Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 30 Unexpected Encounter
William clearly remembered that in Hogwarts, tools such as electrical appliances in the world of ordinary people cannot be used.

"But to what extent?" He has always believed in the saying "talking about toxicity regardless of dosage is hooliganism", and even if it is magic, it should not be done across the board.

—It's not that unreasonable.

It is simply because it is difficult for William to imagine how the Big Four would destroy all the electrical appliances and instruments in the castle thousands of years ago.

"First, a hand generator"

William connected the hand generator to the lamp he bought specially for testing, and quickly shook the short rod, and soon saw that the lamp began to emit bright and steady light.

To be honest, this success was too smooth, and it made William impossible.

"Then try something else?"

He took out a gramophone, put the record on it, and connected it to the generator. After a very short wait, the melodious melody of Dvořák's Ninth Symphony "From the New World" began to echo in the Room of Requirement.

"What's the situation?"

William felt bewildered.

He originally thought that it was an iron law that electrical appliances should not be used in Hogwarts, so he was so cautious—if it was because Hogwarts was not connected to the power supply, he would dare to order a diesel generator tomorrow, and he would dare to have a full set of dormitory repairs the day after tomorrow. modernized.

The melody of "From the New World" continues, starting with the melodious flute solo, leading to a relaxed melody, which seems to symbolize that everything in the New World is thriving.

The sound of "Zeng" suddenly sounded!
The melody came to an abrupt end, and the poor gramophone burst out with a long, heart-pounding screech like fingernails slashing across a blackboard.

Just before William could react, the motor of the hand-cranked generator suddenly exploded with a glaring electric light, and it was about to bite his fingers like a poisonous snake—fortunately, at the very moment, a transparent barrier suddenly Appearing in front of William, blocked the lightning for him.

He had cast a protective spell on that Gordian knot, which would activate automatically when he felt an attack.Although the strength of the protection is very limited, and it is easy to be accidentally triggered, its advantage lies in its extremely quick response.

But the electric appliance was not as lucky as him.

With a piercing scream, thick black smoke rose from the phonograph, and a deep scratch appeared on the otherwise smooth surface of the record.

"why is that?!"

The shocked William waved his wand, and disappeared the two electrical appliances that had apparently lost their repair value—but half a second ago, everything was clearly normal.

"Don't try this thing yet, but if you have a chance, you can try to ask an engineer, maybe they will have some ideas."

Thinking about it, William had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​trying to modernize the dormitory, and instead took out the ancient rune course textbook "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Rune".

This subject is more difficult than he imagined to learn by himself, even with the "Magic Alphabet" and "Magic Dictionary" borrowed from the library, wanting to combine runes into language and define their meanings, It's all a pretty difficult thing.

"The gods... a birch tree. Real estate? The gods planted a birch tree, chopped it down and made a house?
What is the meaning of another rune representing eel after that?I really believe in your ghosts."

After reading the textbook for a long time, William, who was even more at a loss than before not reading the textbook, simply stuffed them all into his shoulder bag and left the Room of Requirement.

It was already late at night.

The castle was eerily quiet.

The portraits on the wall have all changed from the bustle of the day and fell into a deep sleep - on William's right, even the notorious witch Helena Duncan, half man, half eagle, wrapped herself in her wings and curled up beside her. It is next to the cauldron with green fluorescent bubbles.Only when the armor by the wall occasionally adjusted the body, the elbows and the breastplate collided with each other, making a dull knocking sound.

"Transfiguration and Charms tomorrow"

Thinking about it, William stretched out his hand and scratched the wand of the portrait in front of him. In the painting, the man in the green pointed wizard hat stood up with displeasure, and turned himself—a hidden passage was revealed.

As long as he passes through this passage, he can cleverly bypass the location of the principal's office and directly reach the vicinity of the stairs.

"Ancient runes will have to wait until Thursday, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Forget it, it's Defense Against the Dark Arts class after all."

William naturally believed in the magic level of 1/7 of the Dark Lord, but he also believed in Professor Quirrell.

Although it is a belief in another sense.

He soon came to the end of the secret passage, and he only had to turn one more turn to reach the stairs.

"Speaking of which, do you want to find an opportunity to study the Marauder's map? Get some gadgets and exchange a backup with those two brothers."

With the help of a spell, William jumped over the steps lightly—he has always liked roaming at night, because of this feeling that he can let his curiosity go and explore the wonders of magic at will.

A color is almost completely transparent, and a very thin silver aura suddenly appeared. Although it was blurry, it was extremely fast, sweeping like a shock wave.

The silver aura seemed to be released from the bottom of the stairs, and then bounced back quickly before approaching William's body.

This feeling, William has experienced.

That's how he'd found Neville's toad, Rifle, on the train.Although his illusion spell has not been broken at this moment, no matter who casts the spell, they must know that someone who casts the illusion spell is here.

Moreover, that person's attainments in spells must be astonishingly high, far surpassing William's, in order to allow the aura of "Quickly Appearing" to cover such a wide range.

"So late? Who is it?"

Many questions flashed through William's mind.

He noticed that the aura was emanating from the fifth floor of the castle—William stopped and looked for the source of the spell.

Down the hallway, he found an empty classroom.

Honestly, it's not that difficult.

On the entire fifth floor, only this small classroom is lit—not the original orange light, but colorful light clusters that change from dark to bright, echoing each other, forming a sense of confusion that is almost like neon.

But the identity of the mysterious man was beyond William's expectation, or it was just like this that made it reasonable-through the window next to the classroom, he saw Professor Dumbledore standing in front of a tall bronze mirror, holding He murmured to the mirror while holding the magic wand, light clusters of various colors emerged from the top of the magic wand from time to time, making them "embedded" on the mirror frame like gems.

Dumbledore seemed to be putting a number of very powerful spells on the mirror - presumably to arrange for the Dark Lord, if William was to guess.

William noticed that the White Wizard's body was always standing on one side of the mirror, as if he was deliberately avoiding seeing what was on the mirror.

If William's guess is correct, it is the Mirror of Erised used to store the Sorcerer's Stone in the original plot, a magical mirror that can reflect people's inner desires.

At this moment, he couldn't help hesitating.

William didn't know whether he should leave quietly, pretend nothing happened, or just go in and say hello, since Dumbledore already knew of his existence anyway.

But Professor Dumbledore suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked towards the door of the classroom—although William was sure that his Disillusionment Curse had not been broken, he was even more convinced that Dumbledore had cast the spell on him see through.

"Oh? Mr. Buffalo, it looks like I'm not the only one who can't sleep tonight."

Wizard White adjusted his glasses and said.

There was a hint of surprise in his tone - it seemed that Dumbledore really didn't expect to have a visitor.

 Thanks to Asprin for the reward, I actually have a second host, is this true?It is suggested to implement a new rule, down payment plus mortgage after listing. The feasibility is being studied.

(End of this chapter)

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