Aka Amy

48. Grow Into It (Amy)

As soon as I quit the game I opened discord and jumped to the private server I shared with my four teammates. Leah was already waiting in the voice channel so I joined her there. Kreff came online a few seconds after me, and a half minute or so later Raven finally joined us in the chat.

Kreff spoke up first. They didn't sound angry but they were definitely uneasy as they demanded, "So what the hell was that? And why didn't you want to discuss it on the game server? Was it some kind of hack or cheat? You know the devs come down hard on that sort of thing Amy. You could get our accounts suspended and our characters deleted."

Leah sighed, "Dorn's probably filing a complaint with the devs right now."

"It wasn't a hack or a cheat," I responded. My voice was soft and I probably sounded as guilty as I felt.

I continued, "I lost my temper ok? I was tired and the past week has been really stressful. Tonight was supposed to help me unwind and relax, I just wanted to hang out with friends and have fun. Dorn showing up at the end to ruin it pushed me over the edge. I'm sorry."

"So if it wasn't a hack or cheat then what was it?" Kreff asked. "Because there's no way your character can do all that, you're not high enough level. I don't even know what you did? How'd you kill them? I didn't see a spell or any weapons. For that matter I've never heard of any kind of artefact or spell that would let you do all those things at once."

I sighed as I went back and forth in my mind, weighing the pros and cons of telling them the truth.

"Raven?" I finally asked. "What do you think?"

She replied calmly, "As I told You last week, I am not Your counsel. I cannot tell You what to do."

"I'm asking for your opinion," I stated. "As a friend."

That exchange probably left Leah and Kreff curious and confused, I was positive they noticed the change in Raven's tone when addressing me. And the way my angel was hesitating now suggested I probably left her a little befuddled as well, by calling her a friend.

She finally responded, "I don't know. But I will abide by Your choice, and do all in my power to enforce Your will and uphold Your decisions."

"What the fuck is going on with you two?" Kreff finally demanded. "If you're into some kind of D/s role-play keep it to yourselves, don't drag the rest of us into it."

I couldn't help but smile as I stated, "Ok Raven, you're pretty much forcing me to explain things by acting like that over group chat. So I'm taking that to mean you think it's ok to tell them."

"Kreff and Leah?" I continued, "I role-play a cleric online, but in real life I'm actually a goddess. Or at least, I have access to some divine power. What happened tonight wasn't a hack or cheat, I lost my temper and used magic to... Ok I guess maybe it does count as a cheat. I used magic to mess with things in the game."

A moment later I added, "Uh that's actually the first time I've done that? I didn't even know for sure that I could. Normally I use my magic to change things in the real world, not the game."

Kreff sighed, "Amy if you're going to come up with some bullshit story, you could have at least tried to make it believable. If this is how you're planning to take things going forward... I think I'm done with the group."

"Please hear me out?" I asked nervously. "Please give me a chance Kreff, let me prove myself?"

Their disbelief was clear in the tone of their voice as they asked, "How exactly do you think you can prove you're a goddess?"

I grimaced as I offered, "I could give you a miracle? You suggested earlier tonight you were jealous that me and Raven both look like our game characters IRL. I uh, I could actually do that for you too."

"No shit?!" Leah exclaimed. "What about me? I want in on this!"

"Yeah, I could do it for you too Leah. And fix your ID and stuff, for your name change? I remember you said you wanted to do that, I can do it with magic."

There was a bitterness in Kreff's voice as they stated, "There's no such thing as magic."

"And if you had magic," they added a moment later, "Why would you need to screw around with a voice changer last year?"

I sighed, "Right."

After a deep breath I explained, "I was AMAB, that was my original voice. Last July a bunch of stuff happened which included me getting godlike power, accidentally changing myself into the real-life version of my game character, and subsequently realizing I'm trans and wanted this all along. I made up the story about the voice changer to explain why I sounded so different in chat, since nobody would believe the truth. And now I'm telling you the truth."

"And how does Raven fit into this little fantasy?" Kreff asked in a skeptical tone.

"Why don't you answer that Raven?" I suggested.

She responded calmly, "To paraphrase my Goddess, I role-play a rogue online, but in real life I'm a messenger, what you call an angel. She is my Goddess, I was created to serve Her."

Kreff scoffed, "So it's some kind of D/s fantasy role-play after all."

I sighed, "Kreff I don't want to lose you as a friend. Same with you Leah, I don't want to lose you either. I'm still new to this whole goddess thing, it hasn't even been a year yet. And I've spent most of that time trying to just do the bare minimum with these powers so I could keep fitting in and having a normal life. So I'm just going to say this once then let it go."

After another deep breath I continued, "If either of you want proof, if you want a miracle of your own, just ask. We can talk about it over DMs, or we can discuss it in person if you prefer. And it doesn't have to be right now, we can do it anytime."

Leah asked, "In person? There's five or six thousand kilometres and an ocean in the way. Are you going to book a flight over here just to say hi?"

Kreff pointed out, "And it's about two thousand miles from Toronto to here, in the opposite direction."

"And I can teleport," I stated. "Though I admit I haven't actually tried it yet, but I know how to do it. I've teleported other things, just not myself."

"Ok I've got to see this," Leah stated. She sounded excited, like thanks to this conversation she'd forgotten all about being sleepy. "Can you teleport here right now?"

I hesitated, and glanced over my shoulder. The lights were out in the rest of the apartment, and it was nearly half past one in the morning by then. I figured Tess gave up waiting for me and gone to bed.

Then I focused on Leah. I used just a tiny bit of magic to trace through the computer, across the internet, and finally back to where in the world she was located. I got enough of a feel for her that I could find her again without needing to go through the internet.

"Ok," I finally replied. "I'll give it a try. Uh, going AFK obviously."

I left the voice chat and pulled off my headset, then got up out of my chair and took a few moments to have a good stretch.

I was barefoot, and I didn't have anything on but leggings and a t-shirt. Still, I wasn't planning on going outside and I didn't think I'd need anything else. No point bringing my purse or phone or anything like that, I wasn't planning on staying at Leah's place any length of time.

Finally I closed my eyes and focused. I was a little anxious, but I knew how to do it. I'd teleported clothes, I'd summoned and teleported my staff around. And I'd seen how to do it in Amethyst's memories, she'd done it countless times.

Leah's bedroom appeared in my mind's eye, and a moment later I was there.

"...dunno, but if she wakes my folks they'll kill me," Leah joked quietly.

She was sitting at the desk in front of her computer, which was the only source of illumination. Her back was to me and she still her headset on. Over her shoulder I could see she was still in the discord chat with Kreff and Raven.

Her bedroom was small, there was a twin-size bed to the left, a dresser and closet to the right, and the door was behind me. There were some shelves on the wall over the bed, with books and plushies and a few pictures. The desk was against the opposite wall underneath a window. Sunlight peeked around the edges of the thick dark curtains. A clock on the wall indicated it was half past seven in the morning. There were some posters and artwork prints up on the walls, they all looked to be from various fantasy games and they all had a consistent theme. Tall strong powerful women, most of them with swords.

"What do you mean she's already here?" Leah asked. "If she was here I'd - Fuck!"

She yelped as she swivelled in her chair and finally noticed me. She jumped to her feet and stood facing me, with her behind pressed against the desk as she was backed as far from me as she could get.

She still had the headphones on, and as she stared wide-eyed at me she said "Holy crap it's really her! She looks just like her character and she's right here in front of me!"

"Hello Leah," I said quietly. "I'm Amy, sorry to startle you."

None of us had exchanged pictures or anything, but Leah was exactly like I imagined her based on her voice. She told us she was eighteen but I'd easily believe she was younger. She was short, no taller than myself, except where I was curvy Leah was skinny.

Her short messy hair looked black in the dim light coming from the computer behind her. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and had socks on her feet. And she was wearing a pair of glasses with large round lenses.

"How..." She gulped and tried again, "How'd you get in here?"

I kept my voice down as I replied, "Teleported, like I said. A minute ago I was in my apartment in Canada."

After a couple awkward seconds of the two of us staring at each other, I figured maybe she wanted to actually see a demonstration. And this time I had the perfect idea. I held my hand out and slightly to the side, as a tall narrow column of swirling gold light appeared. The magic faded and I had my staff in hand.

Leah's eyes almost bulged out of her head and her jaw dropped open.

"Oh my gosh," she gasped. "Kreff she just summoned her staff! It just appeared in her hand in a swirl of light, like something out of the game!"

That made me smile, as I relaxed and leaned against the tall heavy length of wood. "So do you still want a miracle Leah? I can do what I told you, change your body to match your game character. Or any of these, if you prefer?"

I gestured at the posters around her room as I watched her eyes get wider yet again. I was almost worried they'd roll out of her head if they were any bigger.

She glanced around the room at the posters as she took a couple deep breaths. She finally slipped off her headset and dropped it on the desk behind her then asked, "But um, what about my parents? If I suddenly looked different they won't know me, they'll think I'm a stranger. They might call the police, kick me out of the house..."

"Sorry Leah. I can't do anything about that," I apologized. "I won't mess with your family's minds or memories. I can change your body, update your ID, but you'll have to figure out how to explain things to your family and friends."

"I just want to be bigger," she sighed. She was almost pouting as she added, "I'm... I'll be eighteen this year, my brother and sister are both bigger than me, and stronger. I'm the runt of the family."

I gave her a sympathetic smile, "I get it, I get the need to be something other than what you are. Last year I was five-foot-eleven, but I like being small. Sometimes I make myself even smaller than this?"

After a few seconds to think it over I offered, "So you're seventeen? Maybe you're due for a growth spurt. What if I could arrange it so you'd have the body of your dreams by the end of the year? Grow into it naturally over the next seven or eight months, so your family and friends have time to get used to it?"

Her eyes lit up and a wide smile appeared on her face, "Oh gosh Amy can you really do that?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "With your permission I can take a peek into your hopes and dreams, then make sure you grow into the body you want. And I can heal your eyes right now if you like, so you don't need the glasses anymore?"

She took a few more deep breaths then nodded, "Yes please! All of that, please!"

It only took a half second to confirm that her ideal self was basically the character she played in the game. I focused on her and swirling golden light surrounded her body for a couple seconds. When it faded she was already an inch taller and had about five more pounds on her, between some added muscle and some small curves.

"Oh my gosh," she whispered as she took her glasses off. the look on her face reminded me of April last night. It was awe.

I smiled at her as I flexed my magic again, then said quietly "You'll keep growing till you reach your ideal body. I've already changed your ID so Leah is your legal name. You'll still need to tell people what it is though, to get them to start using it."

"Thank you," she whispered. Then in a quiet, reverential voice she asked "What can I do, how can I repay you?"

"Just remember my name," I replied. "I'm Amethyst, that's my 'goddess name'. I'd better go now, and maybe you should think about going to bed? The sun's already up."

Her eyes widened again and she gulped, "I've met a real live Goddess... Thank you Amethyst!"

I just gave her an awkward smile, then teleported myself back home.

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