American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 220: what is the problem?

  Chapter 220 What is the problem?

Although Dennis is extremely unbearable in Tommy's mouth, it sounds like a rage, in fact, in the army, that guy is as good as a fish in water in high school, in high school, except his teacher hates him, everyone loves him, in the army Same thing, except his superior officer hates him and arguably has his friends everywhere.

For example, Glenn, a black classmate who was trained by him for four years at the West Point Military Academy, more than once, the brothers of West Point SSD made a bet on when Glenn could not bear Dennis' discrimination and oppression and shot him, but four years later, Dennis wins all the money every time.

Wherever he went, Dennis took his black friend Glenn with him. When the other black officers in the same period were still struggling with their qualifications, Dennis took Glenn with him every time he went crazy. Glenn has now received two superior awards. This means that he can get promoted faster than many black compatriots who have been bullied and discriminated against by whites in school like himself during the same period.

  Using Glenn’s words, blacks will always be discriminated against by whites anyway, but at least **** Dennis can remember to bring himself to enjoy the scenery after being discriminated against, while other whites are discriminated against, and there is no benefit.

Although Tony is his own brother, Tommy has to admit that Tony is far behind Dennis in forming gangs in the army. Tony has a very calm personality. He is the kind of guy you can always trust. Give him anything and he will finish it on time.

Dennis, on the other hand, jumps out of the sky, and his behavior style is always in the state of Schrödinger's cat. Until the end, you don't know whether he succeeds or fails. If he succeeds, don't get excited, because he may not wipe his **** clean, causing A lot of trouble, if he fails, don't be surprised, that's his normal level, but sometimes failure, maybe because of his remedies, bad things turn into good things.

Just like in high school, if Tommy was about to fight with a few classmates who were upset with him and told Tony, Tony would definitely protect Tommy behind him, walk in the front, and be responsible for head-on head-on confrontation, and carry it for Tommy. opponent's fist.

But if the partner is Dennis, then there is a high probability that Dennis' stupid* asked Tommy and Pam to meet each other, and he told them that he quietly lay in ambush to observe the situation, and then Tommy and Pam were killed. They thought Dennis was looking for an opportunity, but in fact, the **** changed his clothes and went to hook up with the girlfriend who happened to have time when the two sides were fighting, and the opponent beat Tommy away with scars. And Pam, when I went back to see my girlfriend, I just found Dennis getting up from her with his pants up.

For Tommy and Pam, Dennis's behavior was obviously terrible, but in the follow-up, the angry opponent couldn't help beating Dennis violently. In the end, Tommy and the others won a big victory, because Tommy, Pam Everyone in Dennis was punished once for fighting, but the idiot opposite him was punished twice in a short period of time, and was severely suspended by the school and disappeared from school.

  So, there is no way to determine whether this guy is doing something right or doing something wrong.

The two brothers Tony and Tommy were chatting about Dennis' interesting stories while looking for prey. They wandered around the hunting ground until noon. Tommy had nothing but a turkey. Tony hunted down three deer and several turkeys. After that, he stopped and returned to the leisure area, preparing to taste the delicacies processed from his own prey.

Sitting on the rickety off-road vehicle returning to the leisure area, Tony asked Tommy: "Now I am here to maintain the relationship with those comrades-in-arms, but after we are separated, how should we maintain it? I can't do it every time I have a vacation. Call them one by one and ask them to come to New York for vacation?"

   "Wilson Bullock, former lieutenant colonel, have you heard of this name?" Tommy said with a yawn.

   Tony shook his head: "No."

"He participated in the preparation of the new company you proposed. If I can handle his daughter and make our relationship more stable and trustworthy, I am going to ask him to prepare and start a club. The name may be called F-117 Club? After all, the F-117 represents the only stealth fighter in the world. You, Dennis and even Pam, who you think are good comrades in arms, will be invited to join the club. This will ensure that you go to different units and still pass through such a club. In order to maintain the friendship, if you encounter any problems, the club can also come forward to provide help, and try to downplay the personal friendship." Tommy lazily put his feet on the open car window:

"Wilson Bullock is the most suitable candidate no matter his military rank when he served, or his social status and age after retirement. Mr. Thomas Hayward is too old to talk to you young people. Wilson was different, he was not yet fifty, and he was very ambitious."

  Tony glanced at Tommy: "So, you are so serious about finding other women to fool around with?"

   "Would you like to fool around for me? If you want, I can immediately act like an ascetic monk who is not close to women." Tommy turned his head to look at his brother and asked.

   "Let's change the subject." Tony took off the benny hat, put it on his face, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.


   "You've been under a lot of pressure recently." Tommy handed the gun to the coach, glanced at a dozen animal carcasses of different sizes, and asked Susan who was groping among the pockets of the hunting jacket.

  Susan said without raising her head, "It's okay."

The weak chicken Sophia obviously took the initiative to count Susan's record as her own. Although she only killed a rabbit with the help of her coach, and then vomited on the poor rabbit's corpse for a long time while holding the tree trunk, she still couldn't help it. At this time, she happily ran to compare with other returnees, asked how many prey they had killed, and then proudly said that she and Susan had harvested a total of 17 animals.

  Tommy took out his cigarette, walked over to stop Susan from groping, handed her the cigarette case, and then helped her light it up: "Getting along with those girls makes you exhausted?"

Susan breathed out a puff of smoke comfortably, kicked the dead body of a white-tailed deer with her boots, and looked at Tommy: "When I was studying in school, I always felt that I liked war, and people who killed were all perverts and war lunatics, until I The first time I used a gun to hunt an animal today, it felt so good, it was very stress-free, and I even felt a ray of my soul shot to the prey with the bullet, and felt the moment the prey was hit."

  Tommy nodded thoughtfully, and walked towards the leisure area with her.

"As I said, you need the same decompression method as Holly. Ask Mark to help you arrange it. He will definitely help you find Aladdin who is obedient to you in bed and disappears immediately after dawn. You can't Deal with work during the day, and then squeeze out time at night to fly to the hunting grounds to play massacres, unless you use Los Angeles as a hunting ground and shoot along the streets with guns." Tommy found a comfortable seat and took a sip of lemonade , Said to Susan who was sitting opposite.

  Susan lowered her head and smiled when she heard Tommy's words: "I look like the kind of person who can easily become a perverted shooter?"

   "I think it is necessary to bring Jason and his girlfriend to talk to you after returning to California." Tommy handed her a glass of water and said calmly, looking into Susan's eyes.

  Susan shrugged and said disapprovingly: "I don't think there is any need to waste time on this kind of thing."

   "Miss, haven't you checked the wounds of your prey? A deer, you want to shoot five bullets?" Tommy looked at the corpses and said in his mouth.

   "Four, the one on the head was shot by the coach." Susan corrected.

   "When did you and Vanessa book the flight back to California?" Tommy asked.


"After I returned to California, I helped you arrange for Jason to meet his girlfriend. Believe me, even I was almost brainwashed by that girl once. Before I met her, I always thought that the world was less likely to exist than my mentality. A better person." Tommy lit his cigarette and looked at Susan:

   "I promise, you will be as shocked as I am, and then she is a woman, you can also talk to her about the problems that are inconvenient for you to communicate with male friends."

   "You rarely compliment a woman."

"Yeah, I suspect Jason actually covets me, but he knows I'm unlikely to be **** with him, so, as you can imagine, that guy went to great lengths to find a female version of Tommy Ho Ke to be your girlfriend." Tommy said with certainty:

   "He must **** think so."

"Are you sure that the female version of you can help me? Okay." Susan flicked the cigarette ash: "I imagined the picture of Jason and you in bed, and I feel that the pressure seems to be unimportant, and the problem of psychological shadow may be more urgent Needs treatment."


The one-week vacation was fleeting, and Tony returned to the ship with his comrades in arms. But facing their departure, the saddest person was not Ashley, not Colin, not Mr. Hull, but Martin. .

  Martin doesn't know what others think, but this week is the happiest holiday since he was born.

He personally sent the officers who had already become acquainted with the ship, and when he returned to the manor, Tommy's car had already parked outside the door, and Dorothy and his servants were packing their packed bags into the three SUVs next to them. On the station wagon, Martin opened the door of the Cadillac that Page was in, sat in the co-pilot seat, lowered his head, took off the gold ornaments around his neck in a depressed mood, and threw them in the storage box. On the steering wheel, Paige, listening to classical music on the car's record player, sighed: "This vacation is like a dream to me."

   But Page ignored him at all, as if immersed in the music, Martin reached out and turned off the record player.

   Then, Mr. Page recovered from the music.

   "Crackling crackling~"


   Calm was restored in the car.

Martin grinned and glared at Martin: "You have seen my men, Page, right? I want to remind you solemnly that any of them can stand up and push your head down with one hand, making your The mouth can easily kiss my own ass! I am no longer..."

   "Crackling crackling~"


   "OK~ I earned 70,000 yuan. If you don't call me, I will generously give you five... three hundred yuan."

   "Next time you flirt with Mr. Page, can you change the environment where I'm not around?" The front fender was lowered, revealing Tommy's face.

   "Shit~" Martin cursed, and quickly put on a smile and said to Tommy, "I thought you were in no hurry to get in the car, boss."

  Tommy looked at Martin: "Where's my credit card?"

Martin took out his credit card, glanced at it reluctantly, and then handed it back to Tommy: "It's so easy for rich people to make money, boss, I took your card and made 70,000 yuan from Spike Lee without doing anything. piece."

   "How does it feel to be a big shot?"


   "I think you're going to be a real big shot one day." Tommy smiled and put away his credit card and said to Martin.

  Martin's eyes lit up: "You mean, the old Mr. Hawk has admitted that I am his godson, and then it is possible to hand over the BT TV network to me to inherit?"

   "It's about the same. In fact, what my father said is that you will take care of the mill in this manor, and your descendants can be hereditary as the miller of the Hawk family." Tommy nodded:

   "What about your scary-looking bodyguards and drivers? Sophia said they are a black extremist organization?"

  Hearing that Tommy had misunderstood his New York men, Martin immediately explained:

  "No, no, boss, they are all good people. They are definitely not extremist organizations. They are slandering them by white people. They just protect black people in the community from white people. They don't sell drugs, don't murder, and they don't even violate the rules for driving."

   "The longer the silence, the stronger the explosion." Tommy said, "I'll let Sophia talk to you about it when she's not busy."

  Martin asked puzzledly, "What's the problem?"

   "I want you to donate money to them so that they can continue to remain silent." After speaking, the baffle was closed by Tommy.

   Page held the electric shock device in his hand: "Let's continue with the question just now."

   "What topic?" Martin repeated his question.

   "You said, if I stop shocking you, you will give me 300 yuan out of the 70,000 yuan." Page turned his face to look at Martin, and his lips opened and closed on the face that seemed to be paralyzed:

   "I'm more curious, if I keep calling you, how much are you going to give me?"

   The first update



  (end of this chapter)

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