American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 22

022 The Person Who Shoots Me? ! I Heard That There Is A Tough Battle To Fight! (Ask For Flowers And Tickets!)

Inside the building.

Jin Bin looked at the flashing red and blue lights of police traffic, and immediately understood that everything was a foregone conclusion.

He didn’t get his firearms back, and a group of his own capable generals also went in.

It’s really a lost wife and a broken soldier.

The whole person just exploded with anger.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the left hand holding the cane was even more forceful, the veins on it were bulging, and the cane creaked when he pinched it.

The voice came out of his teeth: “Damn Ghost spider! I will kill it!”

The subordinates next to him looked at the boss who was blushing with anger, and quickly comforted him: “Boss, the fact that the police are here is not the worst situation.”

Jin Bing looked at his subordinates, and asked coldly, “How do you say?”

The subordinate said: “Boss, think about it, the police are here. Not only our people can’t escape, even a group of people as large as Ghost spider can’t escape!”

“As soon as the police come, it’s impossible for these weapons to fall into the hands of the Ghost spiders! They will definitely have to be handed over at that time!”

“With so many people and weapons, it’s enough for them to eat a pot!”

“Ghost spider has done so much, and it will all be nothing in the end! It will even lose people! Our life is not good, and she can’t think about it!” Speaking of this, his subordinates sneered.

Hearing this, Jin Bin gritted his teeth: “Yes, you are right, as long as it doesn’t fall into the hands of the Ghost spider, it will be the best result!”

“Even if I throw this batch of guns to dogs, even if I smash them up, I will never give them to Ghost spider!”

“We have a hard time, and they don’t want to have a good time either!”

The subordinate continued: “Moreover, once their people are caught by the police, they will definitely be taken into custody for investigation. At that time, the information of these guys will come out! At that time, we can use this information to launch revenge!”

“This group of mice hiding in the dark will also be completely exposed to the bright side! At that time, we can deal with them as we want!”

Hearing this, Jin Bin gave a ferocious smile: “You’re right! As long as these rats in the stinking ditch are exposed, it’s time for them to die!”

Thinking that he could take revenge on these guys, Jin Bin trembled with excitement, his eyes showed a bloodthirsty gleam.

He looked at the policemen, and then at the ninjas, with a cruel smile on his lips: “If you mess with me, Jin Bin, you will die.”

over the wasteland.

Hearing the rapid siren sound not far away, Gwen thought.

The Shadow Corps took a few steps back, then sneaked into the grass, submerged in the shadows, and completely disappeared from this place.

Gwen looked at the large group of people tied up, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

These guys couldn’t run away, and they basically all carried the case. If they were caught by the police this time, they would all be sentenced to several years in prison.

Among them, those who carry the murder case will start indefinitely and end with the death penalty.

Seeing so many villains being arrested and brought to justice, Gwen felt very comfortable.

In this New City, if there is one less villain wandering outside, there will be more peace.

Besides, if these villains were caught by the police, her father, as the chief of the bureau, would get part of the credit, after all, the criminals caught in his territory.

Gwen felt quite proud when she thought that she had earned another credit for her father.

This family can’t do without her, Gwen!

The whole family is supported by her hard work!

If Gwen has a tail, it is estimated that the tail will be raised to the sky.

Gwen didn’t know that someone had also benefited a lot because of her, and the other party’s special income was currently supported by her hard work.

Unknowingly, she is constantly creating huge amounts of benefits for someone.

Enter the police.

Everyone is ready to fight, with serious expressions on their faces.

Director George held a pager and said in a deep and powerful voice, “What we are about to face is a group of brutal murderers, so everyone, be prepared and keep your spirits up!”

Hearing the director’s words, everyone took a deep breath, tensed up, and prepared to fight a tough battle.

A police car drove to the edge of the wasteland and stopped.

Because the front is full of waist-high weeds, cars can’t drive in, so people can only pass by.

At the same time, because the grass is too high, they can’t see the situation in the distance, and everyone is not very sure.


The policemen got off one police car like a stream of water.

There were even armed troops dismounting from bomb-proof vehicles.

They walked quickly through the grass and ran towards the open space in front of them. Their movements were well-trained and uniform, and they looked like regular troops.

at the same time.

In the car, huge amounts of horns are also sounding.

“Gangsters in front! You are surrounded! You have no way out! The New York police and the armed forces from nearby bases are here! You have no chance of winning!”

“Put down your weapons and surrender immediately, and you can still save your life!”

“If you resist stubbornly, then we will shoot and kill you directly!”

“Immediately put down your weapons and surrender, save your life! Resist stubbornly and shoot randomly!”

Bursts of loud sounds were released through the horn, resounding over the entire wasteland.

After passing through a section of grass, the police and armed forces also slowed down and proceeded cautiously.

The people in front were all holding transparent explosion-proof shields and kept pressing towards the center.

But soon.

The police sensed something was wrong.

Why didn’t I encounter any obstacles? Not even a strange sound at all.

It seems that there are no enemies here anymore, and all the enemies have run away.

One of his subordinates whispered in Director George’s ear, “Director, is it possible that Jin Bin’s people have run away after finishing their work?”

George gritted his teeth slightly and said, “How is it possible? The people in the intelligence department have been calling the surrounding surveillance, and they haven’t found any traces of these guys going out. They can’t leave!”

The subordinates said: “Is there any possibility that the Ghost spider has eliminated all Jin Bing’s subordinates?”

George shook his head: “It’s absolutely impossible. Jin Ke sent hundreds of people, and there were not a small number of them, and they were armed with guns.”

“Even if the Ghost spider is a superhero, she is still a body of flesh and blood. Facing a large number of guns, and this kind of open space with no cover, she has no chance of winning!”

George frowned slightly, holding a pager: “Everyone, be vigilant, there may be enemy traps. The enemy may want to relax our vigilance, and then give us a fatal blow.”


The scene of the open space in the middle appeared in everyone’s sight.

See that scene.

The pupils of all the police and armed forces were shocked.

“How can this be?!”

George looked at the Ghost spider, then at the ground, his eyes widened.


What kind of plane are Jin Bin’s people working on? !

(Thank you [**] brother for the 588 reward! Thank you! At least five chapters tonight. Ask for flowers and votes! By the way, brothers who voted for evaluation, please give ten points, this will also affect the score. )

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