All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 50 - Visiting relatives

“I haven’t seen you in a few months. You have some more famous places here. It’s much more lively than ours. Since Yuemin left, the educated youth in Ishikawa Village was dead.” At noon that day, Zheng Tong and Jiang Biyun came to look for them. As soon as I came around, I researched the newly built biogas digester around the educated youth.

“The vegetation in northern Shaanxi is scarce, and corn stalks and sorghum stalks are not enough, so you can only cut down the vegetation that is not much, and then the natural environment in northern Shaanxi can only get worse and worse, so you must find new ways. Shen Long introduced, “I heard that the educated youths in the counties below Yan’an built the biogas digesters with the villagers. I think this is a good way, so I checked the information, changed it a few times, and finally figured it out. thing.”

“These cements were obtained from the exploration team. The first biogas digester was repaired. The next step is to extend it to the entire Shichuan Village, and then strive to make the entire Jingbian County use biogas.” Living in a cave, in addition to the relatively high viscosity of the soil here, is suitable for digging a cave, there is also a very important reason.

It is because there is a lack of large wood that can be used as a house beam. There is much less wood to be used in a kiln cave than to build a house. Even so, many people cannot afford wood. With biogas digesters, the sparse vegetation on the mountain should be dense. By the way, in another ten years or so, maybe it will become a success.

“Kui Yong, you are really capable of tossing. It’s more powerful than Zhong Yuemin. I turned around and told the village to let them come to learn too.” Zheng Tong is now addicted to the world of books. He knows this. Villages are good, but they do n’t do it themselves. Perhaps this is the limitation of intellectuals.

Shen Long originally wanted to talk to Zheng Tong about the warping dam. This kind of water conservancy project, which is very suitable for the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, has begun to test and demonstrate in the 1950s, and began to popularize in the 1960s. Suitably, there are more than 110,000 silt dams on the entire Loess Plateau, silting up more than 4.5 million mu of dam land, which can intercept 21 billion cubic meters of sediment.

Has greatly slowed the loss of soil and water on the Loess Plateau. Many sections of the Yellow River passing through the Loess Plateau have been restored to clear, which is very important for increasing food production, maintaining local water and soil, improving the ecological environment, and promoting local economic development.

I was busy with the biogas digester and the exploration team some time ago, and now I can finally free my hands to prepare for this big project.

When Shen Long just planned to build a biogas digester, the villagers were still going to read a joke. They did n’t believe that stacking human and animal excrement in the pool would solve the problem of fuel scarcity. However, after several experiments, Shen Long successfully built the biogas digester. The educated youth has not used straw to cook for half a month.

The construction of biogas digesters can not only solve the fuel problem, but also use biogas slurry as pesticides and fertilizers. At present, there is a great shortage of chemical fertilizers in rural areas, and only simple manure can be used to grow crops. With these, the grain output of Baidian Village can go up. Channeling.

For this reason, Shen Long also specially delineated a small test field near the educated youth spot, which was specially irrigated with biogas slurry. The crop growth of this test field was obviously much better than other fields, which attracted the veteran of the village to wait for the crops. Come and watch on a regular basis.

They walked around the test field with their hands on their backs, and they were astonished in their mouths. The students from these big cities were really amazing. Not only did they know more knowledge, they even worked on the crops for decades. Old farmer strong.

No one would ever laugh at Shen Long again. Bai Mingchuan convened a village committee to expand the meeting to discuss this matter. Finally, he decided to allocate manpower and let Shen Long bring a special methane tank to the village.

In order to solve the problem of identity, Bai Mingchuan and the village committee unanimously decided to let Shen Long be the production team leader. Shen Long became the youngest production team leader of the entire Red Guard Commune and the entire Jingbian County.

After the village’s biogas tank was repaired in the second year and the first silt dam project was completed, Baidian Village has become a model project for the entire Jingbian County, and people often come to visit.

At this time, the exploration work of Baidiancun Coal Mine had already been completed. The results of the exploration surprised them. The proved reserves were more than those of Tongchuan Coal Mine. According to the data collected, this coal field is likely to be only one. There is a larger coal field around the corner of the super coal field.

This immediately shocked the Ministry of Coal, from the provincial level to the central government, and senior leaders came to inspect it. The development of Baidian Village Coal Mine was also held quickly with their support, and a number of competent people were allocated to carry out preliminary construction work in the future. Hu Jianjun also followed the team back to Baidian Village at this time, he could meet Sun Xiaoxia again every day.

Since it is necessary to develop a coal mine, there must be workers ~ ~ This coal mine was discovered by the educated youths and villagers of Baidian Village, so it is natural for them to recruit workers.

Many young people in Baidian Village got the opportunity to jump out of the farm and become workers. The educated youths at the educated youths left a few more. Although the rest are girls, they still need female employees in the coal mines. They can be broadcasters. You can be a publicist or even a financial person, these are all people who can read and read.

Shen Long and Qin Ling still did not leave, Shen Long had no interest in working in coal mines, and Qin Ling did the same; this made the old and young people in Baidian Village feel guilty. In order to compensate them, Bai Mingchuan, who has now been promoted to Secretary of the Red Guard Commune Reported to the county, a public elementary school was set up in Baichuan Village, and Qinling became an official teacher of the school.

And Shen Long became the village party secretary of Baidian Village. When the production team leader and his team built the biogas digester and silt dam last year, Shen Long joined the party on the recommendation of Bai Mingchuan.

Although he is the youngest member of the village committee, since he came to Baidian Village, the changes he has brought to the village are obvious to all. The villagers have received so many benefits from him. The days are more dramatic than the previous two years. Let him be the village party secretary, and there is no dissatisfaction in the village.

So, after the youngest production captain, Shen Long became the youngest village party secretary of the entire Red Guard Commune and the entire Jingbian County. Even looking at the whole of northern Shaanxi, it was only second only to a few people in the district.

71 years before the Chinese New Year, Shen Long took Qin Ling on the train to return to Beijing to visit relatives. In a blink of an eye, it has been more than three years since the northern Shaanxi lined up, and they all missed their family very much.

“Wait for the capital, will I go to your house to meet my uncle and aunt?” Shen Long said to Qin Ling on the train. After the opening year, the two of them were of legal marriage age and could live together legally.

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