All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 78 - County Competition Opening

“Remember, you are very strong. Lingnan was a semi-final team last year. This year, Xiandao and Yuzhu are more mature, and Lingnan’s strength has improved. You can beat such a team, indicating that you have the strength to enter the national competition. “Shen Long cheered them up at the right time.

Akagi and Mumu lost in the first round of the qualifier year after year. Mitsui did not play the game for two years. These children do not have much confidence in themselves. I believe that this game will be better afterwards! This is why Shen Long did not hide his strength.

“Coach Anxi, thank you for your advice.” Tian Gangshio came to thank him. He has now begun to pray that the qualifiers will not be divided into a group with Xiangbei. I am afraid that even if Fukuda returns, it will not be easy for Lingnan to defeat Xiangbei?

“Oh oh, oh, thank you for your guidance, let’s compare in the joint finals!” Shen Long shook hands with Tian Gang with a smile.

The county competition started in half a month. After going back, Xiangbei continued to carry out high-intensity training. Some freshmen couldn’t bear to leave the team one after another. There were only twelve people left in the whole team, barely able to maintain five pairs in the team. Five training.

“Flower way, you can’t make a layup like this. The other party just needs to block your way forward. It’s best to use fake actions to cheat your opponent and layup.” Like the original, Miyagi Ryota somehow and Sakuragi Flower Road Became a good friend and began to teach Sakuragi fake moves.

“Komiya, is that true?”

“You are too fake, you must use your eyes, move fast, and give people the feeling of really shooting, so that they can cheat the opponent.”

On the other side, Mitsui Shou continued to instruct Mumu and Yasuda’s shots, “Come down slightly when you catch the ball and prepare for the shot. Don’t wait for the basketball to get ready, so it’s too late. It’s hard to get a real empty shot on the court. Chance, after taking the ball, decisive shot … “

The atmosphere in the team is very harmonious, but Rukawa Feng still has a cold face and rarely communicates with people. Seeing him like this, Shen Long fell into thought.

Rukawa Feng’s bounce, speed, agility, and response are all first-class. In the original book, it can be said to be second only to the existence of Sakuragi Flower Road, and it can also be said to be first-class in terms of personal technology, only slightly worse than Zebe Rongzhi. The scoring ability is very strong, and the ability to end when the physical strength is high is very efficient.

However, such players have long been outside of the tactical system of Xiangbei. The core of Xiangbei ’s defense is Akagi, blocking the enemy ’s attack with blocks and rebounds under the basket; the core of the organization is Miyagi, using a fast break and a break to break the ball. Open the opponent’s defense line; and Rukawa Feng is only a powerful singles player most of the time.

Xiandao, Mu Shenyi, and even Akagi have attracted opponents’ buns. Rukawa Feng’s scoring ability is not lost to them, but he did not enjoy the bun once in the comics. There is only one reason, that is not worth it, Rukawa Feng’s Scoring will make the opponent feel pain, but it is not unbearable, it is not worth taking a double to open a space for him.

In addition, his average off-ball ability is not good at using running positions to create opportunities. This may be a problem left by his junior high school basketball era. At that time, he should have always received the ball from the outside and scored through the ball. Running like Mitsui and catching the ball, this led to the defender daring to drop him when he was without the ball. For example, Qingtian dropped him and Akagi, and Xiandao dropped him and Akagi.

This may also be the cause of insufficient physical strength. After all, running without the ball also requires physical energy.

Then Rukawa Feng ’s short board is physical strength, running without the ball, and teamwork. No wonder coach Anxi will be so excited to see Ruchuan Feng ’s pass in the battle of Shan Wang. Once this short board is added, Ruchuan Feng will become more terrible.

“Rukawa Feng, you first follow Mitsui’s physical and ball-free running exercises! Let’s release the singles technique first.” After thinking about it, Shen Long issued a new order.

“Huh?” Rukawa Feng froze for a long time, and then he responded, “Okay.”

It may be that the video tape and the performance of Sendao on the court made him touch, but these are not enough, wait for a time to talk to him seriously.

“Dad, what do we specialize in training tonight?” After the practice, Yingmu Huadao rushed over and rushed, “Should you teach me how to prevent fouls?” It seems that being fined yesterday left a deep impression on Yingmu Huadao memory.

“There is no shortcut to prevent fouls, I can only accumulate experience slowly. After the county competition starts, I will let you start the game, and I will not change you halfway until you are sent off. This will allow you to grow up quickly. Shen Long said, “As for tonight, let ’s first look at how you rebound and layup, and then decide whether to teach you new technology.”

“Coach, I also want to participate in the special training at night.” Miyagi Liangtian came over.

“Coach, we also want!” Mitsui and Akagi shouted together ~ ~ Rukawa Feng did not speak, but stood silently beside Akagi.

“Miyagi can stay, you three go back to rest, your physical strength is not as good as the two of them, too much exercise is not good for you.” Miyagi may be the strongest physical strength in northern Hunan except for the cherry tree flower path , Hardly ever seen his tired shot.

Others reluctantly left, took them to their own store to eat nutritious meals, and returned to the basketball hall to start another day of training. Sakuragi Flower Road did basic exercises as well as rebounds and layups. Miyagi performed CIC practice.

This practice lasted for a week. With these two techniques and mastery of Sakuragi Flower Road, Shen Long began to teach him how to shoot under the basket.

“The right hand is slightly opened, the left hand gently supports the basketball, and the knee bends when catching the ball …” Shen Long gave a demonstration to Sakuragi Flower Road, “Live the power of the wrist … Sakuragi, do you understand?”

“The right hand is slightly opened, and the left hand is holding the basketball …” Sakuragi Flower Road repeated Shen Long’s words and jumped, shot, and the basketball shot out of the frame.

“The first half of the action was done right. The wrist was too stiff when shooting. Come again, let’s hit 200 goals first tonight!” In the original work, Sakuragi Kadao learned to shoot from the basket in three days. I believe he will not do it this time. Will be slow.

As time passed, Sakuragi Flower Road’s daily shooting practice has increased from 200 to 500, but the completion time has not been extended much. He has basically mastered this technology now.

At this time, the results of the Kanagawa prefecture grouping also came out. Xiangbei and last year’s prefectural runner-up and the national competition 16 strong Xiangyang basketball team were divided into a group; seeing this result, Tian Gang was relieved.

Four days later, Xiangbei is going to play against his first opponent Miuratai basketball team.

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