American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 174: big man martin

  Chapter 174 Big Man Martin

  Long Beach, in a community bar called Clarity in the black community of North Long Beach.

  Two black policemen in police uniforms stood in the corner of the bar, smoking with Page, an old colleague who hadn’t seen him for a long time, and talking with a small smile.

Tommy's bodyguard, mouthpiece, hairdresser and TV actor, Mr. Martin Hart, was shirtless at this time, wearing only an Armani suit with no label removed, a shiny gold watch on his wrist, and a gold watch on his chest. In addition to the lush chest hair, the most conspicuous thing is the gold necklace that is almost as thick as a baby's arm. The middle and ring fingers of both hands are wearing gold and diamond rings. At this time, they are standing in the center of the bar, with a straight face, Holding a beer in his hand, he seriously looked at the more than forty black men and women sitting in the bar who were invited by the police and Page.

   It looks like the gangsters in the black community, and Page and the police next to him are more like his personal bodyguards.

Those blacks obviously have impressions of the police and Page, but they feel a little strange about Martin's identity. Why do the two black policemen and Page, the notorious former policeman in the black district of Long Beach, seem to obey him? Looks like a follower.

  Who the **** is this black man? Even Lot Page, a black butcher, works for him?

   Just now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, that old white man in Page opened a beer himself and handed it to this aggressive black youth.

  North Long Beach has been in North Long Beach for many years, and I have never seen such a domineering black boss who can only be seen in Compton, Los Angeles.

"Martin, Martin Hart, that's my name." Martin took a sip of beer slowly, then looked around at the black people sitting in the seats in front of him, trying to imitate the black gangs he saw in Miami In the tone of the old cousins, they said arrogantly:

"Listen, niggas, I want you to do me a little favor, sit here for sixty minutes, drink and eat as much as you like, and leave with a present for everyone, Paige, show 'em I've prepared gift given."

Page spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth, walked to the utility room at the corner of the bar, took out a medium-sized cardboard box with both hands, walked to the center of the bar and opened it, and there was a box full of carton-packed food, all of which were big brands , not a bargain in a cheap supermarket, milk, organic oatmeal and some fruit, in short, a box full.

   "Enough food for a family of four for two days, Mr. Hart gave it to you." Page finished speaking, and retreated behind Martin.

Seeing Page's humility towards Martin, the black people present couldn't help exclaiming, when did the old Page be so polite to black people, relying on the so-called mental illness to kill seven black people without guilt , It has made the black people in Long Beach frightened, but now, this guy actually uses a respectful name for a black man!

  They worked hard to turn their brains, trying to search their memories, and figure out who this compatriot named Martin Hart is.

   "And this job is very simple. I have set up a TV station, a black-owned TV station. Now there is a pilot program that I hope you will watch and give me some advice." After Martin finished speaking, he looked at Page and tilted his head at him.

   Page took out a video tape from his arms, walked to the TV at the bar, put the video tape into the home video recorder, and turned on the TV screen after debugging.

  Black people looking at the screen for no reason, black TV, pilot show?

   "What's your name? Ma'am." The TV screen soon appeared. A black host held a microphone and stood outside the door of an apparently dilapidated black home, asking a young black woman beside her.

   "Helen." The woman replied nervously.

The host continued to smile at Helen and said, "Okay, Helen, according to the application materials you submitted, you have five daughters, wow... and they are all named Helen, you and your five daughters are all named Helen? "

  Helen nodded nervously: "Yes."

   "...I mean, how do you distinguish them? For example, you call them for dinner?" The host asked suspiciously.

  With the encouragement of the host, Helen tried to calm herself down in front of the camera: "Just call Helen, come over for dinner, and then they will all appear."

   "Well, put it another way, what if you only want to talk to one of them?" The host changed the question.

  Helen looked at the host with an idiot look, and then said: "...I will call their surnames."

  A group of black people in the bar burst into laughter when they heard Helen's words. This is indeed a common situation for black single mothers, but few mothers would give their children the same name.

   "That is to say, the fathers of your five daughters are five different men." The host asked with an exaggerated expression.

  Helen nodded: "Yes."

"You have come to the right program, Helen, "Looking for Dad in America" ​​is to help you and your children out of the predicament! Come on, let's go in and see your children." The host made an excited expression: "I'm waiting It’s too late to help you guys!”

The host was led by the hostess into the messy living room. In the living room, two five or six-year-old black girls were sitting on the sofa watching TV while taking care of the sister in the middle who was at most three years old and eating potato chips. After entering the door, the host immediately shifted the camera to avoid taking pictures of what was playing on the TV, and reminded Helen:

   "Helen, your kids are watching an R-rated movie with a lot of exposure."

  Helen opened the refrigerator disapprovingly, and took out a cheap Coke to entertain the host:

   "Don't worry, they'll think a woman showing her upper body on TV is a food ad."

There was another burst of laughter in the bar, and even the two black policemen couldn't help laughing out loud. These words may sound shocking to many white people, but to the black people at the bottom, it is a trivial matter, because when children When asked about the exposure of the parents on TV, most of the black mothers would lie perfunctorily and tell their children, don’t worry, it’s just an advertisement for breast milk.

   "I mean, maybe the Los Angeles Children's Administration will get you in trouble..." the host said.

  Helen took a sip of Coke and looked at the host with a numb expression: "I've been waiting for two years for them to come and take away these little devils. If they will come, will I still seek help from your show?"

The people in the bar watched the one-hour videotape with gusto. It was very interesting. The TV station hired a professional private detective team. Based on the information provided by Helen and supplemented by various investigative methods, they finally flew from Los Angeles to Toronto, Canada. Then she finds the last man who abandoned her and now works in a lumber factory in Toronto.

Seeing the expression on the man's face when he saw Helen, everyone burst into laughter. Indeed, if he was that irresponsible man, he wouldn't believe that Helen, who couldn't even recognize slightly complicated words, would actually can find myself.

  And when the team of lawyers from the United States and Canada brought by the program group told him that he abandoned and avoided the serious consequences he faced, the man was so desperate that he was about to cry.

  With the help of a lawyer, Helen settled the child support issue without the consent of the other party. As long as the factory pays the salary, 40% of the money will be directly transferred to her account after deducting the handling fee.

In the end, through KeyBank, the TV station even prepared an interest-free loan of 2,000 yuan for Helen to support her in improving her living conditions, overcoming difficulties, and ushering in a new life. After the program received the check, Helen was in shock and ecstasy Finish.

  It wasn't until the whole show was finished that Martin, who was sitting on the bar with his legs wide open, jumped down and asked the crowd, "Niggers, what do you think of the show I made?"

  The two dozen women in the room applauded vigorously, and one of them shouted: "Mr. Hart, you are doing a great job! Very good! We have many people who will want to be on this show! We need help!"

  However, most of the men present said that the program was boring and drowsy, so Martin might as well switch to a hip-hop music program, which would be more likable.

Seeing the men say that the show is ugly, before Martin can refute, those applauding women have already yelled at the men, bluntly saying that these **** have a similar past, and worry that one day the show will show up in front of them with ex-girlfriends and children !

   "You like it?" Martin said to the crowd

   "Yes, I like it very much! This is the show that black people should watch!" A group of women said excitedly: "We also want to sign up! Mr. Hart!"

"Join this show? Come on, girls, you are so beautiful, of course you don't need to be on this show? Listen, I will make another show that is more suitable for you, "Battle of Qingsi", that is, we will invite the most beautiful women in the United States. A good black hair stylist, I will help the registered audience to design hair for free, making you more beautiful! You decide what is popular in America!" Martin winked at some of the beautiful black women and said loudly.

Seeing that Martin had a good impression of him, the black women immediately posted up, boldly asking about Hart's background, wanting to find out how much money this guy has, and one of them directly asked Martin to go to the car. Go to chat alone for a few minutes, trying to impress Martin.

  When Martin was indulging in those nasty flattery and bold courtship, Page stepped forward calmly, lowered his voice and reminded: "Mr. Hart, it's time, you have another meeting to attend."

"Girls, I will wait for you to sign up on the TV station. You, you, you~ and you, I think you have the potential to become stars, but I have to go first." Martin took a few steps back, pulling away from the women. The distance, opened the mouth and said.

   Seeing that the women were going to stick to Martin, Paige stood in front of Martin in two steps, staring at the black men with a blank expression: "Don't make me say it a second time, get out."

  The women were frightened by Paige's eyes and dared not step forward.

   "Peppa, be polite." Martin reminded.

   Page looked at these women: "Get out of here politely."

   Waiting for the women to make way for a passage, Page escorted Martin and accompanied him out of the bar.

   Page didn't pull over until the Cadillac drove out of the black area.

   Without waiting for Page's order, Martin obediently opened the rear door and walked down. First, he helped Page open the passenger door, and then ran to the driver's seat to start the car.

   Page sat in the co-pilot with a blank face, took out the electric shock baton from his pocket, and operated it on Martin.

   "Crackling~" "Ah~~"

   "Crackling~" "Ah~"

Martin screamed while driving: "Okay, Mr. Page! I know I'm wrong! Take away your **** electric shock rod, or you can't just change it to a big battery and shock me to death Or get stunned!"

   "I want to remind you that the boss asked you to help the TV station understand the tastes of black people, not to let you take the opportunity to get black women into bed." Page put away the electric shock baton, turned his head, looked at the view of Long Beach outside the window, and said.

In this most polluted city in the United States, the sky is as gray as a mirror that has not been wiped for an unknown period of time. Staying in this environment for too long can easily make people feel depressed, but Martin beside him is obviously not here Lie, although he had just received two electric shocks, still grinned happily like a fool.

   "Did you get electrocuted and your brain was damaged?" Page saw that this guy was shocked twice and could still laugh, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

  Martin held the steering wheel and said excitedly: "No, I just didn't expect the feeling of being a black big shot to be so cool. Did you see the way those people looked at me? They were full of admiration for me!"

   "If my two black former colleagues and I were not there, they could kill you and ransack you in thirty seconds." Page picked up the mobile phone and dialed Rick Luthor's number:

"Mr. Rick Luthor, the survey of the black community in North Long Beach is over. I counted. In an hour, they laughed out loud twenty-nine times. Your show is very popular. We are going to the next district. goodbye."

   "Where are we going at the next stop? I feel that the black people in Los Angeles should be full of curiosity about me now, and they may guess that I am a rich black man from New York." Martin waited for Page to hang up the phone and asked.

   "The next stop is a bit dangerous." Page said to Martin: "Put me down in the company later, and someone else will take over the security of your next area."

  Hearing that Page would not accompany him to participate in the next show, Martin was not ecstatic, but a little disappointed. He said to Page:

"Please, I can't trust others, Paige, don't be like this, you stand behind me, and the effect of standing behind me is completely different, look at the expressions of those niggas, I can't wait to pop my eyes out of their sockets, Long Beach is notorious The famous black butcher will stand behind me respectfully and serve me, and other black people will not enjoy this kind of treatment in their entire lives."

   "If I go to the next stop with you, there are only two endings, either I will take you through that area, or we will die in that area." Page said to Martin.

  Martin was stunned for a few seconds before asking: "So, are you **** going to the Soviet Union?"

   "No, South Los Angeles Compton, African Star District." Page gave the answer to the next stop.

  Martin slammed on the brakes and almost threw Page from the co-pilot onto the windshield. Although he is from Miami, it doesn't mean he hasn't heard of Compton's murderous name. That place is the same as Little Haiti where he lived in Miami.

  Compton, the city with the highest crime rate in California.

  Little Haiti, the city with the highest crime rate in Florida.

  Who do low-class **** on the west coast hate the most? white people? No, it's the lower East Coast **** who hate it the most, and vice versa.

Martin now felt that he had already experienced urinary incontinence. He said frantically: "I, as a foreign Miami nigger, go to the Los Angeles **** camp to pretend to be a big shot? I won't go, I will be shot randomly Die, worse than Kennedy."

"You know? The boss likes to use incentive schemes to motivate people. For example, he is willing to give Miss O'Connor a large sum of money to reward her for her hard work. He is willing to give Mr. Earl Rush some shares in recognition of his contribution to the TV station. So, he specifically explained to me, and also arranged a corresponding reward plan for you." Page heard that Martin was about to give up, without any emotional fluctuations at all, sitting in the co-pilot enjoying the scenery outside, and helping himself to a cigarette by the way, Said calmly.

  When Martin heard about the reward plan, he felt more courageous, and asked with some longing: "So, the boss will reward me with a large sum of money for this?"

   "No, the reward plan for you is a notice. If you don't work, I will fire you." Page looked at Martin and said seriously.

  Martin rolled his eyes in despair: "Thank you for this insane reward."

   Page continued to Martin: "The boss said that there will be people called the Big Jack Brothers who will be responsible for your security in that area. They are black."

"That's what I'm worried about. I'm worried that before other black people find the right opportunity to **** the gold from me, the three people named Big Jack will do it first." Martin said: "I'm a **** myself, so I know What a bad nigger!"

Page said unmoved: "You can go, or you don't have to, if you go, you will still be a big shot in BT TV station, you will be surrounded by people, you can ride in this luxury car, and you should spend a lot of money. The company will pay for it for you, and if you don’t go, the company will help you borrow money to buy these outfits, and you need to complete the follow-up repayments yourself, and the creditors who come to the door may be the three Big Jack brothers.”

   The first update, there will be another update in the evening



  (end of this chapter)

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