American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 52: silence

With the solidarity and cooperation of three NYPD branches, seven police cars, and more than 20 police officers, the suspect set out from the Holt Pharmaceutical Factory in the northern suburbs of Queens and transferred to the NYPD 112 branch in Queens, New York.

Naturally, this serious case also fell into the hands of the 112th Bureau Sheriff George Stacey. Goofy had enough confidence in Sheriff Stacey that he could properly handle this hot potato.

Gao Fei, who witnessed Dr. Bald being escorted into the car, was not in a hurry to go home to rest, but escorted him all the way in Hank's police car. As for his second-hand Chevrolet, he lent Eddie, this kid was long before the NYPD cleaned up the scene. He had already driven away, and at this time it was estimated that the press release had finished writing the beginning.

The spectacular NYPD motorcade swaggered across the city, attracting surprised onlookers on both sides of the road.

"I thought you gave up investigating the homeless case long ago, but I didn't expect you to follow up secretly." Hank chatted with Goofy while driving.

"The homeless are also human, and someone has to protect their personal safety." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"In order to protect the group of guys who don't take their own lives seriously, are you willing to take risks?" Hank did not approve of Goofy's risky behavior this time, "Goofy, you are an excellent police officer, I don't want to lose your good partner."

"Don't worry, you won't lose me so easily." Goofy said in a meaningful tone, "I found it's not easy to want to die."

Hank pouted, then quickly looked at Goofy and said, "Why is your whole body swollen? Did the bald doctor in the lab do anything to you?"

Gao Fei knew that he couldn't hide from Hank's eyes, so he had to confess: "Unfortunately, I became his experimental sample, he is developing a reagent to enhance human physique, and he gave me one when he first caught me. agent."

"What?!" Hank immediately became nervous. "Then I'll take you to the hospital right now. This thing is not a joke."

Goofy shook his head: "Don't be so nervous, Hank, Dr. Bald has determined that this agent will not have side effects on me. In fact, I was the first sample to successfully absorb the agent, and now my body is strengthened. ."

In fact, it is also thanks to the bald doctor who injected Gao Fei with a dose of reagent, otherwise Gao Fei would not know how to explain to his colleagues his physical fitness that is far beyond ordinary people after the upgrade. Sooner or later, a high level of fitness will cause Hank's suspicion.

"Dude, so you're stronger now?" Hank said, dumbfounded. "You've become a superman?"

"Uh... let's put it this way." Gao Fei spread his hands, "My strength, reflexes, ability to fight back, and ability to recover are much stronger than ordinary people, that's why I can survive today in such a dangerous situation."

"Oh, so it is." Hank suddenly realized, and then said, "Then when you return to the bureau tomorrow, I will arrange for a colleague to give you a new physical fitness assessment. If your ability is really beyond ordinary people, you will be become a hit."

"A hot item? What a hot item?" Gao Fei asked.

"SWAT teams, commandos, FBI...they will show a lot of interest in you, and even the military will pay attention to you, after all, any department wants to have a special agent or soldier with extraordinary combat power. Not to mention that you join the NYPD The past two months have been very exciting, and everything is impeccable, boy, I can already foresee your future." Hank said with a smile.

"SWAT team, commando team, FBI..." Gao Fei squinted and pondered, "Will joining these departments lead to success?"

"Of course." Hank nodded, "These departments are always better than our bitter police officers. Although it seems that they deal with some tricky incidents, their equipment is better, their tactics are more professional, and the risk factor is not that much. Gao, there is still the opportunity to enter the management, the scenery is infinite."

"Isn't the risk factor high?" Gao Fei immediately grasped the point and shook his head.

"But I still prefer to be an ordinary police officer." Gao Fei said firmly.

"Why? Don't you think that being a police officer has no future?" Hank was at a loss.

Gao Fei smiled lightly and patted Hank on the shoulder: "Old man, do you have the heart to lose my partner?"

"Well..." Hank was instantly persuaded, "I'm really reluctant to say that."

"Then keep me, don't let me go to any SWAT team, the FBI..." Gao Fei urged him, "I don't want to let others treat me as an alien."

"Okay." Hank was a good talker and nodded in agreement.

At this point, the police team just drove past an intersection, and through this intersection, the center of Queens is in front.

Having experienced several vicious traffic accidents, Gao Fei has become much more sensitive to road sections such as intersections. When the car was driving forward, Gao Fei subconsciously looked at the lanes in both directions.

As a result, I really found something out of this—I saw a **** guy on the road on the right moving quickly towards this side. Gao Fei could roughly judge that it was a truck, and the act of turning off the lights when driving at night immediately aroused Gao Fei's suspicion.

This car is scheming!

So Gao Fei immediately grabbed the radio in his hand and loudly warned other vehicles.

"Watch out for the truck on the right! Watch out for the truck on the right!"

It's a pity that Gao Fei's reminder was still a step too The truck suddenly appeared in everyone's sight through the night, it precisely ran through the red light and crashed into the **** car that was escorting the bald doctor in the middle of the convoy , and toppled it to the ground without any suspense.

The chassis of the **** car was higher than that of an ordinary police car, and it was hit by a big truck.

The violent collision caused gasoline to leak out, and the friction in the process ignited the body.

"Damn it!" Hank said solemnly, "How dare you openly kill and silence your mouth!"

After the heavy truck overturned the **** vehicle, it had lost the ability to escape, and the driver of the truck had no intention of escaping. Before the NYPD rushed into the driver's seat, the truck driver hid himself inside and drank bullets.

The fire on the **** car is getting bigger and bigger. The life and death of the three police officers, a driver and the suspect Dr. Bald in the car are unknown.

"Damn it, they killed him!" Hank said bitterly, and immediately called the fire brigade.

But looking at this flaming **** car, Gao Fei had a bold idea.

Ordinary pistols could no longer kill him, and half-finished human enhancement reagents could not send him to death. At present, all dangers became childish play in Goofy's eyes. What he lacked was strong stimulation.

The **** car on fire is like a time bomb. The fire may spread to the fuel tank and cause an explosion at any time. If bullets and poisons cannot kill Gao Fei, then this **** car can always do it, right?

So while Hank was in contact with the fire brigade, Goofy opened the door and jumped out of the car.

Hank knew Goofy well and understood everything as soon as he saw his movements.

"HolyShit! This little calf thinks he has a long life?!"

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