Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Chapter 2: A Marriage

A week after their engagement, Amelia and Ophelia set to work planning their wedding, setting aside a lot of state duties to their subordinates who were all former retainers of King Olertin, Ophelia's predecessor. All of them were happy to be given the tasks as it gave them more opportunities to hone their skills and prove their loyalty to their empresses, from looking over the budget and finances of the nation to the small policy and decision-making that did not require the guidance of their monarchs, the advisors: Irly, Iris, Simonse and Udaria, who were in charge of policy-making, defense, finance, and construction respectively. 

The duo spent a good two weeks being very meticulous and serious in planning the entire thing, to invite everyone to come and see the event to serve as two things. One was to cement that the empire was now whole in the sense that their empire now had two dedicated rulers who loved one another, and two, it was to ensure that the people of the empire knew that besides Ophelia, there was another monarch they would have to answer to and held sway over them, a woman that Ophelia loved and thereby meant that if any ill intent or act of indecency and aggression, or even an attack that was aimed towards her, was aimed towards Ophelia and that usually meant dying a painful death. 

"Do you think this dress is good?" Ophelia asked as she spun around in her white dress made of stunning arachnia silk 

"I think you look gorgeous in it, even more so than usual" Amelia answered as she was slightly drooling at the beautiful sight before her

"Now I really want this since you're making that face" Ophelia mused as she walked over to her stunned wife-to-be and caressed her face 

Amelia could only let out a weak whimper as her face flushed red and her eyes locked with her beloved 

"You really are unfair" She voiced as she felt her body go weak from Ophelia's touch 

"Hehehe, I play to win darling" Ophelia replied with a smirk as she quickly snatched a kiss from Amelia's lips before pulling away and licking her lips 

"Tasty" She finished with a seductive tone that caused Amelia to faint as her face turned red and metaphorical steam poured out of her ears 




Later that night, the duo were inside their personal bed chamber. Both of them on the bed and holding one another as they looked at each other, both of them dressed in white one-piece nightgowns. 

"You know, this all seems a bit fast Ophie" Amelia said with a small smile 

"Fufufu, it may seem like that, but we have spent more than enough time with one another. From childhood to now, there has been no one else by my side who is as close as you Amelia, you know this better than anyone" Ophelia said as she tightened the hug 

"I know I the way, I have been contemplating on this whole position as Empress" Amelia then stated, with her lover pulling back and looking at her properly 

"Hmm? What do you mean?" The former Grand Duchess asked 

"Well, I have been thinking for a while now that since I have been given this position, I should do my best to show that I am worthy of it" The former Saintess replied 

"Oh, but you don't really have to, being married to me is already proof that you have earned it" Ophelia added as she gazed into her lover's eyes with a resolute expression 

"Ophie..." Amelia's gaze softened as she let out a small smile and cupped her beloved's face 

"You know that will not be enough. I want to prove to these people that I am worthy of the title I carry" She added with a soft gaze 

"But you don't have to! I specifically did this to ensure you wouldn't be bothered with anything work-related!" Ophelia replied with a worried expression 

" know I do not want to be useless to you. I want to be able to help lighten the load and show that I am just as capable as an Empress and besides, what kind of wife would I be if I were to simply let you do all the work while I just sat and watched?" Amelia added as she gently caressed the cheek of her beloved and planted a gentle kiss on her lips 

"I see, you have given this a lot of thought haven't you?" Ophelia asked as she placed their foreheads together 

"I have, and I will see it through to the end, no matter what" Amelia stated as she gave her lover a smile and a resolute and determined gaze 

"I see...I understand, I love you Amelia"

"I love you too Ophie" 

As the two of them gazed into each other's souls, they closed the gap between them and initiated a deep and loving kiss, their hands caressing each other as the kiss progressively got deeper and much more intense as they both began to moan as they continued their trip of pleasure. As they broke away from one another, the two of them took a small pause as they both smiled and once again locked lips, with Ophelia pushing her beloved down onto the bed and grasping at her large breasts with Amelia accepting all of this and submitting herself to her lover. 

"Please, only after the ceremony" Amelia moaned as Ophelia pulled away and looked down at her, seeing her blushing face which increased her cuteness a hundredfold 

"As you wish, my Empress" Ophelia said as she brought up one of Amelia's hands close to her face and kissed it gently, before laying down beside her 

The duo held each other close as they drifted off into their dreams, the wedding ceremony would soon come and they both knew that when it did, that day would be the best day of their lives so far. 


On a bright and sunny morning, the Halkare Empire held a ceremony that had been planned for a month by their monarchs. The streets of each city across the empire were decorated with magnificent banners of white and gold with banners and streamers tied between the houses and along the streets. In Olertin City, the newly constructed Grand Cathedral stood in the center of its own distinct district across the massive capital, its bells began to toll around nine in the morning as the procession began. 

The gates of the Raven's Rock opened and the onlookers were greeted by the sight of a massive column of soldiers marching out to greet them, their pitch-black armor with crimson accents and jagged design giving a feeling of safety and familiarity to many of the locals while inspiring intimidation to others, they held up banners of the nation's flag, a flag with black and white colors behind a lavish red and gold mantle with a crimson sun in front of it and resting on the crimson sun was a black double-headed dragon with a crown placed between the two heads of the dragon. And below them was a set of words that were said by Ophelia herself to be the nation's catchphrase as she put it, "Imperium Nostrum Aeternum" Or as the locals understood it after many sessions given by Ophelia on what it meant, "Our Empire Eternal". 


Following behind the large column of Black Guard soldiers was the shimmering and shining red and gold armor of the old Imperial Guard who were given one final time to don their proud armor. And as the soldiers marched into the streets, the sight of a large, tall and imposing lamia known as Erhet draped in a specially crafted plate armor to fit her unique frame filled everyone's sight as she slithered forward with her halberd in both hands. Behind her was an open-top carriage of white and gold with a lavender interior being pulled by two horses with centaur guards flanking either side of the thing with a final column of Black Guards taking up the rear of the carriage. Inside the carriage were the monarchs of the nation, the two Empresses who were to be finally wedded today after months of being separated and years of romance and intimacy between them, Empress Ophelia and Empress Amelia. 


As the procession proceeded through the city streets, the onlookers cheered and called out in joy as the carriage passed by. Both local and new residents crowded the sidewalks as the procession passed, with children throwing roses and other flowers at the carriage and the columns of soldiers while the adults let out cries of joy and celebration. When they passed a large intersection, there was a marching band comprising of both local musicians from the clans and some of the former residents who escaped with Amelia a month ago. They had an assortment of instruments from the clans and the instruments they brought with them and their music was blasting and filling the air with their joyous and celebratory tunes, joining the procession as they marched behind them. 

As the carriage carrying the monarchs arrived on the steps of the Grand Cathedral, the skies above the city darkened as a massive shadow was cast over it, the locals were not startled however while the new arrivals were, with their gazes turned to the sky and seeing a massive black double-headed dragon circling the city and slowly shrinking as it descended before transforming into a humanoid dressed in a tuxedo but retaining the double-headed dragon heads however. To the newcomers this person was new, but to the locals, they knew the entity as the Holy Beast named Spithe, the strongest of the Holy Beasts and the one that Ophelia had subdued and nearly killed before earning the respect and admiration of the rebellious clan leaders when she was formally announced as Olertin's successor. 

Stepping forward, Spithe gave a small both with both heads as they opened the carriage door. 

"Your Majesties" Both heads spoke with a small smile 

"Thank you Spithe" Ophelia said with a smile 

"Yes, Thank you Spithe" Amelia added 

(A/N: Will have an Extra story about Amelia meeting the Holy Beast soon enough hehe) 


Standing outside the Grand Cathedral and atop the stairs next to the large entrance was a familiar group of faces that were dressed in their own lavish clothing but neither of them wore proper gowns. 

"You both look amazing" Mother Felice said as she laid her eyes upon her two daughters, with her outfit being a plum-colored dress that highlighted her curvy and well-endowed body 

"Indeed, to think I would finally see Amelia in a wedding dress" Sister Mary added with a large smile on her face and tears in her eyes as she looked upon the duo, still wearing her nun habit, although this time with the hood down, finally revealing her flowing and curly brunette hair 

"Mama! Mother!" Amelia shouted with glee as she hugged them both, kissing each of them on the cheek 

"I greet you as well, Mother and Mama" Ophelia added as she bowed her head and took a small curt bow 

"Aww, you don't have to do that Ophelia. We are soon to be family, and family does not do that" Mother Felice said as she kissed Amelia back and then walked over to her soon-to-be daughter-in-law 

"I thank you for the kind words Mama, and I shall take them to heart" Ophelia replied as she returned upright and locked eyes with the silver-haired beauty 

"That's good to hear. Now, I suggest we continue this later, Liliana is ready to start the ceremony and the bride who proposed has to be by the altar waiting for her beloved" Sister Mary chimed in, gesturing with a tilt of her head towards the inside of the Grand Cathedral 

"Right, I will get on that. See you inside Amelia" The black-haired empress said with a smile, nodding before moving past the gigantic doors, 

"You too Ophie" The blonde-haired empress replied with a smile of her own, watching her beloved enter first

"A few more minutes and soon it will be time" Sister Mary said as she planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead 

"Yep, it will soon be time. Are you ready?" Mother Felice added as she did the same thing 

"I am, and I am excited" Amelia replied with a large smile 


A few minutes after the procession arrived in the Grand Cathedral, the marching band outside had silenced themselves and the crowd of onlookers had also quieted down, the soldiers of the procession moved around and took up strategic positions around nearby intersections and entrances to the Grand Cathedral. 


Suddenly, the silence in the air was shattered as the sounds of a grand organ playing filled the air, the grand melody and tune of the majestic instrument heralding the start of the ceremony. The people outside were silent as they listened to the music playing, with those familiar with the tune being played smiling and nodding their heads while others were simply closing their eyes as they allowed the music to fill their souls. 

Inside the cathedral itself, there were several large stations positioned around the massive interior that housed specially made machines powered by harvested and inscribed monster crystals that broadcasted the entire event to those who were outside, manned by specially trained operators who were taught by Ophelia when she introduced this technology a month ago. These magical cameras were broadcasted to white screens made of specially crafted and imbued magic silk displayed what was happening inside, with the images on the screens also broadcasting the audio of what was inside the interior with these screens doting houses and streets from both inside the capital and across the empire. Then, the massive iron and oak doors opened and allowed more light to pour into the nave that was packed with pews filled with attendees from every part of the empire. From close friends and family of Amelia, specifically the children of the orphanage, sitting in the front row, to leaders of the clans and advisors to the empress duo sitting in the center of the rows, and finally the residents across the empire who were lucky enough to get seats in the remaining pews in the back. They all turned their gazes to the doors and saw Amelia walking down the aisle, there were gasps of surprise and awe as they saw their beautiful empress clad in her equally beautiful dress. Escorting her down the aisle were Sister Mary and Mother Felice who held onto her hands and smiled as they continued walking their daughter to the altar. 

Meanwhile, standing on the altar with a visible grin was Ophelia as she looked at her beloved walk down the aisle. The people of the empire usually saw her with an unmoving or unreadable expression but now they could see their empress visibly ecstatic and showing a lot more emotion than usual, something that they were happy to see. Standing behind the altar was Liliana wearing her pope attire, a smile on her face as well since she was happy to be presiding over this ceremony. 

When Amelia made it to the altar, Mother Felice and Sister Mary moved off to the side and sat side by side next to the children in the front pew, all of whom were cheering on their big sister on her big day. As Amelia stepped forward and stood beside her beloved, the organ music stopped and silence once again filled the air. 

As the duo sat before the altar, the mass began. The organ once more and the choir and people inside and outside the Grand Cathedral sang the hymns and recited the responses that were for this special occasion. Soon it was now the most important part of this mass, the marriage portion, 

"In the name of the Blessed Goddess Of Life And Creation, we are gathered here today" Liliana began as she held up her hands 

"For today we hold a special ceremony, a ceremony that binds two souls together in the beautiful relationship of marriage. As you all may know by now, the two before you are your benevolent monarchs, Empress Ophelia Erstad and Empress Amelia Rothild. To those who are unfamiliar with their past, these two have been together ever since Her Majesty Ophelia was a child, they met at a time of uncertainty and unrest and have both made it out together. Ever since then, the two have faced numerous trials, through thick and thin the two have been by each other's side and have never once stopped loving each other" Liliana continued as she let out a small smile for the two 

"Even when the problems became more severe and more threatening to their lives and the people around them, these two have managed to weather it all and have not lost their love for one another in the slightest. And I find that more than enough proof of their love is meant to be" Liliana finished as she moved to the front of the altar and stood before the two of them 

"Now, I stand before all of you, with the power to lawfully wed these two in front of the eyes of our Goddess Histy. I ask this, is there anyone here who does not wish for these two not to be joined in Holy Matrimony, I ask that you speak now or forever hold your peace until death" Lilania asked as she looked upon the crowd 

The crowd as well were all silent as the only sounds were the shifting of clothes as people looked around, wondering if there was going to be someone to try and speak up against the wedding, after a few moments of silence, Liliana let out a smile as she then drew all attention back to her. 

"Seems that there are none, excellent. I would like to ask the two of you to rise please" Lilana said with a smile as she looked down at the two monarchs 

Getting to their feet, Amelia and Ophelia smiled as they looked up at the Pope. Both of them ready for what was to come next, their vows. 

"It is time for the vows to be recited between the two lovers" Liliana stated 

"Please hold each other's hands and look at one another as you recite" She added with a small smile as she gave them the floor 

The duo looked at one another, struggling to contain themselves as their faces were flushed red with joy and a hint of nervousness 

"Umm, I will go first" Amelia said as she tightened her grip on her lover's hands 

"I vow to you Ophelia, to be a loyal and understanding wife. I shall never leave your side no matter what may come" She vowed as tears began to run down her face as she smiled 

"I...I vow to you Amelia, to be upfront and truthful about everything, I vow to love you with all my heart and be loyal like I have always been. I vow to stay by your side  as well no matter what may come" Ophelia replied as she too had tears rolling down her eyes with a smile 

After a few seconds to allow them both to dry their eyes and recompose themselves. They were ready to continue with the ceremony. 

"It is time for the important part now, Do you Ophelia Erstad take Amelia Rothild as your lawfully wedded wife before the eyes of the Imperial Law and before the Goddess of Creation? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?" Liliana asked as she looked at the raven-haired bride 

"I do" Ophelia replied with a heartfelt smile 

"And do you Amelia Rothild take Ophelia Erstad to be your lawfully wedded wife before the eyes of the Imperial Law and before the Goddess of Creation? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?" Liliana asked as she shifted her gaze to the blonde bride 

"I do" Amelia replied with a heartfelt smile of her own 


"Then, with the power vested in me provided by the Imperial Law and the Goddess herself, I now pronounce you both wives. Ophelia Rothild Erstand and Amelia Rothild Erstad, and in addition, I formally announce the blessing of the Goddess upon the both of you, crowing you both as Empress Ophelia Erstad and Empress Amelia Erstad. You may now kiss the bride" Liliana finished as she summoned forth a pair of golden crowns and placed them upon the duo's heads. 

Ophelia and Amelia smiled as they bowed their heads to the Pope and then looked at one another, tears once more welling up inside each of them as they wrapped their arms around each other and kissed, with the crowd both inside and outside the cathedral erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause as they cheered for their monarchs and were happy at the occasion. Mother Felice and Sister Mary, in particular, were crying a lot as they were overjoyed to finally see this moment that the two had been wanting to see for such a long time, even the duo monarch's advisors were crying at the momentous occasion, including Erhet, and Dame Belle and most of the Black Guard present were sobbing and crying at the moment happening. 

"To the citizens of the Halkare Empire, I present to you your rulers, Long Live The Empress! Imperium Nostrum Aeternum!" Liliana added as she shouted with a fiery devotion 


"LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS! IMPERIUM NOSTRUM AETERNUM!" The crowd inside and outside shouted in reply, their voice equally fiery. 

All across the empire as well, inside the huts and houses of those who lived far from the capital, the cry of "LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS! IMPERIUM NOSTRUM AETERNUM!" was shouted up and down the land, a cry that was shouted with fervor and devotion. A cry that would soon be echoed across the whole continent. 

A/N: Hello! So here we go! Chapter 3 and oh boy this one was a doozy to write. I kept rewriting it because I felt I did not give it justice but I am satisfied with this version. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it and if you see some grammatical errors, please do tell me so I can fix them. I hope you like the artwork, which is still AI since money is still not enough and if you have comments or thoughts, post em below so I can read em, I love interacting with you all. And as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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