All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 43 - eat dumplings

“Only these coals can’t easily conclude that there is a big coal mine?” Bai Mingchuan also said that he was a secretary. He went outside and met the world, knowing what a big coal mine means to their village. If there is a big coal mine, the country must be It will be developed, and then the village ’s future generations will have the opportunity to change from farmers to coal miners.

But a little thought, he made a mistake again when looking ahead and looking back, how much coal is this? From there, can you see there are big coal mines around? If you rush into the newspaper, it will be criticized.

“Now I can’t say anything dead, and I’m not an exploration team, but it is always good news; Jiazigou coal mine in the northeast was discovered from a piece of coal …” Shen Long told the story of Jiazigou coal mine and Huolinhe coal mine Once again, “The country has always attached great importance to the exploration and development of coal mines in the past few years. If we report the news, they will definitely pay attention to it, and they will definitely have to help the village.”

“This is also true.” The exploration team came, and Murakami was responsible for eating and living. They would definitely not live in vain, and Murakami could earn a few more live money. How could Baidian Village not lose money, Bai Mingchuan was tempted. .

“In the 1920s, the geologist Professor Wang Zhuquan estimated the 90.447 billion tons of coal in this area in the” Chinese Geological Map Taiyuan Yulin Manual “, which shows that our coal is not without scientific basis.” Zhengzhou Coal Geology Institute also After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there were 186 exploration teams who had visited North Shaanxi for many times, but had not been to Baidian Village.

“That’s the case, tomorrow I will bring people to go with you to see, and then walk around and see more, and prepare more things to report to the township and county.” Bai Mingchuan calculated the time. , “Now is about to celebrate the Chinese New Year, we are ready for the year before, and we will report as soon as we start the year.”

“That’s it, I’ll go back first.” This kind of thing is not something that can be solved overnight. The Shenfu Dongsheng Coal Mine was discovered in 80 years, and construction started only in 84 years. It is nothing to delay these days.

In the past few years, Shen Long took Bai Mingchuan to run around in the surrounding mountains and fields. According to the memories of later generations, he searched for coal mining sites for excavation. The coal mine in this place is not an open-pit coal mine. There are not many coals on the surface, but with the efforts of the big guys, many have been found, and Shenlong ’s map has also been marked with more labels.

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, the big guys went back to the village to prepare for the Chinese New Year. Although it was still difficult, the big guys still took out the food from the bottom of the box and prepared to make some delicious New Years, except for the food and the bowl. When eating in northern Shaanxi, it is natural to have dumplings in the northern New Year.

To this end, Bai Mingchuan also gave Shen Long a few pounds of flour and pork, “You few dolls came to our village, but they did a lot of good things for the village. This is a little intention of our village, so don’t quit. “

Shen Long took it over and gave Bai Mingchuan some sweets and cigarettes he bought at the agency. There was nothing to spend here. He still had a lot of savings from Beijing, and he went there two days ago. When I visited Shichuan Village in Tucheng Commune, they gave Zhong Yuemin some of them. By the way, they taught them how to identify and process wild vegetables. I hope they can stick to them for a few more days.

On the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, the big guy happily started making dumplings, and Shen Long showed them another hand. All kinds of flower dumplings were very good-looking. Just looking at this shape, the educated youths were amazed, “Kui Yong , Your craft is more powerful than the master of Defa!

Defa Chang is an old-fashioned restaurant in the city of Xi’an, specializing in making dumplings. It is said to be the first dumpling in the world. It was said that when Cixi came to Xi’an to take refuge, she could not eat anything. Only Dufa Chang’s dumplings could make her like it.

“Today I will let you open your eyes completely, and don’t mess up here. I have wrapped the dumplings by yourself. You go to the fire. We pack and make batches, fried dumplings, steamed dumplings, boiled dumplings, and braised. Dumplings, roasted dumplings … All kinds of tricks are exchanged to make you enjoyable. “Cooking is addictive. Shen Longkong has a good cooking skills. I haven’t got the opportunity to show up here. Now I’m a bit rich. Ingredients, can you make a good table?

Chopped shepherd’s purse, garlic mixed with bitter cabbage, sauerkraut … Three times to make a few cold dishes, apply a thin layer of oil to the bottom of the pot, put the dumplings and fry them golden, the saliva of the educated youths will flow down.

“It’s really delicious!” Hu Jianjun couldn’t care about the hotness, he stuffed it into his mouth at one sip, and felt a bit regretful after the emotion was over, “We have delicious, this big New Year’s no wine is always unpleasant!”

“There is wine, can there be no wine!” As soon as the words fell, Bai Mingchuan came under a snowflake, and he also carried a wine jar in his hand, “Oh, I’m really sorry, but I have already prepared it for you. I forgot about it for the first two days. “

“Baizhishu is good for the New Year, and I’ll be bothered to run a special trip ~ ~ Come sit down and have some dumplings and drink two cups!” Shen Long pulled Bai Mingchuan down and added a pair of chopsticks to him And pour wine.

“No more, no more, the family is still waiting for me to go back.” As the mouth says, his eyes can keep staring at the few fried dumplings. North Shaanxi has always been eating rough food. How could he ever see such exquisite food? In three words, Shen Long persuaded him to try it, and he couldn’t stop talking about it. Not only was the dumplings delicious, but the cold dishes were also mixed. There was no bitterness in wild vegetables.

“Shen Long, how much do you know? This skill is much stronger than the master of the canteen in our county. In the future, who will do things in the village, you have to be a chef!” It is still possible to have two tables.

“It’s easy to talk and talk.” Not to mention the red and white happy events in the village, even the state banquet is Shen Long.

After trying a few dumplings, Bai Mingchuan left reluctantly. Once the family had to wait for him to return, he also knew that the food for the educated youth was not abundant, and it was really not tasty.

Left Bai Mingchuan, the educated youths were more comfortable, and they drank five to six drinks, and even the female educated youths took a few sips.

As the saying goes, the dumplings drink more and more wine. This wine is not easy to stop when drinking. At the beginning, everyone still talked and laughed, but I do n’t know who started it, and talked about relatives who are far away, The atmosphere in this cave quickly became sad.

Is still only 16-year-olds and young people under the age of 20. This is the first time they have left their parents to spend the Chinese New Year outside, and they do not know how long it will take to return home. The future is even more uncertain.

When can we go home, where is our way out? Thinking of these, the emotionally fragile Liu Ying cried first, followed by all the female educated youths, and then Hu Jianjun and Jiang Shaoan’s eyes also turned red.

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