American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 196: please spare tommy

  Chapter 196 Please, let Tommy go

  Wolf Tucker, president of the SBG black channel, doesn’t need to ask a doctor to measure his blood pressure. He knows that his blood pressure is definitely at an extremely high value at this moment.

  His wife and daughter are sitting on the sofa at the moment, watching BTTV's sitcom "How to Marry a Millionaire" on the TV, and giggling from time to time.

  He knew this sitcom starring three young black girls was funny, but he just couldn't laugh with his wife, his daughter.

  After Tommy left with his own team, he helped BT TV temporarily set up a team, which ruined Tommy and his hard work, and created some vulgar, **** programs full of black stereotypes and relying on racial antagonism to win the favor of black people at the bottom.

He believes that this is definitely not Tommy's idea, because that young man has discussed with him countless times late into the night on how BT TV can better show the humanistic care for black people at the bottom. They have designed many great programs together train of thought.

   But now, all this has changed.

There is no need to look through the information, Wolfe can remember that the name of the news program on BT TV at 6.30 minutes, Tommy and he once named it "Daily", and the image of the anchor is defined as a lively black woman with a bright smile. Different from the serious-looking male anchors of other TV networks, she can comment sharply on the news in the studio, or appear on the streets of Los Angeles in casual clothes for live interviews and interact with the audience.

  Using this image to reflect the enthusiasm and optimistic racial characteristics of black people can also make the anchor more real and vivid, and more down-to-earth than those white anchors who have sharp comments but are rigid and arrogant.

  This is what Tommy told him about the original BT news program.

   But now what? "Black News Today", a black anchor who is so fat that he can die suddenly at any time, is full of dirty words, and constantly instills conspiracy theories to the black audience in front of the TV through all kinds of so-called bad news that all black people should pay attention to. Trying to persecute blacks, whites are trying to re-enslave blacks, all whites in the US government are Ku Klux Klan, listen to what this **** Kevin Cedric has to say, for grandstanding, he thinks it's funny, he even says in front of the TV His boss Tommy might be a hidden Ku Klux Klan...

  It is true that BT TV originally hoped to attract black viewers, but the problem is that one day, BT TV will expand its audience. Now that this kind of **** news program is here, how can there be white people willing to watch BT TV?

   What are those white viewers watching? Watching this black man say mysteriously in front of the TV, hey, niggers, I got top secret news that white people are planning to carry out mass assassination of black people?

  Wolf doesn't know what kind of hellish expression the white people will show, but what Wolfe thinks at this moment is that if possible, he hopes that the white people will assassinate this **** black anchor named Kevin Cedric.

Then the cartoon "Black Panther: Jungle Action" was broadcast. The adaptation of this superhero comic into a cartoon was a very tacit discussion between Wolfe and Tommy at the beginning. The two thought of adapting the superhero comic at the same time. .

Wolfe hopes that black children will have a well-known superhero of the same skin color, which will increase their racial self-confidence, while Tommy’s idea is more direct. He thinks black children should like COS to become a well-known superhero with the same skin color as them. Heroes, instead of having to use black skin to cosplay white heroes Superman or Spider-Man, and then receive ridicule from white companions.

The comic "Gangster: Jungle Action" was personally selected by Wolff. When this comic was launched in the 1970s, the sales were very poor, but the quality was far better than other white superhero comics in the same period. In order to show support for black affirmative action, it was specially created by three of Marvel's top editors at the time.

   Poor sales because many black children couldn’t afford comics, and white people dismissed black superhero stories.

Although this comic has repeatedly won awards and has a burst of word-of-mouth in the circle, it did not last long in the end and ended early. In Wolfe's view, this comic that condenses the efforts of three top white cartoonists in Marvel can even be used as a comic book. Serious novels to read, the content is very deep, trying to explain the root of racial antagonism, telling both parties that we are the same human beings, there is no need to use blood and violence to hurt each other, and they can coexist.

The black superhero Black Panther, although as cool as the white superheroes, does not like to use pure violence to solve problems like white people. When Marvel designed the Black Panther in this comic, it referred to Martin Luther King. The images of multiple black social activists in the film give more depth to the gangster's conversation.

  Wolf once joked to Tommy that if it was adapted into a cartoon, this cartoon would definitely be eligible to compete for the Emmy Award for Best Cartoon Series that year.

As a result, he just watched the first episode of the premiere, this is his favorite, this in-depth visual novel was successfully adapted by BT TV into a pile of shit, after watching the first episode, Wolfe knew that This cartoon lost its depth, and instead designed the key points of the plot that passed by in the comics.

   One sentence sums up the adapted **** plot, that is the story of the Wakanda blacks fighting the white KKK under the leadership of the Black Panther.

The core of the story changed from the anti-war emphasized in the original comics, to a direct reversal to Black Panther telling his black nationals: If white people cannot coexist with black people, then let white people get out of our country, and if they dare to refuse, then copy Fuck the white guys who discriminate against us.

  Black people at the bottom will like this black panther, and white people will also like this black panther that is liked by black people at the bottom, but this black panther is definitely no longer a black superhero.

Also, Tommy had discussed with him in a serious way, they wanted to produce a reality show that focused on black women and was full of humanistic care, focusing on helping those women who had encountered a family crisis or a relationship crisis, and let them recover. Confidence in life, the program was temporarily named "Lamplighter" by them.

  Of course, now BT TV has indeed produced a program full of humanistic care for black women, and it has indeed helped them and regained their confidence in life.

  But Wolfe always felt that the deviation from the original idea was a bit big.


  "Looking for Dad in America", when the name appeared on the TV screen, Wolfe felt the urge to shoot the BT TV headquarters!

   Is this a **** thing done by humans? The tragedies of disintegrated black families and black children losing their fathers are presented to the audience as a joke, and even the parties concerned can regard this humiliation as a reward for good luck, and end with an interest-free loan. It is called humanistic care.

  Go to your mother's humanistic care.

"Nigger Boss", a very exciting crime drama series, the history of the rise of the black boss, can be called the black version of Godfather, Wolfe-Tucker does not need to wait for the ratings statistics company to come out with data, he knows that this drama series will definitely be rewarding Lots of black love, but at what cost?

Black viewers who watch this show will find it very enjoyable when they substitute black protagonists. Those white **** are severely taught by blacks, but in fact, analyzing the black protagonist’s behavior is vicious, has no bottom line, and has no words for white people. Believe, do whatever it takes to achieve your goal...

Even now, the sitcom "How to Marry a Millionaire," which looks breezy and stars Lisa Burnett, a young black actress from "The Cosbys," is underwhelming in Wolfe. It seems that they are actually helping white people to solidify the stereotype of black people. The three low-level black girls are vain and worship money. Their biggest dream is to find a rich man to marry each other, and then live a life of food and clothing, good food and lazy life. The story is always Create a joke around how the three of them catch the winner but always fail. Is it funny, of course it is funny, if the black man doesn't think about it.

"I should have stayed at BT and stayed with Tommy. These **** who only care about advertising fees and ratings don't deserve to have a boss like Tommy." When seducing the audience with **** appeal, Wolff couldn't stand it anymore. He got up and left the sofa in the living room, took out a beer from the refrigerator, muttered annoyedly, and then took a sip.

He knew that after he brought his team to join SBG, a California regional TV network, Tommy immediately rehired a group of people in a hurry. Now BT TV announced that the CEO is named Earl Rush, a black lawyer, and the other people in charge are All white.

  So it's not surprising that BT TV is now producing these shits.

   After all, for a mercenary guy like a lawyer, money is of course the most important thing. For the sake of ratings, advertising fees can of course ignore everything.

   Only white people can make this series of garbage shows full of stereotypes about black people.

In any case, Wolf felt that as Tommy's friend, he should call Tommy recently, sit down and have a serious chat, and let Tommy understand that these guys who replaced him ruined Tommy's original intention of BT TV. Trash programs may catch the eyes of many black people, but they will not help change the status quo of black people.

  As for Tommy wanting to make money from TV commercials? Wolfe never thought about Tommy that way. If Tommy wanted to make money, he would make more money in the software industry than in founding a TV station. There was no need to come to this traditional industry to grab wealth. Tommy's wealth has been seen.

He hadn't joined BT at that time, and the former owner's financial interview program happened to do an interview with the upstarts in the computer industry in California. Wolfe remembered clearly that the three yellow-skinned Asians sat on the stage. Young people of American descent, each under the age of twenty-five, started their own businesses when they were in college. They own a technology company called Wyse Technology, founded in 1981 in San Jose, California, which mainly sells data analysis software and software to financial institutions. terminal.

  When the three were interviewed, the company had just completed its listing. At that time, with strong sales data, its products were spread all over Wall Street, London, Tokyo and other financial cities. The company's market value was once close to 400 million US dollars.

Three young people under the age of 25 and a company with a market value of nearly 400 million US dollars. When the host asked them how their company felt to achieve economic freedom by going public, the answer given by the three people was that it felt like being invested by jerks People robbed a lot of banknotes, but they had no way to call the police, so they could only hold back in their hearts.

  The **** investors mentioned by the three refer to the EFF alliance headed by Tommy Hawke and Jason White.

In the words of the three wealthy upstarts, if it wasn’t for their Asian identity, they dared to be interviewed on TV in a serious way, but if they were broadcast back to Silicon Valley or Stanford University, they would only be ridiculed. With a net worth of 10,000 yuan, dare to be called a wealthy upstart in the California computer industry? This result is not even in the top ten of the year in EFF or Stanford. Besides, no matter how the ranking is, the number one every year is either Jason White or Tommy Hawke, because the eight companies behind must be Both guys have holdings.

And everyone dare not refuse them at all. It’s not that no company has tried to refuse them, and they basically ended up splitting or closing down. In short, in the eyes of Tommy Hawk or Jason White, small companies in Silicon Valley are like beautiful flowers. Girl, if he likes you and you still want to continue in this business, then you have to have **** with EFF, and after the sex, EFF will throw you an investment.

Of course, EFF will help you formulate company strategies, but at the same time, it will gradually increase its influence in the company and constantly look for suitable opportunities to promote the company to go public. It seems that the addition of EFF can make the company develop faster, but for the founders, Basically, this company is no longer his own child, and he is at best a **** surrogate mother.

  Such spicy industry comments made Wolff think that the ratings of the program should be good. Unfortunately, before it was broadcast, the TV station was visited by a team of lawyers representing EFF, with a hush money on the left and a letter from the lawyer on the right.

Then, that episode was temporarily replaced with an interview with EFF founder Jason White, listening to him gushing to the host about his great story of sacrificing himself to start a business, turning a serious financial interview into a "pimp" "Guest" magazine customer return visit.

  The three Asian founders of that company, from what Jason said, seemed to be arranged to go to Japan to explore the more promising Asian market. If they don’t want to go to Asia, there are African markets for them to choose from.

That was the first time Wolfe heard Tommy's name. After he actually saw Tommy, he found that Tommy was more sincere than the rumors. He confessed to himself that he is now very rich and no longer needs to run around every day to make money. So I want to do something that can enhance my own value, such as promoting racial equality, for example, starting a TV station that truly meets the needs of black audiences.

  When a person has money, he will start to consider the issue of values. Tommy’s words made Wolfe feel very logical, and Tommy gave him real money, and at the same time delegated power to him, without interfering in any of his decisions at all.

In this way, he accompanied Tommy to conceive the style of the TV station and design the program. In the end, because Tommy was entangled in studies and other businesses, the work of BT TV station was always slow, and Wolfe needed to be responsible for the team. Doing nothing but simply receiving a salary, the team can easily degenerate into inertia quickly, so in order to maintain the industry competitiveness and influence of his team, Wolf made a difficult decision to resign, and then joined SBG to start working .

   And now, the BT TV station, which he poured so much effort into in the early stage, is finally on the air, and he is invited to watch programs like the **** "Looking for Dad in America".

   "Honey, I think you should obediently go back to your room to sleep now, it's getting late." His wife suddenly spoke in the living room to remind her daughter to go back to her room to sleep.

The voice interrupted Wolff's thoughts. He came back to his senses and walked back to the living room: "Don't be so harsh, my dear, I didn't let the child sleep late once in a while...Baby! Go back to the room right away! What the **** is that? "

  On the TV screen, a host is introducing something: Welcome to BT’s late-night family reality show, "Wife Swap Game", two black families will usher in...

The daughter stood up and walked towards her bedroom with the plush doll in her arms. She said as she walked, ""Wife Swap Game", Dad, what kind of game is that? It said on TV that black families can participate, so should our family sign up? "

  Wolf's wife also turned her head to stare at him. Wolfe tried hard to control the throbbing veins on his forehead and his ferocious facial expression at any time. His voice was almost squeezed out from the gap between his teeth:

   "Baby, if our family signs up to participate in this game, I think the consequence is that you and your mother may not be long before participating in a program of "Looking for Dad in America"."

   Waiting for his daughter to return to the bedroom with a puzzled face, Wolfe looked at the screen: "How shameless a black lawyer and a white program director can design this kind of crazy reality show."

"Although the scale is a bit large, it is really refreshing. The name is more like a gimmick. Listening to the introduction, it feels like two women who envy each other are actually exchanging living environments, experiencing the troubles in each other's lives that outsiders will not understand, and trying Find a solution." Wolfe's wife sat on the sofa, looked at the screen, and introduced her husband.

  Wolf nodded slightly: "Really?"

"My God, that woman's new husband looks so strong, sleeping in the same bed with this kind of man at night, it's hard not to have something happen..." When the wife saw the appearance of the new family member of the female guest, she was suddenly happy Said.

   Hearing the words coming out of his wife's mouth, Wolf immediately changed the channel, and then scratched his hair vigorously: "You are highly educated, dear."

"But it doesn't stop me from watching this kind of show with great interest. No one stipulates that women who have graduated from college can't like to watch this kind of reality show. But I don't watch the shows you produced." The wife said to her mouth beside her. He took a piece of potato chips, smiled and said the most threatening words to his husband:

   "Besides, if you don't satisfy me at night, I will consider signing up for this program."

   "I'm going to see Tommy tomorrow." After hearing what his wife said, Wolfe dropped the sentence with a blank face, then stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

On the sofa, the wife deliberately asked in a puzzled voice: "Say hello to Tommy for me, and, when you go to see him, do you want me to participate in the program through the green channel and save the registration process? "

  Wolf's wife had also met Tommy many times before when he worked for BT, and knew Tommy very well.

   "This is not funny, dear." Wolfe stood at the door of the bathroom, turned his head and looked at his wife seriously.

   "If you don't come back to my bed tonight, I'll let you know how funny it's going to be." The wife said with a wink at him.

  Wolf took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and lowered his head: "I always have to take a shower before I go to bed and wait for you."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the bathroom with his mouth wide open, his face grim, but he didn't make any sound. After venting his emotions, he took a shower, and then looked at himself in the mirror: "Earl Rush, you Mom is a **** one-eyed Charlie, The Wife Swap Game, you really have..."

He walked out of the bathroom, cursing softly in his mouth, Earl Rush, the chief culprit who ruined the original intention of BT TV station in his mind, and then saw on the TV, another program had been changed, obviously his judgment of the bottom line of BT TV station now Still wrong.

  Because on the TV screen, a black host is chattering to the camera:

   "This is "Almighty Gun Changer", our slogan is, spend the least money and use the most ruthless goods..."

   "Will anyone really like to watch this gun modification program?" The wife complained with some dissatisfaction:

   "Can't they have a serial broadcast? It's a pity that we won't be able to watch the second episode of "Wife Swap Game" until next week."

Wolfe sighed: "I don't know who likes to watch it, but I know that the police in the United States must not like this show. Tommy's idea was so good at the beginning, but the result is so bad now. I think I resigned , takes a large part of the responsibility, if I was still in BT, it must not be the virtue it is now."

"Want to hear my advice?" My wife doesn't like to watch "Almighty Changing Gun King", so she walked towards the bathroom and said as she walked, "These shows are pretty good, better than your shows on the SBG black channel, so , please, let Tommy go."

  (end of this chapter)

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