American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 38: playground

Seeing Gao Fei's leisurely look on his face, Cheng Jieqian was angry and anxious.

My life is about to die, and I still think about going out to play!

"Goofy! Can you be serious! Do you realize the seriousness of the problem? Or is this all a secret plan of your NYPD?"

Gao Fei heard it, eh? NYPD's secret plan?

Since you've asked that, I'll go down the donkey down the slope.

He knew that if she didn't give Cheng Jieqian a reasonable explanation, Cheng Jieqian would never give up, so Gao Fei pretended to be mysterious, locked the door and pulled the curtains, then sat next to Cheng Jieqian and said in a low voice, "Shhh. ...The next thing I'm going to tell you is the NYPD's top secret mission, and you must not reveal it to anyone..."

Cheng Jieqian quickly nodded obediently, and moved closer to Gao Fei.

Gao Fei continued: "Actually, the NYPD deliberately let the Global Daily publish this report in order to attract firepower and lure the rest of the black gang into taking the bait. In fact, the NYPD has set up an ambush around my apartment, just waiting. Criminals throw themselves into the net, and once someone dares to retaliate, the NYPD will catch them all in one sweep..."

Cheng Jieqian reluctantly believed it after hearing it, which explained Gao Fei's leisurely and calm attitude.

"Since it's NYPD's fishing plan, you shouldn't be in danger, right?" Cheng Jieqian finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Gao Fei said with a smile.

In order to prevent Cheng Jieqian from asking about this matter, Gao Fei quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Jieqian, I heard that a new amusement park in Queens is very good. Since you have no class this afternoon, let's go shopping together? "

Cheng Jieqian rolled her eyes at him: "Who said I didn't have classes in the afternoon, I have several classes in the afternoon! It's all the **** news reports, I was so scared that I missed class to come to you..."

Gao Fei was quite moved: "I'm sorry to make you worry, so I'll take you back to class now?"

Unexpectedly, Cheng Jieqian shook her head: "Forget it, I'm not in the mood for class now. Since you all suggested going to the playground, let's go to the playground!"

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's go to the playground."

Putting down the newspaper, Gao Fei took Cheng Jieqian out of the apartment.

On the second page of the Global Daily, a line of headlines read: "The newly opened amusement park "Dreamland" in Queens has been exposed to have 7 safety hazards, especially the roller coaster, pirate ship and other projects..."


The second-hand Chevrolet galloped all the way, and soon took Gao Fei and Cheng Jieqian to the "Dreamland" amusement park in Queens.

Since it has just opened, tickets to the amusement park are at a 20% discount.

After buying the ticket, Gao Fei took Jie Qian around to hang out. He planned to arrange Jie Qian in a project that was not dangerous, and then challenged the roller coaster, pirate ship, jumping machine and other projects with many safety hazards.

Ever since I saw the news report in the newspaper just now, Gao Fei has been thinking about coming here to try his luck. Although the probability of malfunction of the amusement equipment is not high, and the fatality rate is also limited, but if luck happens, you can avoid it directly. Go to the follow-up troubles in one step.

However, it is his own business to kill Cheng Jieqian, so before he kills him, he has to make proper arrangements for his traveling companions.

The two walked side by side to the merry-go-round, and Gao Fei immediately pointed to the brightly lit turntable: "Look, Jie Qian, the merry-go-round, do you like it?"

"I like it!" Cheng Jieqian nodded and said, "Let's go and sit here!"

"You sit first, I'll come later." Gao Fei shied away, "I'll go play a roller coaster first."

"I like roller coasters too, so let's play roller coasters first!" Cheng Jieqian hurriedly suggested.

Gao Fei quickly shook his head: "Roller coasters are too dangerous and not suitable for you. According to scientific research, riding a roller coaster will cause various injuries to the body, such as: there is a certain chance of retinal detachment, possible cerebral hemorrhage, and excessive compression will cause Spine deformation and so on... In short, this project is too risky, I don't recommend you try it."

Cheng Jieqian was confused when she heard this: "Why don't you let me ride a roller coaster and take me all the way to the playground???"

Gao Fei pointed to the carousel: "You can play on the carousel!"

Cheng Jieqian immediately quit: "Hey! You brought me to the playground, didn't you just want me to play the merry-go-round?"

Gao Fei immediately pointed to the water slide next to him: "This project can also be played, this project is not so dangerous."

Cheng Jieqian had a black line on her face: "Gao Fei, what's the matter with you? Haven't you always been very courageous? Why are you suddenly so cautious today, you don't even dare to ride a roller coaster?"

"It's not that I don't dare to play, it's that I don't dare to let you play..." Gao Fei whispered, "This playground... The reputation is not very good. It was just exposed that there are 7 safety hazards."

Cheng Jieqian became more and more fascinated: "Since there are 7 safety hazards in this playground, why did you bring me here? Gao Fei, you are so strange..."

Gao Fei coughed and covered up embarrassedly: "Cough, I only heard about this after I came to the playground..."

Cheng Jieqian said, "If that's the case, let's not play It's still early anyway, let's change to another playground!"

Gao Fei looked helpless, he knew he should come alone.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a scream came from not far away.

"God! That person's seat belt wasn't fastened!!"

Gao Fei and Cheng Jieqian were quickly attracted to their attention. They looked at the sound and saw a **** a roller coaster not far away shouting loudly to the staff: "My seat belt is open! My seat belt is open! "

And the seat belt on her body is indeed in a state of undoing, and it is loose and swaying as the roller coaster runs. She only has the safety bar on her shoulders pressing her body, so that she will not be thrown by the inertia of the roller coaster. go out.

However, the safety system of the roller coaster is completed by the safety bar on the shoulder and the seat belt on the waist. Once the seat belt is released, when the roller coaster is in a severe fall or upside down, the passengers may still be able to get out of the safety bar. Sliding out of the seat leads to an accident, so the unwinding of the seat belt is still a very serious safety accident, and measures must be taken immediately.

Seeing that the roller coaster had already started to speed up, and the first climb and fall was not far ahead, the nervous staff rushed into the operating room to brake the roller coaster urgently. Unfortunately, this process took a lot of time.

When the staff entered the operating room, the roller coaster had already experienced the first slip, followed by a terrifying inversion, which means that the roller coaster would hang upside down on the track.

And the passenger with the seat belt unbuckled is very likely to be thrown out of the seat in this link and fall from the track as high as more than ten meters!

Everyone in the audience held their breath!

Cheng Jieqian couldn't help grabbing Gao Fei's hand!

The situation is at stake!

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