Alien Queen

Chapter 1815 - Lifted a stone and smashed his foot

“What’s so strange, in your eyes, the “Magic Pulse Aura”, the ultrasonic attack, etc. that are higher than the magic category have not been blocked by the “Forbidden Enchantment” composed of 108 “Alien Guards”. Of course, if they can block the “magic energy plasma” attack, we will not be killed so much today.”

Having said that, Xiao Hei’s spiritual language does not have any sense of regret, that even the people of Muna can hear the pride in its voice.

“I think the six biggest heroes today should be six of them.”

Najin, one of the sixteen deities of the “Exile Alliance”, had different opinions. She still carried a long bow and pointed at the six “ice” suspended above the main ship “Iron Blood”. “Alien shape” said: “If you don’t see it with your own eyes, I don’t believe that there is an ice magic in this world that can freeze the elements completely, and now I am thinking about why Lord Nicholas would not let them follow the queen. Deal with those gods.”

“You look too little on the Lord God.”

The seemingly normal expression of the Ice Blood Wind socket said: “Let’s not say whether they can freeze the main god. The main **** wants to kill them. It is simply a kung fu of the idea. Follow us to deal with the main ship is the king. The elements of the turbulent flow are completely frozen, which is equivalent to cutting off the continuous source of energy supply of the main ship. Do you know how much energy is required to operate a large main ship like a continent? No more energy is stored in the main ship Can’t afford to spend so long, not to mention the fact that the main ship was still violently attacking all kinds of energy-consuming attacks, and I estimate that they still have to reserve enough energy for the use of anti-matter gravity cannons, six of them ‘It has played a key role, at least their combined magic makes those iron blood completely panic.”

“The most important thing is to face the overwhelming variety of aliens and gods and beasts and the joint army of the dragon corps. Those iron-blooded people can’t be sure who the frozen elements are. You don’t see them. They are all in a panic!”

Stroking a few sparse green beards on his chin, Morrini interjected with a smile.

“Six ‘Ice Soul Aliens’ played a key role. But I think its credit is still greater.”

Looking eastward for a long time, he did not see the main leader. The ice **** Rachel, one of the sixteen gods of the League of Exiles, said with dissatisfaction: “It is the long alien shaped like a horn, I wasn’t far away from it, but I saw clearly. Whenever the helical unicorn twitched slightly above the head, those with low iron strength in the main control cabin dropped a large piece, and those with higher strength were also painfully unable to control themselves. . Without it, those iron-blooded ones do not yet know how many attacks are being controlled by the main ship, and how many casualties are on our side.”

“Yes, yes, I was confused at the time and didn’t know what happened.”

“What kind of attack is that?”

“Why didn’t the energy shield cover its attack? This is unreasonable.”

Others instantly remembered this scene and couldn’t help but discuss it.

“The horns are shaped.”

Others don’t know, how Xiaohei might not know. The language of mental power laughed and said: “That is a sonic attack. Obviously the energy defense cover and lookout window of this main ship can’t stop the sonic attack of the abnormal shape of the wing that has reached the strength of the god, absolutely invisible and shadowless, but the attack power is extremely strong. Sonic attack.”

“I think this is still wrong.”

Bud shook his head and overturned Xiao Hei’s conclusion. He said: “Sonic attacks are rare but they are nothing to the main god. I believe that the rule of the “main **** of the wind system” must have an attack method such as a sonic wave. Lord Nicholas also said that when they last attacked the main ship “Mosnil”, there was a “Wind Lord” who shot together. I don’t believe that there can be no sonic attack in his attack.”

“Soul attacks are useless. Can sonic attacks be stronger and more mysterious than soul attacks? So many main gods took the trouble to win a main ship. How long has it been since we found this main ship?”

Bard asked again after he finished speaking.

“I don’t know this, anyway, the sonic attack played a decisive role, are you not sure about this!”

Bingxuefeng pointed to the “Light Roulette” still controlled by the six bright “Abbots”: “Everyone knows that the thing is purely a sonic attack. We all saw that scene just now. What’s so questionable.”


Xiaohei glared at Bard, and immediately said: “The boss has all the artifacts for us. I am not very happy when this “bright roulette” boss gave me. Even if he has already replaced all the artifacts. I got the crystal core of a **** and beast, but this thing has no lethality to the main god. Just now I saw that the horned alien attack played a role. I took it out of the space ring and used it. Didn’t you see the effect?”

“I haven’t seen it or questioned everyone’s claims. I just can’t understand how the energy defensive cover with absolute defensive power in the large population of Nicholas can’t stop the sonic attack even the soul attack?”

Bud was confused.

There was no sound. Without showing any fluctuations, just when Bard’s voice just fell, when the six “Rabbit Shapers” once again drive the “bright roulette” that can be ignored compared to the huge main ship “Iron Blood” after the cooling time, The madly surging energy fluctuations between the massive crystal nuclei inlaid on the roulette suddenly gathered on the mirror cannon in the hands of the statue of the virgin in the center of the roulette. With the holy light disappeared on the roulette, it was once “Instein” The rebuilt sonic attack is stronger and sharper, and the “light roulette” is once again launching a silent and invisible sonic attack against the observation window of the main ship “Iron Blood”.

Maybe it is out of caution or boredom, maybe it is because such a sonic attack can only kill the Jagged family or other living races in the main ship without destroying the equipment in the main ship. Thirteen sonic attacks have been carried out since the beginning of the war.

In fact, in Bard’s view, they are no longer necessary. At least they can no longer see a Jagged Warrior in the main control cabin behind the lookout window. The first wave of “Light Roulette” sonic attack will All the Jagged Warriors in the main control cabin were killed, and the next sonic attack completely smashed their bodies.

Bud estimates that the other cabins in the main ship are the same, the difference is whether they can be visually inspected.

“Don’t talk about those useless nonsense, I now want to know who can let us in?”

The little black tailbone turned around and looked at the huge main ship “Iron Blood”. At the same time, the mental language said: “The news is estimated that this will have been passed to the boss, but the problem is that we still have no way to go in. Who has any way to quickly say that if we can go in and control this main ship, what cannon will be activated. A blast can help the queen and the boss.”

After being quiet, everyone looked at the main ship “Iron Blood”, which was still wrapped in an energy defense cover, and was suspended in a large amount of aliens, gods, beasts, and dragons. They are useless to open the energy defense cover, but they are helpless.

“I knew that no one could be trusted…”

He didn’t even want to get any good ideas from these gods. Xiaohe boring his tailbone boringly, but he didn’t wait for it to say anything, and suddenly his body froze.

Suddenly, Ude and others felt abnormal, and they were startled. They looked up to the high sky of the turbulent void. When they saw the unprecedented elemental tide, they turned out to be the owner of the extremely huge “Iron Blood”. When the void where the ship is completely enveloped. Those gods are distorted.

It’s not that I haven’t seen sky punishment. Several of the gods in the field still saw the “natural punishment” formation when they became the main gods, but where did they see the giant tide of elements of this scale and battle in front of them, this momentum is like dozens of bits Together, God will experience the “God’s punishment” to achieve the Lord God. They were shocked by Ude. They were shocked by a white hair sweat but they didn’t know what happened.


Just like Ude and others didn’t understand how the sonic attack would work on the main ship “Iron Blood”, regardless of the aliens, dragons, gods and beasts. Including the strongest twin aliens, Li Junshan, who had no idea of ​​the actual situation, did not understand how they could “take down” the main ship “Iron Blood”, even Helen and Manacido couldn’t figure it out.

Of course, Ude could not understand how the “horn wing profile” and “light roulette” sonic profile played a role, even if they stood in front of Li Junshan and said in detail that the latter would not understand.

The only thing that really understands is Mondo or the iron-blooded main gods-not how the main ship “Iron-blooded” was taken down by a group of “positional gods” but why the sonic attack would affect the main ship.

After all, it was still for the “terminator”. The definitive Munduo feared that the “terminator” whose body and soul merged would eventually lose control. Fearing that it would become an enemy of the blood-blooded clan, Mondo ordered the energy defense to be covered. Sonic attack defense energy magic array culling is off.

This matter is not only known by Meng Duo, but also by several other iron-blooded masters, and their agreement is that if Meng Duo and the “Terminator” merge process, if there are signs of failure. Then the other iron-blooded gods should use the combination of sound waves to kill the “terminator” in the first time.

If they are escaped by the “Terminator”, then they will also give up the battle of the Lord God and return to the main ship in time, so that even if the “Terminator” is chased back, then there is no need to face the “Terminator” across the energy defense cover, other The main **** can also use sound wave combination to kill it in the main ship.

There are advantages and disadvantages, but in Mondo’s view, compared with other main gods, the threat of the sonic attack on the main ship. Obviously, the “Terminator” is much more terrifying. Mundo firmly believes that as long as the main gods are dragged in the battlefield, no one can have the opportunity to find the main ship “Iron Blood”, it is not important whether the main ship can defend against sonic attacks.

It’s a pity that Mundo didn’t know about the existence of “horned wings” He also didn’t know that Li Junshan possessed a brilliant “light roulette” artifact. At that time, the “Devil God Pope” was ” The “Black Stone Castle” owned by Pope Iron was swept into the restricted area of ​​life by the “Light Roulette” in the plane war, and now the main ship “Monk Blood” of Mondo is also following in the footsteps.

The world is so mysterious that it moves the whole body in one stroke.

If you are not worried about the “Terminator”, the main ship “Iron Blood” will not remove the energy magic array in charge of the sonic defense; if there is no “light roulette”, the “horn wing alien” will be killed by the energy defense cover” All the iron blood in the main ship “Iron Blood”, I am afraid that the alien army will not be killed by the magic plasma.

Similarly, if none of the “Iron Blood” main ships are alive as they are now, the Iron-Blood clan in them receives the signal from Mondo, which is Helen, to blast the 18 “anti-matter gravity guns” at once. The spatial coordinates of the signal source, it is unknown whether Li Junshan can still have several main gods in the turbulent void.

Lifting the stone and smashing his foot, if Mondo knew that his only caution was to let the powerful main ship be taken down by a group of gods, if he was still alive, he might vomit blood on the spot three liters. . . )

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