American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 214: The father-in-law who lied to eat and drink

  Chapter 214 The father-in-law who cheated on eating and drinking

  When Tommy received the distress call from his father, he was sitting with his brother Tony in front of an open-air Italian coffee stand in Times Square, New York, drinking coffee. While resting, he was waiting for Otilia, Ashley and Bethea.

  At this moment, the two future daughter-in-laws of the Hawk family are acting as Bethea's photography models in Times Square, posing in various poses for the camera according to her request, for her to practice her photography skills.

Frank, who works on Wall Street, and Kevin, who is a talk show actor, the two guys with the highest force value in the CS gang, will split up. Frank will get the front row tickets for the Knicks at Madison Gardens tonight, and Kevin will be in charge. Arrange post-game drinking and chatting.

"Are you still used to it?" Tommy drank his coffee, looked at Ashley who was smiling at Bethea's camera in the distance, and asked Tony with a smirk: "Generally, how can such an excellent American officer like you survive the long period of time?" The period of abstinence to solve their physical problems."

Although Tony was wearing casual clothes, his sitting posture was more upright than his lazy brother Tommy. Hearing Tommy teasing himself, Tony smiled and said, "Don't you know? The Pentagon has already taken care of us. A blow-up doll is provided free of charge for all members of the ship to queue up for use.”

   "Really?" Tommy asked exaggeratedly.

  Tony said with a serious expression: "It's absolutely true."

   "Do me a favor, dear brother, because we are brothers." Seeing Tony's sincere expression, Tommy nodded, and then asked.

  Tony seemed to have guessed what Tommy's request was, and said proactively, "Arrange you to put on my uniform and board the ship to experience it?"

"No, steal that thing out, and let my father-in-law's shipping company research ships of the same material. It sounds like the inflatable doll can withstand the pressure better than the US Navy's aircraft carrier. It can remain intact for months, and its strength is amazing. Maybe it can even be transformed into aerospace materials. Think about it, the picture of NASA astronauts each riding an inflatable doll to land on the moon is more attractive than the space shuttle. said Tommy to Tony.

"It makes sense. If the unlucky intruder plane was made of the same material as the inflatable doll, it might be able to block the firepower of the ship's cannon." After talking nonsense with his brother, Tony took a sip of coffee, Then he looked at his younger brother who was obviously weaker than himself: "So, how are you doing during my absence?"

Tommy picked up the nuts and Italian biscuits on the table and sent them to his mouth: "It's good, everyone looks at me like a fool with a lot of money, but in fact, through my father-in-law and Stephen, Benjamin-Ben Mr. Sen's relationship, a lot of loans, not counting Jim, in the name of the KeyBank, through his relationship with the Army contractor Wilson-Block, borrowed a sum of Soviet rubles from banks in East Germany and the Soviet Union. All the assets of the Doc Group in the United States, but the TV network and film companies should be fine. The media monster has become more and more greedy in the past two years. He thinks that short-term loan interest rates will drop, so he holds short-term loans from more than 100 banks , looks like it’s waiting for rates to come down before switching into long-term debt holdings…”

"I just asked how your life is going, Tommy, do you think I can understand what you're saying?" Tony picked up a hazelnut and threw it at Tommy, interrupting Tommy: "I was wrong , I shouldn’t have been showing off to you for thirty minutes when you asked me how I was, my first work experience in dispatching carrier-based aircraft.”

He felt that Tommy did it on purpose, probably because when he and Tommy just chatted, they talked about a lot of work experience when they first went to the Nimitz. At that time, Tommy's reaction was the same as his own. , he is not interested in serving under his brother.

"That's the problem. You're a naval officer and you focus on your naval work. That guy should focus more on selling newspapers, but now he thinks it's faster to make money by playing financial games, and he wants to use his media company, like he did for Australia. Same as those banks in England, treat American banks...I know you don't know what I'm talking about, but I don't have anyone to talk to except you, Jim went to Germany to find **** with the Soviets, and Benjamin was busy helping I take care of all the business, Jason White, a well-known wealthy upstart in Silicon Valley, focusing on the computer industry, I am Big Eric in the SSD fraternity, and I went to a geological research institution as a computer expert to help those researchers calculate California fault data , Charles Salmon, the president when I was a rookie, was busy using the VOX TV website I provided to gain a foothold, and all willing and trustworthy friends didn’t have time to chat with me, so I can only say, in fact I was very bored during this period, and spent most of my time listening to various news, like a thief who waited for an opportunity, quietly lurking until his body was covered with spider webs, and had nothing to do except wait." Tommy threw it into his mouth. A dried fruit with a crunchy bite.

Tony took out a pack of Camel cigarettes produced in Windsor, lit it and took a puff: "Please, I'm your brother, not your partners, talk to me about family, not you, that sounds more complicated than dispatching a carrier-based aircraft work."

"Father is still the same, taking his friends to happily buy and dismantle the ship, dismantling one more radio station that can be repaired and used will make them happy for a while. The regular medical examination data shows that I'd better not disobey He, he has good physical fitness and can strangle me with one hand." Tommy picked up Tony's Camel cigarette, took it, took a deep breath, and then coughed twice:

   "Just because of the bad smell, I know that it is absolutely true that every warship in the Pentagon is willing to arrange an inflatable doll. Rolling some Texas cow dung smells better than this thing."

  He stubbed out the cigarette he just lit, and then took a sip of coffee before continuing:

"As for Bethea, I'm probably equivalent to a devil in her mind. She knows that I'm doing it for her own good, but she just doesn't want to be obedient, just like my mother told us to study hard. We also know that my mother will not harm us, but we don't If it prevents the two of us from skipping class, you go to pick up girls and fool around, I will go to Dennis and Pam to crowdfund and buy the latest issue of "Penthouse."

   "So did Bethea choose to hang out with a little boy like me, or did she crowdfund and buy Penthouse magazine with her little sisters?" Tony laughed.

Tommy leaned back in the chair and smiled relaxedly: "You see that I'm still alive and not strangled to death by my father, so you should know that the terrible thing didn't happen, and Bethea is fine, if she keeps on , Maybe you don’t need to go to Stanford, but consider Harvard or Yale, Charles promised to deal with his think tank mentors, and help Bethea prepare the required letters of recommendation, and that’s it, this is the life of everyone in the Hawk family when you are at sea .”

" didn't propose, Ottilia is not from the Hawke family, and you didn't even talk about yourself and Ottilia." Tony glanced at Ottilia who was sharing ice cream with Ashley in the distance Ya, reminded Tommy seriously.

Tommy looked at Tony: "Is my girlfriend or dad specifically telling me to talk to me? It should be Ashley who has a very close relationship with Otilia. Dad won't let you talk to me about marriage so soon .”

Ashley is now Ottilia's close comrade-in-arms and best friend. Although she owns a property in Hawaii, considering that Tony spends most of his time on the ship, Ashley also lives in the United States most of the time. When Tony returned to the headquarters of the Third Fleet in Hawaii, he rushed to the reunion.

When I was in the United States, I basically stayed with Otilia. In order to keep Ashley busy, Otilia and Ashley partnered to open a fast food restaurant near the World Trade Center in New York. Ashley, who works in a fast food restaurant, is familiar with this business. By being the only designated restaurant and takeaway supplier of the KeyBank headquarters in New York, although she will not make a lot of money, she can at least make her life more fulfilling.

"Not yet, maybe two or three years later, I will be able to relax for many years. At that time, I will think about my family, tell Ashley, and then privately stand up for her best friend Ottilia. I will ask Jim to cancel KeyBank later. Order contracts for headquarters and restaurants." Tommy said with a smile.

  Tony shook his head speechlessly: "How could the Hawk family give birth to a guy like you, Tommy, God must have arranged for us to influence you."

"Maybe God thinks you and Dad are too embarrassing for him. He sent me to teach you a lesson. Read the Bible, the Old Testament, and then look at those mythological books. You will find that God or God is shameless. Although I like to quote the Bible to make other people feel my piety, I actually feel that those gods are no different from **** Indians. As long as they are of the opposite sex, I can’t help but come @##, mother, daughter, Monsters, goats and even stones... You keep saying that you believe in God, but you don’t consider that God needs you to be as shameless as him. Look at the high-ranking bishops and popes in the church. Why can they become God’s spokespersons in the world? Because they are shameless, they Not only @#¥, but even male children~ In the eyes of God, a kind person is not worthy of being a believer, but only worthy of being called a lamb."

   "If either mom or dad is here at this moment, you are absolutely dead, Tommy." Tony frowned slightly when he heard Tommy's rebellious words: "Don't say such things in front of other people."

   "You don't need to remind me, I know it too, I know you won't report me to my father, so I will tell you this kind of thing." Tommy said.

   "So, God and those gods, did they really mess with stones?" Tony paused for a moment, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked curiously.

Afterwards, the two brothers laughed at the same time, and Tommy's mobile phone on the table just rang. After Tommy connected, the old man's voice came from the phone: "Son, I, Logan and your father-in-law Zhu Lian, I'm in a little trouble now."

"Are you kidding? If Mr. Farrell is with you, you don't know what trouble is in New York. He invited you and Mr. Hull to those high-end bars in New York?" Uneasy phone call, some strange questions.

He thought that the three old guys were bored, so his father-in-law, who was half a snake, took his father and Tony's father-in-law to those high-end places for consumption. .

   "Uh... just the other way around, in fact, I treat you." Dad said on the phone.

Tommy became more and more sure of his guess, and said to Colin confidently: "Don't worry about the price, Dad, just order any drink, and treat everyone generously for a few rounds. It doesn't matter at all, even if Mr. Your generosity to pay the bill, and I'd be more than happy to pay the bill for you."

"It's all reversed. It's not just my treat, and the location is not a high-end bar. It's a place that I found on purpose before, which is similar to the small bar opened by Warwick Keith. Moreover, this doesn't seem to be New York, although it is very close to New York. , but his mother is a place called Hoboken in New Jersey, which is similar to Warwick." Father Colin continued.

  Tommy frowned slightly, his father invited his father-in-law to drink in that cheap bar? The most exaggerated thing is that my father-in-law actually agreed? How could he agree? Others don't know, but he knows it very well. After all, the private detective has been with his father-in-law for so long, and he knows many habits clearly. Not to mention going to cheap bars to drink, he doesn't even eat cheap fast food. :

   "Then you don't have to worry about having no money to pay the bill. Even if you and Mr. Hull don't bring enough change, Mr. Farrell can buy the entire poor man's bar by taking off his watch. Don't worry, he will definitely be able to handle it."

Colin said with some embarrassment: "I'm sure, he can't handle it, that guy is with me now, surrounded by a whole bar of people, your father-in-law has already considered which hospital in New York to treat trauma, and he In this ghost place, he has a nickname that is exclusive to him: the jewish vampire who came to Hoboken to cheat for food, money, and sex."

"What did you ask him to do? Although he does have some Jewish blood, I'm sure that he won't do what you said to those low-level alcoholics, because he will feel that there is no need to waste his IQ to lie to those who are unpalatable. Drink ugly and poor poor people without money."

   "It's nothing, he just said that he is the boss of Haixian Shipping Industry. He generously invited everyone to drink, and then everyone was irritated. Now let him show some color."

   The first update~~ Now go to code the second update



  (end of this chapter)

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