American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 178: wear extra for vacation

  Chapter 178 Wear a few more clothes and go on vacation

   Sophia bit the juice straw, looking in surprise as Tommy was urging his maid Dorothy, who had been with him for several years, to speed up packing her luggage, and was going to take the bodyguard, Mr. Page, for a vacation.

   “You rarely think of the word vacation, what made you finally think about relaxing and taking some time off?”

"It's nothing, you don't want to know, I underestimated Rick and those black employees who worked hard for the company, such as Martin." Tommy walked up the stairs to Sophia's side, took a sip of the juice, and said in an affirmative tone said to Sophia:

   "I guess, a woman like Ni must not be able to fall asleep all night after listening to it."

Sophia showed an expression of "Are you kidding?", but she didn't continue to ask. She was about to turn around and leave to help Tommy choose some books to pass the time on the plane. m all the habits.

"Earl and Rick, they hired a black actor and director named Bill Duke for that "Nigger Boss", have you heard of it?" Tommy stood in front of the railing of the stairs with a juice, watching Sophia said.

Sophia stopped and thought for a while, then turned around and asked Tommy in doubt: "Didn't Rick plan to start from Spike Lee, Leon Isaac, Benjamin Bassett, young black men who have not been favored by Hollywood big factories?" One of the directors? How did it become Bill Duke? He's not one of those young nobodies, don't tell me you don't know the name, he's the director of the first six episodes of the first season of Miami Vice , he is also a very good actor himself, so he is interested in your black drama, why can't I sleep? I feel that maybe because he is paid too much, so you are the one who can't sleep tonight. "

"No, the guy's offer wasn't that high, a quarter less than a white director of the same grade, but...he asked for more power during the shoot, you know, I don't care how much he paid, Anyway, if the overspending is serious, Rick will be the first person to get troubled by me, and Rick himself knows it." Tommy took a sip of juice, put his hands on the guardrail, looked at the magnificent but empty hall, and said Said.

Then she said to Dorothy, the maid in the hall who was helping her pack her luggage from San Francisco all the way to Los Angeles, "Dorothy, help me prepare two more pairs of underwear, even if I bring bodyguards with me in that **** place in Georgia, Another man, but I don’t feel safe wearing a few more underwear, I’m worried about being dragged into an alley and being murdered.”

   "Okay, Mr. Tommy." Dorothy raised her head and promised Tommy with a smile.

  Tommy laughed when he heard the address of the other party: "Either call me Tommy kindly, or call me Mr. Hawke, Mr. Tommy?"

  Dorothy is thirty-seven years old, from Colombia. Before she worked as a servant in the United States, she was a shop assistant. Her husband is a truck driver. They have a lovely daughter and a happy family of three.

However, in 1980, her husband died in a transport for the government army. The rebels robbed the transport truck and slaughtered all the truck drivers hired by the government. They also sent threatening letters to the family members of the deceased, and lost her husband. People also stared at their home, and in the end Dorothy sold the house cruelly. She fled Colombia with her children, and arrived in the United States after going through untold hardships. distant relatives.

  She first worked for two years in San Francisco cleaning up beach garbage, but after earning the wages, she did not waste money, but signed up for home economics courses, until she met Tommy hiring a maid, and she was recommended to Tommy.

  Although Tommy is a **** most of the time, he is very caring for the poor at the bottom. His residence has a special nanny room, allowing Dorothy to live in with her daughter, and there is no need to prepare three meals a day.

  This is also the reason why Tommy moved to Los Angeles, and Dorothy followed obediently. After all, it was difficult for her to find a job where she could save all her salary and not need to spend her own money for basic necessities.

  Her ten-year-old daughter is now studying in a boarding school under Sophia's arrangement.

  In her mind, Tommy is the best employer in the world, and she is also very happy to witness this young boy's life getting better and better, from a small villa in San Francisco to a luxury villa in Los Angeles.

   "When the servants in other residences talked in the community garden, they would call their employers this way, which is kind and respectful." Dorothy folded a piece of clothing and said in her mouth.

  Hearing Tommy's advice to Dorothy, Sophia frowned: "The law and order in Georgia is poor?"

"There are a lot more Indians in that **** place now, understand? Indian men should be cut off their **** clubs when they are born. Men in that country are the only existence that can beat black people in my heart. They are not only women , man, and goats, lizards and dead boa constrictors, **** went to India to preach, and he could leave with a **** belly." Tommy said to Sophia seriously.

  Seeing the other party's expression and hearing the exaggerated words coming out of the other party's mouth, Sophia felt that this **** was maliciously slandering other ethnic minorities again. She gave Tommy a white look and changed the subject:

   "So, what happened to Rick?"

"They were scouting around L.A., and I had Martin and Big Jack's family with me, and Martin heard Rick try to make sense of the cost with Bill Duke, and he made a big speech, Martin and Bill Duke, Big Jack Those **** conversations are why I decided to visit old friends and take a vacation by the way, avoid them, I can't let any stains on me, if something goes wrong one day, I'm not there, just need to push out Just be responsible." Tommy lowered his head and touched his abdomen with his hand, walked a few steps quickly, walked to a mirror, talked about the hem of his clothes, exposed his abdomen and took a closer look, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay, With four looming abs, it shouldn't be too embarrassing."

   "What did they talk about?" Sophia asked, ignoring Tommy's narcissistic behavior.

Tommy returned most of the juice that he drank to Sophia, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette: "The pilot episode is always eye-catching, and Bill Duke hopes to use a big action scene after the protagonist is released from prison to prove that the protagonist is still alive. Still young or whatever, but Hollywood actors are paid terribly expensive, and there's an inexhaustible supply of poor black people on the street, but we can't use them as extras, we have to go to the actors' union and ask them to provide us with suitable Otherwise, the Screen Actors Union will trouble us, saying that BT TV does not respect **** Hollywood, the Screen Actors Union, and the rights of actors.

   "Isn't this normal? Everyone working in the TV station knows about the problem." Sophia said to Tommy: "Is there any room for discussion about this problem?"

"But Martin didn't know, so, I think, Mr. Page's greatest contribution to the network was to discover Martin Hart, and he gave Rick and Bill a piece of advice, which is why don't the black people in Compton Old cousins ​​go to register to become actors, since the registration is very easy, you only need to pay a membership fee of tens of dollars per person, and let everyone register."

   "It's just an idea of ​​this level, based on what I know about you, it is definitely not worthy of your praise." Sofite said calmly after listening.

"Of course it's more than that. In fact, Martin has been in the black district of Los Angeles recently. All the black districts know that a black rich man came to Miami and opened a TV station. After he finished this idea, Earl and Rick simply registered in his name. An actor agency, to promote to black people that the company wants to open a black drama series and needs black actors. If you don’t have a job, register an actor, you may have a chance to become famous, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to register, their company can just help , It’s just that in addition to paying the membership fee, there is also a service fee of more than ten yuan. The company does nothing. There are more than 10,000 black people who asked for help to register, and they collected hundreds of thousands just for money. "

   "Is Martin dying soon? If you don't plan to give the black man's membership fee to the Screen Actors Union, he..." Sophia widened her eyes and looked at Tommy: "He will be in trouble, right?"

Tommy shook his head: "Of course not, Earl has asked the money to be handed over to the actor union, leaving only a few hundred thousand profit to share among several people. Me, you, Rick, Sean, Earl, we A few of them can receive a check of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan each, which happens to be used by me to pay for vacation expenses."

"However, even if everyone registers as an actor, the actor union may not necessarily recommend them to our crew? The union will only recommend those actors who think they are more suitable. Like newly registered actors, they must be ranked slowly based on their seniority. In 2019, I might not even get a job opportunity as a group performer." Sophia didn't care about her sudden extra 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but frowned and talked about the problems she found.

With the demand for such a large number of group performances, it is impossible for the actor's union to give opportunities to these newcomers who have only paid the membership fee once. Of course, they should look through the membership information to see if they have paid the membership fee for many years in a row, but there is nothing Chance's old member.

  Unless the producers forcefully specify, this will easily offend the actors' union. In terms of the size of BT TV station, if it offends the actors' union, the follow-up work will be very difficult.

"Earl and Martin have arranged follow-up manipulations. As long as the actors' union is ready to help the actors ask for high salaries, the new actors in Compton will go to surround the white chairman's office, and Earl will also greet the three major associations. Said that the top white people of the Screen Actors Union discriminate against black people, do not want black TV stations to start broadcasting, do not want black people to have their own voice channels and other hats, do not provide jobs for black actors who are in urgent need of life, and only take care of those who are willing to contribute more money to the union Negroes are stupid*." Tommy looked at Sophia:

   “So, that’s why I’m going on vacation, and it’s all black people’s making, not me.”

"Ear is not doing anything wrong. In fact, the actor union already has the problems you just mentioned." Sophia said to Tommy: "You don't need to be nervous. I remember that you were never worried that you would offend white people. On the contrary , every time I see a white opponent, I become hyper aggressive."

"Not only this problem, but also other small problems. For example, through Big Jack, many black gangs in Los Angeles are hoping to court Martin, so that their gangs can have a chance to appear in this kind of black supremacy drama. Famousness seems to be a kind of mania. The director has been on the scene for five hours, and he has already wet his pants. He just finished the survey and decided on a lame gang site that can be used as a filming location. In less than three hours, the boss of that site was killed. Fuck it, and replace it with a boss of the Blood Gang." Tommy said:

   "I will not participate in these disgusting things. It is an internal problem of black people. Once white people get involved, all black people will bite the poor white person. I will not do that."

   "It's crazy..." Sophia said in shock when she heard the behavior of those gangs.

Tommy patted her on the shoulder and signaled her not to worry too much: "It's okay, all these processes were filmed, and then cut into a record of highlights for the release of videotapes, or if the series is really popular, you can release a separate The documentary, just for everyone to watch, black people not only put on airs in TV dramas, they are also lawless in the real world, but all of this has nothing to do with me, it’s all done by Rick and the director, I don’t know anything, I A puppet, an amateur who only knows how to pay...and giggle."

   "Smiling..." Sophia sighed, "So, you're going to Georgia, a place full of Indians, so you can sleep peacefully?"

Tommy spit out the smoke: "I don't want to go, I want to go back to Rhode Island. I heard that Mr. Miller's second daughter is on vacation at Ottilia's house. As Ottilia's fiancé, I must help It's a pity to entertain her fiancée who has no time to return home from abroad, but I received an invitation, or rather, all members of the CS gang received an invitation."

   "What invitation?"

"David Shaffer, the fat guy from the CS gang, is getting married. All our members are going to attend his wedding, and the male members are going to give him an unforgettable farewell single party." Tommy looked at Sophia: "Are you interested? ?Single Party, how about I take you to see the world?"

   "Wear more underwear and protect yourself, Tommy." Hearing that the **** invited herself to a man's bachelor party with him, Sophia glared at him and said.

  Tommy had a cigarette in his mouth and grabbed the railing of the stairs with both hands: "If it weren't for me and Dennis, that fat guy would definitely be the most dazzling character in the CS gang."

   "Everything is packed, Tommy, including the underwear you specially ordered." Dorothy closed the suitcase, stood up and said to Tommy.

   "Thank you, Dorothy," said Tommy.

  Peppa also appeared like a ghost at this time, quietly appearing in the living room, picked up the suitcase and walked out, first to send the suitcase to the car.

"That's it, see you in a week or two." Tommy walked down the stairs and told Sophia: "Also, remember to remind Martin that although I praised him, if he dares to **** Fanny Sha, I'll send Mr. Page back here, cut off his cue, and put a stun on it! I have other uses for that pretty black girl, don't let other men get his ideas, that's Earl Nothing, without my permission, even a male dog in heat, I have to pretend to be a gentleman in front of her."

"Did Martin receive a check for the hundreds of thousands of profits? I mean, if you didn't share it with him, I have to remember to keep it a secret from him." Sophia asked as she leaned on the stairs and looked at Tommy who was going downstairs. .

"Let the bank increase his quota by 20,000 yuan, so that he can add some more clothes to himself, and treat it as the reward he deserves after helping the company earn more than 100,000 yuan." Tommy said without looking back. Cigarette, walked towards the door of the living room.

  Sophia thought for a while: "If you're really worried about Vanessa, maybe she can move to live with me temporarily..."

"No, black people should live in the place I planned for them. If you let me know, black people have been in and out of your residence..." Tommy turned around when he heard Sophia's words, and made a shush gesture to her, He interrupted her, and said with a half-smile:

   "I can't save you with breast implants to please you, Sophia."

   Sophia sighed and didn't continue talking. Tommy walked up the stairs towards the living room with a cigarette in his mouth, talking to himself:

   "I can care about black people, but I'm not ready to see myself as black."

  (end of this chapter)

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