American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 182: in rome

  Chapter 182 In Rome

  The venue hall with sixteen granite pillars stands like the Pantheon, the pinnacle of Roman Empire circular dome architecture.

On the atmospheric circular dome, in addition to the magnificent lighting installation, the designer has carefully drawn the images of gorgeous gods, matching the Roman sculptures in the hall that are as tall as a person. At this moment, under the light, it looks like As if the gods came alive, they looked at the people in the venue with compassion.

   At this time, the music has stopped, and the women who were active in the hall have already left. The men who attended the meeting gathered together with champagne and turned their attention to the high platform in the venue.

In the corners around the hall, there were already dozens of figures wearing black hooded robes, whose faces and figures could not be seen clearly. They stood quietly behind the sixteen granite pillars, like those sculptures, but passed through the knee-length A white calf and various high-heeled shoes deliberately exposed under the robe vaguely reminded everyone in the hall that they were different from the statues.

  David’s primary, middle school, and university friend representatives have finished speaking, and now it’s Tommy Hawk’s turn as the representative of the CS gang to talk about his good brother David.

"Thank you to those few friends who gave such a high evaluation to David, who is mentally retarded. Are you sure that they are his real friends, not actors he hired with money? Well, just kidding, David Shaffer, there is no doubt , He is a true leader and our dearest friend." Tommy held the microphone in a dignified manner, stood on the high platform of the venue, and said with a smirk to everyone in the audience:

  “When I first became friends with him, I knew that he must be the future leader of the United States, and it was still in St. Vincent.”

  Hearing him mention this name, the CS in the front row laughed loudly for several men, and Kevin said happily: "About the incident between him and Chris, every time I recall it, I am overjoyed."

   "Yes, I'm surprised that that incident didn't stop David from going into politics." Chris said seriously beside him.

Tommy smiled and talked about David’s embarrassing experience in the summer camp: “David was in St. Vincent when he attended the CS gang’s summer camp, and he served as the country’s interior minister, but he always felt that the position of interior minister could not bring out his full potential. Potential, and the position of treasurer is the most suitable for him, because he is poor enough."

"It's just that the position of chancellor at the time belonged to another good friend of David, Chris. David found Chris and told him, I think we can have a fair election and canvass votes from the citizens of Kingston, and the final number of votes is high. Yes, as Chancellor of the Treasurer, who holds the financial power of this country, and whoever has a low number of votes, goes to be the Interior Minister, responsible for helping the Prime Minister Tommy Hawke to fix the table leg in his office that is always unstable, er, forget about yourself Introducing, I'm Tommy Hawke."

"Chris couldn't be bothered, and finally agreed, so these two guys excitedly formed their own campaign teams to plan campaign rallies for canvassing votes. You may not know that Kingston is actually not as big as today's venue. The entire capital There is only one open space called the square. Unsurprisingly, David and Chris’s first campaign rallies were arranged there, and they were held at the same time. Giving speeches and other actions, St. Vincent is a tropical country, the weather is cloudy and cloudy, but when they were in the middle of the rally, it rained heavily. Chris is a Californian, and California often encounters this kind of temporary rain, which made him experience Rich, immediately led his team like wild dogs running wild, and ran into a nearby building to hide from the rain. David was different. David is a native of Georgia on the east coast. He was very pragmatic and continued to work in the rain as planned. Interacting with the townspeople and giving a rousing campaign speech in the rain, he thought he would win over Chris, who gave up voters halfway because of the rain, until he accidentally overheard the conversation of two Kingston townspeople at the end of his performance. "

"The conversation was brief, and a townsman said to the companion that a heavy rain would let us know who to vote for. The companion said, yes, we can't vote for an idiot who doesn't know how to hide when it rains. "

  The people below burst into laughter.

  After telling the joke, Tommy pointed to the aisle next to him and introduced to the audience: "Everyone, let us welcome the absolute protagonist tonight, the dearest friend of all of us, David Shaffer!"

  After Tommy finished speaking, David stepped onto the high platform with an amiable and obese appearance. He hugged and shook hands with Tommy, then took Tommy's microphone, and watched Tommy step off the stage before turning to look at everyone:

"Thank you all for coming to my single party, and thanks to Tommy Hawk just now, F*ckYou! Tommy! Don't think I don't know, you were instigated by those **** from the CS gang, and deliberately robbed me to prepare yourself It's a hot joke, trying to force me to make a long story short, so that you **** have more time to chat with girls? Just dream, I will use tonight as a mock congressional hearing, without four hours, don't think about it Shut me up."

"First of all, I am definitely not the leader. Tommy is. That guy is the best candidate for the future president of the United States. As we all know, the president of the United States is a position that only the most shameless guy in the United States can be qualified for. So far, I have not Find a second presidential candidate who can compete with Tommy."

"And I've seen the president, really, it was one summer when I was a child, I was riding my bicycle home from school with two of my classmates, and on the way, we heard a cry for help, and it turned out that an old man fell into a lake and was about to drown , the three of us finally rescued him, and then found out that the guy was our president, Mr. Nixon, and he was very grateful to the three of us, telling us that no matter what we asked, he could help us achieve it, he is the United States President, one of my classmates said, I want 10,000 yuan, Mr. President. Mr. Nixon gave him 10,000 yuan immediately, and the second classmate said, I want a sports car to pick up girls, and Mr. Nixon gave it to him immediately A state-of-the-art luxury sports car."

"It's my turn, I, David Shaffer, said to him, give me a wheelchair that can carry my body perfectly, Mr. President! Mr. President was very puzzled, and he said to me, David, you Not disabled, not sick, why do you need a wheelchair? I said to him, you know what? Mr. President, if my boy who resisted the Vietnam War knew that I saved you, he would make me disabled."

   Seeing David Shaffer's performance, Tommy applauded vigorously.

David held the microphone and said with a smile: "I am very grateful to everyone who came to my party from afar, and thank Tommy for exclusively bearing the expenses of this party. In return, Tommy, one day I will really become the president, and I will try my best to avoid it. Fall into the river, let your children have a chance to save me, lest you break their legs, thank you."

"Finally, after tonight, I will bid farewell to the carefree single years. Maybe there will be a better and sweeter future waiting for me, but that is not important. The most important thing is that we must live in the present and enjoy ourselves in time." David Shaffer took a final deep breath, held the microphone with both hands, and shouted fiercely: "I announce that David's party night has officially begun! Where is my commemorative kiss!"

  With his roar, music, and electronic fireworks filled the entire hall in an instant.

  At this time, the women who were all dressed in knee-length black hooded robes, whose appearance and figure could not be seen at all, walked towards the high platform where David was standing with light steps.

The men in the venue all looked at these mysterious women. Although they couldn't see the figure clearly, they only deliberately exposed a smooth white calf wrapped in a tight robe, and those high-heeled shoes of various colors. On the contrary, it increases the attractiveness even more.

"Turn that **** lens on him!" Stephen ordered loudly to several photographers in the crowd holding long guns and short cannons: "Remember these precious moments for me, so that his wife can see David clearly. Charm!"

David dragged his fat body on the stage, twisting his body with the music, while those women lined up on the high stage like models stepping on a fashion show. The first woman walked up to David and pulled hard. Taking off the robe, revealing a gorgeous evening dress and dazzling blond hair, won the exclamation of all the men in the audience!

  Amidst the envious eyes of all the men, the woman took the initiative to stick to David, turned David's face, and gave him a sweet kiss.

   Then he hugged David, put on a coquettish pose, and looked at the camera.

  Several flashes were turned on to quickly record this beautiful moment.

  The first woman left Tingting gracefully, while the second woman came in a charming manner. Like the first woman, she took off her robe, revealed her **** dress, and left a sweet kiss on David's face.

This is the game of soliciting kisses from strangers, which is popular in the United States to bid farewell to single parties. On the day before the wedding, try to get kisses and blessings from the opposite **** as much as possible. At the same time, these photos can also prove to your significant other that you are not an unattractive waste , just because I love her, I chose her among countless women.

However, ordinary young men’s soliciting kiss games with strangers can really only be a small-scale soliciting kiss game. Find a few bar girls, open-minded friends of the opposite sex, and so on. There is absolutely no such thing as David Shaffer tonight Such a big scene, dozens of women are lining up to kiss him.

The dozens of women in front are just model girls provided by the hotel and unknown 18-line actors, they are not well-known, and the men at the venue have already seen their appearance, so most of the time, although the men Their eyes were envious, but their expressions were calm.

  It wasn't until the well-known Hollywood actresses arranged by Stephen for CS guys began to appear on the stage that the venue set off wave after wave of climax.

From Lisa Burnett, who participated in the phenomenon-level sitcom "The Cosby Family", to Melissa Brennan, the third generation of Jennifer Horton, who was also voted by many male audiences Holden is the most beautiful, followed by Laura Dern, the blond girl-next-door Andy who accompanies the main character in "Blue Velvet."

  The actresses who appeared on the stage are completely different from the young actors who gave kisses on stage. When chatting at the venue, those actresses also need to introduce themselves which film and television dramas they have filmed, so that men can try to recall her performance in them.

  But at this moment, these actresses don’t need any introduction. They take off their robes to reveal their appearance, and men can immediately remember who she is.

This is the difference between actresses and actresses, especially, these actresses have never appeared at the venue before, which is why the men are dumbfounded. They have already thought that the girls who appeared tonight are amazing enough, models, seniors Girls, actresses, everyone is attractive to men, but now, it seems that those women are not worth mentioning...

When Diane Lane took off her robe and stood on the high platform smiling and embracing David, the shock and exclamation of the audience reached its peak. Not only the men present, but even the band, the models, and the young actors were all afraid. Confident expression.

  Then it's Diane Lane, one of the four dream lovers in the eyes of American teenagers. Which man here didn't do some inappropriate things to her posters when he was a teenager?

  Her appearance made the French twin models Stephen, who appeared later, even somewhat ignored. After all, no matter how beautiful or stunning, they are just ordinary women from France, who are not well-known in the United States.

   It wasn't until Michelle Pfeiffer, who appeared as the last one, barely overwhelmed the light of Diane Lane.

Michelle Pfeiffer, the heroine of "Scarface", "Scarface" is not those young people who starred in Diane Lane play house and fall in love, both children and old people can enter the film industry The movie I watched was an X-rated movie, and it was an X-rated movie that broke into the top ten box office in the United States that year. Countless teenagers tried their best to get into the movie theater just to see this movie.

  In the movie, she is the woman of the gangster, who fascinates the protagonist Al Pacino and kills the gangster who supports her.

She doesn't need much acting skills, but she is pretty enough. She just needs to wear a low-cut V-neck dress, sit there quietly with a cigarette in her mouth, and glance at her with provocative eyes that imply loneliness and desire, don't It is said that the protagonist Tony played by Al Pacino, even any male audience, will have the desire and impulse to hack his boss to death, and then crush the gangster sister-in-law.

Unlike other women, Michelle Pfeiffer did not leave with a kiss, but lit a cigar, handed it to David's mouth, and then kissed him lightly on the face, turned around, and David Together, they looked generously at the audience.

  This action tells everyone that tonight, other men had better stay away from her. Her male partner is David Shafer, and she is the heroine of tonight's party.

  In the venue, the slow-witted men were still dazzled by these female stars, but the quick-witted ones had already begun to turn their attention to the young man David Schaeffer said was responsible for the expenses, Tommy Hawke.

Tommy heard Stephen tell the story of Michelle Pfeiffer. This woman is from California, her mother is a housewife, and her father is an air-conditioning maintenance worker. Joined a sorority at community college and that sorority took her into the new world, originally she was taking a shorthand clerk course, but then she decided to pursue a career in acting and entered Miss Orange, Miss Los Angeles, CA Miss beauty pageant and other beauty pageants, the best result is the sixth place in the Miss California beauty pageant.

Although the results of the competition were not satisfactory, she saw the filth behind the beauty pageant in California, that is, no matter how beautiful a woman is, without an agent or backer, she can't get ahead. For this reason, she found a former pimp agent Someone helped her to open up the situation. Although this agent didn't sound very good, at that time she was the only person she could find who was willing to help her.

The agent took her to work in various Hollywood crews, and recommended her to directors and producers with unpretentious words: "Miss Pfeiffer is willing to give everything for this job. She doesn't mind playing a **** or anything else. Female-unfriendly roles, and don’t mind selling your looks or your body to make money in Hollywood.”

A non-acting professional woman who graduated from a community college has to pay more than those professional actors if she wants to gain a foothold in Hollywood. She has been praised by many directors and producers for her large scale and openness. Finally, she has Given her chance at fame, filmmaker Martin Bregman saw her sincerity and asked the director of "Scarface" to cast her as the leading lady.

   There was also an episode at the time, that is, the director of "Scarface" refused because he felt that Michelle Pfeiffer was not worthy of the role, and he had a more suitable candidate.

"Vanity Fair" magazine previously published Martin's reaction after hearing the director's rejection. It said that he didn't care about other people's eyes. A director carrying out his own orders:

"I'm putting my arm around her now, Brian, like in the script, gangster Robles is holding his **** wife, and the only question you have to really think about right now is, are you sure you're Hollywood's Tony? If No, either do what I say, or you don’t have to do it at all.”

However, although the "Scarface" movie exploded and made her the gangster sister-in-law in the minds of many American men, Martin did not continue to give her resources later. After all, there are more women in Hollywood waiting for him to help. With the help of Martin, although Michelle Pfeiffer no longer has no movies to shoot, but the resources are too short, and then she made a lot of bad movies that she knew would not be able to sell well just by reading the script.

   So many years have passed, people see her, she still has only one label, the beautiful gangster sister-in-law in "Scarface".

In order to maintain a glamorous personality in Hollywood, so that she would not be unable to gather all kinds of luxury goods when attending various dinner parties, she had to work part-time to earn some income. Last year, it was exposed by the media, saying that she was paid for the married Hollywood Actor John Malkovich serves.

However, because the two families are insiders, Michelle's husband is an unknown actor who is worse off than her, and John Malkovich's wife is an unknown actress, so in the end both parties agreed , Decent said that what the media said was a complete lie, Michelle and John were just discussing the script, and the other half of both sides chose to believe their lover.

Of course, the story after declaring trust in each other is that John Malkovich was filed for divorce by his wife and part of John’s property was taken away, and Michelle Pfeiffer’s husband also moved out of their residence immediately. , began to separate.

But this does not affect Michelle Pfeiffer's appearance here and continue to work part-time to make money. In her view as an actress from the bottom, is it more artistic to take off her clothes in a movie, or to take off her clothes in the guest's room? She doesn't care, all she cares about is that these two things can make her money.

   Just like that, the bachelor party started with cheerful tunes, people danced first, then drank, danced again, drank again, venting their energy...

"Crackling~" Tommy was sitting in front of the guardrail on the second floor, smiling as he watched Page take out a powerful electric shock baton in the hall, and he dissuaded Page once before, but he was completely disobedient. Now he took off his shirt, showing his muscles, The young man who was persuading the two beautiful girls pressed the switch, and then the guy shook a few times, collapsed on the ground, and was dragged by Page like garbage, passing through men and women who didn't notice this scene at all, and walked out of the hall.

   "Mr. Page must have true love for Martin. He obviously bought a large electric shock baton, but he was never willing to use it on Martin." Seeing this scene, Tommy smiled and took a sip of tonic water and gave an evaluation.

He doesn't care what hobbies those **** have in his own territory or in his own room, but he can't play crack, hemp and the like in full view. Look at the water stains on Dennis's crotch at this time, and he knows that it is not good at the venue. Listen to Mr. Page, what is the end.

  Basically speaking, the more the US federal government bans something, the more Americans have to try something, and it is called a fad, crack, hemp and the like.

Tommy didn't intend to let everyone accompany him to be a Puritan. The main reason is that the nature of those **** getting high in the lobby is different from hiding in his own room. When people noticed that they called the police, and the police came to the door, they would only investigate Dennis and the people in the room.

  But if you get excited in the lobby and the police come to the door, everyone present will be required to cooperate obediently, causing the party to end early.

The protagonist, David, had already drunk too much. He was stripped to only a pair of underwear. He was standing in front of a statue of David. He was holding an ice file that the bartender used to polish the hockey puck. He was crazy. Scratch the underside of the statue, trying to sand the thing off entirely.

  The rest of the CS gang is not much better. Dennis is now lying on a sofa, trying to unbutton his pants, trying to check if his thing has been completely damaged by Mr. Page.

A group of men and women gathered around Kevin and Frank, and they were betting on the two of them, betting that whoever of the two of them can drink a whole bottle of whiskey in one go, and then their bodies will not stagger across the entire hall, and reach the opposite end to kiss own female companion.

  Pam plugged the wires in, turned on the switch, and two light bulbs flickered on the chest of the poor black saxophonist in the band, which earned him screams from his girlfriend.

   It’s just that when the saxophone player is playing the saxophone now, he can no longer close his eyes affectionately. He stares nervously at the two glowing light bulbs on his chest, worried that if he is not careful, he will be electrocuted and incontinent like Dennis.

  Chris is the **** in the minds of all men. Thanks to him playing poker, at least ten innocent and fearless girls lost their clothes until they stripped off, feasting everyone's eyes.

  Stephen was accompanied by the twins, blindfolded, and guessed whether the other was a sister or a sister by touching their bodies.

   Therefore, Tommy can only be the guardian of this party to ensure that everyone can enjoy themselves and not cause trouble.

   "I'm going to go, if you keep your word." Diane Lane walked up the stairs, sat next to Tommy, wiped the dripping sweat from her forehead, shoulders and neck, and asked.

She just finished dancing for a long time, and even enjoyed the scene of being accosted and drinking one after another by everyone, and even lying on her back and being lifted by everyone, relaying around the venue. Only then did I realize that my boyfriend tonight seemed to be missing. After observing for a long time, I found him from the second floor.

  Like the gods painted on the dome, condescending, smiling and looking down at the crazy and wanton people in the venue.

  Tommy turned his head and glanced at her, and then continued to look at the venue, with a calm voice: "Of course, the hotel provides a private car pick-up service."

"What are you doing?" After receiving an affirmative answer, Diane Lane got up and walked towards the stairs without hesitation. When she reached the stairs, she looked back at Tommy and found that he was still looking at the hall intently. She couldn't help asking road.

   "Three million." Tommy said a number.

   "What?" Diane Lane frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

Tommy looked at her and said with a smile: "I'm calculating, if the photos of these women are packaged and sold tonight, maybe "The Penthouse" can be sold for a price of three million. In that case, my loss can be reduced a lot .”

"..." Diane Lane felt that the words from the young man's mouth were like a bucket of ice water, which instantly woke her up. She walked back and glared at Tommy: "If you do that, you will ruin today's life." Destroy everyone's reputation, including your own."

   "It was me who destroyed them, not me. Besides, I just calculated casually and didn't really want to do it. Don't worry, miss, I keep my word, even though..." Tommy said to the other party with calm eyes.

   Before Tommy finished speaking, he saw Mr. Page walking over quickly and handed himself the phone in his hand: "Sir, Miss Sophia O'Connor called, she said it was very important."

   "Sophia, this is Tommy." Tommy answered the phone and asked.

  Sophia said nervously on the phone: "Tommy, Mark just called me, and his agency is in trouble."

   "What's the trouble?" Tommy frowned slightly.

  Sophia said on the phone: "Someone sent a threatening letter to his company, telling him to be careful."

   "What did he do?" Tommy was slightly taken aback when he heard Sophia's words.

  In his impression, Mark is a cautious character who rarely offends others.

Sophia said: "His agency hired a special producer for Vanessa, carefully selected and bought a few songs from the product lists of various music copyright companies, and prepared to enter the production stage, but someone contacted him , I hope Martin can transfer the two songs they have already bought, Martin did not agree, he called the police, but the police said that the return address was false, and the other party had no substantive behavior, the police will investigate, but it should be useless. "

  Tommy looked at Page next to him, thought for a moment, and said to Sophia on the phone: "Got it, help me book a ticket for tonight, and then ask my black bodyguard, Mr. Martin Hart, to pick him up."

   Hanging up the phone, he said to Page: "Clean up, let's go home, it's a pity that the holiday has only started eight days and ended."

   Then he looked at Diane Lane: "Miss, if we meet on the plane that is on the way, do I need to pay extra?"

  (end of this chapter)

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