American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 50: Weird Support

After experiencing disappointment again and again, Gao Fei finally understood that there was no one who could kill him in this laboratory, it was just a bunch of chickens.

So Gao Fei brought down the four security guards, kidnapped the bald man again, and took Ole upstairs in the elevator to stop the large truck that was about to escape, and walked to the door of the pharmaceutical factory to wait quietly for support.

Fortunately, the attributes of various aspects of the body have stopped increasing, and the effect of the human body enhancement agent has ended, and the data of the last four attributes have been finalized.


Constitution: 5.0

Strength: 4.7

Agility: 5.1

Spirit: 1.5


Except for the slight drop in mental attributes, the other three data have completely doubled. With the "help" of the bald man, Goofy has become stronger.

In this way, Goofy's road to death will only become more difficult, petty troubles can no longer threaten Goofy's life, and the only hope to bring him to death is Norman Osborn's revenge .

Therefore, in order to seize this only opportunity, Gao Fei had to expose human experiments.

After more than half an hour, the siren sounded on the road in the distance. This time, the NYPD's support was uncharacteristically ink, and it was obvious that someone was interfering with it.

The bald man once stated that it only took half an hour to transfer the laboratory, but the NYPD police car arrived only after more than half an hour. The mystery is self-evident, and the penetration of the Oster Group into NYPD is evident.

Eddie returned to the scene with several NYPD police cars, and he saw Goofy who was waiting at the door at a glance.

"Goofy?" Eddie was overjoyed, "Are you still alive?"

Gao Fei looked frustrated: "Yes, I'm still alive..."

"How? They didn't hurt you, did they?" Eddie looked up and down Goofy nervously, and then he was surprised to find that not only was this guy unscathed, but his body seemed to be stronger than when he entered.

" did you become..."

"Get stronger, right?" Gao Fei's face collapsed, "It's all because of the **** human enhancement reagents they developed."

"They injected you with reagents? Did they take you as an experimental sample?" Eddie became more and more nervous. "Will there be any sequelae? You won't die, will you?"

Gao Fei didn't say much: "Listen, Eddie, now is not the time to talk about the details. Before the NYPD has control of the scene, you go in and shoot some key evidence, and then immediately expose the information. Remember, O'Brien The syndicate will definitely use all means to harmonize this content, and even the NYPD will help them cover it up, so you must be quick and make this content public before the Aussie syndicate wipes out the evidence.”

As a senior media person, Eddie knows how precious time is.

"Don't worry, Gao Fei, I will handle all this properly."

After all, Eddie sneaked into the pharmaceutical factory by night, and then touched the laboratory all the way.

And soon two of the NYPD police officers who were supporting at the scene came to meet Gao Fei, and these two faces were unfamiliar faces.

"Are you a high-flying police officer?" one of the burly police officers said, "My name is Schalke, from the NYPD 63 branch."

Another police officer introduced himself: "My name is Jim, and I'm his partner."

Gao Fei smiled at the two of them: "Nice to meet you."

But the two police officers were expressionless, as if they didn't like Gao Fei well.

The burly police officer Schalke asked in a deep voice, "What happened here?"

Gao Fei said: "Here is a group of people who are secretly conducting illegal human experiments." Then he pointed to the bald man, "He is the person in charge of this experiment."

"Is that so..." Schalke nodded and asked cautiously, "Have you reported this to anyone else?"

"Not yet." Goofy replied.

Hearing this, Schalke smiled slightly: "Very good, now leave this guy to us, it's none of your business here, police officer Goofy."

Jim came over to stick to Goofy and said, "Officer Goofy, your mental state is not very good, shall I take you to rest?"

Gao Fei was stunned at first, but soon understood the tricks.

These two people are specially here to mix the water, the purpose is to destroy the key evidence at the scene. Schalke is responsible for the bald man who is the key person in the whole case, and Jim's task is probably to silence Goofy's murder.

They must have gotten the news long ago that Goofy is the only one who knows the whole thing, so as long as Goofy is eliminated, this evil experiment can be covered up in time.

"Interesting." Gao Fei smiled lightly, and then he cooperated and handed the bald man to Officer Schalke. Officer Jim pointed to the police car parked on the side of the road and said, "Come on, Officer Goofy, I'll take you to rest."

"Are you alone?" Gao Fei looked at Officer Jim nervously, feeling a little uneasy. Even if this officer was brave and fierce, he would never be Gao Fei's opponent.

"Don't worry, there will be a lot of people taking care of you in a while." Officer Jim smiled hypocritically, but there was a hint of murderous intent in his words.

"A lot of people are waiting for me?" Gao Fei was happy when he heard it, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

Seeing Gao Fei's elated look as if he was really going to rest, Jim couldn't help but smile contemptuously and despised him in his heart.

"Boy, you can't imagine how many people are waiting to kill you!"

Gao Fei's heart was a little cosmic for a while: "That's great, it looks like a lot of people are waiting to kill me!"

Get on the police car, UU read www.uukanshu. com Jim galloped all the way, taking Goofy from the pharmaceutical factory to an even more remote location—an abandoned pier in Queens.

Seeing that the destination was getting closer, Gao Fei cooperated with a surprised expression: "Officer Jim, doesn't this road take me to rest?"

Officer Jim in the driver's seat sneered: "No, Officer Goofy, of course this road will take you to rest, but it's just a long rest..."

Speaking of which, the police car drifted violently, and Gao Fei, who was sitting in the back compartment, lost his balance instantly, and his body hit the door on one side.

Then the car stopped, Officer Jim got out of the car from the front door with a gun, aimed at Gao Fei, and said sternly, "Hold your head in your hands and walk out slowly!"

Gao Fei pouted, opened the car door and got out.

At this time, he saw that four gunmen were already waiting here on the pier in advance, and they were watching Gao Fei eagerly.

Seeing these four gunmen, Gao Fei's face flashed an unconcealed disappointment.

"Oh, Officer Jim, what the **** is going on?"

Jim sneered: "Can't you understand it now? Boy, you are too busy with your own business. People like you are short-lived! Tonight is your day of death!"

Goofy shook his head quickly: "No, Officer Jim, that's not what I'm referring to. Of course I know what you brought me here for. I mean, you only ambushed four gunmen, and you want to kill me?"

"What?" Jim raised his eyebrows, "You think you can escape from four guns?"

Gao Fei spread his hands: "It's not what I think, Officer Jim, I just did an experiment. If four pistols can kill me, hehe, then NASA can go to Mars in a hot air balloon."

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