All People Royal Beast: Thousands Of Female Beasts Come To Me For Further Training

Chapter 25

025 Pass It On From Ten To Ten, There Is A Human Named Su Xian In Linhai City

025 Passing on from ten to ten, there is a human named Su Xian in Linhai City

A grand party is about to start in the dragon’s nest.

Celebrating the return of Xiaobai, who has been missing for a month, to the dragon’s nest.

this month,

Its mother lives like a year.

dragon nest,

In the domain of the Bailong family,

Xiaobai and his mother cuddled together.

“Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you are finally back, do you know how worried my mother is?”

“I thought you were bought and locked up by humans after you were captured…”

Tears welled up from the corners of Xiaobai’s mother.

The two of them hugged each other quietly.

After ten minutes, Xiaobai’s mother finally realized:


“Why are you stronger than me? How many levels are you… now?”

Xiaobai smiled:

“Mom, I’m almost level 4000 now!”

Then, it took the initiative to show its own panel.

[Race: Storm Dragon]

[Attribute: Wind Attribute]

[Bloodline: Brilliant Level]

[Level: 3988 (Level 39)]

[Potential level: level 55 (level 5500)]

[Talent: Blessing of S-Class God of Storms]

[Skills: Hurricane Roar, Hurricane Claw]

[Battle power: 1.45 billion]


The little white mother was stunned.


I was stunned for a few minutes and couldn’t speak:


“You…you have been driving for a month from the original big Lu Li…”

It raised its head and looked at its daughter.

Only then did it realize.

A month ago, when he came out of the nest, he was still a little Xiaobai.

Now the body is bigger than its mother.

Almost all the features of the bone white pterosaur on his body disappeared completely.

Instead, it has the physical characteristics of the storm dragon, which belongs to the upper dragon family.

Thick and powerful wings, white and shiny scales, and the aura of an ancient high-ranking dragon constantly emanating from his body.

Even Xiaobai’s mother couldn’t help being suspicious.

Is the giant dragon in front of him his daughter?

upgrade is ok,

But the speed of this upgrade is a bit… outrageous, right?

Other dragons can only reach level 4,000 in hundreds of years…

My daughter was promoted in one month?

Not to mention……

Even the race, bloodline level, talent level, and potential level have all changed?


What happened to Xiaobai?

Xiaobai’s mother wondered for a long time, but finally accepted.

Even if Xiaobai has changed a lot,

But only its mother knows.

Xiaobai is still Xiaobai,

Still my good daughter.

Not to mention, her daughter is no longer that little dragon cub in the dragon’s nest.


A high-level dragon clan with a bloodline of a high-ranking dragon, up to more than 3,000 levels!

1.4 billion combat power…

This kind of strength will make most dragons in the dragon nest feel awe.

It is expected to enter the palace meeting hall of the upper dragon clan in the future, so that the status of the Bailong family in the dragon nest will be greatly improved!

My daughter has finally grown up!

that is……

Is it a little too fast?

Xiaobai felt his mother’s doubts and finally relieved.

“Hey, mom, it’s a long story…”

“All of this is due to my current master…Su Xian.”

In the remaining few hours, Xiaobai borrowed the light of the fire in the mountain cave,

Telling from the beginning – the story it has experienced this month…

From being caught by the human guild to being judged as an [unsuitable] spirit beast.

Then he was picked up by Su Xian and bought.

An upgraded bloodline like a fairy touch of gold…

An upgrade speed beyond common sense…

With Su Xian, and Xiaocaolong’s experience in the human city…

Transformation, human form and the first intimate contact with Su Xian…

Respond to the provocation of the stupid human wanted criminal with the master…

In the end, I found myself pregnant with Xiaolong and went home with tears in my eyes…

Confidentially, and tell my mother the whole thing.

The values ​​​​are not particularly open to the little white mother,

In the process of listening, the mouth grows bigger and bigger:

“You made a contract with that human named Su Xian?”

“You mean…then humans can change bloodline levels and talents?!”

“Are you kidding me, really?”

“He can also help you quickly increase your level!? Could it be your own fault…”

“You mean, he also helped other dragons change their bloodlines and upgrade their levels?”

“That’s still true…the human’s Beast Master talent is so heaven-defying…”

“What, what did you do with that human? And a baby…?”

“Oh, that’s why you suddenly returned to the nest. It turns out that you came back to prepare for childbirth.”

“You little guy, if there is no family preparation and death rules, you will never come back to see your mother!”

Xiaobai smiled awkwardly: “No…I just miss you~”

Mother Xiaobai became more startled the more she heard,

It didn’t think of the humans on the other side of the sea,

There was such a terrifying boy genius Beast Master.

Beast Master talent that can change the bloodline of spirit beasts…

It imagined that the future of this human teenager,

It will definitely reach the top of human society.

Because, in this world,

Whether it is for humans or spirit beasts – blood, talent, and level are all important indicators for determining social status.

My Xiaobai has met a nobleman.

“Daughter, I respect your decision.”

“After attending the banquet in Dragon’s Nest, I will prepare a huge cave for you.”

“You can rest assured there to prepare for delivery.”

“Mom, I love you so much!”

In the dragon’s nest,

All the Dragon Clan that Xiaobai knew before attended this grand banquet.

It’s just… the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Dozens of giant lizards were caught on fire,

But no one dared to move first.

all dragons,

Regardless of the young dragon or the giant dragon, they all looked at the protagonist of this banquet with humble eyes.

Storm Dragon, Xiaobai.

Xiaobai is no longer the one they knew before,

It is no longer the bone white pterosaur cub who can only mingle with them.

It’s a real high-ranking dragon clan!

That breath is too oppressive!

The ranks in the Dragon Nest are strict, and strength is respected.

This banquet can only end hastily.

Xiaobai was a little unhappy, but he could only accept it.

Hurry up and finish the preparations, and return to the owner, Su Xian!

I don’t know, will the master miss me?

In a cave in the Dragon’s Nest,

There was a rustling secret voice:

“Old Bai, what exactly did your Xiaobai experience on the human continent?”

“Why did you suddenly become a high-ranking dragon?”

“Is there a trick?”

After a little silence, “Lao Bai” finally answered in a low voice.

“Ahem, I only tell you one dragon, don’t tell other dragons.”

“There is a city called Linhai City on the coast of Vermilion Bird country in the human empire.”

“My Xiaobai… I met a nobleman up there…”

“That man is Su Xian, a Beast Master boy who seems to be running a Royal Beast store…”

“Do you know where this human boy against the sky is?”

“Change the bloodline! Change the talent! Speed ​​up the upgrade!”

“Damn!” The exclamation of the dragon roared.

“So outrageous? Are there really such outrageous humans?”

“Really, how could my Xiaobai become so powerful.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Okay, okay, you know me, my dragon mouth is famously tight!”

In the next few days, the following conversations continued to occur in the Dragon Nest:

“Do you know what’s going on with Xiaobai? It’s that high-level superior dragon that suddenly appeared?”


“I’m only telling you a dragon about this, don’t tell it!”

“Hey, just say it! My dragon mouth is notoriously strict!”

“This matter starts from Linhai City in the Vermilion Bird country…”

Dragon Nest, the upper dragon palace.

The dark night dragon, Guadoli, has recently been worrying about how to educate her little dragon cub.

Although he is a high-ranking dragon,

His own daughter also inherited the bloodline of the superior dragon.

However, the speed of this upgrade is really worrying.

Little Dragon Cub didn’t go out to practice, and spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

It’s only level 50 now.

Alas, if only I knew the trick to upgrade that “Xiaobai” who suddenly returned to the nest.

Then why did Xiaobai go to the Human Continent to change his bloodline?

Can it go straight up to a few thousand levels?


Why can blood vessels change?

So Xiaobai is really the daughter of the Bailong family?

It was obviously born in the same year as my daughter, wasn’t it?

Dragon is better than dragon, and dragon is mad at death.

It would be great if I could know what Xiaobai went through.


Its Guadoli is not familiar with the Bailong family, so it can’t ask!


At this time,

A superior dragon in the palace moved the dragon’s head over:

“Then Guadoli, do you know about Xiaobai? It’s amazing!”

Dark Night Dragon Naguadoli’s eyes lit up:

“I don’t know, tell me?”

The high-ranking dragon looked mysterious, and leaned close to Guadoli’s ear:

“This is outrageous, I’ll only tell you about one dragon, don’t tell it to other dragons!”

That Guadoli frowned: “Don’t be secretive, I’m notoriously strict.”

“Okay! Then listen to me…”

“This matter, we have to start with a human boy named Su Xian…”

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