American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 224: philosophy class

  Chapter 224 Philosophy Class

  The New Bay coast of Los Angeles, the sun is hot and the sea breeze is gentle.

Because a large number of Yankees from New York, Portland and other cities came to the south for the winter, the beaches in California were overcrowded during this time. On the distant sea, a group of people were shouting and surfing on surfboards. Or drive a motorboat to draw white waves on the blue sea.

  Susie and Susan are driving a latest motorboat on the sea at this moment. Susan is in charge of driving, and Susie is in charge of distracting the men.

   Yes, the blond girl undid her corset and urged Susan to deliberately walk among the surfing men.

The man who is attracted by Susie's figure has no way to concentrate on keeping his balance on the surfboard. He can only fall into the sea passively or actively, watching Susie drive the motorboat, and Susie goes away waving her corset, leaving only Suzy let out a hearty laugh.

  Peppa, wearing sunglasses, came over and handed the phone to Tommy, who was lying side by side with Jason on the beach enjoying a massage: "Mr. Rick Luthor's phone."

"Dear Rick, if BT has doubts about work, can't you contact Earl first? If it's not something important..." Tommy and Jason lay on the golden beach, everyone knelt beside them Four Korean girls with outstanding figures in bikinis are helping them apply lotion and massage:

"Really? Why? I'm going to ask Earl to give you a salary increase, and I'm going to ask him to cash in the bonus that should have been cashed out a long time ago. Everyone knows that BT never squeezes employees. It's not a salary increase? OK, as long as it's not Talk about a salary increase, I am willing to provide any help, and I will rush over as soon as I finish my current work." Tommy finished talking to the mobile phone and handed the phone to Page:

   "Ask Martin to drive over, and we'll go to BT headquarters."

  Peppa took the phone and nodded, walked back under the sun umbrella in the distance, and called Martin to drive the car over.

Then Tommy closed his eyes, continued to enjoy the massage, and said to the four busy Korean girls: "Girls, can you show some sincerity, after all, the United States has saved your country, sincerity, you know the heart The location, show more, and skip the process that can be omitted, focus on the key parts, and finish as soon as possible? I promise not to call and complain about your perfunctory service attitude, and Mr. White beside me will not deduct tips when paying the bill. "

Four petite but plump Korean girls turned Tommy over obediently. One woman knelt behind Tommy's head and held Tommy's head and massaged his head. Another woman knelt at Tommy's feet and massaged his feet. At the bottom, the remaining two knelt on both sides of Tommy, one left and one right, and slowly slid their hands to a certain key department.

Jason turned his face and looked at Tommy: "I didn't believe what Holly said to me before. She told me before that every time you call you to ask questions, you will only say to her, dear Holly- Miss Keener, you can't call Jason? But every time you call her, she will go out of her way to meet you in the hotel, dressed up as you ask. Tommy, you are a Carl Lewis , what's worse, you're not even prepared to pay for a cheap Korean massage, these Koreans are too poor, you can't show kindness? Take out your wallet?"

"Soon Koreans will no longer be pitiful or poor, they will be as rich as your three half-children." Tommy felt the massage girl walking on him, and said comfortably: "For Americans can continue to enjoy Korean massage cheaply, I really hope that the Soviet Union will support North Korea for 10,000 years."

   Today’s South Korea is far behind North Korea. Although there are a large number of US troops on the land to help them guard the territory, they need South Korea to pay for their military expenses out of their own pockets. North Korea in the north has no Chinese or Soviet troops stationed, but has all kinds of economic assistance from the Soviet Union.

  In this day and age, there is no such thing as a North Korean defector, but another word, a North Korean defector who fled from South Korea to North Korea.

  So in order to earn foreign exchange, South Korea began to encourage its citizens to go abroad to work many years ago. The bottom Korean men went to the Middle East or southern Europe as construction workers or dock workers, and the bottom Korean women went to the United States and European developed countries to work in the service industry.

Nowadays, in major cities in the United States, if you want to feel the Asian style, basically Korean women or Vietnamese women provide services, and Korean women are more motivated to work than Vietnamese women. In winter, a large number of Korean women start working in northern cities Would come to California or Florida with the Yankees on vacation just to keep making some extra money.

Other Asians look down on Koreans, because Korean women can use a towel to cover their heads and the vital parts of customers on the beach in full view, and complete the last step of the so-called Korean massage, just like the two Korean girls at this moment. M is doing just that.

   This is an Asian country that can have no dignity for money.

   "So, what happened?" Jason continued to lie on his stomach, and asked Tommy, who was looking up with his eyes closed and his face feeling relieved.

   "Some members of Rick's team feel that the reality show that has been popular across the United States recently is too obscene and vulgar. This is not a good thing." Tommy felt the softness from the back of his head and said:

  “I have to hurry over there and explain it to them so that they can believe that what I’m doing is a correct, great thing that benefits the country and the people.”

   "It sounds like the script has a feeling of deja vu." Jason frowned, and said to Tommy with some doubts.

  Tommy, like a quadriplegic patient, was served and took a sip of coconut juice through a straw: "What does it look like?"

   "The right thing, the great thing, the thing that benefits the country and the people, you lied to those..." Jason said directly and frankly.

Tommy interrupted Jason, opened his eyes and said dissatisfiedly to Jason: "I didn't lie, OK? Why do people outside believe that I am sincere to help them, hurt me, question my words, but always From the person closest to me?"

   "..." Tommy's sudden question made Jason speechless for a moment.

Indeed, among those outside users who use OSS, many people are still full of praise for Tommy Hawke. It is he who allows those who can’t spend 500 yuan to buy software to master an office skill for free, but why do they want to Call this guy a hypocritical bastard?

   "Is someone accusing me of fraud? No! Has a judge pronounced me guilty? No! Will the police arrest me and put me in jail? No!" Tommy said to Jason confidently.

Jason sighed suddenly: "Very well, brother, after seeing your face for many years, you still enjoy it, I know that the IQ of Americans is definitely not very high in the world rankings, and education reform has a long way to go, so I made up my mind. Determined to send the three children to study abroad, away from the United States, so, what are you going to sell this time?"

   "I'm not selling anything, I'm going to chat with Rick's team members." Tommy frowned and remained silent for a while, and waited for the masseuse to remove the towel and help him put on the beach shorts, then he took a deep breath and continued.

Jason nodded with satisfaction: "You said that you were just chatting with the audience on the TV promotion in Florida, and then they helped us pay for the current luxury house and sports car. Very good, come on, go to class, tell They listened carefully to the class, after all, Jason just passed his pilot test and needed a small plane as a toy to practice his skills."

  Tommy stood up slowly and walked towards the locker room: "I don't know how to talk about money, I don't value money, I just hope to talk about philosophy with them who are a little confused and guilty at the moment."

"Talk about philosophy?" Jason raised his head abruptly, looked at Tommy who was walking away, and said in surprise, "You mean, after those guys finish chatting, can you pay me to change to a more expensive plane as a toy? "

   The first update



  (end of this chapter)

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