Chapter 184: Chapter 181
In the blank space
"Vinay.....Vinay " Bhawesh calls out his name
when Vinay putting is amulet inside the bag going for Kabbadi pratice
" Always he use to call me " Vinay replies to himself
sees Bhawesh coming behind
" Use to ask the same question" Vinay replies
" Did you see Dhruti ?" Bhawesh asks
" No" Vinay replies
" Or did you found any information regarding her " Bhawesh asks
" I am sorry but no " Vinay replies
" I don't understand man what has swollen her " Bhawesh frustratingly replies
" I don't have any idea " Vinay replies
Bhawesh thinks of something and
" Hey Vinay tell this genuinely did you find any thing regarding Dhrusti which you " Bhawesh asks curiously
" Those questions use to make me wonder
I should tell the truth " Vinay replies
" like that .....W....Why did you ask that ? " Vinay hesitantly asks that
" Because..." Bhawesh replies
" Hey ...." Jaya calls out Bhawesh
" I can't...I.... can't and Jaya use to understand that everytime "Vinay replies
(Comic touch )
"What are you doing here ?" Jaya asks
" Nothing just" Bhawesh in fear tries to answer
" I know what it is about Dhruti
Why don't you just hold your horses and let him breath " Bhawesh replies
Jaya holds Bhawesh neck
" She is not the only girl go and find another girl for yourself "
Jaya kicks Bhawesh but and Bhawesh falls on the stall
Vinay sweats due to fear
"I use to feel she should stop ...
but I know she does for me " Vinay replies to himself
Present day–
Ajay in the test tube where inside small robots are helping Ajay to form his skin and inner tissues
taken by Razor and doctors through a plane
" No , sighs of trouble I see " Razor asks
" No but he need is a complete rest " students
" Well then " Razor replies
The highly advance plane which is "Ghamasan pod "
" No objection" Razor replies
In Hokkaido inside General Bakasur ship
The ship design is highly advance gives alien culture vibes
And gaint statue which are alike him in both sides of the throne
where he sitting on the throne and smoking his cigar
" Hindus....hmmmm...
Whats about it ? " Bakasur asks
" Well General ....
these Hindus is not just a culture it's thought
You see the instrument which is been destroyed the why do you think it's been done ? " Draconian King curiously asks
" To save Hindu " Baksura reply
" You are right it a Survival Instinct from decades it saved them and other living and non living beings " Draconian King replies
"Is it a virus or something " Baksur asks
" Dangerous beyond our villans imagination
Virus which is been tried by many invaders
but it still survived
" Draconian King replies
" Invaders....their where alien champions too? " Baksur replies
" Ofcourse they where in fact The hero Ajay which you fought earlier his father himself has overthrown 4 alien invasions " Draconian King replies in malodious tone
General Baksur smokes
Intresting ....
So tell we where did it started ?" Baksur replies
" India urf Bharat where you killed that hero ?" Draconian King replies
" Hmmmm...."
" Once you destroy Hinduism the whole world human and animals will destroy each other " Draconian King replies
"thanks for info tell me one thing ....
Why should I listen to inferior advice when I destroy and extract my thing ?" Baksur asks
" Sir, I am just a well wisher Hindus as a through never has been destroyed by if you destroy the country may be their will not be any problem while extracting your thing
I am no one to advice
Just my gratitude "
Draconian King replies
" Glitch " Draconian King calls
The portal come from upwards and takes Draconian King with it
Baksur in his throne smoking cigar
" India my orgin
pity him doesn't know much about me
but yes he sentences are true battling with this superhero he won't die and I feel it this is the power of the thought Hinduism
and it will interfere in achieving goals I should not waste time and
Destroy this Country be continued