All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 61 - Father of the Internet

Zhong Yuemin left, and went to the chaotic north to carry out his new adventure. Soon after, he made an international call from the old Maozi to Shen Long. There was a bit of reluctance between the words. He soon joined the officers of the Maozi Far East Military Region. A personal friendship has been established, drinking and bragging with them all day, and then going to the military camp to play with the old Maozi’s weapons, and after that there are Maozi beautiful women waiting, this day is almost cheerfully endless.

I heard that Shen Long was almost guilty of Gao Yue. The little girl in the capital worked hard to stock up for you.

But thinking about it, when Zhong Yuemin was in Zhengrong Group, his days seemed to be more corrupt than this, and Gao Yue did not leave him, so he was relieved.

In a blink of an eye, the New Year came, Zhong Yuemin returned with a large bag of small local specialties, and the big guys gathered together again. At the banquet, Zhong Yuemin said that his adventure in the north was called a frown, and he even brought it back. Some blueprints of Maozi weapons are given.

But he has been a soldier for more than ten years. He knows exactly what our country needs. These things are of high value. This guy has not forgotten his identity.

At this year’s Spring Festival Gala, Qin Ling and the girls of the women’s volleyball team took the stage to sing the song “Cheng Chong Rose”. Overnight, Qin Ling became popular all over the country.

Numerous music companies came to want to give her records, Shen Long helped choose a reliable company, and wrote a few songs to fill up an album for her. This album triggered a panic buying spree as soon as it was released; Qin Ling took advantage of it In the summer vacation time, he opened several concerts and lived up to the addiction of singing.

When the new semester began, Qin Ling stopped business activities and returned to the school to teach quietly. At the New Year ’s party in the new year, she took the stage again to sing new songs. At that time, she had already laid the top domestic singers. Status.

In a blink of an eye, it was 88 years. During these years, Shen Long has been planning big moves. He used the honeymoon period of Sino-US relations to introduce a lot of advanced equipment from the United States, laying the foundation for the development of Mizuki University and the domestic computer industry. It has built a good foundation and trained a group of outstanding talents.

With the help of these talents and equipment, Shen Long prepared a new research group. In the plan, he wrote, “This proposal is related to how to manage the computer and experimental information of Shuimu University. The problem of information loss due to the complexity of the system, and a solution based on a distributed hypertext system … “

At first glance, this may sound like a curse, but if you replace a few keywords, everyone will understand the significance of this plan. The “hypertext project” is the “World Wide Web”, and the “network” in the “hypertext document” can be understood. For the “browser”, that is to say, this project led by Shen Long will open the Internet era.

It turned out that the world’s Internet was born at the European Nuclear Center a year later. Based on the needs of the research center, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee built the world’s first web server and wrote the world’s first web page. People are known as the “father of the Internet”, and in this world, this honor will be preempted by Shen Long.

The Internet system created by Shen Long is more complete than the one created by Berners-Li Gang. He combined Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Uniform Resource Identifier (URL) and World Wide Web ( WWW) combined, and created the first browser and server, wrote the first batch of web pages.

Web uses a hypertext method to organically combine information from different computers on the network, and can retrieve information from one web server to another via the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP); the web server It can publish information with pictures and texts, and even publish audio and video information when supported by the software. In addition, many other functions, such as E-mail, FTP, WAIS, etc., can be realized through the Web.

At the end of 1988, the world’s first website, the official website of Mizuki University, was officially launched, and then expanded to many universities in Beijing. Then Shen Long published an article in “Nature”, describing the working principle of the World Wide Web, and announced that the World Wide Web would be free Opening to the world has exploded the popularity of the World Wide Web.

After that, Shen Long took Qinling to Europe and the United States for a two-year exchange visit, and made outstanding contributions to the popularity of the Internet.

Although he announced that the World Wide Web was free, he did not earn a patent fee for wool, but he made the World Wide Web popularized at the fastest speed in the world; and made many Internet companies under his own name obtain rich profits.

After returning to China, he created a number of Internet and computer companies, so that the domestic computer industry, whether in the field of hardware or software, far exceeded the level of the same period in the real world.

And these years, Zhong Yuemin has been running back and forth in the capital and the north side ~ ~, having fun, and taking advantage of the collapse of the Red Empire, he has acquired a lot of valuable talents and materials for the country.

Some time ago I heard that Li Yuanchao had entered, Zhong Yuemin came back to visit once, and left without any rush.

Recently, I was swaying in the icy snow in Russia, and Zhong Yuemin was a little tired. He wanted to go to the Taklimakan Desert to find the ancient city of Loulan. So he got the latest Ladaniva off-road vehicle from Lao Maozi. This car is not famous, but its off-road ability is not. Extremely powerful, coupled with feelings of affection, Zhong Yuemin feels that this car is more powerful than the popular Japanese cars.

On this day he just wanted to buy some outdoor supplies, but he didn’t want to drive out for a long time. When he turned at a crossroad, he heard a “booming” sound from behind, and he saw a person falling to the ground with his bicycle from behind.

Just when Zhong Yuemin got off the car, the man cried and wolfed with his legs ghostly. Zhong Yuemin couldn’t help but start to wonder. When he was driving, he could always pay attention to the rearview mirror. With his superb car skills he had trained in the army, there would be no problem. Could it be touched porcelain?

Thinking of this, Zhong Yuemin was relieved, he kicked the man’s foot, “Get up, don’t pretend, how much is the number …”

The man stopped screaming, turned his head and looked at Zhong Yuemin, and then both of them froze … This one who touched the porcelain was no one else, it was Cao Gang who was in a cave in the north of Shaanxi.

This accidental encounter reminded Zhong Yuemin of his years in northern Shaanxi, so he went to Shenlong and planned to gather together the educated youths of Baidian Village and Shichuan Village, and then go back to northern Shaanxi to see and see See how these familiar people have changed over the years.

Shen Long immediately agreed to come down. The two of them split up and called together the educated youths around the capital.

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