Chapter 58: ...Will Awaken to Great Strength
(A/N This is a double upload so make sure you didn't miss the last chapter.)
We flew amongst the clouds and enjoyed the world we had saved together.
"We'll be like this forever right honey?"
He turned to me.
Immortal, we were both effectively immortal.
But I knew this couldn't last, this war was not won, nor lost.
It simply ceased, since the demons and humans fighting it lost too many to sustain the war.
Human civiliization was regressed a few decades, and demons were forced to leave the world.
There was no 'winner', but if there were people who didn't lose as much, it would be the humans.
As we landed back home, he turned to me.
You're going to do it aren't you?
I could feel his eyes cornering me.
"You need to reset don't you? Send this world, send me back?"
I nodded my head meekly as that was all I had within me.
"I see."
He put our daughter down.
He began to play with her, almost making me lose all resolve to do it.
"Go ahead, and do it, just, save our daughter."
"Never, ever let her go."
I began to cry, my heart broke as I felled my husband, as my daughter felt the pain within me.
As she felt the connection with her father break.
I destroyed our home, and buried our memories together deep within myself, for I knew the man I once loved, would never return.
And so it was, time returned. 15 years dashed, 6 of my happiest years alive, gone.
And then, there was silence.
Peace, and then, wailing, a child, not my own, but another, who stumbled into my original place of keeping.
I recognized him then too, even when he wasn't wearing the clothes I had made, the ring we crafted together, or carrying our daughter in hand.
But he was simply lost, not burdened like me, and he left, after his short time with me.
And then, all was silent once again, except for the heartbeat of my daughter, I had kept, within me.
*Aurelia's Pov*
"Char, we need to get to the other beast now."
Charlotte acknowledged my statement, and we moved to remove the 'Scarmy' as Harry had put it.
"Aurelia, stop, it's headed this way."
We stopped and backed up, as the galloping beast ran over to the Koroga.
"Harry was right."
"Yeah, but right now we need to prevent it from feeding further and advancing it's stage."
I reminded Charlotte.
She called over the wall for her greatsword to be propelled into the hide of the beast, bearing sword aura.
The people on top quickly acquiesed, and the nearest swordsman with high quality sword aura added his aura onto the spinning sword.
Then as I began to attract part of the monster's attention using spells, as the large greatsword was plunged deeply into his back, like a harpoon.
The monster let out a massive howl, not unlike that of a werewolf.
It sounded like a dying person, and a wolf mixed together, it was a truly horrifying sound.
Charlotte began to move first.
She took her rapier, and charged forwards as the beast turned towards the place the greatsword was launched from.
The beast stamped it's feet and roared again, to which she responded by stabbing one of it's front legs, before swiftly retreating.
It wasn't hard to tell the beast was already severely injured from the sword lodged in it's back.
Charlotte looked at me, she was going to rip the sword out of the beasts back and plant it back in.
I knew what I had to do.
I began my flurry of spells, ramping up their severity, as the beast became increasingly unable to handle it.
The beast whined and wailed as I continued to punch away at it's hide with my spells.
They punctured and jabbed at it's face, hitting it in the snout and eyes.
The beast lowered it's head covering it's eyes with it's front legs as it began to burrow into the ground.
But Charlotte prevented it's escape by dealing more damage.
She stepped onto the monsters back before she pulled the greatsword out.
The monster quit halfway through the digging and howled once more in pain.
Charlotte inserted the sword with her own aura, even deeper into the beast letting the flame like aura burn away on the inside.
Not to be out done, I let out one of my stronger attacks in a form of a javelin.
Something I had taken from Lucas.
I let out a lightning rod made up of fire and steel and plunged it straight through the head of the beast.
It took a lot of mana, but I sealed the fate of the beast.
The javelin ran straight from a few feet above the head of the beast into the floor beneath it, pinning it to the floor.
"Told you I'd give you the next one."
"Did you forget the Koroga?"
"That was a team effort Aurelia."
"I'm going to have more trophies than you."
"This is a hunting battle is it now?"
"Always has been."
"What, and winner gets a date with Lucas or something?"
I narrowed my eyes.
I would secure that at all costs.
"Girls, enough of the regrouping and get up here."
Rose sqwaked out through the comms.
As Charlotte and I angled ourselves and flew up onto the wall, Rose met up to congratulate us.
"Good work, girls, and also.."
She leaned in to both of our ears.
"Count me in."
Another rival joins the fray huh?
"Then welcome, try and defeat us if you can."
"This will surely be an uphill battle, but I can in fact take credit for any kills I was a major player in."
"So let's call the Koroga's kill mine yes?"
Charlotte and I looked at each other.
It was true that she requisitioned the mines, and that neither of us wanted the kill to go to the other.
So we agreed that Rose would take the final kill.
"So where are the last two 5th tier monsters?"
"We identified them, but for some reason about 500 beasts and the 2 are sitting in waiting."
"That's fine more time to recover mana."
As if to spite Charlotte's words, beasts began to pour out of the corridors uncontrollably.
"Go, go, go."
Rose began to move.
"All teams, move into ready position, this is it."
Charlotte's orb lit up.
"This is it, Charlotte, Aurelia, the 5th tier signatures were confirmed to be charging in too."
I grimaced.
I hadn't recovered much mana from the last attack.
I had about 2/3rds of my mana still remaining.
Suddenly part of the ceiling of the corridors fell to the floor.
"A third 5th tier beast?"
"What the hell is that?"
Screams of confusion rang out.
A near-invisible creature was crawling on the walls and ceiling.
Some with higher visual acuity could see the reflection of the walls and floors bouncing off of the creatures.
"Charlotte, Aurelia, Claudia, surpress one each, and the rest of us will move to support you."
The three of us were split up and forced into fighting the beasts.
Charlotte started to fight the horse-bird hybrid.
Claudia was caught up with what looked to be a spider.
I was stuck with whatever chameleon creature had positioned itself above me.
I launched spells at it.
It quickly lost it's invisbility, instead opting for a black shade of scales.
It dropped from the ceiling nearly crushing me and a few other troops near me.
I could have sworn when it landed it smiled.
And I wasn't the only one to notice.
"Did that thing just smile?"
"What the hell is that thing?"
"The monster just smiled."
Anarchy began to break apart the communication.
People were starting to get hurt, and adequate healing was necessary, but not received.
Finally, Rose picked up her orb and began to talk and regain the consciousness of everyone.
"Calm down, it looks like this beast has intelligence, just calm down, get your injured people to the wall for healing and continue."
Some began to fight even harder, others threw away their swords.
I was losing more and more troops against my monster, as Charlotte and Claudia were gaining.
I was rapidly losing mana, and ground against this beast.
The mana signal was blocked by interference on the battlefield.
The dead monsters on the battlefield were releasing large amounts of dead mana.
The monster was planning on this.
I looked at it.
It smiled again.
It was like it was confirming my thoughts.
I began to continue blasting the thing.
Parts of it's scales were searing off from the sheer mana I was throwing at it.
It managed to charge me suddenly.
I dodged, but in the process, lost a lot of the spells in my control.
I tried to call for backup.
The orb didn't work.
I faced the monster once again and it began dashing wildly.
This monster was by no means strong.
In fact, one 5th tier person could probably take it out in better circumstances.
It's abilities were clearly meant for running, I mean camouflage, and agility?
But it was using them to it's combat arsenal.
Finally I slipped up allowing the monster to hit me.
The swipe of it's head, connected to my side.
Sending me into another monster.
I pushed off the monster and rushed the Lizard beast.
I threw 4th tier spells comprised of lightning scorching it's body, making it turn around and begin to try to escape towards, Claudia's horde of monsters.
I followed behind it, getting close to it's hind leg, but it was hiding a nasty surprise.
It had turned it's tail invisible and wrapped it near it's opposite leg.
It hid it away from me, never releasing the invisibility until I was in range.
My attack seared it's leg, almost to a crisp, but in that attack, it hit me with a whip attack.
It launched me into the wall, causing the wall to crack and a few of my ribs to break.
*Lucas' Pov*
'Mommy Aura is danger.'
'I'm already summoned here.'
'Why won't you wake up?'
*Aurelia's Pov*
The damn lizard got one over on me.
I had to stop it.
I pulled myself out of the hole I had made in the wall.
I wondered if Lucas felt this rage, when he fought the Tyrant.
I realized, much of my mana pool was spent.
The Lizard, was probably closing in on death too, as it's entire body was covered in markings, and it's right rear leg was burnt beyond repair.
It started to limp towards me, and me towards it.
I swiped my hands at it, releasing a 5th tier spell, albeit a weak one.
And it wacked me with it's tail once again.
It's tail and rear body were severly damaged.
But I was even moreso.
I had shot through a few of the monsters on Charlotte's side, before hitting one glancing off of it, and rolling over.
I had certainly done more than crack a few ribs at this point.
Lucas, let me see you once more.
The sheer number of bodies lying up against the wall needing healing was not supportive at all.
The lizard was making it's very slow trek towards the wall.
I sat myself up clutching my side, as pain racked my entire body.
Well, that's never good.
I looked at my palm with blood on it.
I could feel the cold blood running down my nose.
Then I could swear all of the monsters stopped.
*Rose's Pov*
It was like a large bomb went off inside the walls.
"Dammit, was there a fourth beast?"
I ran to the nearest person able to get me Harry.
Then I looked out past the wall as all the monsters had stopped.
They looked on past the wall.
*Charlotte's Pov*
The troops were taking care of the beasts around me as I dealt with the horse, we were evenly matched, and neither of us had sustained too much damage, but the monster was going to run out of stamina first.
I couldn't hear as my ears were ringing from the spells and hits I had taken.
That's when it happened though.
The creature stopped it's menacing look and jerked it's head in the direction of the camp.
*Claudia's Pov*
The troops were sustaining me as I launched spell after spell whittling down the enemy force and pushing away the 5th tier beast that had probably mothered the things.
Suddenly the crawling stopped as the monsters looked towards the camp.
*Lucas' Pov*
'Daddy, Mommy Aura is going to die.'
'Her connection with me is getting weak, like when I almost lost you.
I shot awake in my bed.
The earth supporting me crumbled as if to appease my anger.
Black and white scales covered my arms.
My daughter hugged me.
'Sorry Daddy, I didn't want to lie about mommy, but you weren't waking up.'
'Then she's safe Alea?'
I stroked her head.
'Not exactly, but she's not about to die.'
Truth be told my anger, didn't decrease but increased at this.
I still had no choice.
I bit back my anger, and forcefully made the scales around my arms recede.
'Alea, stay here. Daddy will bring Mommy back okay? Be a good girl.'
I started on my way towards the wall.