Chapter 27: Ajay – Chapter 29
Pune Maharashtra India (India) –
Commissioner Sunil with his technical team from the headquarters.
Woman on technical line – Sir, nuclear signals have stopped coming from our country.
Superior Tech – Are you kidding?
Technical woman: Just jump up and see, sir.
Technically superior considering the condition of our country on the big screen.
Superior – What a joke this is such terrible nuclear power
How can it disappear in an instant?
Commissioner – missing
Superior Tech – Yes, can't find any part
Commissioner: Whatever happens to him...
Tech Guy – Sir
Commissioner Sunil and Superior Tech
Tech Guy – It has just been revealed that massive amounts of nuclear radiation have been detected in Norway.
Commissioner – What, post the news as soon as possible
Delivering news on the big screen
Breaking News
villan name Hazardous is spotted in Norway
Seeing the destruction of Norway and the Norwegian superhero defeating them all
we have very destructive images of the scenario where you can see how this Monster is rampaging around
Commissioner Sunil seeing all that
Commissioner Sunil – It seems that Glitch and his powers are locked… Sudesh, please anylises of the Norway's environment .
Sudesh – Yes sir
After some time, Sudesh watches the anylises of the environment on the big screen. The atmosphere on that big screen is heated to such a high level that all the technical teams present there become stunned.
Sudesh – What a joke this is.
Commissioner – What happened… are all these people somewhere?
Sudesh pointing his hands towards the big screen
Sudesh – You understand it right sir, this is a sign of his power.
Sir, I did not have this much power till today while fighting with our Androids, suddenly this power is on the rise.
(looking at the commissioner)
Sudesh – Sir, I am saying a big thing with a small mouth, but from any point of view, he looks like one of us great humans.
Commissioner – You are right
(I did not want this society in the beginning when it had destroyed an entire city in it. But many such destructions had happened in human history that it all seemed natural to me, but today I see this power.
Who would be such a human being who...)
The Major and the superheroes rushing in.
Major – Commissioner, what is that?
Commissioner – Yes Major, he is now wreaking havoc in Norway.
Now there is such a difficult situation
Looking at Commissioner Razor
Commissioner – Razor, that child can survive that fierce blow.
Razor – Recovered from the blow but is still scared
(If I don't tell Vinay's secrets in front of him, it would be better if I don't know who is the rebel in the headquarters.)
Commissioner – Now it's up to God solution is in his palms be continued.....