Alice Angel of Mercy

Character Sheet Awakened

Name: Alice

Race: Half-Angel, ???? ???

Level 8

Profession – Angel of Mercy

Experience – 789 of 5000

Stats: Points unspent = 7

Health: 203 (Recovery 1 Per Day)

Mana: 1,896 (3216 in Dungeon)(Recovery 5 Per Minute(x4 in dungeons))

Strength 11

Stamina 11

Intelligence 10 (x2 in dungeons)

Wisdom 22 (x2 in dungeons)

Charisma 23 (+15) (x2 in dungeons)

Dexterity 13

Perception 12

Luck 4



Dodge Skill: Journeyman 359 / 500 Ability of dodge increased by 30%

Endurance Skill: Beginner 433 / 500 Reduction of fatigue from physical exertion

Mace: Journeyman 16 / 500 Damage increased by 30%

Pain Resistance Skill: Journeyman 112 / 1000 Reduction of pain by 40%

Short Bow: Journeyman 1 / 1000 Increased accuracy by 20%

Sneaking Skill: Beginner 153 / 500 Basic stealth

Camouflage Skill: Beginner 0 / 500 Using items within the area to help you blend in

meditate 83 / 200 Increases mana regeneration


Cooking: Beginner 545 / 1000 Make eatable meals

First aid: Journeyman 3 / 500 Any wounds treated will heal 30% faster

Alchemy: Journeyman 74 / 700 Increased potion duration by 20%

Herbalism: Journeyman 27 / 700 Herbs used in potions are more efficient by 25%

Enchanting: Talented 100 / 100,000 Increased options and success rates


All Natural - Increased Charisma whenever you have no cosmetics or illusions applied

Animal Affinities :

As Fertile as the Fields

Aura Augmentation: spells increase or decrease in potency depending on size and understanding

Casting: Holy, Druidic, and Summoning

Compassionate Touch


Dark thoughts

Death is a Friend of Mine

Green Thumb

Mistress of Anguish

Multi-Cast x 6

Nutcracker - While holding a weapon you will give off a slight intimidation affect to males in the area

One with Nature – Allows user to speak with animals and plants at will

Power Amplification x 4 (7 with All Natural Boon)

Proximity – Enemies within your aura will generate DP

Summoning link

Transpiration – Gathers energy from dungeon veins

True Sense – Reveals things that are hidden; sight and sound


Movement skills: Footwork

  1. Lighter than she looks – reduces chances of pressure plate traps from going off by half

  2. Steps of an angel – Increases defenses while user is not attacking by two times current armor value

Defensive: Physical

  1. Tough Enough: reduces blunt force damage by a 1/20th

  2. Resolute: Reduce all damage by 10% after health 30% of total health

  3. The lesser evil – Minimize damage by half placing a less important part of your body in the way

  4. Resilient – By taking so many hits your body has learned to cope and now reduced damage

  5. Divine body – Your body holds more life energy than most allowing you to regenerate

Defensive: Evasion

  1. Perfect Assets: Straight men and gay women are reluctant to shoot at you

  2. Flexible: Dodges are increased by 15% from melee attacks

  3. Graceful beyond measure – Any physical activities get a 5% bonus

  4. Double jointed – able to bend in mysterious ways allowing you to evade attacks that should be impossible

  5. Shimmer – Enter a half-ethereal form, lasts four seconds, aids in dodging and reducing damage

Weapon: Bow

  1. Prediction: gives suggestions on most likely course a person will move to


Angels gain following skills

Demonic Counter - Heal spells do damage to demons equal to healing value

Flight – Medium level flight

Holy Aura – educes pain and adds boost to all healing spells

Speak No Lie – People with angel blood are unable to tell lies

Pacifistic Blow – any attack against others will always fall short of killing them (monsters and demons excluded)

Vision of Diagnosis(Improved); Morbid & Magic Points – Ability to detect ailments, health and abilities being used at a glance; Treatment options and magical channels now displayed

Spells: Holy

Aid – one round cast time – Temporarily increase another’s health

An Angel's Sorrow: LEARNING

Bind: causes chest to tighten causing shallow breathing and may lead to fatigue, passing out and even suffocation

Blasphemer’s Detriment - half round cast time - Links damage caster receives from any melee attack or spell from targeted person

Blessings of the Goddess – one round cast time – makes it harder for others to hit the target of this spell (strength increases with level)

Blinding Flash – instant – a quick bright flash of your aura (works better in darker environments)

Bone Setter – half round cast time – Fixes broken bones and puts them back into place

Coat of Arms – one round cast time – Strengthens the target with what they hold dear to the hearts (strength increases with level)

Detoxification – half round cast time – Removes lesser & moderate strength poisons

Guardian Angel - two round cast time – target can evade one killing blow

Golden armor – half round cast time / maintainable – a thin protective barrier that refreshes every three minutes

Hiatal – instant cast time - generates a dome to protect your group lasts 1 round

Heavenly Rain - 3 round cast time – any ‘rain’ that hits targets will cause allies to heal and enemies to make fear tests or retreat

Minor Heal – half round cast time – a healing spell that will heal large cuts, scrapes and bruises

Minor Healing light – half round cast time – Creates images that float around targets that release pulses of healing energy

Purify – one round cast time – A magical filter that removes impurities the cast believes are foreign to item or person

Revitalize: improved – half round cast time – An improved version of rejuvenate that restores lose stats and vital energy

Regeneration: Moderate - instant cast time have to maintain until regrowth is complete – Regrow lost body parts or help with more grievous wounds

Sanctuary - ten round cast time - creates a safe zone that monsters cannot detect or enter; Area: casters’ aura

Sense Evil – three round cast time – map will display creatures that have done evil within the last week; Area: 3 x casters’ aura

Smite – half round cast time – Target will take damage in accordance of their degradation to their soul

Stop Poison – one round cast time – Greatly reduces the onset of poisons

Tranquility – one round cast time - puts a targeted person or creature into an immobile state until attacked or 3 minutes

Restrict: clogs the magical conduits forcing target to use double the magical energy while spell is maintained

Spells: Druidic

A dryad's song – calls forth the spirit of a tree, limitations on time, strength and area it can go



Cold Blooded

Den of the lone wolf -


Dew of the Morning Mist – Promotes healing both natural and magical

Mithridate – cast on a glass of wine to make user immune to poisons for 24 hours

Water from the flowing creek – imbues a cup of water to replace the need for water for 24 hours


Herbal Salve of the New Woods – Helps to mend broken bones

Numbing Salve – Removes pain

Salve of earthen skin

Know the way


Natural Immunity

Photosynthesis -

Skin of the Plains Beast


Stone of the Ancients -

Strength of a Bear

Supple as the willow

Tangle Thorns

Whispers from the trees and mountains -


Lightning – 11%

Wind – 9%

Earth – 12%

Charm – 23%

Ice – 5%

Darkness – 7%

Water – 6%

Corrosive – 7%

Necromantic – 1%

Mental – 3%

Aura Effects: 16-foot aura

Calmness: Aura will release a calming affect that eases the mind from stress and worries. Small chance of pacifying aggressive, less intelligent creatures.

Consecrated: evil forces within aura take penalties to attack and defend

Enlightenment: Enhances learning for anybody within your aura

Holy: Reduces pain and adds boost to all healing spells


Abhorrent vines – These vines like to cling to the highest part of a closed off area. Secret toxins that cause paranoia and distrust to the point murder. Feasts on the dead

Basilisk – Frost

Blinkers: Millipedes the size of a leg, no head anglerfish bulb instead - black armored chitin, can teleport through the shadows they create

Blood leter

Bone Collector – puffs of fur that collect bones --- usually out of living animals (rarely seen)

Chittering devils

Colonies – giant legs, cone like sack that connects to the legs, no head, spews flesh eating insects about the size of a nickel.

Creeping Death

Dreamers: Brain with tentacles - mental attacks

Festering Doom - over six foot tall but skinny bones under flesh, Thousands of pustules on skin hazy mist around it

Flesh Devourers

Gloom Dispatcher - lives in the rocky terrain, hides in shadows, can shape shadows


Hidden ones: rocks like critters that tend to hide in natural areas and shot out poisoned spines that paralyze their prey which they then feast on

Lava Spitters

Lurkers – creatures that live underground, create pits to hide in, spew acid and eat the remains

Magma Rats

Mana Leeches

Rawhide Rampager - 2x tall 3x wide hulking humanoid, arms that almost hit the floor hands misshaped and resembled giant hammers

Shifter - Gray mist that shape changes into whatever it touches

Shrieking Mounds

Skull Lashers - fleshless dogs with long trails, bony spikes run along its spine and tail

Thousand Headed Annelid - Giant worm thing made out of littler worms

Thought Eater - Snail like critter

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