American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 199: never believe in the american dream

  Chapter 199 Never Believe in the American Dream

Stephen always thought that Tommy would be just as he had guessed, and he would use his money ability and his handsome appearance to strike up a conversation with this guy who had only made two small-budget independent films, named Sandra- Bullock actress.

  It just proved that he guessed wrong again, because the **** Tommy was calling the shrew Miss Zoe Winters of the CS gang, and his tone of speech was full of humbleness and flattery:

   "Zoe, are you still busy?"

   "Who are you?" On the other side of the phone, Zooey didn't even hear Tommy's voice, and asked in confusion and impatiently.

  With a flattering smile on his face, Tommy said hypocritically, "It's me, your dearest..."

"Don't call me again, I will report to the police that you are maliciously harassing, sir, and, I repeat, no matter what conditions you set, I will not withdraw this news report." Waiting for Tommy to say After finishing, Zooey threw out a sentence on the phone irritably, and then hung up the phone neatly.

  Tommy turned around, looked at Stephen who was gloating beside him, then looked at the phone in his hand, and said in doubt, "Zoe didn't recognize my voice, can you believe it?"

  Stephen is an honest person, at least at this moment, he tried his best to look like an honest person, and said to Tommy:

"Otilia will also hang up when she hears your tone just now, brother, you should really record it, and then listen to the tone yourself, the reason why Zoe didn't regard you as a cowherd who actively promoted herself may be because She has not had any entertainment consumption in this area."

Tommy put the phone aside in embarrassment, then lazily sat back on the seat next to Stephen, grabbed a beer and took a sip, and then looked at Stephen: "Zoe seems to be reporting a certain news, and then the bitter master of the report used it Call her as humbly and obsequiously as I do, trying to win her back."

Stephen shook the Sandra Bullock information, and asked suspiciously: "What are you calling Zoe for? Shouldn't you contact this girl first? Judging from the introduction on this resume, her family background Very ordinary, maybe Bullock is a big family in Arlington, Virginia, you have misunderstood the person, the information shows that her high school and college are all public."

It is clearly stated in this information that Sandra Bullock lived in Germany for twelve years, and then her father moved back to China to work, and the family moved back to the United States. She attended Washington and Robert Lee Public High School, and her university was only in East Carolina. The University of Carolina is a little-known public university. If according to Tommy's judgment, she has a father who can get a contract from the US Army, she won't be unable to spend hundreds of thousands to buy an admission letter from a prestigious university. .

Moreover, it is written in the information that this girl majored in drama performance at university. After graduation, she went to Broadway in New York to look for performance opportunities. In order to live in New York, she also worked as a bartender, bartender, etc. part-time job.

  A small-town girl with the American dream in her heart.

"That girl is not short of money, don't think that her resume says that she worked hard to learn acting skills in order to find acting opportunities on Broadway, and at the same time, in order to support herself, she worked as a barmaid, a bartender, etc., buddy, you at the time Sign up for the summer camp, and your resume says that you got the admission letter from Stanford University with your personal ability." Tommy smiled mockingly when he heard Stephen's doubts.

"I just relied on my personal ability to get the admission letter from Stanford University, okay?" Stephen insisted stubbornly, but when he heard Tommy telling him not to take the other party's information seriously, he turned over the information several times In the end, there was still no new discovery, so I could only ask Tommy for help again: "So, which sentence did she lie about?"

   "She didn't lie, she was very honest." Tommy took out his cigarette, lit it and took a puff, before explaining to Stephen:

"It says that she went to New York after graduating from college and lived in an apartment hotel somewhere on the Upper East Side. The address of the apartment hotel is familiar to me, because our dear Jim bought his first New York property in that apartment hotel , a girl who graduated from college, do you think she can rent an apartment that Jim's seven years' salary can afford when she arrives in New York?"

   "Maybe she made a fortune from a part-time job in college? It's just a rent, not a full purchase." Stephen felt that Tommy's explanation was a bit far-fetched and not enough to convince him.

   Tommy, a poor guy, could buy a mansion in Beverly Hills when he was studying at Stanford. Why can't other college students rent a high-end apartment in New York? No matter how poor you are, how can Tommy, a poor ghost, exaggerate at the beginning?

"Well, number two, she's studying acting while she's looking for opportunities in New York, right? It says, she's got Sandford Meissner to give her acting lessons, one-on-one acting lessons, Do you know what that means? The girl I slept with named Diane Lane, she was the number one girl at the age of thirteen, and made her first million in her life at the age of seventeen. I didn't dare to dream of asking this guy named Sandford to teach her acting skills one-on-one, because she couldn't afford it, and she could only take group lessons with the other party a few times at most. Only the real top Hollywood stars wanted to give it a go Oscar's Best Actor and Actress will come to him with money and let him give one-on-one professional and systematic guidance." Tommy looked at Stephen and said the second reason.

  Stephen's first reaction when he heard Tommy's words was astonishment: "Dude, when you talk about this with a woman in bed, won't the woman blame you for being boring? When you sleep with you, you will ask about work-related topics..."

   "Finally, according to the information, during the year in New York, she played the lead actress in a play in an off-Broadway theater." Ignoring Stephen's ridicule, Tommy gave a third reason:

   "I guess you haven't slept with a Broadway actress, or none of your girlfriends like to know about Broadway."

   "Not really, I prefer movie art." Stephen looked at Tommy.

  Tommy flicked the cigarette ash, then looked at his cool car:

"Otilia likes to go to Broadway to enjoy musicals. The new actors there, not to mention becoming the heroine of a play, even if they want to perform on stage, they have to endure at least a few years. And this girl named Sandra, She appeared on the Broadway stage within a year, and she was the heroine. Although it was only off-Broadway, it was shocking enough. You may get the script of the heroine in the first year, and Broadway has higher requirements for actors than Hollywood.”

"So, if you think about it, a commoner girl from a small town in Virginia goes to New York to pursue her dream of being an actress. She lives in a luxury apartment hotel on the Upper East Side and takes one-on-one acting classes that ordinary female stars daunt. Leading actress in a play, all this huge expense, just relying on her part-time job as a bartender or a waiter? Make me believe this is true, rather than believe the French when they say they will never surrender."

"Only a **** like you who has no concept of money from birth would not realize how problematic this resume is. If it were another film director or producer, she would want to look beautiful and seductive because of her artistic photos and life photos." If you want to see someone, you have the urge to play with her, but as long as you look at the resume, you will know that there are other information hidden in it. It is best for you to learn more about the background of the other party before you go to your brain, so as not to kick the iron plate. "

   "So, never trust the American Dream profile on your resume."

   "If you have a background, why did you go to a bad school?" Stephen didn't give up after listening to Tommy's explanation, and asked another question.

  Tommy shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's just because those two schools are closer to her home? I guess if she wants to go to Stanford or other prestigious schools, it must be as easy as you."

   "It may be easier to study at West Point than me." Stephen said with some disdain.

   Seeing that the other party did not believe that Sandra could go to a prestigious school as easily as him, Tommy said a few more words:

"Why didn't her father, John Wilson Bullock Jr., do the same thing as his comrades stationed in Germany, make a German woman's stomach bigger, then pat his **** back to China, and relive his old dreams with his girlfriend? And in the end, he chose to wait in China. His girlfriend back home broke up, and then brought a German woman back to his hometown to hold a wedding? If you understand this problem, you will know why she wants to go to a prestigious school. Communication between brothers within SSD is limited."

   After finishing speaking, Tommy took a sip of beer, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the coolness brought by the beer.

Stephen knew that fraternities had their own rules, and the Order of the Phoenix he was in also had the same virtues, so he didn't continue to ask, but turned his attention to Sandra Bullock's photo again: "In short, this girl has some background, right? But if you're not going to strike up a conversation yourself, can I give it a try, I mean, at least let me figure it out on her, you can't tell me the news."

   "Your tennis girlfriend...Lisa...Lisa..." Hearing that Stephen was about to strike up a conversation with Sandra Bullock, Tommy glanced at Stephen's face and asked.

  Stephen said his girlfriend's name: "Lisa Bond."

"That's right, it's her. I mean, she's competing in Paris now, and she's going to be a filial piety for your parents who are vacationing in Paris after the game, and you're ready to change her now? You got it from two rich men. Got her." Tommy shook his head and said to Stephen with a smile.

Tommy met Stephen's new girlfriend a few times, Stephen, who slept all over Hollywood, and the girlfriend he brought to his parents was not an insider, but an American tennis player from a wealthy family, Lisa Bond, twenty-four years old , with blond hair and long legs, except for a slightly smaller chest, basically fits all men's fantasies about women.

When Stephen pursued her, the minority shareholders of Daimler and the owner of a bookstore chain were also pursuing Lisa, but the two men were a bit older, one was almost fifty years old, and the other was thirty-seven years old. , Spending money may not keep up with the times.

  And Stephen, showed two old guys who were also worth billions of dollars, what it meant to be a vigorous young man.

   This guy spent four million and bought 5,000 acres of land in Lisa's hometown of South Carolina at one go. How big is the 5,000 acres of land? About twenty square kilometers.

The reason for the purchase is to give it to Lisa Bond and tell the other party that if one day they want to retire, they can build a tennis training school or other things on this land to ensure that they can continue to live after retirement. Enough to fill.

  Actually, the other two rich men can also spend four million to make the beauty smile, but obviously, after Stephen made a move, even if they spend another four million, they still can't catch this guy's light.

   Without much effort, this beautiful tennis girl with Eastern European descent became Stephen's new girlfriend.

When Stephen and Tommy talked about this, Tommy just wanted to sigh with emotion, how easy it is for rich people to fall in love, whether Lisa is attracted by the 5,000 acres of land, or because of the character of Stephen, a prodigal son, is completely unimportant .

"Lisa is nice too, but she has no dreams, you know, Tommy? No dreams, she can't do anything but tennis, and I don't really want my girlfriend to be someone who doesn't play tennis and pay for me. In addition, the rest of the woman who only knows how to lie on the bed and help me carry on the family, I gave her 5,000 acres of land, she has no idea at all except being moved, and she doesn't know what to do with the land, I mean I Rich, but I still have dreams, right, I'm still trying to stick to the script, trying to make my name in American film history, and she wants to announce her retirement after this year's competition, marry me, and focus on having children .” Speaking of girlfriends, Stephen was also a little distressed.

  In his opinion, he has so much money and is still working hard, while his girlfriend is planning to start retirement at the age of twenty-four just because he has money.

   "Of course you can strike up a conversation, but can you follow my plan? I want to get to know Mr. Wilson-Block through her first." Tommy didn't bother to take care of Stephen's private life, just let the other party listen to his arrangement.

Stephen picked up Tommy's cigarette case, took out one in his mouth, and Tommy leaned over to help him light it, and after a burst of smoke came out of Stephen's mouth, he said, "So, what's the plan, Tommy? "

   "Which TV station does Zoe work for?" Tommy put away the lighter and asked.

Stephen remembers the jobs and addresses of everyone in CS. Every Christmas, he writes greeting cards himself, selects gifts and sends them to these companions. Compared with Stephen, Tommy is ashamed, because he doesn't remember these at all, and needs to rely on Only when Sophia or the servant reminded her in time did she make a phone call to contact her.

  Stephen said: "The WORC TV station in Worcester, Massachusetts is a news reporter."

   "I want to start my own news network now, and she doesn't need to help other people." Tommy thought for a while, picked up the phone he had dropped just now, and dialed the number: "Jim, good afternoon."

   "It's not very good. I'm getting a headache from a problem that some idiot threw at me." On the other side of the phone, Jim said impatiently, "Say something quickly."

  Tommy directly stated his purpose without any greetings: "What's the name of your lawyer friend? The one who helped you start working with Lotus was in Massachusetts, right?"

   "Robert, partner at Hale and Dole White Shoes," said Jim.

Tommy nodded, held the phone, looked into the distance, and said in his mouth: "That's right, it's Robert, let him help you look up Zoe Winters, a reporter from WORC TV station in Worcester, Massachusetts. She seems to have This news investigation is in progress, I mean, to see if there is any help for the sufferer under her investigation, such as sponsoring some hush money to the TV station? Or let your friends scare the TV station, in short, find some trouble, let If she is fired by the TV station, or the TV station forces her to resign voluntarily, I will pay the fee."

   "I remember that there is a girl named Zoe in your CS gang?" Jim digested Tommy's words, and then came out of his mouth.

Tommy didn't deny it: "It's her, that chick who is quiet on the outside but irritable on the inside, the four professions with the highest death rate in the United States, accountants, journalists, lawyers, and police officers, she is now ranked second, I don't want her to insist ideals and work ethic, I was not ready to attend her funeral after all."

When Stephen heard that Tommy wanted Robert to make Zoe lose his job, he stood up with dissatisfaction, and was about to stop Tommy's behavior. In his opinion, Zoe's high-risk occupation was not an excuse for Tommy to plot against her. Yi loves her job. As a friend, what I should do is to support and provide help within my ability when the other party needs it.

  But in the next second, after hearing what Tommy continued to say, Stephen shut his mouth. Tommy Hawk is still the veritable boss of the CS gang.

Tommy said lightly into the phone: "And I will prepare a new job for her at the news network. If those important moments that can win the Pulitzer Prize for journalism always require a reporter to witness the scene for the world, then why is that reporter It can't be my lady shrew."

  (end of this chapter)

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