American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 250: campaign strategy

  Chapter 250 Campaign Strategy

After finishing all the itinerary for the day today, Martin, who was so tired that his feet were sore and his legs were weak, sat in the back seat of the Ford F150. Even if he wanted to rest again, he first dripped some eye drops on Jeff's red and swollen eyes, and then picked up his belt Cepacol mouth spray, which has the effect of anesthesia and throat moistening, was sprayed on Jeff's wide-open mouth. After finishing all this work, he leaned comfortably on the back seat, and encouraged Jeff in his mouth:

   "Now it seems that politicians also work very hard to make money. Of course, it may just be poor politicians like you who work hard to make money. After all, those big politicians only need to attend one or two fundraising receptions a day, while you run six nursing homes a day."

Now Jeff is completely unable to respond to Martin's praise. Today, he completed six high-intensity speeches almost non-stop. They were all swollen, and every time he uttered a sound, it was as if someone had sharpened his poor vocal cords with a file. At this moment, he closed his mouth tightly, trying to let the spray medicine quickly relieve the pain.

  Although he was tired, Jeff was very excited. Those veterans hugged him, encouraged him, and supported him like a father.

  Tommy on the co-pilot counted the banknotes, and let Martin and Jeff rest in the back row with their eyes closed. It wasn't until Page drove the car outside Jeff's house that he turned his head and said to Jeff:

"Here, don't play mouth games with your wife at night, don't drink alcohol, don't eat onions, peppers, go to bed early, Martin will take you to the nursing home tomorrow, until all the seventeen nursing homes for veterans in Miami are run out , and, Jeff, if every day after that you perform as well as you did today, I guarantee you'll get a bus ticket to Washington."

While talking, Tommy held out his palm to Jeff. Jeff kept his mouth shut, but nodded with a smile on his face. Then he gave Tommy a high-five, fist bumped Martin, and then pulled away. The car door jumped down.

Outside the house at dusk, his wife Jessica and four children, plus two good friends, Zach and Allen, were waiting for his return. Jeff opened his arms and picked up the two little daughters who rushed over, followed by a group of People crowded him into the house and disappeared from Tommy's sight.

When Jeff left, Martin moved his neck that was a little stiff when he closed his eyes and took a nap just now, then rubbed his hands excitedly, and said to Tommy: "We made a lot of money today, didn't we, boss? I can see those veterans How excited."

Tommy handed the backpack on his lap for cash and checks to Martin together with the ledger he had just recorded the donors and donation data: "Three hundred and seventeen people, small checks and cash together, the total Six thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars."

"According to what you said before that we take 80% of the money, we can probably take it away..." Martin didn't expect Tommy to hand him all the money. He took it hesitantly, and then began to calculate seriously, trying to figure out what they could do. How much do you get from these donations.

"Tomorrow you have to find time to go to Miami City Hall to officially register, set up Jeff LaVine's political action committee, inject all these donations into it, and then take out 3,000 yuan in the name of the committee to make a lot of Jeff LaVine's campaign propaganda Image billboard, print his campaign slogan 'Say No to the Cubans', and fill me with all the Cubans gathering places in the 18th District." Tommy motioned Page to drive, wait for Page to start, Martin, who was still thinking about splitting the money, said.

  Martin was stunned for a moment. He thought he had heard it wrong. At this moment, he looked up at Tommy and found that Tommy didn't change his words:

"Boss, you keep saying that our purpose is not... to make money? Now that the money is in hand, we have to spend it? Moreover, make billboards and install them in places where Cubans gather? You know that angry Cubans will not let advertisements If the sign survived the night, your idea is like making a billboard in Liberty City, Miami, which says that the black boxer Ali is a white man, and it is polite not to kill the billboard installers on the spot.”

  Make a bunch of election billboards with slogans that are clearly hostile to the Cubans, and install them on the Cuban territory? Is this going to be a fraudulent account? It was announced to the public that 10,000 billboards were made, but in fact 1,000 were made and sent to the Cuban territory. After the Cubans destroyed it, it just made people unable to determine the investment in the billboards?

   While Martin was still guessing what Tommy was thinking, Tommy had already continued:

"Hire some people who know how to shoot to follow up and shoot the pictures of the billboards installed, and record the pictures of the Cubans burning and destroying those billboards, and then, those video pictures will be broadcast on the TV station in the name of Jeff's campaign advertisements , published in the newspaper, the slogan is just one sentence: Some people say that there are 45% Cubans in this area, but this is not the reason for their lawlessness. Patriot Jeff reminds everyone, bravely say No to the Cubans.”

  Martin opened his mouth, wrote a billboard boycotting the Cubans, was destroyed by the Cubans, and then put the actions of the Cubans on TV? What's wrong with the Cubans? Can't tear up the billboard after being pointed at the nose and scolded to get out of the United States? White people are so **** bad.

  Tommy lights a cigarette with the cigarette lighter:

  "The employees who install the billboards should use black people as much as possible, understand? The kind of black people with vicious mouths, I need them to anger the Cubans when they install the billboards, and it is best to have conflicts on the spot."

Tommy was smoking a cigarette, looking at the constantly sweeping scenery outside the car window: "For a country that is in a major crisis at this moment, the contradiction between blacks and whites is a **** small problem, no matter who is the master and who is the slave , it’s not important now, what’s important is that outsiders are invading, no matter if they were slaves or masters, at this moment, let’s put aside our grievances, unite, drive the **** Cubans away first, and then discuss how much black people should smoke The whip question."

However, Tommy didn't react at all after listening, but nodded again and again: "Yes, that's it, and also, post the photo of Jeff hugging the black veterans in the nursing home in the newspapers that black people like to read, we want to instill in black people Blacks and whites are free Floridians, but Cubans are **** Cubans."

  That attitude made Martin couldn't help having the illusion that he used the wrong tone just now? The boss really failed to hear the ridicule, but instead heard the encouragement?

  But before Martin continued to try to die, Tommy had already exhaled smoke and said:

   "You also need to register a political consulting company as soon as possible, and how much donation you can take from Jeff's political action committee as compensation is determined by the service contract you provide to Jeff."

  Martin was stunned for a moment: "You mean, I...I register a company, and I'm the boss? Jeff will pay me as much as I fill in the contract?"

Tommy nodded: "And you don't need to give it to me, you don't need to give it to Page and the bad guys of Nick's film crew. You can earn as much as you want. Of course, if you need to hire people other than us, the expenses will also be paid. I want you to pay, you don’t need to pay me.”

My boss has never been so generous. A company is owned by Martin, and Tommy is willing to help him with ideas for free. All the money is at his disposal. What happened? Black Light Gambia finally three days The Soviet Union was leveled, and now it is decided to attack the United States? Let the boss, a stingy white guy, want to show himself up before the black people really rule the country, lest they get caught and shot?

"According to today's calculations, if all 17 nursing homes are completed, about 18,000 yuan can be raised. Those who are willing to vote for Jeff in the end should be able to guarantee 3,000 people. As a way to help Jeff This kind of fool, a campaign manager who has won the support of 3,000 people in a short period of time, even if you lose in the end, you are considered a powerful character in the eyes of many people. In order to get a talent like you, they will invest or buy your small company , let you get a sum of money, and then join a larger political consulting company to help more politicians campaign. Simply put, if you end up in the election of 200,000 people in the eighteenth district, Let Jeff, a political amateur, get 10,000 votes. Regardless of whether you win or lose, your company is worth 700,000. The money goes to the political consultant or campaign manager he hired to strategize his campaign." Tommy said with a smile, resting his head on the backrest.

"While you accompany Jeff to continue to visit and give speeches these days, I will raise other funds. You need to find time to register a private poll company and hire a group of telephone surveyors, so that you can be fair and honest in the name of the survey company. Get the home phone numbers of the people in the area, call them for polls, and not be charged with phone harassment, which is actually phone harassment." Tommy flicked a cigarette ash and said to Martin.

When Martin heard the investigation company, he nodded suddenly: "I understand this, that is, the investigation company will call to ask which candidate to support, right? And then deliberately only give the names of two candidates, one is well-known in the district, One is an unknown unknown, so that the famous one seems to have more support. Every time it comes to the election stage, there are countless **** polling companies calling in in the name of telephone polls to promote the candidates they support .”

"That's only a question asked by an idiot at the level of a city councilor. Your polling company asked a question to get rid of that Cuban woman named Rosario Kennedy who was number one in the Democratic Party. You designed it for the people. The investigation question is whether to support Rosario Kennedy's previous and vigorously promoted felon furlough plan." Tommy opened the notebook next to him, turned to a page, tore it out, and handed it to Martin.

  Martin said at the same time: "What's the problem? What vacation plan?"

   "The people on the phone will ask the same question as you." Tommy said, "The answer is written on it."

Martin looked down at the piece of paper that was torn off by Tommy. It clearly stated that Florida had previously prohibited first-degree murderers from going on vacation, but this Cuban woman named Rosario Kennedy had previously served as the Miami While on the committee, he tried to pass a state bill called the felon furlough plan, which would allow first-degree murderers to enjoy the same offender benefits as other petty criminals if they performed well after serving a period of time. . "

But soon, he shut his mouth and stopped joking, because later Tommy wrote about the consequences of the short trial phase of this bill. A burglar who killed a seven-year-old black boy was eventually convicted of committing first-degree murder A criminal who was sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime, got a chance to go on vacation during the trial period, and then this guy kidnapped a young couple, raped his wife many times in front of the husband, and then brutally killed them.

   With the occurrence of this tragedy, the promotion of this bill was also stopped.

   "F*ck! That criminal single-handedly destroyed countless black people's vacation dreams. He'd better be white." Martin cursed after reading it.

"Let the whites and blacks in this area believe that this woman is a communist spy sent by Cuba. She has corrupted the Kennedy family. Next, she is going to release countless Cuban criminals who have been imprisoned, so that they can legally kill Americans." , you have to hire lawyers and investigators to find the photo of the body of the child killed by the murderer, find the photo of the young couple, go to the family members of the deceased, and ask the family members to show up at the other party's office with the photo Outside, outside of the family, at rallies, if possible, I want them to even show her having **** with ex-husband JFK, I want to see that woman break down from too much stress, to see her being questioned, blamed and irrefutable, put those pictures Show her children, anyway, I want everyone to know one thing."

  “She came out to run for only one purpose, for the Cubans, killing innocent Americans.”

  Tommy's voice was very calm, and the temperature inside the car was not low, but Martin couldn't help shivering:

   "That woman is also a Democrat, the same party as Jeff."

Tommy said without batting an eye, "That woman's base is a Cuban immigrant. Even if Jeff is willing to lick her Cuban **** behind his wife's back, he won't be able to gain the support of those Cuban voters behind her, because it's useless. So there is no need to hesitate to destroy her."

Martin swallowed hard. A woman may have never met her boss once, or even heard each other's name before, just because...the other party wants to compete with Jeff for a seat in the House of Representatives, and Tommy can keep his face unchanged He designed such a vicious plan to completely destroy the other party.

  Terrorizing her children, showing photos of the dead body everywhere, so that the dead can’t rest in peace, and framing the other party as a Cuban spy...

  Martin didn't dare to continue thinking, he shook his head, and then took the initiative to change the subject:

   "Boss, you just are going to fundraise when Jeff and I are fundraising? Are you not going to stay with us?"

"Seventeen veterans from nursing homes can only raise less than 20,000 yuan, so they are not funders, they are just Jeff's basic ticket holders, assuming that Jeff can get 3,000 veteran supporters, if his support rate is not enough in the end If you need to withdraw from the election, then you can sell the veterans for hundreds of thousands, but whether it is 20,000 or hundreds of thousands, it is too little, we need the kind of donors who can write large checks." Tommy Toss the cigarette **** out the car window:

   "The big money maker who can change his appearance, lease large venues, buy advertising space, occupy TV advertisements, and newspaper headlines."

   "Didn't you say before that the rich companies and institutions in this area already...have choices?"

   "That's why I'm going to do it separately from you. I will set up another social charity organization, and use the characteristics that charity organizations don't need to disclose donor information to absorb those... black campaign money."

   “How can anyone not like to show off their donations?”

   "Of course, for example, some church organizations that are slightly deviated from the mainstream religious books. I have a brief understanding. In Florida, there are many such church organizations, and all of them are very rich."

   "Wait, mean those weird cults that pretend to be God?"

"Pay attention to the wording. It's called religious freedom, Martin. It's the right granted to the American people by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution! People have the right to decide what kind of God or other things they believe in." Tommy corrected Martin very dissatisfied. words:

  “Those who also believe in God are slandered as cults by those mainstream sects just because they have different interpretations of the same Bible. This is a blatant framing.”

   Page drove the car outside Zach's house: "Boss, we're here."

  Tommy opened the door and was about to get out of the car. Martin couldn't help asking:

   "What good can Jeff do these cults?"

Tommy thought for a while: "I don't know, maybe after Jeff is elected, he will seek to join the Committee on Religious Security in the US House of Representatives? He will call on Congress to open up the power to allow all denominations to run independent TV stations in the name of religious freedom across the United States? Look at the other side Whatever you need, I will say."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting. It's an excuse to trick the cult into paying for it. Anyway, we only cheated once, and we didn't expect Jeff to pass this position on to his descendants in the name of heredity." Tommy got out of the car and walked towards Zach's house .

Martin chased after Tommy: "So, the large donation, that is, the black money in your mouth, the boss, is firmly in the hands of the social charity you established. How much you spend for Jeff depends entirely on your mood. The money in it is not even comparable to the change in your hand?"

  Tommy said with a bright smile: "Twenty-eight split, very fair, 20% of the money earned in Jeff's name is in your hands, and 80% is in my hands."

   "If he is worthy of investment, just like rewarding an obedient dog, reward him more. If it is not worth it, we will take the money and find the next obedient dog."

   "Does American politics sound more accessible now?"

   Continue coding~~Send after coding~



  (end of this chapter)

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