All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 52 - Recommended reading

In the past few days at home, Shen Long usually wakes up in the morning to exercise for a while, and then checks the learning homework of several younger siblings. Li Erni and Li Kuiying can keep up with these small studies. Li Dani has less time to read books in the line, relatively a bit Li Kuiyang pulled more hard, as for Li Kuiyuan, from the situation of faith, Shen Long had no hope.

Hey, forget it, it ’s a bit unrealistic for the six brothers to go to college for college entrance examination. Anyway, after returning to the city, the policy will slowly be released, and there must be someone in the family who can make money doing business. Then help them find a way. .

Left some money for the family, and Shen Long and Qin Ling returned to Baidian Village. Now the educated youth in the village are left with only two of them. Others have to find a way to get rid of the family or go to work in the coal mine.

The first thing to go back to the village is to go through the marriage procedure. From the village to the village, the green light goes all the way. They took the marriage certificate in a few days. Shen Long also showed his hand to let the educated youths who came back from the coal mine. The folks in Baidian Village and Zheng Tong and Jiang Biyun from Shichuan Village had an addiction.

Since then, the two of them could live together in a fair and decent way. To celebrate the marriage, Shen Long also went to Xi’an City to buy a violin for Qin Ling. Every night, Shen Long read a book in the cave and Qin Ling practiced singing , Life is beautiful.

On this day, Zheng Tong came to the educated youth in Baidian Village again. Shen Long thought he was here to borrow books again. After listening to Zheng Tong going around for a long time, he realized that he came to ask Shen Long to find a way to get tobacco and alcohol. Tickets, Zheng Tong has nothing to spend on weekdays, but some money, but at this time not only money, but also a variety of bills, especially tobacco and alcohol tickets, this is a scarce thing, Zheng Tong can not get it, Had to come to Shen Long.

This is a gift to Ishikawamura ’s secretary, Mr. Gui, let him recommend himself to university? Shen Long understood.

As he said earlier, it is impossible for a country to need no intellectuals. From the previous year to last year, some pilot universities enrolled 42,000 students. This year, they formally recruited “workers, peasants, and soldiers”, and enrolled students to implement mass recommendation, leadership approval, and The method of combining school assessment.

And the recommendation of the masses was the first hurdle. Zheng Tong remembered that he and Zhong Yuemin used to be expensive in the village branch secretary of Shichuan Village. Fearing that he would not recommend himself, he thought of giving gifts.

Shen Long didn’t say anything, turned over some cigarettes and alcohol tickets from the box and handed it to Zheng Tong. Zheng Tong thanked him for leaving, but Shen Long knew that these gifts were destined to be meat buns and dogs. Chang Gui did not recommend any of them. people.

He did a little kindness in doing this, but thinking about what Zheng Tong did not do to the village since he had been in Shichuan Village, he nested in a cave and read books all day. He only heard the news of recruiting workers, peasants, soldiers and soldiers before holding the Buddha ’s feet temporarily. Moreover, he only said that he was alone in giving gifts, and did not want to help Jiang Biyun, which did not do very well.

There is not much news about Zheng Tong yet. Shen Long hurried to the Tucheng Commune for a meeting. The focus of this meeting is to discuss the recommended quota for the workers, peasants and soldiers of the Tucheng Commune this year.

Before Shen Long spoke, Bai Mingchuan, the deputy secretary of the commune, raised his hand first. “I recommend one, and I think about it. No one in the entire Tucheng commune is more qualified to get this quota than Comrade Li Kuiyong. After coming to our Tucheng commune, the commune can be said to be one day a day, from consignment points, medical points, schools, to biogas tanks, silt dams, and of course coal mines, but Comrade Kui Yong did a lot for our commune thing.”

“Actually speaking, I still want to keep Comrade Kui Yong in the Tucheng Commune. It has only been more than three years, and the Tucheng Commune has become the way it is now. Put it before, who would dare to think about it? Staying here for another three to five years, the Tucheng Commune is probably better than the county! “

“But we are human beings, we should pay more attention to our hearts. Comrade Kui Yong has done so much for the commune, and sacrificed so much, we can’t be greedy anymore; other educated youth recruiting workers, reading books, all go; I think Comrade Kui Yong It ’s time to go to school to study, let ’s not delay his future. “

Bai Mingchuan said that he had been wiping tears from the back. To be honest, he was reluctant to leave Shen Long, but he had been tied to the Tucheng Commune. Bai Mingchuan’s conscience could not pass.

“It’s this reason, not only Comrade Kui Yong, but also Comrade Qin Ling. The dolls in our commune are now more awake than one.” The big guys nodded in agreement, and the people in Tucheng Commune There is a weighing scale, who knows them well, they know clearly, there are too many facts about Shen Long doing well, Qin Ling has also done his due diligence in school these years, and they always remember them.

Everyone had to help Shen Long and Qin Ling to speak good words ~ ~ Finally, the senior officials of the township party finalized, “Then the quota for studying at Northwest University this time is given to them! No one has any opinions. Right? “

“Secretary, I have an opinion!” Shen Long raised his hand to speak, his eyes were a little red, “Thank you comrades for your kindness, I did so little things, it is difficult for everyone to remember.”

“What’s a small thing? You don’t want to think about what our village looked like when you first came to Baidian Village? What is it like now?” Looking at this posture, Bai Mingchuan was suddenly anxious, should you want it again Excuse me? “Now that the village is getting better and better, you don’t have to trouble you anymore, you can rest assured to study!”

“The silt dam in the village has not been repaired. Tree planting has just started this year. As a village party secretary, how can I be a deserter?” Shen Long said nothing and finally gave up these two places to others. .

In fact, Shen Long does not want to go to university, but … want to go to a better university. Northwest University is considered to be good in the Northwest, but there is still a certain gap between top universities like Shuimu University and Yanjing University, and There are still various problems in recruiting workers, peasants, and soldiers. They are still affected by the current political situation, and there is some chaos in the school.

The most important point is that Shen Longqian studied computer science in his old school, and the computer department of Northwest University was just established last year. There is almost nothing; Qinling naturally wants to study music, and Northwest University does not have this major now.

Until next year, the top art schools such as the Central Conservatory of Music and the Chinese Traditional Opera School will recruit workers, peasants and soldiers. Shen Long plans to see if he can find a way for Qinling next year.

As for himself, the goal has already been set. There is only one school and major he intends to study, that is, the computer major of Mizuki University, and nothing else is considered.

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