All People: God-Level Choice, Pick The Main God-Level Saintess At The Start

Chapter 450: Sweeping The God Of Filth

"Good stuff!" Xia Yu's eyes shone with excitement, and his fingers gently touched the golden light.

The three of Zhou Qinghuai looked at Jin Guang with shock on their faces. This power is really incredible.

Xia Yu noticed their expressions, and explained with a smile: "This is the cosmic power I got, and it is very precious."

Everyone nodded, but they didn't fully understand what this cosmic power was. Seeing this, Xia Yu began to explain in detail.

"Only the 'balancer' recognized by the universe can obtain the gift of the universe. This kind of mighty power is like the Dao mentioned in the novel, but it is more ethereal than the Dao." Xia Yuyu said earnestly.

The three of Zhou Qinghuai were fascinated by what they heard, imagining that mysterious and powerful force. And Xia Yu continued to explain: "I am the only one who has been recognized by it in the three eras and has become a balancer."

Hearing this, the three of Zhou Qinghuai were shocked, but felt that such a thing was normal for Xia Yu. They had already seen all kinds of magical abilities of Xia Yu, and they were in awe of his current abilities and strength.

"Okay, I'm going to the United States, and the Dragon Kingdom will still be handed over to you. Be careful during this time, then Felix will definitely not be safe during this time!" Xia Yu reminded.

The three of Zhou Qinghuai immediately patted their chests and assured that if the true gods outside want to step into the Dragon Kingdom, they must first step over their corpses. They are well aware that they shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the Dragon Kingdom, and they have been acting silently all this time.

Seeing the determination and confidence of Zhou Qinghuai and the others, Xia Yu also left with great confidence.

Flying across the ocean that has become so vast, countless huge sea monsters flashed under the blue sea. They danced in the water, and sometimes opened their mouths to prey on all kinds of monster birds and even sub-dragons flying in the air.

This vast ocean is now full of death and mystery, and above this vastness, a light and shadow pass by, as light as a bird.

"Get rid of those filthy gods first, and then enter the black soul of reincarnation at the back of the universe." Xia Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked up at the sky and felt the rotten breath of those filthy gods.

They seem to be constantly getting stronger, and for the Earth Dragon Kingdom, even if the strongest of these filthy gods are only at the level of quasi-lord gods, they still have the ability to destroy the entire country.

"4? It seems that there are not many gods of filth living alive." As he approached the continent of America, Xia Yu could already clearly feel the number of gods of filth on this land. They are like a group of rotting demons, hiding in the darkness.

Xia Yu quickly locked on to a filthy god, and he was already above that filthy god.

In a dilapidated city, the body of the filthy god is extremely fat, and the black body is covered with viscous liquid and foul smell. He is lying on the ground and sucking his mouth into a space gap, and roaring happily from time to time.

That space gap seems to be a door leading to the depths of darkness, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

Xia Yu focused his eyes and looked at the black space gap, "The passage leading to the back of the universe, these filthy gods are directly devouring black souls to strengthen themselves? Just like the earth system uses black souls to create monsters? Is this the result of Felix's research?"

"Huh!" The fat black body below trembled suddenly, and looked towards the sky, where the figure in the emperor's dragon robe was also looking at him indifferently.

Almost without hesitation, the filthy god had already launched an attack on Xia Yu. He opened his mouth and shot out an organ like an esophagus, attacking Xia Yu.

But a golden light flashed, the esophagus was split into two, and a flame burned along the esophagus towards the god of filth.

A girl in golden light armor appeared in front of Xia Yu. She held a golden sword and stared firmly at Xia Yu.

"Kill," Xia Yu said softly.

The saint immediately dodged to kill the god of filth below, and the god of filth had just cut off his ejaculation esophagus to prevent the flames from reaching him, but at this time he was attacked by the saint again.

A dazzling golden light flashed across the sky in an instant, and the god of filth opened his big mouth and sprayed out countless black, viscous, disgusting, and foul-smelling liquids. There were wailing sounds in the liquid, and black souls crowded it and attacked the saint.

However, in the face of the black soul's attack, the saint did not panic at all. With a finger of the golden sword, countless swords of judgment that were almost the same as the golden sword in her hand had appeared behind her, and she hummed softly, "Shoot!"

The Sword of Judgment instantly shot towards the god of filth and the disgusting liquid it sprayed out like a torrential rain.

When the Sword of Judgment hits the liquid, it will make a 'Zi Zi Zi' sound instantly, and the black souls on it will also be purified by the power of the golden sword. Xia Yu also waved his hand to summon a vortex of reincarnation and throw these black souls into reincarnation.

Facing the torrential rain of Judgment Sword, the God of Filth continued to spew out liquid in horror, as if frightened. His body was bent, as if to resist the sword of judgment from the holy maiden.

But even so, he still couldn't stop the saintess' attack, and could only let the sword of judgment penetrate his body. Every time the sword pierces, black and red blood like sulfuric acid will be splashed out, instantly staining the surrounding air and ground red.

Countless swords of judgment pierced his body, and the god of filth felt like a wreck left after being bitten by bugs.

He screamed in pain, trying to struggle hard to get away from this terrible force.

However, at the same time, the mighty cosmic power in the Saintess Sword also began to invade the body of the filthy god. The naked eye can see that the originally black body has countless golden lights flashing, making the god of filth continue to wail.

The golden light wandered wantonly in his body, as if it wanted to tear his internal organs and soul apart. He even pierced his body with his hands to try to pull out that force, but to no avail, it made him more painful.


Suddenly, the god of filth exploded, blood and flesh splashing everywhere. The scene was like a huge bomb exploded, and the surrounding air was shaken and creaked. The Foul God was eventually destroyed by this terrible force.

At the same time, countless black souls erupted from his body, Xia Yu frowned, and instantly opened multiple vortexes of reincarnation to suck all these black souls in.

And the space gap leading to the back of the universe below is also continuously gushing out black souls.

"Turn off," Xia Yu pointed, and a golden light shot out, hitting the space gap, which disappeared instantly.

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