American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 171: Earl Rush's debut

  Chapter 171 The appearance of Earl Rush

  Delia walked out of the bathroom in the guest bedroom naked, confronting Tommy who was flipping through documents in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and basking in the sun, and asked:

   "Does your fiancée care about other women using the toiletries in the bathroom?"

"Don't worry, Delia, my fiancée has never been in this guest bedroom. This bedroom is for guests to stay overnight, and each time before she comes back, the entire villa will be finished twice by different cleaning companies. Clean carefully, not to mention that you use this scented body lotion that she doesn't even know about, even if you kill someone here, there will be no trace." Tommy lowered his head and looked at the black lawyer brought by Delia material:

   "You helped me find a black lawyer. It took nearly two months. He better not disappoint me, or I will be disappointed in your efficiency."

Delia walked over and stood naked with Tommy in front of the French windows facing the sun. Tilting her head, she reached for the cigarette from Tommy's mouth, took a puff from her own mouth, and spit out the smoke ring out of the window. , talking about what I know:

"Earl Rush, born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1946. His father disappeared when he was 7 years old. His mother took him and other children to Oakland, California to settle down. In 1963, he dropped out of high school to join the army and joined the US Army. The garrison base is located in his Strange fate in his hometown of Chicago, where his mother took him away and God sent him back, where he went AWOL to join the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party founded by well-known black activist Fred Hampton , as the head of the armed defense force of the local branch of the Black Panther Party."

"In 1969, Fred Hampton was drugged by an informant arranged by the FBI and fell into a coma in the apartment. According to the investigation report, a total of 14 people from the Chicago Police Department's tactical team and FBI field agents opened a fire on the apartment and the people inside. More than a hundred shots, and then told the judge solemnly in court that the people in the apartment fired first..."

"After the massacre, Earl Rush spoke at the Black Panther Party National Convention, saying that only a few guns cannot lead black people to seek racial equality. Black people can't just rely on weapons to arm themselves. They also need to understand the power game, If you don’t play according to the rules of the white people, you will end up like Fred Hampton. The evidence shows that you have been drugged into a coma, but you have to be slandered as an active shooter. Afterwards, he held a press conference to officially announce his withdrawal from the Black Panthers. Party, and disbanded the Armed Defense Forces. In 1975, he received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Hastings School of the Law, and then joined the law firm of Miller and Gallagher as an attorney, often providing pro bono legal assistance to blacks. .”

   "I don't need a black saint..." Listening to Delia's introduction, Tommy flipped through the documents in his hand and said:

   "I remember you being very good at understanding, Delia. You knew all my needs."

  Delia turned around, looked at Tommy, and said in a firm tone, "He meets your requirements."

  Tommy looked into Delia's eyes and nodded slightly: "Continue."

"In 1976, Earl Rush ran for a seat on the Oakland City Council. He was the first black person in Oakland to seek political office with a former Black Panther identity. Unfortunately, he lost to his Republican opponent, but he immediately Call on your fans to support the white Democratic candidate and cooperate with the Democratic Party. You know, the Democratic Party is actually more changeable than the Republican Party. It can be more conservative or more radical. The Democratic Party can do whatever the voters want, Earl- Rush's cooperation with the smooth Democratic Party has made many blacks very dissatisfied, but he said it very beautifully. He said that racial equality cannot only be promoted by blacks, and whites need to be involved. He wants to be the building of mutual trust between blacks and whites. Bridge." Delia flicked the cigarette ash:

   "The Democratic Party responded to his overtures, and he joined the Democratic Party, and then the California Democratic Party headquarters office gave him the title of communications coordinator."

Tommy nodded understandingly: "He took the initiative to seek refuge, and the Democratic Party gave him some petty profits, which can be regarded as giving him a chance in the party, but the follow-up depends on his ability to prove himself. After all, his choice is too bold. The Democratic Party I'm not sure if this guy can still help the Democratic Party to attract those black votes, so I just give him the status of a communication coordinator for the time being, so that he can advance and retreat freely. If he is outstanding, then the Democratic Party may support him to run for office at any time, but, if His ability is ordinary, and it may keep him in this position until he dies of old age."

"That's right, he now needs the black people to regain their trust in him, let the Democratic Party see his influence in the black group, and give him a chance to run for office, so when he heard that a black TV station was started by a funder, he also hoped to find When a black guy with a lawyer background helped him run the TV station, he was very interested," Delia said to Tommy.

  Tommy continued to ask: "How's his appetite?"

"Both fame and fortune, I'm as greedy as when I first met you, but I want to remind you, I just underestimated you accidentally, and he still made such a choice after knowing your situation." Di Leah remembered the past when she was tricked by Tommy because of greed, and said with a smile.

   "It says in the Bible, I will give you whatever you ask of me." Tommy laughed briskly, and his face became brighter than the sunlight outside the window in an instant. He looked at Delia:

   "Where is he? I can't wait to meet this funny high-level black guy."

"He? Maybe he's helping black criminals in a lawsuit, earning fame...and money." Delia snuffed out a cigarette **** on the glass, leaving an ugly gray stain: "He's not only greedy for you, he's greedy for everyone , Sometimes people think he is ugly, like this gray stain, I am also curious, why do you want to find such a black man, a black manager who is willing to listen to you, loyal to you, and willing to be a puppet is not better ?"

   "I'm not looking for a puppet, I'm looking for an opportunity." Tommy stretched out his fingers and gently wiped away the smoke stains, making the window spotless again.


Earl Rush sat in the back seat of his Ford business car, first took out a small and delicate medicine bottle, shook out a few prescription medicines from it, and swallowed it with bottled water, then held the medicine with both hands in the driver's seat. At the steering wheel, Charlie, the white driver and bodyguard who was waiting for him to give orders, said:

   "Charlie, take me to Fruitwell, I'm going to see Russell from BGF."

The driver started the car and drove Earl to the black community in Oakland. The so-called BGF, the full name is called the Black Guerrilla, is a black street organization established in California in 1966. It can be regarded as the same as the Black Panther Party, born under the influence of the black affirmative movement It is a product, but this organization is completely different from the Black Panther Party. They have no ideological program, only pure violence, and only know how to rob and sell books under the banner of equal rights for black people, and even kill black people the most.

  This is also the reason why the Black Panther Party was wiped out early, and the black guerrillas have grown from a few fifty people at the beginning to thousands of people.

As long as it is not like the Black Panther Party, which purchases more English versions of "Selected Works of Mao" than weapons and ammunition, and almost everyone has a copy, they will always teach Marxism-Leninism and end capitalist plundering of the United States. Slogans that sound frightening are on the lips, grab something, sell some drugs, and kill some good people. For the white gentlemen of the American government, it is not a big deal, and they can be tolerated and understood.

Fruitvale, an old-fashioned black community in Oakland, as soon as a vehicle enters the block, it feels like stepping into another world. Graffiti is sprayed on the walls of the street, and black people gather in twos and threes on the street , staring blankly but greedily at this commercial luxury car that is unlikely to appear in this block, and a few even walked slowly behind the car, trying to figure out where the car would end up parked. .

After driving a few hundred meters along the road, Charlie parked the car on the side of the road. Earl didn't let Charlie get out of the car to help him open the door. He got out of the car himself and walked towards a two-story house on the street. Five or six black people gathered outside smiled when they saw Earl, and the first strong man with eye feces hanging from the corners of his eyes opened his arms honestly:

   "Earl, I..."

"Hey~ don't touch me! This is an Armani handmade suit. Even if you kill the whole block, you won't get enough money to buy this suit from me! Keep an eye on my car, I don't want to wait for me to finish talking with Russell When they came out, both Charlie and the car disappeared!" Earl said impatiently, ignoring the other party's enthusiasm.

A black man offered to open the door for him. Earlson walked in with his tie on. Before stepping in, the pungent smell of hemp, alcohol, sweat and so on made him lean back. looked up.

"Earl, my dear brother, black angel, every time I see you..." At this moment, on the sofa in the center of the living room, a strong black man with a shirtless body stood up and said with a smile, the seat next to him Above, a few pistols with the safety on.

  Seven or eight blacks were distributed in every corner of the living room, looking at the suit and leather shoes, Earl Rush who looked completely different from them blacks.

   "Russell, I hope you call me to come and see you, just buy me a drink, understand?" Earl looked at Russell, the boss of BGF in this area, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't..."

   "Malcolm has been arrested, Earl, you have to help him." Before Earl could finish speaking, Russell had already voluntarily explained the reason for meeting him.

Earl Rush turned his head impatiently: "What is the reason why the U.S. government designed the position of public prosecutor? Russell? It is to provide basic defense for those who don't want to pay. I am a senior lawyer and know that senior lawyers are What do you mean? Just don't have enough bills don't think I stand in court and help you, you **** always like this, what am I? Free lawyer for all black Americans? That **** named Malcolm did What?"

"Nothing, he used the name of his mother, sister, aunt, etc. to get a loan from the three brothers of Big Jack in Los Angeles, and then bought a batch of goods and started a business. That guy has a brain, and we also I lent him money to let him expand, but that **** was caught driving his girlfriend's car last week, and ten kilograms of crack were found in the car." Russell walked to the refrigerator, He took out two cans of beer, opened one and handed it to Earl, and introduced the situation.

  Ear took the beer and stared at him suspiciously: "That's it?"

   "No, his girlfriend is the wife of the black policeman who just caught" Russell sighed: "We just want to expand the scale."

"There are more than 700 police officers in Oakland, and there are less than 30 blacks among them. Then these blacks were not bullied to death by their white colleagues, and they were first stimulated to commit suicide by their lovely compatriots?" Earl Rush dissatisfied Roared: "Do you know that every black policeman is my friend? Do you know? Do you know how much it costs me to maintain these friends of mine? Black people should be united! And what have you done!"

"Of course we know unity, it's just an accident, Earl, we're brothers, you were the Black Panthers, I'm the BGF, we're revolution brothers, you help us, you and the white juries, the white judges It’s fair to say, you have to help us.”

   "I'm no longer the Black Panther Party, and I'm no longer revolutionary, but for the sake of your fellow black compatriots, I'm willing to try." Earl took a sip of beer: "Fifty thousand."

  Hearing this number, all the black people in the room took a breath.

   "You can't help Malcolm for free. After that guy comes out, I guarantee that he will sell the goods as soon as possible to make money and make up for your expenses." Russell said awkwardly.

  The BGF in their area doesn't have too much financial resources, 50,000 yuan is already a lot of money for them.

"I'm free, are you sure that black cop who got his wife is also free? I don't need money to settle this most important role? Fifty thousand dollars, and it's clean money, I don't have time to waste laundering you guys Dirty money handed over." Earl said with a gloomy face: "I even hope you don't have any money, because then I don't have to involve myself in this **** thing, and both parties are my friends!"

  Russell was silent for a moment, and finally said to Earl: "I will get it to you as soon as possible, and I will let the brothers go to Big Jack's bank to borrow a sum of money. In short, I will hand it over to you cleanly."

   "Is that girlfriend of his involved in the sale? Tell me the truth." Earl asked when he heard that the other party was willing to pay.

  Russell explained with a serious expression: "No, the original plan was to pull her into the water, and then through her to pull her husband into the water, but it hasn't... I promise not, the woman has no idea."

  After listening, Earl took out a business card from his arms and threw it on the coffee table: "Call me after the money has been transferred to my account."

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and after he connected, Delia's voice sounded beside his ears: "Tommy Hawke agreed, his TV station needs someone with both leadership and charisma." Brilliant black manager, on my recommendation, who believes you are the one."

   "Of course, Ms. Delia Keith, thank you for your recommendation." Earle said without changing his expression.

   "He wants to chat with you face to face, tomorrow afternoon."

   "I'll be there on time."

Hanging up the phone, Earl looked at Russell: "Beforehand, this fee is not my consulting fee, I am providing help for free, and I don't guarantee that Malcolm can be rescued, but whether it can be rescued or not , you have to pay this amount, are you sure?"

   "Sure, Malcolm is my brother, and you are my brother, we trust you." Russell said seriously: "Sorry, Earl, I have to make you..."

   "Goodbye, if you feel guilty, don't let me take this kind of business for free next time." Earl turned around and walked out the door after finishing speaking.

  He took a big breath of fresh air outdoors, then walked to his car and opened the door to get in, and said to the driver, "Go home, Charlie, pack up, we'll go to Los Angeles tomorrow."

   "I thought Russell wanted you to defend him."

   "He did ask me like this, but I don't have time to waste on these scum." Earle sat in the back seat and closed his eyes:

"Their money can be accepted, find two rookies to follow up the case, and in the end it is nothing more than I stand in court, and after the court pronounces the sentence, I tell everyone with a heavy expression, I did my best, it is a pity, and then I personally Giving thousands of dollars to Malcolm's family in name to support them through this difficult time."

  (end of this chapter)

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