Am I A Superman?

Chapter 72: , Alien spaceship

面对 In the face of Li Ya, Tianyan will fall into a very awkward situation.

Evaluating from limited information, they have no confidence at all to tie Li Ya over and put a bomb in his head.

That's why Amanda specifically found a chance to run to the base of the Arrow, and want to confirm his position, even if it is verbal.

What else can I do, but I can't fight again, in case the other party gets in a hurry, it will be embarrassing to drop the headquarters of Feitianyan with a missile!

Li Ya naturally understood Amanda's mind, he smiled: "Let me tell you, the biggest difference between Oliver and me is that Oliver is a hero, he will sacrifice everything for Star City, but I am not a hero, I just I prefer to teach bad people. "

If heroes give people hope, then Li Ya's definition of himself is to bring despair to criminals.

显然 Amanda obviously can't accept this kind of rhetoric, she took a step forward firmly and said, "Mr. Avengers, I need you to show your attitude towards the American ZF."

"Please, I don't take your salary. What kind of attitude do you expect me to have? You don't bother me, and I don't bother to take care of you!" Li Ya said casually.

Amanda's voice was a little lower, and even Li Ya used an admiration: "For the time being, I think Mr. Avengers is neutral on the United States ZF, then the lady behind you, and another volunteer in the Metropolis , Do they both have the same attitude as you? "

"Of course you can." Li Ya did not explain more.

"There is one last thing."

曼 Amanda waved his hand to the agents, and the young white agent brought a tablet, and everyone around the scene saw that Amanda didn't mean to keep it secret, and they all surrounded him.

虽然 Although she did not object to the crowd watching, she still gave a symbolic warning: "Be aware that what you see next is a state secret. If you disclose it, you will be punished for treason!"

Felicity first stated: "No problem, everyone knows I have the tightest mouth!"

Sarah nodded her head, "Honey Rabbit! Honey Rabbit! My mouth is also strict, no one can ask any information from my mouth!"

Oliver slaps his hands on the forehead, and he said to him that it would be even more unbelievable to say so!

After Amanda took the tablet and connected to Tianyanhui's network, she turned her back and entered her permission password. What she didn't know was that Li Ya still knew exactly what the password was.

After the encounter, Amanda took the tablet in front of everyone and explained: "The Tianyan Society satellite photographed an unknown spacecraft and hovered about tens of thousands of meters outside the satellite synchronous orbit ..."

As Amanda said, a dark spacecraft is hovering in space in the middle of the screen. This spaceship is like a dark jellyfish with a flat and large 'head'. Three pointed tips are below. The sharp spikes of the claws are now gathered together.

"Wow ... this is ... an alien spaceship?"

莉 Felicity could not help shaking a hand, and hacked into Amanda's tablet. She crackled on the computer and tapped the keyboard, then copied the video data.

After a while, she was pleasantly surprised and said, "Wow, according to my preliminary calculations, this spaceship is about 400 meters long, and its structure is very strange. The data shows that it may be a combination of two parts, but it may also be an alien People like this form. "

It took two full seconds for Amanda to react. She glared at Felicity and scolded: "Hey! What are you doing? You just hacked my tablet? Felicity Smock, immediately Delete your data or I will arrest you immediately! "

"Sorry! Sorry!" Felicity embarrassedly pressed the delete key.

Li Ya stared at the screen tightly, then he looked up, narrowed his eyes as hard as he could, and looked towards the sky of the metropolis.

With Li Ya's eyesight, I can only see a small black spot in space. After all, the distance is too far. The other party hovered directly out of the satellite synchronous orbit. It is difficult to find him by looking closely. presence.

"How long has that spaceship appeared?" Li Ya asked.

"Three days ago, it suddenly appeared, as if tore the space directly and came to the periphery of the earth."

Amanda clicked on the screen a few times, and the picture suddenly jumped to the picture three days ago. At that time, there was nothing outside the satellite synchronous orbit. However, the space in the place became distorted the next second, and a sudden one appeared. Blurry spaceship shadow.

The rear of it seemed to stretch a ghost image. As the ghost image solidified, the spacecraft appeared out of sync with the orbit of the Earth satellite.

Oliver looked at Amanda in doubt, and asked, "Since they came three days ago, why have they stayed in the sky, have you tried to contact them?"

"We tried to use them to contact them, but we never heard back. President Aoguanhai also knew about this and has ordered to enter the first level of security! We do n’t know whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, but one thing is certain, the other party ’s The level of science and technology far surpasses humans. "When Amanda said this, she looked at Li Ya.

自然 Naturally, it is impossible for her to know what connection Li Ya has with this spaceship, but as a ZF executive, she needs to make the worst plan.

To deal with an unknown race with a technology level far beyond that of humans, Amanda feels that the strength of the army alone is not enough, and Li Ya's performance during the Star City crisis has proven that he has a certain ability. UU Reading That's why Amanda came to him.

"They stopped in the air, it should be ... in the sun!" Li Ya said with a serious expression.

"Take a sun?"

Everyone obviously can't understand such a statement. Is it because they have come all the way from unknown galaxies to bask in the sun of the earth?

Li Ya nodded: "Yes, it is the sun, the earth's yellow sun, which can give them powerful power."

This made Amanda's eyes widened. "Mr. Avengers, do you know anything?"

"Yes, if nothing unexpected, this spaceship is the spacecraft of the star star General Zode. He came to earth to transform the earth into a star." Li Ya said.

Diana on the side heard the word Zode, and the fighting heart that had been silent for several months finally burned. She rushed to Li Ya and said excitedly: "It must be Zode! Ares' running dog, endless war The initiator! Li Ya, let's eliminate him, OK? "

The scene was very embarrassing!

Those who know the inside story, such as Oliver, cover their faces with their hands, pretending not to know the girl, and those who don't know the inside story, such as Amanda, face each other 懵 B.

What's happening now?

You told me that aliens are enough, why are you even out of Ares?

Could the gods of the mythical era also be fashionable and expand their business to the entire universe? !!

(Specifically, the star set is mainly based on this book. There are many conflicting places in movies and comics. Please do n’t worry too much. A reader in the book review has a deeper interpretation of this book ’s setting. I found it very reasonable, and added him a boutique, readers can go to the book review area at the starting point. Non-principle settings are mainly based on this book, please do not go online!)

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