American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 243: don't let the bad guys get their way

  Chapter 243 Can't let the bad guys succeed

The next morning, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, Jeff, who was a little distracted, took his three children to school as usual. The children just got out of the car and ran into the campus. Before Jeff started the car, he was caught The parents of more than seventy children surrounded him. It seemed that these parents knew how to save Jeff's dignity and did not yell at Jeff in front of the three children.

   "Are you sure you will save me, boss?" Martin looked at the parents who were rushing towards Jeff with angry faces, and asked Tommy nervously who came to school separately from him.

  Tommy frowned slightly when he saw more than a hundred people gathered in the school parking lot: "The situation is a bit beyond my expectation..."

"What? It's beyond your expectation? If I... run away now, can I be saved?" Martin heard Tommy's words, observed the environment of the nearby streets nervously, and asked repeatedly: "Didn't you tell me that the letter The letter was just a vulgar joke? But now it looks like those people are going to tear Jeff up? And you are going to let me replace Jeff."

Tommy said: "Sending a Trojan, it's not worth all the parents coming to the school to question Jeff. Either the mother or the father can come alone. Why are most of the fathers rushing over, but there are not too many women? Or Are all the parents present? Let's go and see why many families have both parents present. These days, a Trojan is not worth the fuss at all."

"Jeff, what did you do to the children?" In the parking lot, a middle-aged man wearing a fruit factory uniform squeezed in front of Jeff, and said to him with a serious face: "What did you do, you were killed by the devil?" Possessed?"

  Jeff tried his best to look very serious in the crowd and explained: "As usual, I told them the story of the Garden of Eden, and gave them the candy and biscuits I bought, that's all."

"That's all?" The big man scratched his head, looked at Jeff, and then at the other parents: "What do you think? My son went back and gave my wife an envelope, saying that a black man gave it to him, and Jeff asked him to hand it over." It was for his mother, after his mother opened it, besides a letter, there was another...Shit~ and one more..."

   "Another Trojan brand fingertips for girls?" another parent interjected.

  The big man nodded: "Yes, you too..."

  The other party nodded, and looked at the other parents, and they all took out the envelope with sullen faces. Obviously, everyone had received this gift.

  Under everyone's gaze, Jeff explained with a blushing face, "It's not mine. I didn't even know there was this letter. What was written in the letter?"

   "It is written in the letter that you advised us, your favorite neighbors, to reduce the birth rate and give benefits to Cubans and blacks." A parent threw the envelope to Jeff and said angrily:

   "One more question, to reduce births, you should **** give condoms instead of female finger condoms. Are you **** mocking my wife who can only use fingers, or are you mocking my length?"

   "You want us to become extinct, and you expect us to vote for you?" Another bearded parent pointed at Jeff and roared loudly:

   "Go to hell, Jeff! I want to report you for bribing voters! You also sent the wrong gift, seriously hurting the self-esteem of voters!"

  Tommy, who was outside the crowd, heard the finger sleeves, and then understood why the fathers of those children would rather be late for work than come here to question Jeff.

   "Didn't I **** tell you to buy a hundred Torjan's condoms? Why did they become finger condoms?" Tommy asked Martin in a low voice.

Martin observed the white parents who wanted to take off their pants on the spot to prove their length to Jeff, and swallowed: "You didn't give me money, boss, I can't concentrate fully when I'm stealing something, I saw the Torjan brand I quickly put it in my pocket, how could I have noticed that Florida will put the female finger gloves in the most prominent position on the shelf!"

"You know how to **** off white people." Tommy patted Martin on the shoulder: "As a black man, giving finger cots to those white wives and mocking them is useless, or in a place like Florida where the folk customs are fierce, look It works better than regular condoms, and I'll remind Jeff to buy your death insurance."

   After finishing speaking, Tommy looked at Page who was not far away with a cigarette in his mouth. Page nodded slightly, indicating that he had followed Tommy's instructions and had called the police.

   "It's time for you, campaign manager," Tommy said to Martin.

"It must be a mistake. It's not my handwriting. I...I wouldn't do it. I like children, otherwise I wouldn't be a volunteer school worker to take care of children in my spare time." In the crowd, Jeff still Trying to justify.

Martin took a deep breath, jumped directly on the roof of a car, pointed at Jeff and said, "Jeff, it doesn't matter, just admit it generously, yes, it's the letter written by Jeff, that's it, I hope everyone can Understand Jeff, he wants to run for Congress, but the white people in this district are not interested in politics, so he needs to win the Cuban and black votes to be successful."

   "Who the **** are you, nigger!" A big white man turned his head and yelled at Martin: "Also, how do you know?"

   "I'm Jeff Lavin's campaign manager Ma... Marvin, I saw him write those letters with my own eyes." Martin said seriously.

  Jeff looked at Martin: "Martin, why are you here? Shouldn't you be sleeping at Zack's house?"

   "Jeff, admit it, it's no big deal, everyone will understand you." Martin still had a serious expression, standing in the car, condescendingly persuading Jeff who was surrounded by parents.

   "Jeff hired a **** to be his campaign manager?" A white parent said suspiciously, "Even if he runs for the election, shouldn't those two idiots, Zack and Allen, help him?"

  Other whites nodded in confusion, and a parent said, "My child said that a black man gave him this letter."

   "You actually hired a black man to run for you?" The bearded parent looked at Jeff: "Are you crazy? You will break Zach and Alan's heart!"

"No, it was Martin who took the initiative to find me and offered to help me run for the election, and said he could help me win black votes. I didn't know he used this method. I swear to God, I really didn't know." Jeff said. explained.

At this time, a police car came with flashing lights, and two policemen got out of the car. The old policeman in charge still had a cup of coffee in his hand, and looked at the white people in front of him with a relaxed tone: "What happened, someone called Said Jeff LaVine bribed voters and allegedly humiliated him..."

  The originally relaxed tone suddenly became severe when he saw Martin standing on the roof of the car. He still held the coffee in his left hand and pressed his right hand to the holster around his waist. He stared at Martin and shouted:

   "You! Negro! Roll off the roof immediately! Lie in front of the car! Now!"

  Martin, who was still looking down at the crowd just now, saw the police stop, immediately raised his hands high, jumped out of the car docilely, and obediently lay in front of the car.

The police went over to check whether there was a weapon hidden on Martin's body, and after confirming that he didn't even have a coin that could be suspected of throwing an injury, he was relieved, and asked his companions who rushed over: "Who called the police just now?" Said this black man was robbing?"

   "The call to the police did not say that there was a robbery by a black man. It was Jeff Lavin who seemed to be suspected of bribing voters and humiliating others." The young companion said beside him.

  The old white policeman let go of Martin with regret on his face: "Are you sure it's not about black people?"

At this time, the parents finally came to their senses in the scene of the police arresting the black man bravely, and looked at the other parents around them. Finally, one parent couldn't bear it anymore, and asked with a displeased face: "Who just called the police and said that Jay?" Jeff bribed voters, you just said that you want to call the police to arrest Jeff, is that you?"

"How is it possible, I just scared him! After all, the **** sent a finger cot in the letter, and my wife used it to laugh at me for two hours last night." The bearded parent who was suspected immediately defended: "Just kidding, If I really wanted to believe that Jeff did all this, I wouldn't wait until this morning, I went to his house last night and taught him how to be a man."

The parents here were a little angry when they received the letter, but Jeff's good character over the years made everyone not believe that he would make such a bad joke on himself, so they came to the school the next day to find out what happened What happened, as for calling the police, it is even more impossible. Jeff, the most reliable and good man in the eyes of everyone, even if he did something wrong, everyone would give him a chance to correct it. What's more, he just kept explaining that he had never done this. Everyone believed him.

"Jeff, someone called the police and said that you bribed voters and were suspected of beating others on the spiritual level. Anyway, that's what the police call said, so did you bribe everyone in order to go to Washington to become a congressman to promote the great flat earth theory? Why not? Bribe me, I also have a vote, **** it!" The old policeman walked to Jeff, picked up the envelope in his hand, opened it slowly, and joked at the same time.

  In the eyes of the old policeman, the least threatening person in this area may be this simple and honest big man in front of him.

   "Officer Fitz, I didn't." Jeff explained in a low voice beside him: "I didn't write this letter."

"Send a finger cot? You **** bribed everyone to give everyone a finger cot? Taunting everyone that the length of the club is not enough for the wife?" The policeman read the letter, looked at the finger cot again, and said with a smile : "It's a good thing I didn't give it to me, otherwise my wife might really use it in front of me. Since three years ago, my waist has not supported me to do strenuous exercise."

   A group of parents burst into laughter.

   "Okay, there's someone called... Who's here?" The old policeman looked at his young rookie companion.

  The companion said in a positive tone: "Martin, the person who called the police is Martin."

"Yes, a man named Martin called the police and said that you bribed voters and were suspected of insulting others. This is a very serious accusation. You have to go to the police station with us. If you don't explain clearly, you will have to spend your short election career. Said..." The old policeman patted Jeff on the shoulder, and was about to ask him to go back to the police station with him to make a statement for investigation.

   "Hey, nigger, what did you say your name was?" a parent suddenly recovered and said to Martin.

  Martin swallowed his saliva, looked at the people around him with unkind faces: "Marvin, Marvin Hart."

   "Didn't you keep telling me that your name is Martin?" Jeff said at this time.

"He said he was Jeff's campaign manager, and our children also said that a black man gave them the envelope yesterday and took it home, and asked the children to say that Jeff gave it to them himself." Another parent said loudly: "This black man may be cheating Jeff, he must have some conspiracy!"

"It sounds like your troubles are bigger than robbery, boy." The old policeman picked up his own cup of coffee, took a big sip, and said to Martin: "Follow me back to the police station for investigation, and, Jeff, you Let's go together."

Hearing that Jeff was going to be taken away too, the parents got excited: "Hey, Fitz, you can't take Jeff away, Jeff didn't bribe the election! And he didn't shame everyone, it was the black man who did it, Jeff is a good man !"

   "Yes, he was taken away, who will help us babysit after school? Others are not as reliable as Jeff!"

"I guess, maybe someone is deliberately framing Jeff, maybe one of the other three black candidates active in this district, trying to get rid of competitors in this way." Tommy was in the crowd, like Said lightly to a parent of a student beside him.

The parent of the student was stunned for a moment when he heard Tommy's words, and then showed an expression of sudden realization, and roared vigorously: "That's right! This is a **** conspiracy by the black candidate! They want to kick out Jeff, who is competing with them for votes! If Jeff is taken away, let their plot succeed!"

   "Fitz! Teach this Martin guy a lesson! He must have been sent to frame Jeff! Don't let him get it!"

  The parents also realized at this time, Jeff has never been a good communicator, how could he suddenly write a letter to solicit votes, and even send a disgusting gift like a fingertip?

  Only a competitor would attack Jeff in such a disgusting way!

  Some excited parents couldn't help but rushed towards Martin to give this **** who framed Jeff some bitterness! Fortunately, the old police guarded Martin behind him, and stopped the impulsive behavior of those parents: "Hey hey! Calm down! If this black man has a problem, I will find out and don't cause trouble."

"Guys... please calm down... I mean, if someone wants me not to participate, I am willing to withdraw. I don't want to be...I don't want to be regarded as a bad person. If quitting can prove that I didn't write a letter and give you fingertips, I will Exit." Jeff was blushing at this moment, trying to raise his voice, expressing his own attitude:

   “Just let them get elected.”

  The parents immediately turned their attention from Martin and back to Jeff. Some parents said indignantly:

   "What the **** are you talking about, Jeff? Why are you quitting? Why can't you run? You're framed, you're a good guy, why can't good guys run?"

  "That's right, you can't let the **** who framed you get their way, you must run, Jeff, I support you! You have helped us take care of our children all these years, and we have seen everything you have done!"

   "If you hold back now, Jeff, you will disappoint us even more! You have to give a blow to those **** who sent fingertips to my wife for yourself, for us!"

  More and more parents heard that Jeff was going to withdraw from the election because of being slandered, and became angry. At this time, they loudly encouraged Jeff who was at a loss.

   "Hey! You can't be a Nove who makes the villains smile and want things to happen! Jeff Lavin!" Tommy suddenly stood up at this moment, separated the crowd, walked up to Jeff, and said loudly to him:

"Even I passed by and heard that you can't give up. I work in a TV station. Look, our camera is over there! Record everything that just happened, maybe one day, it will appear on TV! If If you quit, will you regret it when you hear your encouraging words on TV again one day in the future? Don’t let yourself regret it, and don’t let everyone who loves you completely disappointed! If you run for the election, I am willing to You are doing your best! Through my ability, let everyone understand who is the righteous American who has been silently contributing to this area but has been framed!"

  Hearing that Tommy is working in a TV station and that a camera is recording, everyone turned their heads in the direction of the camera, and they became even more excited when they found that there was really a cameraman recording not far away.

   "That's right, Jeff! Listen to this young man! Even if it's not for yourself, for everyone in this district, you should stand up and continue to fight those **** who framed you!"

   "Jeff, this is a good opportunity, you can tell everyone the truth on TV, no one forced you to do something, this is your counterattack, don't let them think you are a bully!"

Jeff looked nervously at the crowd who encouraged him: "I don't... I can't be elected anyway, and I don't have the money to advertise, and no one even knows me except you from these three streets, I mean, I don't If you may be elected, why not..."

"I'll give you **** money! I can't see those filthy politicians ruining real good people in this way! I'll donate a hundred dollars! This is all I have at the moment!" Tommy took out his wallet and took it out All the banknotes, stepped forward and stuffed them directly into Jeff's hands:

"My mother told me to do the right thing, and I think at this moment, the right thing is to support you, Jeff LaVine! Whether you are elected or not, fight like a man, don't be slandered, slandered, framed by your opponent, Still suffer silently and learn to speak up for yourself! Maybe you won’t be elected, but you can’t be deprived of your right to run just because you might not be able to!”

   "Because that's god-given power to you freeman of Florida!"

   After finishing speaking, Tommy turned around and looked at the parents: "Don't let a good person be completely sad. I donate money to him, not for **** politics. Who the **** would a normal person care about dirty politics?"

"I'm just thinking that ten years from now, I may have a group of children. At that time, there will still be good people like Jeff, and I can trust those good people, just like you trust Jeff now, when you are busy working When I was young, I gave my child to him to take care of me and listened to him tell my child that this world is beautiful, God loves the world, people trust each other, love each other, just like relatives.”

   "Now, is there anyone who is willing to support him in the election as I do?"

   Today’s two updates are 5,000 words, no chapters~



  (end of this chapter)

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