American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 205: loud slap

  Chapter 205 Loud slap in the face

  Three satellite lines to ensure that televisions around the world can receive, hundreds of foreign reporters, and as many as 500 employees at the headquarters in Washington.

Although Wolf Tucker did not use his own pocket for all this, as the CEO of VOX News Network, he still couldn't help being frightened. less banknotes.

Yes, Tommy's limited news network is called VOX. In Tommy's words, V stands for Wolf-Tucker, VOX is wolf, and FOX is fox, which means that sooner or later their American gray wolf will swallow FOX. head fox.

The tone is loud, and the preparation speed is also very fast, but the performance of VOX after it actually started broadcasting is extremely bad. Today is January 4, 1989. The VOX news channel has been broadcasting to the world for a month, but it only has a miserable 1.6 million subscribers. Not only the data is miserable, but the word of mouth is also a mess.

  Not only in the United States, news media all over the world are laughing at the VOX news network that Tommy spent countless money to build, and have ridiculed the stark contrast between the unprofessional American reporters and the professional American military.

The reason why there is such a blatant ridicule is very simple. Although VOX News Network has high investment and many reporters stationed abroad, in fact, in the eyes of the news industry, many of its reporters seriously lack professional standards, and the news broadcast method is more monotonous. The studio connects with foreign correspondents, conveying the so-called news that VOX thinks is worth broadcasting from all over the world.

But a lot of news is very boring. For example, some reporters will interview the US military stationed abroad or the life of the US Navy on board, and some reporters will interview the American people's views on Bush's election as president. In short, there is absolutely no news worthy of everyone's serious reading. .

  Foreigners don’t care about how American soldiers live on board, nor do they care about the image of the American president in the eyes of ordinary Americans.

"Tommy, do you really think it's right to let those reporters broadcast all kinds of fast food news every day without any content preparation? Are you sure we really don't consider the news star system?" Wolfe Tucker no longer knew himself How many times has Tommy been asked to make a few shows that are biased towards news stars.

The so-called news star system does not mean that entertainment stars are invited to be the news guests. In fact, the stars refer to the news hosts of the major TV networks in the United States. Audiences who love him hosting news shows.

Wolfe suggested that Tommy lay off some of the unprofessional foreign correspondents and hire two or three well-known news anchors in the United States, so that at least VOX subscribers can get a boost Not a small increase, so that those journalists who have been ridiculing VOX have been shut up for the time being.

Now that VOX has become the laughing stock of the American TV industry, FOX TV Network has even specially created a small section in its own program, "Full Record of VOX Today's Funny News", which is specially responsible for catching the mistakes made by young VOX reporters who are working hard overseas. moment.

  Wolf knows that the ratings of that program are even higher than the entire channel of VOX.

   "If they don't want an annual salary of several million, but can accept the same salary as our current host, I certainly welcome them to join." Wolfe remembers Tommy answering the same every time.

In the studio, Wolf stared at the host who was broadcasting the Los Angeles Rams charity event with Los Angeles reporters in the studio hall, and rubbed his brows. The host just made another obvious slip of the tongue and said something wrong. One word, which means that the own news channel has successfully provided new jokes for FOX's satirical show.

   "Wolf! Look at the screen! Listen to the news!" A director wearing earphones next to him suddenly took off the earphones, and quickly moved his fingers over the buttons on the console. Then, a screen in front of him immediately switched to another screen.

  Although Wolf felt that the other party was making a fuss, he still picked up the earphones and stared at the screen.

  On the screen, there is a male reporter who is at most twenty-five or six years old. At this moment, he stands on the deck of an aircraft carrier and says loudly to the camera:

"This is the Gulf of Sidra in the Mediterranean Sea! I am on the sailing USS Kennedy aircraft carrier. Our VOX reporter team originally followed the aircraft carrier cruise to do a special topic of interviewing and recording American military life at sea, but now something unexpected happened! Just now, I I saw the boys around me getting ready for battle! It seems that Libya has two Soviet-made fighter jets intercepting our AWACS ahead! Now, the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier are getting ready to take off..."

   "Cut off the sports news! Insert it into the studio hall! Now!" Wolfe said immediately, his eyes lit up.

The director quickly used the microphone to inform the host who was still chatting with the reporter about rugby on-line to get ready for the broadcast, counting down in five seconds, and in the gap between the five-second countdown, the host had already made a prompt call to the host with the help of the teleprompter. The audience, who may be in front of the TV, briefly introduced the situation:

  "During the normal cruise of the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier, Libya sent fighter jets to try to intercept the airborne electronic reconnaissance aircraft sent by the USS Kennedy. Now the fighter jets on the aircraft carrier have taken off to fight!"

  The countdown ended, the screen suddenly changed, and the VOX news channel suddenly appeared on the screen of the aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea.

   At 10:02 am on January 4, 1989, VOX news network, at the fastest speed in the world, spread a piece of news that shocked the whole world from the perspective of being on the front line:

  Two F-14 fighter jets of the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier flew over the airspace stipulated by Libya. It took eight minutes and successfully shot down two Soviet-made MiG-23 fighter jets in Libya trying to intercept the USS Kennedy's carrier-based electronic reconnaissance plane! There were no casualties in the U.S. Navy. Two Libyan pilots parachuted before the missile was shot down. At present, the Kennedy aircraft carrier has continued to sail according to the established route.

Although the VOX reporter was on the aircraft carrier nearly a hundred nautical miles away, he was not able to take pictures of the fighter planes of the two sides exchanging fire, but the pictures of two F-14s and an electronic reconnaissance plane taking off, returning and landing Clearly!

  Even the footage of the pilot stepping out of the plane, saluting and reporting with the officer was captured, and immediately communicated to the world through his own channel.

While the director was frantically preparing the topic with a teleprompter for the host to ask questions to the reporter, Wolff stared at the TV screens in front of him and cut the scene to other cable networks in the world. It turns out that VOX has already aired This news is five minutes old, and no news TV network has reported this news yet!

  On the seventh minute, the broadcaster received the news. The Associated Press issued a short text news: Two carrier-based fighter jets of the USS Kennedy exchanged fire with two Libyan fighter jets in the Mediterranean Sea, and the US military suffered no casualties.

   At this time, on the TV screen of VOX, our own reporter standing on the aircraft carrier continued to introduce more detailed situations, and even gave the specific location of the battle!

Until now, Wolfe was extremely grateful for Tommy's decision. He also understood why Tommy spent money recklessly, opened up contacts, and sent his reporters to various overseas large-scale military under the pretext of recording military service life. Base or aircraft carrier ship!

  Usually, those reporters only publicize the good morals of the U.S. military. In order to please those people, they photograph U.S. soldiers like saints, just to record them as soon as a war happens!

  Although the method is a bit stupid and requires a certain amount of luck, but now it seems that this piece of news is worth the fare!

  "Tommy?" Wolf came back to his senses, ran back to his office quickly, and dialed Tommy's phone: "Tommy! Turn on the TV! We got the first major news that is world premiered!"

When Wolfe called, Tommy was baking with Ottilia at home, because Ottilia was leaving for a few days to go to New York to attend a charity event. Today is the last day in Los Angeles, Tommy Make time for her on purpose.

Hearing Wolfe's excited voice, Tommy reacted very calmly: "Let the host and the reporter delay, remember the number I am giving you now, the other party is called Charles Salmon, he is my alumnus, currently in Yale is a graduate student and works part-time in a think tank. You gave my name and said that you need a guest to comment online. He will help you arrange enough professional guests to comment on this news. I have contacted him a long time ago. , His mentors and guests who work in think tanks need to use VOX to increase their popularity around the world, and we need to let the world see VOX’s professional comments.”

   After finishing speaking, Tommy hung up the phone, and Ottilia looked at Tommy: "What happened?"

   "Nothing, I think... VOX has slapped global journalists in the face." Tommy shrugged:

   “They will see that VOX will break another record for fastest growing global subscribers in addition to its previous record for lowest global subscribers.”

   "Are you going to be busy?" Ottilia was wearing baking gloves, ready to take out her elaborate food from the oven, and asked Tommy while putting on the gloves.

  Tommy walked over with a smile, put the gloves on his hands, and then carefully opened the oven: "No, I don't need it today. Being with you is always the most important thing."

  (end of this chapter)

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