Ajay:one who cannot be defeated

Chapter 181: Chapter 178

In Hokkido

In war like situation where alien soldiers

are dealing with superheros and those black monsters

Katasan throws the Orachi sword on to a soldier the sword pierce it and Karul on the other hand hits and upper cut and soldier moves in the air

" Katana , we should not waste time and destroy that instrument " Karul replies

Katnasan sprint towards his sword

"You are right, Karul sama " Katnasan replies

and Katanasan without puching and kicking moves ahead and holds both his hand holds the sword's hilt and hits each and everyone coming around towards him

" It's been a while since the villan has left the place " Katnasan replies

Katanasan double kicks the other soldier coming towards him and without wasting removes his big sword from the that soldiers chest and marches ahead by slicing soldiers and Karul through his super sonic flight moves ahead and hits a heavy blow on that battleship's instrument but that doesn't have much damage

In Mumbai on other hand –

Baksur in the air smoking cigar

" You peoples are joke I am wasting my time..." Baksur as replies senses something

" Trying to destroy the "Consumachine "" Baksur asi replies opens up the portal and about to go in but suddenly with the mixture of stone sand and metal a gaint fist hits Baksur and Baksur falls of 400 meter trashong all the buildings and vehicles coming in the way

Ajay with his supersonic speed takes up the flight and the mixture of elemetal fists are on his back and moves towards Baksur

" You will not go anywhere " Ajay replies in a fury

Baksur who was trashing on through buildings moves and comes aside to kick him Ajay Ajay tries to block his attack but the kick trashes off the giant punch and hits Ajay falls behind trashing those walls and the blast occurs

Baksur looks at it

" Gurudev, you told about that man earlier right , your brother? " Principal asks

"Right , A Man that you can see a demon never expected that "

Gurudev replies

Bakasur through his both hand shoots yellow beam Ajay through that fire creates six arms behind him and tries to stop the attack

" uh....this thing got unbelievable powers it not absorbable " Ajay replies to himself

Baksur comes aside punches Ajay

" Guruji are you pointing out his character and he doesn't..... " Principal replies

" look human any more although when he was a human his deeds where cruel for the intent of power " Guruji replies

Ajay falls

behind but stables himself through his legs

Baksur without wasting hits his legs on the ground and the yellow flare comes out of the ground tries to hit but Ajay without wasting takes the flight towards the sky

Bakasur opens up the portal and moves in

" Such a novice" Baksur replies by smoking

Ajay sees Baksur moving in the portal but Ajay bulks up his hand and punches in air towards him the air waves hit Baksur and Baksur falls behind breaking the connection with portal

" and he also was resposible that I have lost a 1857 battle when through betrayal the Britishers power rose " Guruji replies

In Hokkado

Katana san through his sword tries to cut the instrument of the ship

" Never have complaints for achieving the power but then we should always keep in mind the power without morality and soul always cause destruction which we can see it it will never be accepted " Guruji replies

....to be continued

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