American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 251: What does a cult leader look like?

  Chapter 251 What does the cult leader look like

Martin returned to the living room of Zach's house, which was temporarily used as a campaign office and dormitory. He just took out two cans of beer from the refrigerator and was about to pass one to Tommy. How much money can you get.

   Just before he had time to speak, he saw Page and film crew leader Nick, each holding a thick stack of books, walking in from the outside.

   This caused Martin's brain to shut down for a while. Even if Page, a hideous old bald guy, pulled out a hundred electric shockers, he wouldn't think there was anything to be surprised about, but...helping with the work of moving books? How can it be?

   This made Martin feel that there must be some major event in this world, because usually this kind of hard work, no matter how far he hides, Page will come to the door and tell him to do it.

   "The President of Gambia fulfilled his **** promise! He sent troops to occupy the United States? So..." Martin was full of disbelief and excitement, grabbing a beer and looking at Page:

   "So the good old days are finally over for the white ghosts of America?"

Tommy swept away the debris on a card table in the living room. Page and Nick walked over to put the stack of hard-bound books on the table. Page patted the cover of the top book and explained to Martin: "Nick said that the owners of these books have specifically emphasized that these books are not allowed to be touched by unclean people. In my concept, the word unclean is equivalent to black people, including Gambia."

   "Thank you, Nick." Tommy looked at the camera crew leader Nick who was full of curiosity, and thanked him.

However, unlike the despairing expression on Tommy’s uncooperative filming before, Nick’s face was full of curiosity at this moment. He put the books on the table, tilted his head and looked at the names on the spines of the books from the side. From the patterns, it can be seen that these are Christian-related classics, but he has never read them all except for the "Old Testament of the Bible", and he even said that he has never heard the name.

  "Seven Books of Ignacio", "1 Clement", "Panama Epistle", "Refuting Abian", "1 Enoch", "The Shepherd of Hermas", "The Didache of the Twelve Apostles"...

Nick considers himself more of a Protestant than most Americans who only pray to God in times of shock or crisis, and at least he goes to church at least once every two weeks as long as he can, and he joins the The well-known Christian youth community organization "Vibrant Newborn Youth" prays together, eats together, does volunteer work, etc. It sounds exaggerated, but the fact is that Christians like Nick are already considered true believers. After all, most young people They are no longer interested in spending time in church to pray together and enrich themselves with the scriptures. They prefer to anesthetize their empty souls with poison or drugs.

   But he is an orthodox Protestant, and he has never heard the names of these books.

"A guy dressed like the Ku Klux Klan seemed to be a thief. He gave me these books and told me not to let the unclean touch them." Nick resisted the desire to touch those books, and told Tommy asked.

When Jeff was speaking to the veterans in the nursing home, Tommy found time to go to a few churches in Miami, then asked him to help go to Panama, gave him another call, asked him to help get some books back, and then he I drove to Panama, and in a small church, I saw a white young man in a white robe, and secretly handed him the pile of books.

"Don't pay attention to that guy's nonsense. These are not precious books, and they don't have a high collection value. It's just that it's hard to buy them all in a short time." Tommy sat at the table and opened his chair: "These are Florida books. Sean McDaniel, the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Christ in Panama State, had his book smuggled out to me by his son, a trainee pastor who is also an alumnus of my fraternity."

   "The First Baptist Church? I've never heard of this denomination." Neil showed a suspicious expression.

   Then he suddenly realized: "It is the non-mainstream religious organization you said you wanted to contact? Or, a cult?"

   Then he immediately distanced himself from that stack of books. After all, for an orthodox Christian like him, it is best to keep a distance from this theory that runs counter to the orthodox sect.

"No~Of course not~" Seeing Nick's reaction, Tommy immediately explained with a smile: "Of course it is not a cult, it belongs to the Southern Baptist Church, it is a small branch of the Southern Baptist Church, it is some former Southern Baptist The congregation believes that the denomination has gone bad, so it is just a branch denomination that has been independently derived, which is a little more extreme than the Southern Baptist Church, and some people call it the White Robe Baptist Church.”

  The Martin people next to him were already dumbfounded, and they were stunned for a while before they spoke: "More extreme than the **** extreme Southern Baptist Church? White Robe Baptist Church?"

   Page walked over and snatched a can of beer from Martin's hand: "You can understand that, compared to the ordinary Ku Klux Klan, when people from this church organization burn black people, they not only wear white robes, but also hold Bibles and wear crosses."

  The Southern Baptist Church in Martin's mouth is the largest Christian Baptist denomination in the United States and the second largest Christian denomination in the United States behind the evangelicals.

   "Damn it, the white racist sect!" Martin regained his composure and cursed loudly.

Blacks in the southern United States hate this Southern Baptist Church. Although slavery has been abolished for more than 100 years, and it is already 1989, the **** civilized year, the Southern Baptist Church still stipulates that member churches and member families must hang a union country flag.

   Another notorious title: the last bastion of racist white Christians in America.

Tommy took the remaining can of beer in Martin's hand, opened the pullhook and took a sip: "No, it's another small branch of the Christian sect. It doesn't discriminate against black people. It has many black members. Everyone is kind. They are poor people, but everyone is like an angel, approachable."

"Then why... you have to do so much preparation work, if you are really approachable, you can... meet directly." Nick couldn't believe the words that came out of Tommy's mouth: "I know you often quote the Bible ", you probably know more about preaching doctrine than many pastors...but ordinary pastors may not have access to these religious classics, let alone ordinary believers."

   "What do you imagine the leader of a Christian cult would look like?" Tommy put down the beer in his hand, took down the first book, and asked Nick with a smile on his mouth.

  The question Tommy threw made Nick ponder. After more than ten seconds, he hesitated to speak: "The People's Temple teaches people like Jim Jones?"

   "Boss, I have a question. Do I know the person he... he mentioned?" Martin asked Tommy decisively after listening to Nick's description of the cult leader.

  This description is not too similar to his **** boss Tommy Hawk except for the name and religion, but it can only be said to be exactly the same.

Tommy drank beer, leaned back in his chair, and said in a relaxed tone: "Martin mentioned a very important question, that is why he felt that Jim Jones, whom he had never met, was very similar to me. Jim Jones, only met me, why? Because he knows me, knows me, I don't give a **** if there is a God, Jim Jones is the same kind of guy, that's just us kind of people to take advantage of Props, to people like us, God is no different than Trojan."

  "Jim Jones believes in God. He went to church regularly at the age of thirteen, and he won't be as disrespectful to God as you are." Nick said dissatisfiedly: "You should keep awe of God."

Tommy shrugged: "He is for the pastor's wife. He has been with the pastor's wife since he was thirteen years old. He went to church that day just to make sure that the pastor was busy, and he just took the opportunity to go to the pastor's house to comfort the familiar woman." Juicy wife, my brother and I were forced to go to church by my mother since I was five years old, but when my little bird grew hair at the age of twelve, I changed my temper and started going to church with my two buddies, Guess what, because the pastor's wife in the church near my house is so beautiful... two went to spy on his wife having an affair with an electrician, one was a watchman at the church, yes, that's what life in the country has no money to subscribe to a small movie channel boring."

"And if Jim Jones truly feared God, he wouldn't have mixed the Bible with atheist communism to create his People's Temple. Did I say that? If he didn't have the opportunity to study at Stanford University, I'm going to go to seminary. Thanks to my mother, I have worked **** Christian classics. You will not be my opponent in religious debate. You don't know Jim Jones as well as I do. If I don't make money to read Stanford, went to seminary instead, and is probably pastoring some church by now, doing *-* kids and preaching."

Seeing Nick's ugly face, ready to punch him at any time, Tommy lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "Only God can keep me in awe of him, but it's a pity that he didn't come here, and he stayed behind." Believers in this world are not worthy of our worship. I am afraid that if I kneel down and pout my butt, they will suddenly appear behind me, admit it? Those people have this kind of teleportation ability, and their faces were full of faces in front of you a second ago Holy, I'll be standing behind you in the next second, anointing that thing with oil."

   "That's not God's fault." It took Nick a long time to squeeze out such a sentence.

   Even a devout Protestant, he can't find a reason to justify those unscrupulous priests or bishops, those **** should go to hell.

"Back to the original question, if the leader of the cult I want to meet is like me, living off a Bible, having no faith in his heart, greedy, vicious and lustful, why should I read these esoteric and obscure classics to prepare lessons?" Tommy patted the books and said to Nick.

  Nick exhaled sullenly: "So, what does the cult leader look like?"

"Gary Duney, a high school graduate of Ohio Christian Mennonite Central American Christian School, went to fundamentalist Moody Bible College in college, where he majored in biblical theology, and graduate school at evangelical Wheaton Theology. College, learning Greek characters, and later, studying ancient Hebrew exegesis at the Princeton Theological Seminary controlled by the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and received a doctorate. Editor, a large part of the scriptures in the world that are held in the hands of believers in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, Abrahamism and even Islam are compiled by him." Tommy put his finger on the Knead vigorously a few times between the eyebrows:

   "Now, he is the founder of the Church of the Second Coming of Christ Church in Florida, a fringe Christian organization rejected by almost all mainstream denominations."

  Nick was stunned for a few seconds before recovering from the long series of introductions, and then asked in disbelief: "It...or that Gary Duney, what did he do to be rejected by all mainstream sects?"

   "It's nothing, it's a very simple thing, he said..." Tommy paused for a few seconds, shook his head slightly, and said with some emotion:

   “Listen to God and do the right thing.”

  Nick looked at Tommy puzzled: "This sentence sounds okay. As a believer, you should naturally listen to God's words, and do what you should do."

"In Dr. Gary Duney's view, if believers really want to listen to the word of God, all the patriarchs, popes, bishops, and priests of Christianity, Catholicism, and other **** religions in the world should admit that the New The Covenant is a fake book, just a tool for them to walk in the world in the name of God. Gary Duney said the same thing as you just said about me, you should be in awe of God, but those big figures in the church think what I said makes sense , God is the same tool as Trojan, how to use it, God has no right to decide, they have the final say."

Nick sucked in a breath of cold air, and almost instantly, cold sweat oozed from his back. He didn't even dare to question Tommy's words, because that Gary Duney, who has been systematically since high school Studying Christian theology, and even serving as the chief editor of the American Bible Society, shows that his understanding of all Christian classics and history has surpassed all Christians in the world. He is a recognized interpreter of the "Bible", a classic handed down from generation to generation.

In other words, the three major Christian denominations, regardless of the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, the Pope of the Catholic Church, and the archbishops and elders of the Protestant denominations, when spreading the teachings, the version of the "Bible" used is probably compiled by this man. If he said that the "New Testament" is an apocrypha, it must be the answer he got after countless researches, and the answer is likely to be true.

   But the more frightening question is, why can't those high-level Christians accept this reality and choose to insist on lies?

  As Tommy said, if you accept it, the loss will be too great, and even the entire Christian system will be turbulent and split, but if you don’t accept it, it means that those high-level people really use God as a tool to grab benefits...

"I... stay away from me, Tommy, you scare me more than the leader of the cult now, I just chatted with you for the first time, and I'm about to question my beliefs... God~" Nick stepped back After taking a few steps, exhaled heavily, and said a little irritably.

"I see your eyes are flickering, you are shaking, Nick." Tommy looked at Nick with a half-smile: "You are a Protestant, right? If you are the great elder of the Presbyterian After the news, what will be the first reaction?"

   "Kill him, otherwise..." Nick put himself in the position and thought for a while, if he was a big man in the church, if he gave up hypocrisy, then the answer he gave would be so direct and cruel.

  If such a senior Christian scholar is allowed to live, it will be a huge hidden danger to all the top leaders of the Christian system.

"You have no chance to become the Great Elder, Nick." Tommy laughed: "Unless you want to see Gary Duney become the second Jesus, otherwise, according to his influence in the world's religious circles, don't Kill him."

  Nick hesitated to speak: "So..."

"They suspended his work of interpreting the Bible, gave him the qualifications to preach, and asked him to prove all this, and then defined him and the true teachings he insisted on as a cult, and slowly borrowed the hands of those ignorant believers to destroy him. .” Tommy shrugged:

"Interesting, isn't it? The world doesn't know which of the crowned believers and the heretics who have been slandered as heretics are true believers who fear God, and which are horrible heretics who deserve to be banished to hell. It’s like many people have read the Bible for decades, but they can’t even tell the truth from the fake.”

  Martin listened to the argument between Tommy and Nick. At this time, he went to get another can of beer, opened it, took a big sip, and then made a summary of the conversation:

   "I lack the fear of God." Tommy opens the first book:

"But I am in awe of this cult leader from the bottom of my heart. When I discovered the existence of this organization, I hoped to understand him as much as possible and be honest with him instead of perfunctory him with slickness and sophistry. This is the greatest respect I can give him. "

   I hope I can finish the book in one go this time~ At present, I can stop coughing by taking medicine and doing atomization every day~ So I will start to resume the code immediately~



  (end of this chapter)

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