American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 44: One wave has not yet subsided, another wave rises


Accompanied by the slight sound of propeller rotation, three groups of forty-eight drones took off from the wilderness and circled towards Donton.

At the same time, feeling the numbness and pain coming from all directions, Donton rolled his eyes.

He couldn't move, he couldn't move at all, he couldn't even find what was electrocuting him.

It was definitely not a simple electric shock gun, and there was nothing unusual on this road, and there was no trace of any trap.

In this seemingly normal environment, Donton felt like he was stabbed by dozens of electric batons, and he felt that his skin was about to burn.

Donton admitted that this taste was indeed painful, but compared to death, everything was just child's play.

When death can no longer be your weakness, your willpower will far exceed your imagination!

In this way, after being tortured by the electric current for more than ten seconds, Donton even gradually adapted to the feeling of being electrocuted.

His body gradually exerted strength, and while standing firm, he also successfully controlled his eyes to look into the distance.

Although it cannot be said that there were drones everywhere, the scene of more than 40 medium-sized drones flying together was already quite spectacular.

Donton watched the drones hovering around him at a distance of about eight meters, and then launched something at him one after another.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

After a series of air-breaking sounds, Donton felt that his muscles all over his body spasmed instantly.

He was barely able to stand just now, but in the blink of an eye, he was controlled by the electrode needles piercing into various parts of his body to curl up, and his hands also hugged his head uncontrollably.


The sound of a ball leaking suddenly came out, and it seemed that a breeze blew across Donton's face. Following the direction of the wind, Donton looked at the tar road five meters away.

Countless substances that were as small as breezes and could not be observed by the naked eye gradually gathered, and then gathered into a coin-sized metal ring, faintly suspended above the road surface.

When the metal ring was completely formed, Downton could no longer feel the current.

So, he was electrocuted by a keychain-like thing?

Whose technology is this?

It's so powerful!

I haven't seen these things in movies!

At the same time, in the command vehicle, looking at Downton curled up and motionless, General Ryan clapped his hands excitedly.

"The trial equipment provided by Lex Group in the bid is really good, but it's too delicate and the power is a bit too mild.

But it's a coincidence that this kind of equipment is just right for a guy who will be reborn in another place once he dies!"

As he spoke, the driver of the command vehicle walked out of the cab and asked the general in the car.

"General, are we going to rush over?"

"Of course, since we have temporarily controlled him, there is no need for us to take him into the town.

For a lunatic like him, God knows what he can do, so it is safer to deal with him in the wild."

After the voice fell, General Ryan's command vehicle started moving. While standing firmly in the speeding carriage, Ryan stared at Donton in the surveillance.

And Donton.

He squatted next to the Maybach boredly, trying to move his hands and feet while opening his mouth.


After a light cough, Donton laughed. It didn't matter if he couldn't move his body, as long as he could still speak.



Donton cursed with a smile.

"What the hell are these? Why have you never used these guys to deal with others?

It's my turn. Well, all kinds of weird things have come out!"

As he said, Donton rolled his eyes. He was a little suspicious of Liv's intelligence.

Was it the US military that attacked him? After all, the military in DC comics and movies is powerful and powerful, and they can throw nuclear bombs or missiles.

Where did they get this magical gadget today? Did they steal the magic prop box in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?

This kind of tool is not military at all, but has a bit of DEO (Department of Extraordinary Investigation) and ARGUS (Aerial Eye Society). Is there any other department behind today's military attack?

These bastards are targeting his immortality so quickly?

But they shouldn't cooperate with the military, right?

While thinking, Donton turned his eyes to the drone.


He smiled at the drone.

"Can your drone talk? You can't let me wait here. Come and chat with someone who can chat~

Believe me, I'm easy to talk to. As long as you find a sexy enough voice to flirt with me, I will definitely cooperate with you, haha!"

While laughing, Donton tried to move his hands and feet.

The metal spikes that the drones had driven into his body were controlling his muscles with electric currents, but he had died so many times that his physique was no longer that of an ordinary person.

Withstanding the numbness and stuttering sensations like Parkinson's, Downton supported himself on the ground and stood up abruptly!

Seeing Downton's abnormality, General Ryan in the command vehicle took a breath in shock.

"Damn it, didn't Lex Group say that this thing could even control rhinos and elephants? Could it be that Downton is stronger than rhinos and elephants!

Weasley, switch the controller to maximum power!"


Not far away, the young soldier operating the drone group nodded and then turned up the power of the controller.

While adjusting, Soldier Weasley added to General Ryan.

"Under maximum power, electrode control can only last about eight minutes. It is difficult for us to arrive within eight minutes. Should we deeply anesthetize Downton?"

"I am not even sure whether Downton can be teleported away. Maybe he is playing with us.

If this is the case, the early anesthesia may make him alert, and our operation this time will be completely in vain!

Although we cannot arrive within eight minutes, the team deployed at the entrance of Smallville Town only needs one minute to reach Downton.

Just leave it to them!"

General Ryan rejected Weasley's suggestion, and then watched Downton's condition nervously.

As the current continued to increase, Downton's body, which had just stretched out, began to curl up again. Even if Downton tried his best to resist, he eventually shrank into a ball again.

At the same time, in the sky above Smallville, a man with a stern face looked at the picture sent by the tablet, and slid on the tablet expressionlessly.

A moment later, the plane he was in suddenly ejected two balls of flames, and he said softly.

"I can't believe the rebirth that I haven't witnessed with my own eyes. Prove it to me, Donton.

I hope that the news from Jonathan can really give me a surprise, and I hope that Gotham is indeed a city with unlimited potential."

At this point, the stern man closed his eyes and listened silently to the sound from the tablet.

One second, two seconds...


A violent explosion sounded from the tablet.

On the ground, Donton looked at the two missiles whizzing in with a confused face.

Just before he was completely engulfed by the explosion and flames, he suddenly laughed.

"Haha, it's really powerful, this should be the method of the US military.

Being bombed by missiles, right, this taste is right, exciting!!!"

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