Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 4: Projects (Part 1)

A month after the wedding and their honeymoon, it was time to get back to work in managing their empire. The two months spent away from the desks had given the duo empresses time to finally settle in and refine some things that they had planned already, especially Ophelia who had some ideas to change the laws and some construction projects already underway. And today, they were going to visit the workshop in Tree City, formerly known as the village under Wilcor's care. 

As the carriage trudged along the paved road, Amelia and Ophelia were in the middle of looking over the reports from different parts of the empire. 

"It says here that the mines in the city of Horus are currently doing well, extracting a lot of steel and other valuable materials" Amelia said as she looked at the report before her, adjusting her reading glasses 


"Good, then that means they are operating as expected. We will be needing that steel for the future and lots of it. I plan for us to have a military befitting the empire" Ophelia replied as she sorted through the reports on her side of the carriage. 


"You really are someone with a vision" Amelia playfully remarked as she continued to read the reports on her side of the carriage 

"Oh? It says here that the vessels you requested are putting on their finishing touches and request for our inspection" Amelia said as she handed the report over to her beloved, clearly confused by the content 

"Ahh, yeah. I ordered a fleet of vessels to be made, we will get to them soon enough but first, we have to handle the thing we came here to inspect" Ophelia replied as she placed the report to her side and looked out the carriage window, seeing the massive trees becoming more and more numerous outside 

"Ah, it seems we are about to arrive. Get ready Amelia" Ophelia said as she kissed her lovely wife on the lips causing her to blush 

"Of course Ophie" Amelia replied with a smile on her face 

"Your Majesties. We are about to enter Tree City, do you have any orders for us?" Erhet asked as she suddenly slithered into view 

"Nothing Erhet, just the usual stand guard orders" Amelia replied as she looked at the massive lamia 

"Understood" Erhet said as she bowed her head and slithered away 

A few minutes later, the carriage passed the massive gates of the city and made it inside. The old clan village that Ophelia had once visited had undergone massive change in the four-month period following the latter's coronation as Empress. The old dirt roads and small size of the village had been replaced by winding paved and connected pathways and roads, with more and more housing built within the massive trees that made up the city hence the name given to it. The duo's carriage stopped before the newly remade city hall which used to be much smaller before and when the duo stepped out, they were greeted by Wilcor himself, a bodyguard of elves and a certain elf gyaru standing off to the side. 

"Welcome Your Majesties, I hope that the ride here was relaxing" Wilcor greeted with a bow and a smile


"It was, thank you Wilcor" Ophelia replied with a nod 

"We are really glad you are both here, and might I add since this is my first time meeting you in person formally Empress Amelia, allow me to introduce myself, I am Elder Wilcor, the leader of this specific elven tribe and the current mayor of Tree City" Wilcor stated as he took another bow to his second empress 

"It is a pleasure to meet you Wilcor, I hope to learn a lot from this place" Amelia replied with a nod of her own 

"I hope you will, and this elf right here is-" 

"Vaeron, Vaeron Mythril Your Majesty, the Chief Scientist of the Halkare Research Department. It is a pleasure to finally meet you" The beautiful dark elf gyaru said with a cheery smile as she cut off Wilcor and shook the blonde empress' hand 


"A pleasure to meet you as well, I take it you are the one I thank for those magic crystal cameras during the wedding?" Amelia replied with a smile 

"Well not entirely, sure we were the ones who constructed them, but the original plans and concept were given to us by Her Majesty Ophelia, we just filled in the blanks really" Vaeron stated with a wry smile 

"I see, well it is still impressive, given only four months and you were able to create such a device with little background of familiarity regardless, shows that you are all very smart and impressive people" Amelia added with another smile, this one charming and causing the dark elf to blush 

"Th...thank you for the kind words Your Majesty, now. Shall we go?" Vaeron asked with a red face hiding behind her clipboard 

"Lead the way" Ophelia answered, smirking at Amelia as she was amused by the latter using her charm 

The group walked past the city hall and towards the newly built lab placed right behind the town hall. This facility was newly made as it was built only three months prior with all of the equipment from the former research lab being transferred into this much more up-to-date and massive facility. 

"Before we go in, I will ask you all to please wear protective gear to ensure there will be no accidents or injuries. I know you both probably have powerful magic barriers surrounding you at all times but I would still like the extra layers to be thorough" Vaeron said as she looked at them 

"Alright then Vaeron, this is your neck of the woods anyways" Amelia said with a small smirk, the group looking a bit confused while Ophelia had a grin on her face as she recognized the joke 

"Right, here. Some lab coats, gloves, and some protective goggles, standard protective gear that we used way before this facility" The dark elf stated as she had an assistant appear from behind the door leading inside to come out with said equipment for the group.

As they entered the lab, they were greeted by the sights and smells of smoke and fire coming from one of the research stations, the elf in charge of the station quickly scrambled as she summoned a water ball above the cause of the fire which was a monster crystal imbued with fire magic. Vaeron then looked back at the duo monarchs and gave a wry smile before rushing over to help the researcher put out the fire.

The duo then shifted their attention to the large open room to the right that was filled with other stations currently present that were minding their own business within their respective zone that was mapped out by transparent walls of reinforced monster crystal glass that showcased the other things in development. The duo saw a pair of elves testing out a pair of magic crystals imbued with certain inscriptions that should allow both parties to speak and hear one another, then there was an elf researcher and a dwarf researcher inspecting and testing out different magic crystals imbued with runes that each had a different effect, and they tested it on multiple things such as paper, plants, and clothing, with them burning, soaking and electrifying said objects to name a few. 

They also saw an arachnia researcher doing something with the silk produced by her kind and the silk seemed to have been woven in between layers of clothing, clothing the arachnia would then ask her orc assistant to stab or slash at after placing it on a test dummy. There was also a siren researcher and a human assistant testing out different ship designs as they carved them out of wood and placed them inside a tank of water that the siren would then manipulate in order to simulate certain conditions, all the while the human assistant took notes and observed the reaction of the ship designs. 

"They are certainly hard at work" Amelia remarked as she and Ophelia walked along the stations

"Indeed. Some of the projects being done are inspired by the information given to them by Spithe and myself which allowed us to make bounds and leaps in technology, much more than any other nation in the world to my knowledge at least" Ophelia replied as she looked at the tests being done by the researchers 

"So, what shall we do now?" Amelia asked as she looked around the room 

"Well, I suggest we wait for Vaeron as she is the main reason why we are here in the first place" Her lover replied as she saw said elf rushing back towards them in a small jog 

"Sorry Your Majesties. Had to help put out a fire from one of the fire crystals we are testing for the new appliances project" Vaeron apologized slightly out of breath as she made it to the duo monarchs 

"It's fine, workplace incidents happen and I must commend your immediate reaction to help" Ophelia replied as she simply nodded at her head researcher 

"Indeed, I can see why Ophie has you in charge of this place" Amelia added with a smile 

"I thank you both for your kind words. So let us continue on then, shall we?" Vaeron asked as she made her way to the front of the duo and began walking up the steps to the higher floors of the facility 

"Now, ever since we relocated here it has been nothing but busy, busy, busy" The gyaru elf scientist started 

"On the ground floor, those are stations 1 - 19, and they mostly focus on developing technology for the daily use of the citizens, while here on the upper floors, we have stations 20 - 39 which focus on developing industry and agriculture" She added as she gestured to the massive open floor that had larger test sites separated with the same transparent and reinforced crystal glass 

"This is where we develop the latest in agriculture studies and industrial manufacturing, if you could look at station number twenty-one for example" Vaeron added as she pointed at the station to their right 

The duo saw a pair of human researchers, with one holding bags of seeds and a notepad while the other had several clumps of different soil floating in the air, the one with the bag of seeds inserted a seed into a dark clump of the soil while the one manipulating the clump would then pump earth magic into said clump and then use the magic to manipulate the growth of the seed, and as the soft hum and shimmer of green subsided and the seed sprouted into a small but healthy green plant, the researchers would both take down notes. 

"Ever since the Divine Beast told us of the different harvesting and plating methods, we have been hard at work determining which of the seeds and crops we grow from each tribe is the most suitable to which type of soil, the plant you just saw sprout was a small Hatech plant, a good plant that provides Hatech fruit which is a common delicacy shared between the tribes" The gyaru elf added as she looked at Amelia specifically, knowing that the blonde Empress was still getting to know the place 

"That is amazing! And I understand you then take the findings and create small dedicated farms that can house these crops right?" Amelia asked with an excited smile 

"Indeed we do Your Majesty, we send our findings to the Halkare Agriculture Department which handles the entire agriculture operation as you may know and they do just that" Vaeron answered 

"Amazing, truly amazing" Amelia replied, a very content and happy smile on her face 

'sigh...She looks so cute!' Ophelia thought with a small smile as she hung back and allowed the exchange to happen, knowing full well that Amelia needed to get well acquainted with the key departments of the empire, she knew full well what was being researched here given that she contributed to a lot of it, but Amelia didn't so it was a very logical choice to just let her experience it for herself

"Alright, moving on. As you can see over there Your Majesty, we have a dwarven forge set up in the far corner and we use that forge to test out different types of forging methods that can help streamline designs and develop new forging techniques" The gyaru elf stated as she gestured at the gigantic forge at the corner of the floor,

The forge was manned by a full team of dwarves and humans which numbered around ten individuals, the dwarves would forge different works of metal such as metal sheets, swords, and other items at different paces while the human researchers would take down notes and place them on a chalkboard behind them with a slew of scribbles and words that Amelia could barely make out. 

"Oooo, interesting. But if you have these processes, what about the dwarves or other blacksmiths who do not wish to work for the government and instead make equipment to sell themselves?" Amelia asked with a curious expression

"Well as you may know Your Majesty, we employ those who seek to produce for the empire, I do not know about the others, unfortunately" Vaeron answered with a small frown 

"I see, hold here for just a moment" Amelia quickly added as she went to her beloved 

"What's up?" Ophie asked as she saw her come to her 

"I have a project to run by you if you will, is it a good time now or?" Her beloved asked with a hopeful expression 

"Oh you can tell me now darling, we are in no rush" Ophelia answered with a smile 

"Nice. Well, I was just thinking, since we are employing so many people of the Black Guard in harvesting monster crystals for our trade, I was thinking of creating an Adventurer's Guild to replace them" Amelia stated 

"Oh? Go on" Ophie replied, an eyebrow raised 

"It's because ever since we got here, there have been a number of adults and young adults who have nothing to do since their livelihoods were back home. I want to give them a job that can be beneficial as being an adventurer can strengthen a person both mentally and physically, heck there are also a bunch of adventurers that left with us, they could be the ones teaching the new batch and the blacksmiths that don't produce for the empire will have customers. Additionally, they could also be used as a way for us to spread our influence southward, helping the tribes yet under our banner, slowly winning their favor" Amelia added, a small smile on her face, a bit proud of her suggestion 

"Hmmm, I see the benefits in this. We will discuss it in more detail later, but for now, know that I support it and let's continue the tour" Ophelia replied, a grin on her face that beamed with pride 

"Yay! Thank you Ophie!" Amelia said exclaimed as she kissed her on the lips and then made her way back to the waiting Vaeron 

"Haaa, lovely" Ophelia remarked as she traced her lips 

"Right, sorry about that. Let's continue" The blonde empress stated 

"Of course, follow me" Vaeron replied with a nod 

As they followed the dark elf through the floor, the duo monarchs saw several things as they passed the stations. Such as seeing researchers study several specimens of crops that were full grown like carrots, potatoes and even corn. Then there were other researchers testing different types of tools in shapes that Amelia had never seen before. They were sophisticated looking and had several monster crystals strapped to them via arachnia fiber to keep them in place, the crystals glowed as the researcher used one in their hand to try and drill into a wooden board but to no avail. 

After passing the stations and following the dark elf gyaru up another flight of stairs, they were now at the top floor of the facility. They stood before a large iron door that stopped them from entering, and then Vaeron turned to the duo. 

"Right, behind this iron door is the most secure and probably the most dangerous section of the laboratory. This is where we test and develop weapons to be used by the Imperial Military" Vaeron stated with a hint of caution 

"Alright, lead the way" Amelia replied, with the gyaru elf nodding as she turned away and unlocked the magic crystal-sealed door

As the door opened, the sights and sounds of metal banging and clashing against metal filled the air and when the trio stepped into the room, Amelia and Ophelia were treated to the sight of several stations that were large enough to fill the entire room. To their right, they saw a long and large cast iron cylinder that several researchers surrounded and were in the process of writing inscriptions onto the thing, beside that station was a station that had several Black Guards testing out a variety of weapons that were giving off different colored auras for each weapon, such as a red aura surrounding a sword while there was a green aura surrounding a halberd. 

Then to their left, they saw another set of researchers watching several Black Guards firing off multiple spells that slammed into the targets across from them, they saw lightning bolts, fireballs, water spears, and other elemental magics fire off from the fingertips, hands and arms of the Black Guards. Next to them, there were researchers standing next to and repeatedly patching up a Black Guard who had removed his armor that protected his right arm, the elven researchers would slash it with a blade and then cast a healing spell before noting down their observations into the clipboards and notepads they carried. 

And then in front of them, there was a group of researchers standing around a full suit of Black Guard armor that was not recognized as this standard pattern outfitted for the troops and instead looked like a new model. It still held the iconic black and crimson colors of the current armor, as well as the jagged edges that enhanced their intimidating presence, The duo also noticed that the plates of the armor seemed thicker than before as well as the whole suit itself being more larger than usual. 

"As you can see, we are currently trying our best to see what works in the realm of magic and weapons. Station forty on the right just as you enter, is dedicated to researching a new type of weapon. The Magi-Cannon we call it. It uses monster crystals that are inscribed with an explosion magic rune and powered by fire magic energy, these crystals then give off a controlled explosion that propels a large cast iron projectile, currently, we are using a sort of fuse between a cylinder projectile with a cone on top, the cylinder has also explosion magic inscribed onto it and uses the cone top to pierce into the object it is fired at as a trigger, it will then detonate zero point five seconds after contact" Vaeron stated as she pointed at the giant cast iron cylinder at the back of the room from when they first entered 

"Then we have station forty-one that focuses on the different types of aura runes on weapons and how they would affect the wielder, unfortunately we have not made so much progress on that front, then we have stations forty-two and forty-three, focusing on making new and more powerful and reliable spells to outfit our soldiers in battle and also develop new healing magics and techniques to get them back into the fight, it also doubles in how to treat the citizens so that is a plus" She added as she gestured to the stations on the left 

"I am think your department was able to do all of this" Amelia remarked as she looked around the room 

"Well, to be fair. We had a lot of help thanks to the information from the Divine Beast and Her Majesty Ophelia, we just try our best to develop and build upon their foundations" Vaeron replied with a small smile 

"Hmm, may I ask something?" 

"Hmm? Of course Your Majesty, ask away" 

"Well, I would like a small recap on runes and inscriptions that's all" Amelia replied with a small wry smile 

"Of course. Runes are permanent writings on an object or on a runestone that give it a specific command. Runes can be linked together inside the same object and so are very useful in a multitude of items. Inscriptions are similar to runes but are able to be erased and quickly altered, this makes them much more easy to complicate but harder to use with other inscriptions" Vaeron answered her 

"Ahh I see. Anyways, you spoke of this place housing the thing you wanted to show us?" Amelia added 

"Right! So, this armor behind me is the newest model we have made. It uses several runes embedded into the armor to provide the wearer with a multitude of benefits. As you know, our military is still small and expanding, it is also crucially still weak by Your Majesty's standards. C and D-ranks are the most common power rank of our soldiers, this armor is meant to offset that until the training regime that they are currently being put through allows them to become at least a B-Rank. For instance, they have a passive healing rune that activates during the midst of battle or a shielding rune that assists in protecting them from different magic attacks and spells" The dark elf gyaru stated with a smile as she circled the armor 

"Ooooo, interesting. Mind showing us a demonstration?" The blonde empress asked out of curiosity 

"Certainly. Mariketh! Put on the armor!" Vaeron ordered the nearest elven researcher next to her, with the elf nodding her head and then placing the armor over her labcoat and outfit. 

"I would like to be the one to demonstrate Your Majesty if you do not mind, the maximum damage intake it can have is against A-Rank power, given the fact that both of you are way above that, I fear for the lives of my staff. I hope you understand" Vaeron apologized with a bow 

"Of course, we understand. Just show us its capabilities" Ophelia replied to her, making Vaeron nod with a smile 

"Alright, stand back and get ready! <Lightning Shower>" Vaeron casted with a grin as she fired off a storm of lightning bolts from her fingertips 




The duo monarchs were surprised as the lightning bolts struck a barrier field a few feet from the armor and began to dissipate, leaving the researcher Mariketh and the armor intact, Vaeron then fired off several more times just to make sure it was working and she did so while moving around the armor, and each time the lightning was about to reach the armor, the barrier field would be activated and dissipate the lightning that crashed upon it like rain on rock. Suffice to say, the duo monarchs were very much impressed. 

"Impressive Vaeron, very impressive" Ophelia remarked as she stepped closer to the armor and began inspecting it 

"Indeed, you have created a fine piece of material here. I am sure our soldiers will be glad to receive it" Amelia added, patting the dark elf on the back 

"I thank you Your Majesties" Vaeron thanked with a bow

"That being said, how many can you produce and how long until full production?" Ophelia asked as she looked back at her 

"Hmmm...about twenty-four units in the next three weeks give or take, it will take some time to instruct the forge masters on how to implement the runes, but we should get full production up in the next two months" Vaeron answered as she went over to the nearby desk and picked up an abacus and went through the calculations 

"Alright. You start immediately" Amelia replied as she looked at her 

"It will be done Your Majesties. Long Live The Empire!" Vaeron answered her with a salute 

A/N: And here we go! Chapter 4 and it is the start of the kingdom building parts! I am so excited to show you guys some stuff I have been working on and I hope you will all like them! I also hope you liked this chapter as much as I had fun making it!  If you got reactions or comments, leave em below for me to read! And as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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