American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 13

013 Ruthless Cyclops! The Shock Of The Red Titan! (Ask For Flowers And Tickets!)

Suffering this heavy blow, the little boss’s face was full of sweat, mixed with blood, and kept rolling to the ground.

His lips were pale, and he stared at Li Xiu with madness in his eyes: “You devil! You will be punished…”

The little boss’s words stopped abruptly.

Because a hot laser beam pierced his head directly.


The body fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Li Xiu said indifferently, “It’s really noisy.”

Li Xiu didn’t talk nonsense with the little boss, and he didn’t want to listen to the other party’s nonsense, so he directly ended the other party.

He’s also not in a hurry as to what super metal actually is.

Anyway, it’s super metal.

Anyway, it’s right in his hands.

When the time comes, just find a guy who knows how to do it, and you will know what it is.

He held out his hand for a moment.

Two ninjas emerged from the shadows and bowed respectfully to Li Xiu.

Then, holding those USD, gold bars, and super metals, they disappeared into the shadows, as if they had entered a deep pool and disappeared without a trace.

Finish these.

Li Xiu snapped his fingers.


Flames covered the man’s body and incinerated it.


The flames continued to rise, and the flames grew stronger, burning the whole house.

Blazing flames enveloped the huge dragon body.

In those fist-sized eyes, a blazing flame was reflected.

Since he is immune to fire, these flames cannot harm him.

To him, it was like soaking in a hot spring, warm and comfortable.

Covered in raging flames, Li Xiu slowly walked out of the room.

The dragon body has become invisible.


A big hole burst out on the spot.

Li Xiu exploded into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

While Li Xiu happily eats takeaway.

The follow-up effect of his wandering in the sky is still happening.

Inside the air force base.

A group of high level generals are sitting in the meeting room.

Among them is even the Air Force Lieutenant General, General Ross, the rival of the green titan, and the future red titan.

His experiments led to the creation of the green titan, and it is he who has been hunting the green titan.

Those sitting here are basically big shots from the Air Force.

At the moment, all of them looked at the projected photos with serious faces.

In the vast sky, a condensed sonic boom cloud flew by. There were only clouds and nothing else.

General Ross frowned and said, “So, what’s going on here? Is it the trace left by a supersonic fighter?”

Colonel War Machine Roddy stood aside and said: “This is indeed a trace of supersonic speed, but this is a trace of Flight being produced by Flight.”

“In other words, the Flight object is also on the picture.”

General Ross glared: “Where is the Flight in the photo? Are you kidding me?”

War Machine released another photo.

It is the radar display map of the fighter plane.

A red dot is shown above, very close to the fighter plane.

War Machine opened the mouth and said: “The photo was captured by a fighter plane using a high-speed camera in the direction of the red dot. We captured the unknown Flight object. It’s just that we can’t see it, it is invisible.”

Hearing this, the pupils of everyone present trembled slightly.

Unable to be caught by the naked eye, this is true invisibility.

It’s not the kind of “stealth” that can’t be caught by radar.

War Machine continued to post photos one by one.

Two blazing lasers emerged from the void, blasting shells one by one!

Amazing power!

War Machine said: “The unknown Flight object can also emit high-intensity lasers! It can easily kill the fighter’s shells, and it is extremely accurate, making our fighter’s shells useless!”

He paused: “In the face of this laser, the most powerful weapons of our fighters have been reduced to useless scrap iron and gunpowder.”

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Such an advanced weapon is really amazing.

On the contrary, it was General Ross, with eager eyes: “Such a powerful thing, if we can obtain this technology, then the strength of our air force will greatly increase!”

In the eyes of General Ross, good things have to be kept by themselves!

General Ross quickly asked: “Have you caught this Flight object? Or have you found out where they came from?”

War Machine shook his head: “We sent five fifth-generation aircraft, but we didn’t catch it, and we didn’t find out where it came from or where it went.”

Hearing this, everyone present gasped.

None of the five strongest fighters stopped this flight, how could it be possible?

The five strongest fighters can destroy almost all targets!

Even if he is very strong against Fang Yue, if he is 1v5, he must be hit no matter what!

The effect of one plus one can be greater than two, let alone five fighters that cooperate seamlessly.

General Ross stared angrily: “How is that possible! Those are the five strongest fighters! Even if the attack of one fighter is neutralized, there are a total of five fighters!”

“And! Even if the attack is resolved, don’t our fifth-generation machines know how to dodge? Chase? How could we not know where it went!”

War Machine’s subsequent words were like a nuclear bomb that exploded in everyone’s hearts.

The generals present couldn’t help feeling a trace of fear in their hearts.

War Machine said: “Because the flight’s speed reached Mach 6.”

As soon as the words came out.

The scene was silent, and a needle could be heard.

next moment.

Everyone’s pupils were almost shrunk into needles, and there was a hint of fear on their faces.

6 times supersonic flight object!

You know, their fifth-generation fighters are just over two times the size, and they are already the most powerful fighter jets.

Mach 6 speed, or true stealth, with laser weapons…

Simply horrible!

Is this really a flight device that humans can research?

Is this really within the reach of earth technology?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even General Ross didn’t speak. Facing the overwhelming force, he also chose to remain silent.

this night.

The top management of the entire air force base did not sleep well.

The unknown flight object is like a mountain weighing on everyone’s hearts.

Besides them, in a luxury villa built along the coast, a rich playboy also couldn’t sleep all night, tossing and turning.

In his mind, the huge body and the terrifying sense of oppression are still playing back.

Li Xiu didn’t know, he just wanted to take a look at the steel battle suit, but in the end he left a deep shadow on countless people.

(Ask for flowers and tickets!)

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