American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 187: Tony's Best Choice

  Chapter 187 Tony's Best Choice

  Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

  Outside Tom's residence, Martin wiped the body of the Cadillac, and asked Page, who had no intention of helping him at all:

   "I have a question, Mr. Page."

   "When you were in a community college, didn't the teachers there teach you to think independently?" Page looked at Tommy who was walking and chatting with a young man in the backyard in the distance, and responded blankly.

  It was Tommy's brother Tony who came all the way from Maryland. At this time, his girlfriend Ashley was in the open space in the backyard next to him, setting up a grill with Sophia, Vanessa and the servant Dorothy.

  Hearing the other party's reaction, Martin stopped wiping, threw the soft cloth in his hand on the car body, and turned to look at Old Page:

"This is why you are notorious in the black community in Los Angeles, Mr. Page, your lack of affinity is just a question, there is no need for me to feel like being detained by the police every time I get along with you? You can't show Smile and say to me, Hey Martin, nice to meet you, what do you want to ask me? Instead of telling you with a straight face, you recharged that goddam taser, if you don't obey, help me I recharge in time!"

"I lost the ability to smile at black people when black people sent bombs to the police disguised as gifts, especially when I sent a meager portion of my weekly salary to the widow and two children of my deceased colleague. Need to recall that past." Page glanced at Martin, then looked at the distant scenery and said.

Although Martin knew about Page's past, he had never lived in Long Beach, Los Angeles, nor had he witnessed Page's performance when he killed someone, so he couldn't understand the fear of the black people there. He always has a straight face, but he is definitely not as exaggerated as outsiders advertise. He is an old white **** who has no strengths except killing people.

Martin nodded understandingly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Page, really, but not all black people are that kind of badass, such as me, did I give you a gift, a high-definition enlarged version of the "Lincoln Declaration" , used to remind you at all times that Lincoln has declared that blacks are free, and that in America, blacks and whites are equal, you can’t just call me! And, besides the declaration, there is also a bottle of good wine.”

"You mean the time you found me with a bottle of whiskey? If you didn't remind me, I wouldn't have realized that it was a gift. It is said that the bottle of wine cost only seven yuan when it was discounted in the supermarket." Page glanced at Martin : "You reconciled with the white man, and to express your sincerity is to use seven dollars of whiskey to try to become friends with him?"

"Back to my question. Speaking of which, Miss Sophia O'Connor, who is the boss? Secretary? Assistant? Deputy? Lover? During this time, I have met Earl's secretary, Rick's secretary, their work But it’s not as exaggerated as Sophia, look at her, she has to help the boss with some work, and at the beautiful moment of the weekend, she also helps the boss barbecue in the backyard, she is more like the boss’ wife than that Miss Farrell.” Martin looked at Sophia and asked Page curiously.

He is familiar with the whole company, but he doesn't know the identity of Sophia. You know, in the company, the secretary is not a senior executive, but in BT, the secretary Sophia is just the opposite. She wears the title of secretary. She looked like Tommy's wife, who took care of everything when he was away.

   Page said: "I don't care about her identity, but if the boss is willing to let my bank account be the same as Miss O'Connor's, with a lot of money in it, I can do anything for him at any time."

"Is the boss a drug addict? I mean, the richest black people I've ever seen in Miami made a lot of money with that thing, and the boss is generous, like that kind of nouveau riche." Martin picked up a rag and continued to wipe Looking at the car: "I'm not saying bad things about the boss, he takes good care of me, but...I'm worried that one day the police will take him away and end my life at this time."

   “Drug dealers don’t make as much money as bosses.”

"Don't bullshit, unless the boss gulps down the money and keeps pulling out the gold, it's impossible to make more money than the drug dealer. Although he keeps saying that he won't pay me, I get a check every week. , In this world, good people like the boss can’t make a lot of money, good people can’t make money, that’s what the black brothers in Miami say.”

  “So if the boss makes money, it means that either your black compatriots are wrong, or the boss is not a good person in your eyes.”

"Mr. Page, Martin~" Dorothy came over from a distance and ended the argument between the two: "Miss Sophia said please arrange the car and driver. She will accompany the guest Miss Hull to go shopping in the afternoon. After making arrangements , come over and taste the barbecue together."


  Tony is about to finish his studies at the Naval Academy. When he comes to California this time, apart from a simple trip to Los Angeles with his girlfriend, the main problem is to discuss with his younger brother where he will go after graduation and his service in the Navy.

  Other students who have not received a letter of recommendation and are admitted to the Naval Academy by virtue of their own ability can freely choose whether to join the Navy after graduation, but he has no choice at all and must serve in the Navy for at least three years.

“One of my brothers at the Naval Academy SSD, whose father worked in the Navy Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, said to me that if I wanted, I could be put by his father as an assistant warrant officer in the U.S. Naval Legislative Affairs Office in Washington, D.C. There is no need to serve in various bases, and there are more opportunities to meet important people. That office is the functional department responsible for the communication between the US Navy and the US Congress. My brother gave me this opportunity and chose to serve on the ship. "Tony and Tommy walked, talking about their own situation:

"There are two options. One is to return to Rhode Island. You know, there is a Navy military base there. I can go to work at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Ship Systems Engineering Station there. Ashley hopes that I can go back to Rhode Island. Tokushima, after all, is our hometown, and the other is to serve in the Atlantic Reserve Fleet in Philadelphia, mainly to maintain the various ships stored in Philadelphia after World War II, to ensure that the war breaks out, and those huge garbage can It was reactivated immediately and put into the battlefield."

  Tommy folded his arms and nodded slightly while listening to his brother's introduction, but he didn't rush to give his own advice.

My brother seems to be doing well in the Naval Academy. These three service options are very good choices for most Naval Academy students. First of all, they all have a common characteristic, that is, the outbreak of war. The work unit does not need to go to the front line at the first time, all of them work in the rear, and unlike those bases far away from the mainland of the United States, they have no vacations to return home to visit relatives after several years of service.

The Assistant Warrant Officer of the U.S. Navy Legislative Affairs Office seems to be the best choice. It is more difficult than David Schaeffer's internship assistant to a senator in Washington. Simply put, working in that office means Tony can get along day and night with the big names in the Pentagon Department of the Navy and the US Congress every day.

The Rhode Island Naval Base is the warmest choice. Rhode Island is the hometown of my two brothers. The US Naval Base Atlantic Fleet Ship Engineering Station went there. It is mainly responsible for the regular maintenance of the Navy’s ships. There is no urgent matter. Get off work leisurely and on time, and go home every day to have dinner with the family.

  Philadelphia U.S. Navy Atlantic Reserve Fleet, the safest choice, guards its own scrap garbage for the U.S. Navy, making sure that when war breaks out, those old-fashioned ships can drive out of the dock to bluff.

"Going to Washington is of course a very good choice. If I finish the Naval Academy by myself, I will go to Washington to work. I will try my best to flatter those big men, and slowly entangle them like vines until they become symbiotic with me. System, but you can't, Tony, those old guys are not rookies at the Naval Academy, and they won't become good buddies with you just because of a few drinks and your overtures, it's not for you there, the main thing is , you have no roots, no one in your family works in the army as your reliance, and my business is currently not in cooperation with the navy, so there is no way to provide you with better follow-up development there. If you choose there, it is likely to be Serving tea and water in the office for three years, and then retiring after the expiration of the term, or going to another place to start suffering again." Tommy expressed his thoughts to Tony:

   "Unless you accept the advice I gave you before and break up with Ashley, then I will help you find a suitable father-in-law, so you can go to Washington for comfort..."

  Tony interrupted Tommy: "I will not break up with Ashley, just like you will not break up with Otilia, Tommy, she is already a woman of the Hawke family."

"Very well, then cross out the option of Washington, Rhode Island Military Base Ship Engineering Station, let's put it this way, if you choose to go back to your hometown, it is tantamount to giving up your entire career for a moment of pleasure. For you, like you used to repair cars, deal with all kinds of machines every day, and then leave work on time, but deal with machines, not people, no chance of promotion, those cold opportunities will not award you medals." Tommy Without insisting, he knew that his brother had inherited his father's dedication, and he believed that a woman would never mess with women again.

  Hearing what his brother said, Tony asked, "So, only Philadelphia is left?"

"Philadelphia, if you can make a fortune selling that junk to other countries for the U.S. Navy, you have a chance to climb quickly, but that's another way to get promoted in the Navy. You help the Navy boss make money, Navy boss We will give you medals, once their corruption scandal is discovered, you will be thrown out and sacrificed, it is also suitable for me, not for you, and now we have no need to choose this dangerous way, we are not short of money." Tommy Shaking his head, he also denied the third option.

  Tony frowned slightly when he heard that all three choices were rejected, and reminded Tommy: "Tommy, Rhode Island and Philadelphia are the best choices I can get for my own honors in the academy."

  Tony’s college experience is completely incomparable with his brother’s experience at Stanford University. There are only two grades he can show off at the Naval Academy.

One was held by the West Point Military Academy, participated by military academies from the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. The two-day Sandhurst Military Skills Competition, his nine-man cadet officer squad at the Naval Academy defeated the defending champion in the competition. The champion, the Royal Military Academy of Canada, eliminated the strongest opponent for the United States Military Academy at West Point.

   Then in the championship and runner-up battle, because of too much physical exertion and too many staff reductions, although they joined forces with West Point Military Academy successfully, they were defeated by West Point Military Academy and finally won the runner-up.

   Relying on this runner-up, Tony won the Medal for Teamwork of Trainee Officers awarded by the academy.

The second achievement is that he led the fraternity to organize the SSD Naval Academy branch, and took the initiative to launch a promotional activity called Men's Character on campus, advocating that male students in the Naval Academy should not force female students to do certain things, but Learn to respect women, even if it costs a little money.

  This event allowed SSD to receive an internal character award, and the leader, Tony, received a leadership award letter written by the dean himself.

   This character activity may sound like nothing, but in fact, it is not easy to promote respect for women in military academies full of male scum.

Therefore, under the leadership of Tony, SSD, which mainly used its money ability to associate with beautiful women, launched the men's character activity, and both the academy and the navy seemed to have caught a handy weapon in a desperate time, and directly declared SSD's club behavior to be The boys in the whole college acted spontaneously, showing that our boys respect women very much, all the scandals are the result of malicious exaggeration, and they prefer to spend money to associate with girls, rather than the various forced behaviors rumored outside.

   It is precisely because of these two honors that Tony can choose where to start his naval career before he officially graduates.

"I noticed in the news that the number of warships launched by the U.S. Navy this year has reached 594, which is only 6 short of the 600 warships proposed by Ronald Reagan to surpass the Soviet Union. But the problem is that although there are many warships, there are not enough. There is a large shortage of matching officers and soldiers, so if you graduate as a second lieutenant and take the initiative to apply to serve in these warships or overseas naval bases, you can get more opportunities for promotion than locals." Tommy turned his head and looked at his brother:

"And your attitude of voluntarily applying for boarding the ship or stationing overseas made it easier for me to get the U.S. Navy Overseas Service Medal and the U.S. Navy Midshipman Honorary Graduate Medal through the former Secretary of the Navy Thomas Hayward when you officially graduated. , Don’t underestimate these two ribbons, they will be written into your file and life history forever, telling everyone in the United States that you have voluntarily applied to serve overseas for this country.”

Tony was a little taken aback, then lowered his head and said reluctantly: "Tommy, are you sure you can't help me find a place in China? I'm not afraid of dying in a war, I'm just... you know? If I go overseas, maybe I have to It takes several years to have the opportunity to go back to China for a vacation."

"Hawaii, I asked Jim to go back and help me donate a sum of money to Thomas Hayward's foundation, ask the former Secretary of the Navy, how is the fleet serving in Hawaii, and help you choose a beautiful enough warship, how? So?" Tommy didn't go to answer his brother's words, but said with a smile: "I will buy a big house in Hawaii for Ashley, so that Dad, Bethea, and Ashley can go there for vacation at any time. Stay as long as you want, and I promise you won't let Ashley live with you in the poor officer's quarters."

"The last question, why do you insist on letting me go overseas to board the ship?" Tony didn't continue to question when he heard his brother's arrangement. After all, this guy had already spent money to buy a property in Hawaii directly and take his family there for vacation. Easing my homesickness, which is already happier than 99% of Navy members.

Tommy looked at the people grilling in the distance, and said softly: "Because the news in the newspaper, and what you said just now, are telling me one thing, that is, the United States is about to break out of war overseas. If you stay here, How is it possible to have the chance to win those medals that only officers who participated in the war can get?"

"You mean the Navy's previous Archer operation in the Persian Gulf? Will it trigger a war with Iran?" Tony didn't make a fuss when he heard Tommy say that war might break out overseas, because the various military operations of the US Navy overseas did not interrupted.

  Not long ago, the U.S. Navy dispatched six warships, four aircraft and two special teams to attack two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf, and after the occupation, the oil wells were lit.

  The reason is that Iran previously attacked a Kuwaiti cargo ship protected by the US Navy.

"I don't know what kind of war it is, but no matter what kind of war breaks out, as long as it is not a war with the Soviet Union, you don't need to worry about dying in battle. On the contrary, among the 594 warships of the US Navy, there will be a bunch of medal winners, otherwise Why do you think your brother gave you the opportunity of the Washington office and chose to board the ship?" Tommy turned around and looked at Tony seriously:

   "He may have given you this very precious opportunity for ordinary people out of friendship, but the premise is that his father provides him with a better choice. Obviously, boarding the ship is the better choice."

  (end of this chapter)

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