Aka Amy

46. Helping A Friend (Tess)

"Has everyone had enough to eat?" Amy asked, looking back and forth between me and April.

Neither of us wanted any more, so my girlfriend started tidying up. She took the left-overs back to the kitchen then put them away in the fridge. She left the dishes in the sink for now, and finally she took care of the trash.

While she was doing that, April gave me a smile as she half-whispered "She's cute and she cleans. I don't suppose she cooks too, does she?"

"She does," I replied with a smirk. "Honestly she's perfect."

April grinned, "I'm happy for you Theresa. I remember how gloomy you were last June after whats-her-name..."

That made me grimace, but I didn't want to dwell on that stuff. It was very much ancient history now, and I was happy as can be with Amy.

And at that point my girlfriend came back to the living-room and asked, "Can I top up anyone's drinks?"

Me and April both took her up on that. Amy refilled my and her wine glasses, then mixed another rum and cola for my friend. And when that was done she finally took her seat again, next to me on the sofa.

April was sat across from us on the love-seat, she had a sip of her drink as she watched me and my girlfriend for a few moments. Then she focused on me and asked, "So Theresa, your email said you had something important you wanted to discuss? You kind of hinted it was something about trans issues?"

"Yeah," I grimaced.

She'd been here just over two hours, we'd had a few drinks then ordered pizza. When it arrived we had dinner, now we were done eating. And through the whole visit there hadn't been any opportunity to guide the conversation in the direction of magic and miracles. Now she was outright asking, and I still hadn't figured out how to broach the subject without just blurting it out.

"And?" April asked after a few seconds. "What was it you wanted to discuss?"

After a few more awkward seconds my girlfriend finally jumped in to rescue me. Sort of.

"So this is going to sound a bit strange April, but Tess was thinking maybe she and I could offer you some help with your transition?"

She added smoothly, "Not that we're suggesting there's anything wrong, but Tess is very aware of the limitations of mundane non-magical solutions. I'm actually not that well-versed in all the details on medical transitioning, because I transitioned one night last summer with magic. Uh, that was before I realized I was trans. Which was kind of awkward, but it all worked out ok in the end."

By the time Amy was finished talking I was trying not to cringe too visibly, while April just looked somewhere between confused and angry.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she finally demanded. "If this is some kind of joke, you can -"

My friend's words caught in her throat as the apartment was suddenly full of swirling gold light. When the magic faded the lights were out, all our candles were set up, and every last one of them was lit. The living-room was bathed in a soft yellow-orange glow from the flickering lights.

April was speechless as she looked around at all the candles, then she ended up staring wide-eyed at me and Amy. She looked like she was about to ask what happened or how we did that when she froze again and her face went pale.

For a moment I wasn't sure why, then I noticed it too. There was a feeling that seemed to be radiating off my girlfriend. Even without turning to look at her I was very aware of her presence as she sat next to me, and the only word I could think to describe how I felt was awe.

I turned towards my girlfriend and suddenly found myself staring at her, just as wide-eyed as April.

There wasn't anything visibly different about her, she wasn't glowing, she didn't have wings or a halo or anything like that. She looked like the same small cute girlfriend as always. Yet at the same time she had that overwhelming presence about her.

Whatever she was doing, it finally faded after a few seconds. Once it was gone I could breath normally again. I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until I let it out.

"I'm sorry for the abrupt demonstration," my girlfriend spoke in the ensuing silence.

Her voice was calm clear and confident, while I still felt too shaken to even form words.

Amy continued, "And I apologize if my earlier comments seemed rude. Neither Theresa or I have done this before. We want to help people, and you're the first one we've tried talking to about magic."

April was quiet for a few more seconds as she continued staring at Amy. My friend took a few more deep breaths then finally found some words, "How... What... What are you? How did you do this?"

My girlfriend sounded every bit calm and confident and divine as she replied, "My real name is Amethyst, and I am a Goddess. Theresa convinced me to share My gifts with trans and queer people. If you wish it, I can use My magic to help you."

April was quiet for another couple seconds. She raised her glass up and gulped down the rest of her drink, before setting the glass aside. She took another deep breath then in a nervous uneasy voice she asked, "Help me, how?"

This time Amy stayed silent, she looked to me so I knew she wanted me to speak up.

"Um," I hesitated, before pushing ahead. "Amethyst can change your body with her magic. She can literally change your form to whatever you want? Taller, shorter, curvier, she can make your hair longer, change the colour, your eyes, anything really. She can give you a cis-normative feminine body. She can also change your ID, your legal name, if you haven't done so already. And she can do all that right now, with magic. She's offering you a miracle."

April continued staring at me and Amy, she looked more than a little overwhelmed. She reached out and picked up her glass again, then stopped when she realized it was already empty.

Before she could put it back down the glass filled with sparkling golden light, which faded to reveal it had been refilled with another rum and cola.

"What..." my friend mumbled as she stared at the glass. She looked up at me and Amy again and shook her head, "This is impossible. It can't be real."

"It's real," I replied softly. "Magic is real, what we just offered is real. Amethyst is a real Goddess."

April hesitated, then gulped down her drink again. She took a deep breath and asked, "You can really change my body? What's... What's the catch? What's it going to cost me? What's in it for you?"

I glanced at Amy but it looked like she was leaving this part up to me again. So I focused on April and replied, "There's no catch, and no cost. Amethyst isn't going to ask for your soul, you won't owe her your first-born child or any of that nonsense. All we ask is that you remember her name, and maybe offer her some prayers of thanks."

"You can tell people you received a miracle from Amethyst the Goddess," Amy clarified. "But not who Amethyst is on Earth. Don't tell people My human name, or that I live here with Theresa."

I explained, "We don't want the press or the authorities showing up at our door, or strangers stalking us."

April frowned, "What if I asked you to give me a body that's noticeably different from how I look now? What would I tell people, how would I explain the sudden change?"

"Unfortunately I cannot help you there," Amy replied. "I won't meddle with people's minds, I won't change their memories of how you look. It will be up to you. You're welcome to tell people it was due to magic or miracle, a gift from a Goddess. Just don't tell them who I am on Earth."


My classmate was still frowning, but I was positive she was going to take the offer. It felt like the only thing she was hung up on now was the details. I'd even guess she was weighing the pros and cons between asking for what she truly wanted against settling for something that wouldn't raise too many questions.

My girlfriend obviously had the same thoughts, or maybe she was reading April's mind. Either way, Amy suggested, "Think carefully April. You're being offered a miracle, I'm sure you don't want to waste it."

My friend nodded, "Right. I understand."

She gulped and took a few deep breaths, then finally stated "Ok, you're right. I can't waste this, I can't pass it up. I'm still not sure I actually believe it, but I can't think of any other way to explain what you've done, what you've showed me."

"With your permission," Amy stated as she kept her eyes on April's, "I can look into your thoughts and dreams, I can see what you truly want. I can give you the body of your deepest heart's desires."

April's eyes widened and her cheeks went bright red. "O-oh... Um... Ok. And all you want in return is me to remember your name?"

"That's correct," Amy responded.

After another few seconds April finally half-whispered, "Ok."

She took a deep breath then repeated herself, a little louder and with more certainty. "Ok. I want this, please. If this is for real and I don't try it, I'll be kicking myself for the rest of my life."

A moment later April's eyes widened and she gasped as she was surrounded by swirling golden light.

The light faded after a second or two, and revealed my classmate's new figure. April slowly got to her feet as she stared down at herself. Her eyes were wide and she was almost hyperventilating as she took in the new her.

She looked to be the same height as before, about five-foot-eight, but while her height hadn't changed the rest of her sure had. She was slimmer, her waist and shoulders were narrower while her hips were wider. Her behind and her bust were both noticeably larger, and her face had taken on a more rounded, less angular shape. Her nose was smaller, her eyebrows narrow, and there wasn't a trace of hair on her face or what I could see of her body.

April held out her hands as she stared at them, then looked at her arms, and finally leaned down slightly to take in the shape of her legs and feet. Her hands and feet were definitely smaller than before, they looked more dainty. Her arms and legs were slim and shapely. Her clothing had changed along with her body, she was now in skin-tight blue jeans and a tight pink t-shirt. Her shoes were now cute little pink and white sneakers.

I noticed she still had a slight bulge in her pants, but I didn't question or comment. I knew whatever changes Amy did or didn't do, they would have been based on what she saw in April's thoughts. So whatever my friend ended up with, I was confident it's exactly what she wanted.

"Oh my god," April finally gasped. Even her voice had changed, it had moved up in pitch into a typically feminine range. She gasped again as she realized what she sounded like, then glanced at Amy and corrected herself, "Oh my Goddess..."

After a few more seconds she gestured vaguely towards the washroom, "I um, excuse me. I have to see a mirror."

"Of course," I replied with a wide smile. "Take your time."

I was still smiling as I watched my friend stumble away. This was exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to see last summer when Amy was panicking and afraid to experiment with her magic, and I couldn't help feeling excited. I'd just witnessed a friend receive a huge life-changing miracle, and I was almost giddy on her behalf.

I finally turned to look at my girlfriend as I grinned, "Amy that was amazing! Do you think April's happy?"

She smiled awkwardly, "I hope she's happy? We'll find out once she's finished in the washroom."

Her tone and expression were nowhere near as excited as I felt, and that drained some of my enthusiasm. I asked softly, "What's wrong? Aren't you glad we did this?"

"I am," she replied quietly. "Assuming April's happy. I still don't really like playing goddess though, and I probably poured it on a little too hard at first. I could tell it affected both of you."

"Yeah," I frowned. "What did you do exactly? You didn't look any different, but I could tell there was something. It was... I don't know? I could feel it, but it's hard to describe."

She grimaced, "It's something I figured out from Amethyst's memories. I basically brought her divinity a little closer to the surface, so you and April could sense it. I figured between that and the candles it was a pretty good quick demonstration."

I nodded, "It was definitely something. It was literally awesome, in the true meaning of the word."

Amy looked awkward about that, but before she could respond we both heard April emerge from the washroom.

My friend seemed almost in a state of shock as she stumbled back into the living-room. She almost collapsed onto the love-seat again, then looked across at my girlfriend. The expression on April's face was somewhere between giddiness and awe. It took her another half minute to find her voice again.

"I don't know what to say," she said quietly. "It really is a miracle. It's impossible, incredible, and it's amazing. It's what I dreamed about, and I never could have got this on my own. Thank you. Seriously, thank you."

Amy smiled, "I'm glad you're happy April. Just remember what we told you, ok? You can tell people about the goddess Amethyst, but please keep Tess and I out of it."

"I promise," April agreed.

She was obviously getting over the shock and starting to think more clearly, as her expression shifted to curiosity while she looked back and forth between me and Amy. "So um, I have to ask. How does it work? Are you actually a Goddess? Or do you channel Her somehow? And Theresa, are you actually girlfriends with a Goddess? Are you sleeping with Her? How did you even meet?"

Both Amy and I cringed slightly under the sudden barrage of questions. It reminded me a little of that first week with my girlfriend last summer and her list of questions. Neither Amy or I had prepared for this, but I realized we should have.

My girlfriend responded first, "Channelling is a good way to put it. Most of the time I'm just Amy Price."

I added, "And Amy and I are girlfriends."

We weren't exactly honest, but lies of omission apparently was the best way to handle it. And April accepted our answers and made her own conclusions.

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