American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 180: I'm just stopping the loss

  Chapter 180 I'm just stopping the loss

  Atlantic City, *** casino resort hotel.

  The top-floor duplex hall of this hotel is named Rome.

  The entire Roman Hall has a huge circular main venue, 30 supporting rooms, and a terrace with the best view in Atlantic City.

At this moment, two bands with different styles are placed on two opposite stages like gladiators, playing hard like fighting cocks, they are black jazz and white rock. Hold on, using their own lifetime strength, trying to overwhelm the other party's limelight.

  The black jazz trumpeter puffed his cheeks and played a long and hesitant tune. On the opposite stage, the white guitarist tore his coat and played glam rock hoarsely.

   In short, make sure that no matter where you are in the rotunda, your ears are filled with music.

At this time, more than 30 women who specially flew from Hollywood gathered in the venue, plus more than 40 carefully selected girls who were comparable to models provided by the hotel, and more than 40 men, mainly David Shaffer's high school, college buddies.

  It was still early at this time, the party had not yet officially started, and the men and women were still looking decent, holding champagne and looking for a chance to have a few words with tonight's protagonist, David Shaffer.

  Because this is almost the most exaggerated single party that everyone present has ever attended, many people want to figure out one thing, that is, who is this harmless guy wearing round glasses.

  In a spacious leisure activity room on the second floor, Tommy is holding a billiard cue and playing snooker with Dennis and Frank.

Dennis held a piece of hemp grass in his mouth, skillfully sent a red ball into the bottom pocket, then straightened up and said to Tommy: "It is said that there are more than 30 female stars who have made movies or TV shows below, and then you put us together. Come to join you in abstinence? Tommy, your cue may be broken, but ours isn't."

"This is David's single party, let him take the opportunity to expand some contacts and increase his influence in some other small groups. We can't go down and steal the show, Dennis." Tommy inspected the **** on the snooker table. , said in his mouth:

   "Besides, didn't Stephen help you choose a few girls to come over and spend time alone with you? He is really handy in doing this kind of thing now. I feel that I should help him change his nickname and call him a pimp."

  Kevin, Pam was playing poker with Chris at the card table next to him without fear of death. Hearing what Tommy said, Kevin said with a smile:

   "Can I make a joke out of tonight? It's crazy, Tommy, and I don't think any of the rich Manhattanites who go to my comedy club for stand-up shows can play this crazy."

"If David has no objection, I have no objection." Tommy smiled at Kevin: "I just help pay the bill tonight, and I don't participate in anything else, but my personal suggestion is that you'd better help Hollywood girls keep They still rely on their faces to make a living, unlike us, we don't need that stuff."

  Kevin laughed: "Hahahaha~ You are suitable for talking with me on a talk show."

But soon, he was like a duck that was strangled, and he couldn't laugh anymore, because Chris calmly took away the chips in front of him and Pam: "Playing poker with you is like My father felt the same way when he taught me the Pythagorean Theorem when I was three years old. My mother said, he said to the three-year-old me seriously, why do I have a son like you who looks mentally handicapped, you are already three years old , but can’t even understand this level of mathematics? I’m giving this sentence to you now, why do I have a son like yours who seems to be mentally retarded, who can’t even understand Texas Hold’em in his twenties?”

   "Papa papa~" Tommy, Dennis, and Frank immediately applauded: "Well said, Chris, one hit kills."

Kevin looked at the three people gloating at their misfortune, then looked at Chris with a fierce expression, and suddenly his facial expression relaxed: "Dad, it seems that the relationship between father and son is still relaxed, can you give me some chips back? It's a full two hundred yuan .”

   "Of course." Hearing this kind address, Chris returned Kevin's chips back.

  Pam saw Kevin's lost chips, hesitated, and said to Chris: "Dad, my chips..."

   "I have to win one person, Pam, you are a step late to change your mind, go and exchange some chips, remember to learn to answer quickly next time." Chris rejected Pam's proposal.

Frank took the cue from Tommy at this time. After Dennis missed a ball, he leaned over and hit the ball into the bag beautifully. Then he straightened up and looked at the crowd and asked, "Give me some Advice, everyone."

   "What advice?" Several people looked at him curiously, and Dennis asked even more suspiciously: "Isn't your mother always in good health? And her language skills are also normal. Why do you need other people to give you advice?"

"My mom wants me to go to Wall Street after graduation, but I don't want to be a broker in that **** place, I mean I grew up not even taking care of my own pocket money, how can I take care of their clients' Bills?" Frank adjusted his angle and shot his second shot.

Tommy shrugged: "This kind of thing is actually very simple. Maybe the other party doesn't need you to manage the banknotes at all? You should ask the rich man, he has the right to speak. As far as I know, the person who manages his assets for him, he doesn't care at all. If you care about whether the other party has experience, you only need to meet three conditions, women, under the age of 35, and beautiful enough. According to this idea, your target customers should be over 40 years old, widowed or divorced, women, as for how to increase income, You don't need to think about it at all, just use your muscles to impress her and help her spend money."

   "A wrestling agency wants to sign me to be a wrestling actor." Frank ignored Tommy's teasing, straightened up and said, "I want to try."

"Listen to your mother, Frank, you are not suitable to be a wrestler, you will die tragically in the octagonal cage." Kevin was the first to give an opinion: "Because I, the state champion, failed to become a wrestler, you How dare such a defeated general have such an idea?"

Chris dealt the poker cards and said in his mouth: "According to my experience, you must first satisfy your parents' wishes before you are eligible to ask them conditions. For example, after I was admitted to the Ivy League school my father dreamed of, Be the pride in his eyes, and then he'll stop objecting to me playing poker with the math I've learned."

"So, I will become the president of the big Wall Street investment banks first, prove my ability to my mother, and then retire as the president, and then become a wrestler? It is indeed like Kevin said, I will die tragically Inside the octagonal cage." Frank said depressedly: "Chris, your logic doesn't make sense at all."

"Make a lot of money, buy a luxury house, a famous car, hire servants, and let your mother no longer worry about you not being able to eat well, keep warm, and lack of care. Maybe she will agree with you to become a wrestler." Tommy Opinions are given alongside.

Frank looked at Tommy with deep meaning: "If you are going to ask the rich man to introduce me to some widowed old women, Tommy, I will use this cue to show you the deterrence of the commander of the St. Vincent's special forces. "

   "I was wrong, Mr. Commander, save a little face for me, the Prime Minister." Tommy said with a smile.

"Brothers, please allow me to bring my favorite recommendations based on your preferences and tastes." While several people were chatting, Stephen pushed open the door of the activity room, and shouted to several people with great interest: "Kevin, what are you doing today?" Evening companion is Lisa Burnett! She's waiting for you in your room."

"Shit! Lisa Burnett? Denise from The Cosbys? Are you sure... I mean it's **** over the top, I've seen her on TV all the time, but now... I have What happened to Chance and her?" Before Stephen could introduce, Kevin's eyes widened, and then he said to Pam and Chris beside him in shock:

   "I always thought that Tommy and Stephen were just bragging, looking for some unknown tricks to add to the fun."

Stephen noticed Kevin's shock, and he said proudly: "It can be seen that you are surprised and satisfied. I know you are a fan of that show. I can tell you that Lisa is not in a good mood recently. She Eloped with a rock singer not long ago, but the **** scammed her out of her money and dumped her, so you can use your sense of humor to bring her out of the dark."

   "I can't wait to meet her!" Kevin threw away the poker, got up excitedly and walked towards Stephen, reached out to take the tenant handed by the other party, and walked towards his room.

"Laura Dern, who became Miss Golden Globe at the age of fifteen, I remember Frank was very fond of David Lynch's "Blue Velvet". There have been some problems, and you, as the financial scum of Wall Street in the future, can provide her with some experience." Stephen waited for Kevin to pass by him and walked out of the room, took out the second room card, looked at Frank who was hitting the ball, and smiled said.

   Frank, who originally wanted to use the reason that his mother did not allow this kind of activity, could no longer keep calm: "Laura Dunn? Laura Dunn?"

   "Yes." Stephen nodded affirmatively.

Frank threw the cue at Tommy next to him, then walked towards Stephen, and grabbed the room card: "If you lie, I guarantee that even though you are wearing a suit, not a wrestling suit, I can definitely break you into a vegetative state .”

   Waiting for Frank to leave, Stephen took out the third room card like a magic trick, and at the same time looked at Dennis, who was in high spirits at the moment:

"Gillian Anderson, a real little devil, musical star at the Pedro Theater in Los Angeles, famous for Dickens's "Bleak House", she is trying to find a place in Hollywood, this girl is playing crazy, hey Ma, punk, arson, breaking and entering, in short, she became a regular at the police station in her teens, know what we call her? Harley Quinn in Los Angeles, I'm going to introduce her to my craziest Friends, so, Dennis Herbers! My brother, you can exchange punk art!"

   "You really have vision, Stephen, only I can subdue this kind of hot girl." Dennis spat out the cigarette **** in his mouth, walked over to take the room card, and then slapped Stephen hard:

   "If she calls herself Harley Quinn, I'm her king, Joker!"

"Miss Crystal Chappelle, the masterpiece "Somewhere Tomorrow", her ex-boyfriend was a naval engineer, she likes to try some extreme games, and she said that she has no resistance to men who are engineers So, Pam, do you know what to do?" Stephen held the room card between his fingers and looked at Pam.

  Pam pushed down her glasses, and said dismissively: "It's hard to find a girl who is more extreme than Carly...but I still have to verify it myself."

   Then stood up, picked up the room card and left.

"Chris, your surprise, Melissa Brennan, masterpiece "Days of Us", the third generation of Jennifer Holden, and the most beautiful and famous Jennifer Holden, is waiting in your room at this moment Looking at you, Chris, I remember you said that you liked that TV series very much..." Stephen looked at the gambler Chris.

  Chris picked up the cowboy hat on the table and put it on his head, walked up to Stephen, took the key card and pressed the brim of the hat with his fingers, and said to Tommy, "Thank you for your hospitality, poor ghost."

   "So many **** have found their favorite actress, but Chris is the only one who expressed his gratitude to me, the one who paid the money." Tommy sat on the sofa with his feet crossed, and said dissatisfiedly:

   "The next time we hold this kind of event, we must add restrictions. Everyone stands in the hall to thank me for ten minutes. The wording is not sensational enough, and the time is not long enough. Let them pay the bill!"

Stephen walked over, sat on the seat next to Tommy, and leaned his head lazily on the backrest: "How about it, Tommy? As I said, no one can refuse me, so what about Frank? Still being Laura- Dun En was attracted, and obediently went back to the room."

   "You are born to be a **** pimp, Stephen." Tommy said with certainty:

   "You should get rid of your wife and start this business yourself."

Stephen patted Tommy on the shoulder: "Now, there are only two of us left, and this is the benefit of being the organizer, keeping the best for ourselves, right? So, a French couple who are newcomers and want to see Hollywood Twin supermodels or an American beauty who fits your aesthetic, which would you choose?"

"Double..." Tommy was about to spit out the word twins decisively, but Stephen had already leaned over and covered his mouth: "No, you don't want to fucking! Take back this wrong choice! You, a rookie customer, will never be able to grasp it they!"

"Okay, okay, it's all yours, let me go, idiot, you almost strangled your adoptive father for a woman! I made you so much **** money, you don't even want me to make a right Choose!" Tommy broke away from Stephen's hand and said.

  Stephen let go of his hand in satisfaction, took out a room card and threw it on Tommy, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously:

"That girl is in your room. It's her first time to accept this kind of business. To be honest, if she hadn't encountered trouble, she wouldn't have come to do this kind of business. When that girl was seventeen years old, she had already become a hundred years old by filming. millionaire."

"I want to hear the story of the twins more than the story of this girl." Tommy looked at Stephen dissatisfied: "I like the French, I have a good impression of France, and I asked Otilia to help many French ex-girlfriends." Colonies, I should have a lot of conversations with them..."

  Stephen decisively smashed Tommy's fantasy: "Twins have nothing to do with you, brother, accept the reality, you can only listen to the story of this American girl."

"Well, you said she became a millionaire at the age of seventeen, so she better be an adult now, or I'll let Paige come and kill you." Hearing Stephen's words, Tommy frowned, alert asked.

Stephen introduced the experience of the actress who arranged for Tommy with some regrets: "Of course, she is twenty-two years old, no one forced her, this girl is very miserable, I also heard the story from my wife, that girl's father She was originally an art director of a theater on Broadway, but later became unemployed and became a taxi driver. Her mother was a dancer in a nightclub. Her parents divorced when she was thirteen days old. Her mother had custody rights, but she never fulfilled her obligations. This girl and her Her father wandered between cheap motels in New York, and even her father would take her with him when he drove a taxi, but more often he gave her to his friends on Broadway to take care of her, so she started playing in plays at the age of six, Occasionally, she also made guest appearances in some New York film crews. When she was thirteen years old, she was lucky enough to be discovered and filmed a small-budget romantic comedy "Love at Sunset Bridge" as the protagonist, and was nominated for Best Actress in the Young Artist Award. On the cover of "Time", the result... His father saw that his teenage daughter actually had a love scene and a kiss scene in the movie, and he was a little crazy, because his father was a Protestant, and his beliefs were still rigidly classical Pentecostal In his words, not letting his daughter wear a Christian turban 24 hours a day means that he is enlightened enough, and then these **** in the film industry actually defiled his holy daughter and took away his daughter's true nature. The first kiss that should be lost after marriage."

"But normally, when minors are filming, their parents or guardians should accompany them 24 hours a day." Tommy heard the loopholes in the story, and said with some doubts: "You must not be cheated, right? Every woman in the world will make her life experience more tragic than the sum of Jean Valjean and Fantine in "Les Miserables."

"Problem is, custody has always been in the hands of her mother, and for the filming, the film company contacted the girl's mother, and her mother is a nightclub dancer, and will do anything for money, so of course it's okay, and her father is mad to death. It doesn't help. , could only start to compete with her mother for custody rights, trying to restrict her daughter from making movies, but she and her father ran away from home in anger, and went to Hollywood with a friend. Unexpectedly, she got the opportunity to make movies easily, and she was still the number one female , but after the filming, she returned to New York soon, from a wild girl to a good girl, that movie seems to be a memory she doesn't want to mention." Stephen walked to the wine cabinet and picked out a bottle of whiskey, mouth said:

"Father also realized that his rigidity would hurt her, so the father and daughter resolved the conflict, and then the father began to supervise her in filming, and she also began to emerge, and one after another was born. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Her mother was a nightclub dancer. After knowing that she was making money, her mother and others took her away forcibly while her father was not paying attention. Relying on the reason that the guardianship has not yet been clearly defined, she successfully filmed her from the age of thirteen to seventeen. Duowan, transferred to her own account, and in the name of her guardian, she forced her to take a bunch of bad movies that are not suitable for children. If she didn't make them, she would have to pay a lot of liquidated damages. I liked her very much. Coppola, the great director of acting, helped her find a film company he worked with, and the film company promised to pay her liquidated damages for those bad movies, but the premise was that she would help that company film in the next ten years, She was worried that she would be drained of her acting value, so she finally refused.

"What's worse is that there is also a problem with her vision for choosing scripts. The "Little Godfather" and "Betta Fish" that she helped Coppola filmed before made her the dream lover of American teenagers. On the 1st, two films were made in a row, but the box office and reputation were both low, which led to the closure of two small film companies. A well-known actress, this caused her reputation in the industry to decline rapidly, after all, the film company did not want to invite her to make a movie, but in the end it only ended up closing down."

"And in the past few years, those film studios have been filing lawsuits to recover liquidated damages. She is devastated by legal fees and liquidated damages, but she can't get a high-paying performance contract. If I didn't write a check this time without an upper limit, let her Filled in the price tag, the lady can't convince her at all, she is not the woman I introduced to Chris, Frank and others who have made a few famous TV series, understand? She is a well-known movie actress, if it is not an extra pair Twins, she belongs to me tonight, and Michelle Pfeiffer is not supposed to be with David, but with you."

   "I'm more concerned about it. You're exaggerating about that girl, and you're talking about bitterness and hatred, so how much did you spend for me?" Tommy turned his head and stared into Stephen's eyes, asking suspiciously.

"It's a very reasonable price, Tommy, this girl is asking for 500,000 yuan, so including the 30% commission from the wife, you only need to pay about 700,000 yuan to spend the spring evening with her, and she will also act as a considerate female companion, At the party tonight, I will be by your side all the way."

   "Seven hundred thousand? Seven hundred thousand dollars?" Tommy stared at the price quoted by Stephen, and asked through gritted teeth:

"Stephen, seven hundred thousand, I'm the miserable one! So, if I don't touch her, don't I have to pay? Let her go, I beg you, I'm a poor man, I don't Your natural aristocratic consumption concept of spending a lot of money, 700,000, means that if you let her stay with me for ten nights, she can use 7 million to buy a villa in Beverly Hills. It sounds really **** miserable! How many loans do I have to give out to black people to make back $700,000 in profit! F*ck!"

Stephen poured himself a glass of whiskey, held it in his hand and said casually: "You will receive a bill if you do it or not. In order to impress this future star of the big screen and continue to cooperate with her, Madam directly paid the fee in advance, that is, Say, you let her go now, do nothing, and you have to pay Madam 700,000."

"700,000, just for one night's sleep... At this speed of spending money, your grandfather didn't come back from heaven and hack you to death. I can only say that atheism is correct, otherwise, if he has a spirit in heaven, he will find a way to take you away." This unworthy descendant will leave this world together." Tommy scratched his hair vigorously, shook off Stephen, and walked towards his room:

   "So what's the girl's name?"

"Diane Lane? I said the title of the film, but you didn't realize it? She is the dream lover of all young people in the United States, and you, you are her first guest in this industry. The third man, this is definitely worth the money." Stephen drank wine behind him and said:

   "Wipe your tears, Tommy, and make yourself look happy, you're rich, don't cry over the money, okay?"

  He saw Tommy lift his hand across his face and thought the guy was crying because the price was too high.

"Even if I'm her first man, she's not worth 700,000." Tommy walked forward depressed: "By the way, remember that mixed-race girl named Lisa Burnett to help me Leaving her contact information, if she came to do this kind of business, it means that she is short of money, my TV station has a play, and there is just a shortage of this kind of well-known mixed-race black girl."

Diane Lane, of course Tommy has heard of this name. This woman is very well-known among American teenagers. Together with Jennifer Connelly, Brooke Shields, and Phoebe Cates, they are known as the four major dreams of American teenagers. He is a middle-aged lover, and he has played many roles that impress teenagers. At least Tommy is very clear at this moment. If Dennis and Pam see Diane Lane, they must be too excited to speak.

   These two are die-hard fans of Diane Lane, but their favorite masterpiece of Diane Lane is not the same movie.

   What Pam likes is a 1981 movie "The Chick in the Wild West" (PS: also known as: Chick in the Wild West, The Chick and the Robber, the pirated video tapes I watched in the video hall when I was a child, and I was deeply impressed by the two heroines).

In that movie, 16-year-old Diane played a legendary female cowboy "Little Breeches" in American history, and her sister "Cowboy Anne" carried a shotgun and integrated a group of mobs without a leader in the Doolin-Dalton Gang. The story of idol and gang boss Bill Dooling rescued from prison.

Especially at the end of the story, after successfully robbing the prison and seeing Du Lin fleeing with his gang, the two girls carried guns and faced the menacing police who surrounded them. According to the law, they cannot be sent to prison, but the police need to **** the two back to their hometown in Eastern Massachusetts, where they will serve their sentences in a reformatory school. Many American teenagers feel that these two can get out of prison, and finally let the police Hua, the same-age sister who obediently escorted the two home, was so cool that it exploded.

  Pam likes Carly, probably because his girlfriend Carly has the wildness and strength of "little breeches".

Dennis became a die-hard fan of this girl because of a TV movie "Punk Girl". Later, Dennis bought the video tape of this movie. Diane Lane was the absolute leading role in that movie, a punk girl The 17-year-old lead singer of the band successfully conquered Dennis, a punk lover, with his exaggerated, extreme punk style and songwriting of "never flinch, never go out".

  The **** had **** Diane Lane's poster several times in the presence of Tommy and Pam.

  Thanks to Dennis and Pam, Tommy has watched the videos of these two movies. He must admit that although Diane Lane is definitely not worth 700,000 yuan in his mind, she is indeed a beauty.

   Walking to his room, Tommy first took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff to calm his mind, then took out his room card, and swiped open the door of the room.

  In the living room, a woman was facing the door, making a call on the landline in the room. When she heard the door ring, she turned around suddenly, showing a pretty nervous face.

   "Don't doubt, I am the Kaizi who once paid 700,000 yuan for the Spring Festival." Tommy stood at the door, did not rush in, but opened his hands to the woman, and teased:

   "Also, I will be the last to pay for the phone bill in this room. You'd better make an internal call. If it's an external long-distance call, please pay for it yourself."

  22-year-old Diane Lane said to the receiver: "I'll call you again."

Then I hung up the phone and looked at Tommy Hawke suspiciously: "I asked my wife to help me arrange a mature guest, the kind of old man in his fifties or sixties who would make him powerless with a few casual flirting words , you obviously don't meet the requirement of maturity, and you look only a few years older than me, so you are in the name of your father..."

"My dad doesn't like this kind of thing, and the oldest person here tonight is my bodyguard, Mr. Page, but he just asked me to spend 700,000 yuan to find a woman to accompany him for a night. This employee benefit is really a little bit for me. Overwhelmed, and I guess his physical strength is better than most young people tonight, he can bench press 180 pounds, and other young people can't do that." Tommy leaned on the door frame and looked at Day. Ann, with some embarrassment, said:

"I'm indeed the relatively mature one in this group of people. For example, I'm trying to talk to you maturely at the moment. It may be a little embarrassing, but I still want to say that I don't have to sleep with you tonight. You just need to be my partner today." My girlfriend at night will accompany me to the stage, and give those silly* some little shocks and surprises at the party. You don’t need to go back to your room after the party. You can fly back to Hollywood directly. It’s just as a condition not to touch you. Can you return? Give me 650,000 yuan, just a normal social reception of up to two hours. The price of 700,000 yuan is too exaggerated. I heard that Hollywood actresses will be guests on TV talk shows, and the appearance fee is only 500 yuan. I will pay Fifty thousand yuan is one hundred times the TV station's appearance fee."

After hearing Tommy's meeting, Diane was ready to cancel the deal without saying a word. She couldn't help but glance at the phone and then at Tommy: "Our definitions of maturity are also different. The mature traits I hope are Generous, and the mature trait you're displaying at the moment is, stingy."

   "Among Madam's clients, apart from those high-flyers in the Middle East, there is only one idiot named Stephen who has this quality. I don't deserve this quality. I'm a poor ghost." Tommy said seriously:

   "Please, you don't want to sleep with a stranger, it will make you regret for the rest of your life, selling your body is not a noble thing, if it is not necessary, don't let..."

  Diane interrupts Tommy, who is trying to renege on his debt: "I betrayed once."

"..." Tommy seemed to be strangled by the neck, and he was silent for a while before recovering, pointing to the door and said: "My friend Stephen said, I should be your third man, it sounds like his news The source is not very accurate, he just mentioned it to me, and he thought it was something to brag about."

"He was right, you are the third one, the first one is a Hollywood director and producer, in exchange for the female lead of his movie, the second one is my boyfriend who is far away in France, but Because of liquidated damages and legal fees, he hasn't contacted me for a while. According to my request for my wife to arrange clients, the third man in my life should be a mature man, such as your father, uncle, etc., but It shouldn't be you, I hate young men."

"Honestly speaking, my father has better physical strength than me. With his muscles, he fights with you on the bed all night. I think it's completely fine, but I... my beautiful girlfriend hollowed me out, maybe two or three times a night. .” Tommy couldn’t help laughing when he heard the woman’s words, and then raised the cigarette case towards her:

"Would you like one? You can smoke a cigarette and think about it carefully. Choose me or my dad. If you insist, I can ask the hotel to help rent a small plane and fly to Rhode Island to pick him up." , it's five o'clock in the afternoon, and I think he should be there by nine o'clock in the evening."

Diane Lane came over depressed, took the cigarette from Tommy, and then returned it: "I declare in advance that I don't touch drugs, I don't touch alcohol, I don't play tricks, and tomorrow at six o'clock I will leave."

"I can't imagine, Stephen, this idiot, is helping me to arrange for me to spend the night holding a log tonight, and I have to pay 700,000 yuan for this night, so you can't consider my proposal, 50,000 yuan, go downstairs Go around the hall and leave?" Tommy put away the cigarette case, exhaled the smoke depressedly, and asked unwillingly.

   Diane lit a cigarette, and said with the same irritable expression: "700,000, I'll let you do it now, and then I'll accompany you to the lobby downstairs, and finally leave, what do you think?"

"We can't use vulgar money and flesh to measure the world. I think our conversation has been misdirected from the beginning." Tommy sighed and looked at the blonde girl: "I'll change the beginning, so Stephen said You are in some trouble and need money urgently, how much do you need?"

   "I'm not going to be your mistress." Diane exhaled a smoke ring and said to Tommy.

"Stop fantasizing, girl, your **** are only one size bigger than my assistant Sophia, she has no chance, and I don't think you have any hope, do you know why men must find a girlfriend who is beautiful enough? Because it can improve Resistance to the opposite sex, after sleeping with my girlfriend, my immunity to other opposite sexes has been greatly improved." Tommy said with a disgusted expression when he heard that the other party thought he would take care of her for a long time:

"I just said, I can pay you 700,000, and I won't sleep with you. I can even give you some help and solve your troubles. I have a friend named Mark who runs a small In Los Angeles, there are not many well-known artists under him, but the advantage is that he will devote as much resources as possible to the few artists under him. At present, the most famous artist in his company is a black girl, former Miss America Fan Nisha Williams, she was banned because of the attic scandal, so she is not well-known in the film and television industry. She is equivalent to a newcomer, but Mark just helped this newcomer to win a starring role in a TV series. Ten thousand yuan, I mean, how about this, you sign to his company, and I will let him arrange the best lawyer to settle your lawsuit, and you don’t need to pay the fee, so you don’t need to accompany me, an immature man, and Stop worrying about legal fees and get an agency that will absolutely work around you."

"After I betrayed myself for the first time, I realized that there are no good-hearted people in this world." Diane lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly. Tommy said:

   "The business between us is just tonight."

  Tommy spat out the cigarette in his mouth depressedly, closed the door behind his back, untied his shirt and tie, and muttered, "White people are harder to be fooled than black people. What's the problem?"

Seeing that Diane was still standing there, he frowned dissatisfiedly: "Ma'am, there are only twelve hours until six o'clock tomorrow morning, 43,200 seconds, do you know what that means? It means that I I have to pay you sixteen yuan, and the average hourly wage in the United States is only four dollars, and you earn four hours' salary of an ordinary person in one second, so hurry up!"

  Seeing Tommy's appearance, Diane reached out to snuff out the cigarette butt, and walked towards the bathroom: "I'm going to take a shower, do you want to go?"

   "I can't wait to grow on you in the next twelve hours, what do you think?" Tommy followed the other person towards the bathroom:

   "Also, do you mind if I take some drugs to maintain the dignity of men? Otherwise, there are really only two or three times, isn't it too bad..."

  Diane gave Tommy a blank look: "Are all rich people jerks like you?"

  The doorbell rang, and Tommy, who had just taken off his pants and was about to follow Diane into the bathroom, cursed F*ck and asked loudly, "Who the **** is outside the door!"

"Boss, it's me, Lott." Outside the door, Page's voice sounded: "Miss Otilia Farrell will call again in two minutes, she has something to ask you, let me make sure the mobile phone Into your hands."

  Tommy walked to the door and opened the door: "Ask me if I'm fooling around at a bachelor party? Otilia won't be so ignorant."

Page handed the mobile phone to Tommy, as if he was familiar with Tommy's no pants behavior: "Miss Farrell said that she and some members of the charity organization were interviewed by some TV stations in Australia and might need to call Here you are, it's eight o'clock in the morning over there."

Tommy picked up the phone and felt a little weird when he heard Page's words: "I need to ask me interview questions? What are those copywriting assistants I hired for her doing with their salaries? Forget it, it doesn't matter, thank you, Peggy." Mister Qi."

Holding the mobile phone, Tommy walked back to the bathroom. Diane was lying in the bathtub full of bubbles, only her hands and feet were exposed, and she was gently applying shower gel on her shoulders. When she saw Tommy walking in with her mobile phone, His eyes were a little curious.

"According to your method of washing, this is almost the most expensive bath on earth. It seems that I bear the cost. Could you please provide some extra services during the bath? At least let me pay the bill without heartache." Tang Mi walked in front of Diane, stood up straight and said, "Time is precious."

   Diane hesitated, then slowly poked her head towards Tommy.

Otilia's call was on time, and when Tommy was enjoying it with his eyes closed, the phone rang. He grabbed the mobile phone, made a shush gesture to Diane, and at the same time signaled the other party not to stop before answering. Make phone call:

   "Hi honey, what's the scenery like in Australia?"

"Tommy, what time is it in the United States now? I hope I didn't disturb you, but...but..." Otilia on the other end of the phone explained with some embarrassment: "I and everyone are visiting Sydney TV at this time. Accept In the live TV interview, we chatted about women's independence and family support, and I said that it was your encouragement that allowed me to take the first step."

   "It's mainly because of your bravery and kindness that everything you have today, baby, my role is insignificant." Tommy said calmly, holding the phone in one hand and Diane's head in the other.

  "The host said, can you say something on the phone to encourage the women in Sydney, Australia, and encourage them to bravely step out of the room and step into the society. Diane just asked her husband to finish speaking, and now it's up to you."

   "Diane?" Tommy was taken aback, looked down at the woman in the bathtub, and asked with a guilty conscience, "What Diane?"

   "Ms. Hillary Diane Clinton, Tommy, I told you." Otilia reminded softly.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I've had too many things going on recently, it's okay, give me a few seconds, I'll think about what to say." Tommy breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that Diane and himself in his girlfriend's mouth This Diane in front of her was not the same person.

  He slightly raised his head and looked at the decorative painting on the bathroom wall. In that painting, a woman was drinking coffee while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. He tried to draw ideas from this painting.

  Ten seconds later, he said lightly: "I just want to say, now, it's your turn. That's right, all the women who are listening at the moment, this sentence is for you: Now, it's your turn."

  “Year after year, day after day, you stand in front of the window of your home, looking at the people outside the window, one by one becomes famous and successful in career.”

"what about you?"

"You can just stand in front of the kitchen window, wash the dishes, and watch the kids walk out of the house in the morning light, get on the school bus, and leave the house, and watch the husband finish his coffee and walk out of the house in a suit and start a new life." A day's work."

"You cleaned up the messy breakfast table and started to clean the room. After you straightened up and finished all this, you realized that it was too late to rest. You could only simply make a bowl of milk and cereal as lunch to cope with your stomach. A family activity."

"Finally finished dealing with the nasty school, and I'm going to the supermarket right away, because your beloved husband told you before he went out that he wanted to eat more food because he was getting paid today. You go to the supermarket and choose carefully. After finishing the ingredients, go home and prepare dinner for the family."

"While you're preparing dinner, the kids come home from school, they're lawless little devils, and you mess up the room when you have no time to spare, and you're upset, but you're comforting yourself, that's bliss trouble."

"Finally, the husband enjoyed a big dinner, and the children finally fell asleep. You tidied up and went into the bathroom, wanting to take a bubble bath for yourself... No, you don't know how to take a bubble bath, you just want to Simply take a shower, then go to bed and fall into a deep sleep. When you are drying your hair in front of the mirror, you see yourself in the mirror, and whisper to the tired woman with wrinkles in your eyes:

   "If there is a chance to do it all over again, my mother should not use the word happy troubles to deceive herself for the rest of her life. It's just that there is no chance, no more."

   "I think this is the life of most women in the family, and life should not be just like this."

  "Margaret Michel, a writer, was 37 years old when she wrote "Gone with the Wind" and became a world-renowned female writer."

   "Shirley Temple-Black, actress, politician, was 47 years old when she was appointed as the US ambassador to Ghana."

   "Margaret Smith, politician, was 51 years old when she first became a U.S. senator."

   "Ruth Gordon, an actor, was 72 years old when she won the American Academy Award for the first time."

   "Gorda Meier, politician, was 71 years old when he was elected Prime Minister of Israel."

   "Anna Robertson, painter, was 76 years old when she created her first work."

   "Of course, some of you will definitely make excuses, saying that these people are not ordinary, each of them has a lot of background, maybe they have a rich family, maybe there are other reasons, in short, they are completely different from you who are struggling with daily necessities."

"Okay, let me talk about an ordinary person. My girlfriend Otilia, an ordinary girl, used to sit in an office in a small remote city in the United States every day, doing all kinds of trivial things every day. And there is no sublimation of life, she is like you every day, looking out of the window, and she looks out of the window to see the people who are successful and successful in their careers."

   "Until one day, she decided to break the window and go out. I will always remember that day, she said to me: I can no longer waste my time, I want to find my own value in this world."

   "So, you see her value, she is trying to make this world a better place."

   "I think..." Before Tommy could finish speaking, he heard thunderous applause from the other side of the phone, not only the phone side, but Diane in the bathtub stopped moving, raised her face and stared at him in shock.

  Tommy pushed her head back, took two deep breaths, waited for the applause to stop, and continued:

   "I want to say to everyone, it's never too late to change. Remember what I said at the beginning? Now, it's your turn."

"Believe in the family members you love deeply, don't treat them as a burden, family members will tolerate and understand each other, you have to believe that they love you as much as you love them, so, it's your turn, sit down, and They have a serious talk, it’s your turn, tell them that you have a dream of realizing self-worth, it’s your turn, get their encouragement and support for you, it’s your turn, start from changing yourself, and go to change the world.”

"Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be invited this time, goodbye, ah~~ah~ I'm sorry, the hot coffee burned me, so it can be seen that my girlfriend is not around, but it still has some troubles for me, but Otilia, don't worry , I can handle this little thing, goodbye, I love you." Tommy suddenly took a breath twice, then finished speaking quickly, before even waiting for the applause on the other side to end, he simply hung up the phone, panting heavily Angry, he looked down at Diane Lane:

   "If you could have been slower just now, I could have spoken more provocatively instead of ending so hastily."

   "If I were on the TV station, I would be moved by your words. It's really touching." Diane raised her head and looked up at Tommy Hawke with the first real observation of each other's eyes:

   "How do you talk about fooling around with your girlfriend so fresh and refined? Encourage your wife to get out of the family to realize her self-worth, and then fool around with other women?"

"Shut up, ma'am, this is not fooling around, you have to remember, I'm just trying to recover some losses, understand? You forced me to choose fooling around, I came up with a better solution, but you chose to destroy me and my This kind of girlfriend affection! You're a *person!" Tommy pushed her back:

   "So hurry up, lady with a high salary of sixteen dollars a second, I must try to stop the loss."

Whether the actresses in the article are related to their wives is all hearsay. I chose them mainly because they are pleasing to the eye, and then they all admit that they encountered unspoken rules when they first started mixing circles, but they later changed their words and called the unspoken rules **** Dear~ My understanding is, if it was a family visit, why didn't you report the case directly, but cooperated with those people many times in the circle, and then jumped out to say these things after decades of success?

   There may be white lotuses in Hollywood, but not many~Of course, the stories I wrote are all hearsay stories, please don’t take it seriously~

Finally, this month's update is not effective, mainly because my son, as of today, my son is still having a high fever infusion, to be honest, my wife and I want to die, and I wish I could lie on the hospital bed for him... The update is not effective, but I tried my best, gritted my teeth and wrote 12,000 words today, and I can barely make up for it, readers, a lot of Haihan, and rolled off to sleep.



  (end of this chapter)

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