she still holds up a home video recorder, giving them a hypocritical thumbs up, praising them for a good job, they are two little tough guys.

There is also that **** sissy stylist that Martin found from nowhere, like a fly, buzzing every day teaching himself how to dress, designing styles for himself, choosing jewelry, and being ridiculed by the other party if he doesn't follow suit , threatening herself that if she disobeyed him, Jeff would lose the election. The man also forbade her to brag that she was the best at cooking Chinese food, and that she could no longer eat food with too strong smell and so on.

   But even so, Jessica still chose to be tolerant, because she felt that all of this was to achieve her husband’s dream, and she was willing to be tolerant because she loved her husband.

  Tommy was like a savior. Jessica grabbed his sleeve and wept embarrassingly about the changes in his family during this time: "I can tolerate all of this...Tommy, but that **** sissy and **** Martin..."

"Relax, Jessica, Tommy is here, speak slowly." Tommy pulled back his arm calmly, then picked up a box of tissues and handed it to Jessica: "What happened? "

  Jessica wiped her crying face with a tissue, and said frantically, "They want me to lie in bed pretending to be a patient until Jeff's election is over."

  Tommy looked at Martin after hearing this: "There can be no problems with family relations."

Martin's tone was guilty, but the expression on his face did not fluctuate and said: "You taught me, Boss, to make the most of everything, the stylist said, Jessica...Sorry, Jessica, I'm just telling the truth, you Now your figure is out of shape, and your personality is too conservative and introverted. You are a good wife, but not a good helper. Most importantly, Jeff’s base voters are all vulgar soldiers or poor people. You, and your sister Ji Compared to that young, straight-forward beauty, which one of you do you think is more likely to get votes when you accompany Jeff to visit voters, lean over to shake hands, and sincerely beg those lechers to vote for Jeff? "

  After speaking to Jessica, Martin looked at Tommy again: "Those interns have calculated that if Gina goes to ask for votes, the votes will probably increase by 3%-5%."

  Hearing the name Gina, Tommy remembered that she was Jessica's young sister, young and beautiful, with a hot body, and she was selected as a cheerleader in high school. She had a bright and outgoing personality and a strong desire to express herself.

   Jessica, a housewife who has given birth to four children and is out of shape, does not have any advantage over Gina in terms of image.

"Tommy, I know they all listen to you, including Jeff, please, don't let them treat me like this, you go and persuade Jeff, he has been driven crazy by those veterans and Martin! He wants to go to Washington for Those veterans fight for their rights, I can accept him to go to Washington, but I can't accept Gina and Jeff in public together, I love him..." Jessica looked at Tommy with tears in her eyes, and pleaded.

   "Of course I know you love him, Jessica." After Tommy said to Jessica, he turned his head and ordered Martin simply:

"That's a good idea, but don't let Jessica stay in bed, cause a car accident and accidentally hurt her leg, and make Jessica look like she needs to use a wheelchair temporarily. It would be better if the car accident could be related to the Cubans, so that When you need to seduce lecherous people to vote, ask Jeff's sister-in-law Gina to show them her dick, and if you need to show the love between husband and wife in front of the neighbors, let Jeff bring the children to push Jessica in a wheelchair. "

  Martin opened his mouth wide. His campaign company just wanted Jessica to lie on the bed and pretend to be sick. His boss was even more cruel, and directly sat in a wheelchair due to a car accident.

  Tommy stepped forward and hugged Jessica's head, kissed her forehead lightly, then let go of his hands, and said to the already sluggish hostess:

   "Just one question left, how much do you love him, Jessica?"

  (end of this chapter)

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