Aka Amy

11. Brunch (Amy)

I was awake, but I didn't open my eyes yet. I was still basking in the joy of last night's dreams. They were so vivid and so realistic, not to mention they were pure bliss. If I could dream like that all the time I'd never get out of bed.

I dreamt I got turned into the real-life version of my game character. Better than that, I dreamt I met a hot redhead who was into me, and the two of us wound up in bed together. It was better than any sex dream I'd ever had before.

As I lay there happily reliving every little detail of the dreams in my mind, I felt my nipples growing hard and a now-familiar needy wetness forming between my legs. And I let out a soft sigh as I knew last night wasn't a dream. I was Amethyst, I was a girl, and I was still laying in Theresa's bed.

The arrousal quickly faded as my thoughts shifted from reliving last night to thinking about what led up to it.

Yesterday had been long, stressful, and full of countless overwhelming emotions and a couple breakdowns. And at the end of the day I got drunk and had sex with the girl who maybe caused all this in the first place.

I thought about that for a few moments, but found I wasn't angry or upset with Tess. I wasn't upset with myself either. I couldn't deny she was attractive and she seemed really nice. If she was to blame for all this, she didn't do it intentionally and she was trying to help me understand it all.

And I couldn't deny I enjoyed it. I'd already accepted that I wanted to keep this body, I wanted to keep being Amethyst. As for last night, I obviously enjoyed that. Just thinking about it was making me wet again. And that thought made me blush, but there was also a thrill of joy - that was a thing my body did now. I was a girl, and that's how my body reacted! Once again it was better than my wildest dreams.

I was also kind of surprised to note I didn't seem to be hung over, despite having drank three glasses of wine last night. There was no headache. I didn't feel nauseous. I was maybe a bit dehydrated, but that was my normal state of being, to be honest.

With all that out of the way I finally opened my eyes. I was in Tess's bed, but I was alone. The bedroom door was closed, perhaps to give me privacy or to ensure she didn't wake me after she got up. My nightshirt was laid over the foot of the bed, she probably put it there so I could find it easily. And according to the clock on her bedside table, it was just past eight-thirty, Sunday morning.

I sat up, then slipped out of bed and pulled on my nightshirt. I opened the door and saw Tess sitting sort of curled-up side-ways on the sofa in the corner by the love-seat. She was wearing a pair of old track pants and a faded t-shirt. And she was cradling a half-full mug of coffee in her hands.

When I opened the door she looked up at me, and the expression on her face told me she'd been thinking about last night as well, but she came to some very different conclusions. There were a number of emotions evident on her face, but the most prominent were guilt and worry.

She sounded anxious as she said quietly, "Good morning. There's fresh coffee ready if you want?"

I smiled, "Thanks."

The kitchen was kind of small, it was ok for one person but two people in there at once would feel cosy. Three would be cramped. She had a simple coffee-maker, there was a clean mug and spoon next to it, along with a box of sugar-cubes. I dropped two cubes into the mug then poured myself some coffee, and finally opened the fridge to find some milk or cream.

And I found myself staring at the inside of her fridge for a few moments. In addition to the left-over Chinese from last night, there was left-over pizza and part of another take-away meal. A package of pre-cooked microwave bacon strips, a package of processed cheese slices, and a bag of pre-cut lettuce was the only other food in there, apart from some jars of condiments inside the fridge door. In terms of drinks there were a dozen bottles of spring water, a couple cans of cola, and two four-litre boxes of cheap wine.

I snooped in her freezer and found it was home to two boxes of pre-cooked chicken wings, a box of prepared fish filets, and two frozen dinners. I didn't want to be judgemental but I got the distinct feeling that Theresa didn't know how to cook. From what I could see she mainly ate take-away or processed heat-and-eat food.

After splashing some cream into my mug I gave it a stir then returned to the living-room. Instead of sitting at the opposite end of the sofa I sat on the love-seat at the corner right next to Tess.

She turned slightly so she was facing me, and now she looked slightly confused, in addition to worried and guilty.

"Amy I'm sorry," she still had that anxiety in her voice as she apologized.

After a sip of coffee I asked, "What for?"

Tess frowned, "I got you drunk and took advantage of you last night. You told me you weren't much of a drinker, but I kept serving you wine. And when you were drunk I..."

I reached over and put my hand on her shoulder as I shook my head. "You didn't get me drunk. You offered me wine and I made the decision to drink it. I'm an adult, I'm responsible for my own actions ok? And I'm not upset about anything else that happened last night either. I um..."

My confident act faltered as my cheeks went pink, but I pushed through and finished what I wanted to say. "I liked it, a lot. So please don't feel guilty. I'm not upset about it. I'm happy."

I could actually see the emotions flickering across her expression as she stared at me. More confusion, some uncertainty, then some tentative hope.

"You're sure?" she finally asked.

I tried to give her a confident smile as I nodded, "I'm sure."

Tess let out a little sigh of relief, then the two of us sipped our coffee in silence for a few minutes.

Eventually I asked, "Are we still on for doing some hiking or walking or something today?"

She actually looked like she was trying not to get too excited as she smiled "I'm up for it if you are?"

"Definitely," I smiled. "But not right away. I should have a shower this morning, then I was thinking maybe we could go out for brunch somewhere? My treat this time."

Tess sort of stared at me for a few moments. She asked, "What about the other stuff? Figuring out what happened to you, the other stuff on your list?"

I had some more of my coffee then shrugged, "We're not going to find any answers sitting around here staring at books we've already read. I have no idea how we'll figure that stuff out, but it doesn't mean we can't have fun in the meantime. And maybe we'll get some inspiration when we're out in nature?"

She smiled, "Ok Amy. Sounds like a good plan then. Coffee, showers, brunch, and hiking."

The next hour or so we were both very lazy as we just lounged around enjoying coffee and some idle conversation.

Tess told me about a few places she knew in the area where we could go hiking, and we sort of settled on one that sounded nice. It wouldn't be rugged off-trail wilderness stuff, more like a large glorified park with marked trails. Stuff I'd be able to manage with my running shoes, rather than needing special equipment or training.

When it came time to get cleaned up, she let me use the shower first and got me some clean towels out of a closet next to the bathroom. I left the towels next to the bathroom sink, then slipped off my nightshirt and hung it on the back of the door.

Before I stepped into the shower I found myself staring in the bathroom mirror. This was my first time really being alone with my own naked body. The other times I was either getting dressed or undressed, or I was focused more on Tess than myself.

I let my eyes slowly move up and down over my reflection, and I felt a little flutter in my stomach. I liked what I saw, and whatever happened I knew I could never give this up.

My boobs were ample without being huge, and despite their size there was no sag in them. The soft creamy white orbs were tipped with large sensitive pink nipples.

Looking down past my chest and belly, my eyes settled on my groin. I had a cute little patch of neatly trimmed silver hair there, and I remembered Tess commenting about that last night. She was both amused and amazed that my hair was silver there too, and slightly jealous that apparently I didn't need to shave to get it like that, it just grew that way on its own.

That memory led to others from last night, and I ended up wasting a little more time lost in thought before I finally got in the shower.

The experience of showering was both entirely different from before while also being kind of the same routine stuff. I was aware of how the water felt different on my softer, more sensitive skin. I was aware of how different it felt washing the new parts of my anatomy. And I was very aware of how much more hair I had now, and how much more shampoo and conditioner it took.

Afterwards I went through much the same thing as I got dried off. It was equal parts different physical sensations and dealing with long hair.

I finally emerged with a towel wrapped around my body and my hair wrapped up in another. Then while Tess went into the washroom for her turn, I got a bottle of water from the fridge then sat on the sofa and opened up my backpack to pick out what I wanted to wear today.

Yesterday I'd gone with jeans and a t-shirt because it was familiar and felt safe. This morning I decided to try something a little outside my comfort zone. After getting into a clean pair of panties and a bra, I pulled on the leggings. They were navy blue, and I matched them with a loose-fitting purple top. A pair of socks and my sneakers completed the outfit.

I was still trying to dry my hair when Tess finished her shower, and I was still drying my hair when she emerged from her bedroom. She was wearing a pair of loose charcoal-grey shorts and a blue t-shirt.

She watched me for a few moments with a sort of amused, sympathetic smile on her face. Then she got out a hair dryer and had me sit on the coffee table while she stood behind me and did my hair for me.

"Thanks Tess," I said with a sheepish smile when she was finished.

She grinned, "No problem. I guess you were right though, you really do need some 'girl lessons'."

I blushed, but we both knew she was right.

When we were finally ready we got our purses then headed out to the car. It was a few minutes after eleven as we pulled out from her apartment parking lot, but Tess knew an all-day breakfast place nearby.

It was sort of peak time for Sunday brunch and the place was crowded, but we got a table and within fifteen minutes I had a glass of fresh-squeezed OJ and a couple pancakes and some bacon in front of me. Tess had an order of eggs benedict and some OJ as well.

Three pancakes and three strips of bacon was more than I could eat but it was all good. Tess got through most of her meal, and the two of us talked a little more as we ate but we avoided the big serious topics for now. Mostly we just continued getting to know each other a little better.

After breakfast I paid the bill, then the two of us headed back out to the car. I was excited about our hiking plans, and looking forward to being out in nature for the first time in ages. And Tess seemed to be looking forward to it as well.

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