Agnisotra: Origin Tails

Ch 36: Johnny vs Monkey

Day 4: I woke up late again. I got some good sleep in this time. I stretched as I got out of bed. I noticed something was off there was a lot of noise downstairs. I headed down and the noise became louder. It was coming from the living room.

“There he is! The murderer!” Murderer? Where? I looked around, and I saw Donkey and his friends and people that looked like their parents.

“You! You tried to kill our sons!” That is quite a harsh claim do you have any proof to back up that accusation?

“Get out! If all you guys came here was to falsely accuse Agnis then leave my house now!” Hera seemed pissed off. I didn't see Philip.

“Our sons told us they had a run-in with you and that you launched them into the air and kill them!” Hmm, so you’re telling me that 7 14-year-olds had a run-in with a 12-year-old, and not only did they lose they also claim to get launched into the air? They don't seem dead to me, you sure I got that right because that sounds like quite a ridiculous story don't you think?

“Hmm, well if you say it like that it does sound like an odd story, are you sure you’re not lying, son?”

“Of course, not dad! This asshole keeps bumping into us, calls me Donkey, and messes with us!”

“Unbelievable and you guys call yourself parents? Not only are you ganging up on Agnis but you also believe such an unrealistic story! If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable!” Hera still seemed like she was pissed off. She was waving her ladle at the parents and they were stepping back a bit. “By the way wind magic? Have you ever seen Agnis use wind magic?! And strong enough to launch that obese boy?! Ridiculous!”

“Excuse me? Obese? My son isn't obese! He's perfectly in shape!” Round is a shape indeed. While this seemed to calm Hera down since she tried to hold in her laugh it did seem to make the other side angrier.

“I see what you mean Dunkey, this guy is certainly a bully, it seems like he didn't get raised properly.” At that moment Hera and I stopped laughing.

“What did you say?!” Before I had time to get upset Hera exploded. Her magic spiked. I don't know what life she had in the past but she didn't seem like an ordinary weaver.

“Hey, hun I’m home! Look who I met on the way here! It's Gianni!” Philip stepped into the living room and met a scene with his pissed-off wife trying to swing her burning ladle at Donkey and co and me trying to hold her back.

“Hey what’s going on here?“ Gianni also stepped inside and looked into the full living room. Hera! Calm down, you'll burn the house down!

“A small price to pay to incinerate these rude guests!” Hey Philip can you calm her down? I'll make some ice cream, yoo Johnny, I’d love to talk but shit is going down.

“Uhh, yeah I can see that…” I went to the kitchen and made some ice cream to calm Hera down, I could still hear her yelling from here. Even though I did launch them into the air I didn't think I was in the wrong here. I returned to the living room with enough ice cream for Hera, Philip, Johnny, and myself. I handed them their share, sat on the couch took a bite, and looked over at the rude guests. So, what do you want me to do? Apologize?

”I would like to have an explanation as to why my son's story lines up with their friends.”

“Isn't that as you said because they’re friends? It wouldn't be surprising if they arranged a story to set Agnis up.” Ohh nice one Johnny but unfortunately their story is correct. So, you don't think it's strange that all 7 of them attacked me but that their stories line up?

“That is irrelevant! Answer the question!” Fine, I was heading home after a long day, and about half a block before arriving home I bumped into them, they started saying stuff about payback even though the 7 of them were blocking the whole road so there was no chance that I wouldn't bump into them after turning around the corner. Anyways they started attacking me and I responded in kind.

“So Agnis was provoked into a battle, you can't blame him for that!” Johnny seemed to be taking over the role of the parent defending me since Philip was too busy trying to keep Hera calm.

“And then what? You are saying you defeated them? You? Against the 7 of them?” I didn't say that but if that is your assumption then I won't correct you.

“They told me you cast wind magic and sent them flying!” Now here is where Monkey is wrong, it might sound the same but the wind magic I use wasn't cast, it was activated. Casting magic involves using magic circles made by household magic or incantations, It’s silly but I didn't decide on this terminology, or however, it's called. You know that this is something that can easily be checked right? What was it called magic tracer? It's magic that can detect to which caster some magic belongs but it can also detect what magic recently has been cast by a user, I would suggest you use to on me to check. Monkey looks at the other parents who nod and approaches me. He holds out his hand and it starts to glow.

“The last 3 magic spells he cast were freezing something, I assume it was to make that ice cream, household magic to wake oneself up after a certain time, and household magic to stay awake longer. The last 2 were used before the time you described son, what is the meaning of this!” Guess I got them good with a loophole.

“I want to know that too! But I'm sure of what I… what we saw!”

“Yeah! We got blasted by a wind blast!”

“Well either way I still want you to apologize to my son and his friends”

“You come here to my house, accuse Agnis falsely, and still have the guts to demand an apology! Get out of here!” Hera lost her cool again. Philip, there is more ice cream in the kitchen. Also rejected, I’m not going to comply with these bullies, if you want an apology you will have to force it out of me.

“I don't think Agnis owes them an apology, they ganged up on him 7 versus 1 and he luckily got out of it unharmed, I think that is enough, it also doesn't seem like your sons are that hurt, I've seen fights that ended up worse than a couple of scratches.” Nice support Johnny!

“Force an apology, eh? Dad let's do it!”

“This kid is annoying me a bit, don't worry Dunkey I won't back down.” Johnny stood up.

“I don't think this is acceptable behavior for an adult and even less so as guests, but if you insist on using force, I will be your opponent!” Ehh, Johnny, you don't need to!

“Don’t worry Agnis! I will sort this out for you!” Hmm, I might have dragged Johnny into this.

“Sounds like music to my ears! If you lose Agnis will apologize to us and make us weapons for free for a full year! Wow, talking about unfair! What happens if you lose though?

“Ha! As if I would lose, but if I lose, we will provide you the finest Hurado cuisine our household has for free for a full year!” My mouth started to water after hearing about a year of free food for a year. I then realized that we wouldn't be here for a year, meh, I guess it’s fine, Hera and Paul could still benefit from it. Let’s make that a deal on the condition we make it a 2v2! Johnny and I against you and Don... your son.

“Dad, you heard that he almost called me Donkey!”

“We will get our revenge soon and you have a deal.”

“Are you sure about this Agnis? I know you are strong but Munkey is one of the strongest fighters in town.” Don’t worry Johnny, I can hold my own, I will deal with Donk... his son and I will help you out if you need help with Mon... the father.

“I admire your confidence! Let’s win this, I will hop by more often after we win to benefit from the free food.” We headed toward the town square where we would hold our battle. I was wondering how I should go about this battle; I was limited to water magic and sword fighting. Since I will be using non-lethal force sword fighting was out. I bet a lot of people would be watching so water magic was my only option I guess, which is fine. There is one problem though, it hasn't rained for a while here which is weird if you think about it. The weather in the mountains is always unpredictable but for some reason, it has been dry and sunny for a while. Why is this an issue? Because water magic users use the moisture in the air to do their water magic stuff. That is one of the reasons why water magic is seen as one of the weakest forms of magic.

A water magic user can use 4 times the volume of water around him. If there is 1 liter of moisture in the area that I can influence then that means I can use 4 liters to use for my water magic. After the magic gets canceled or wears off the volume turns back to normal. That is why there aren't a tons of water users fixing deserts because there is hardly any moisture in the air there. On the flip side, you would be crazy to fight a water user near a big body of water or when it rains. This brings me back to my problem, there is not a lot of moisture in the air and Monkey is a fire user. Water only does stuff against fire if there is enough of it. Our town isn't lacking water because of the Boshi lakes but those lakes are a bit far from here. It will take some time but I guess I’ll have to summon some rainclouds. I don't know if it is normal to do so but I can do so after shooting a water ball high up in the sky, it just takes a while for them to appear. I think 15 minutes is the shortest time and 2 hours the longest I had to wait. We’re in the mountains so hopefully, it doesn't take too long. I can defeat Donkey with what water I have available but against Monkey it might not be enough, Johnny will fight him and I appreciate that he stood up for me but I don't know if he can beat Monkey.

Monkey is one of the stronger people in the town I've heard, he managed to beat Charlize, which to be honest isn't surprising because her wind magic is a bad matchup against his fire. From the short match I had against him last time loop, I conclude that Charlize is a way better fighter and just has an unlucky matchup against him. I realize that I don't know how strong Johnny is or what his specialty is, maybe he has a plan and can beat Monkey! We arrive at the town square and go over the basic rules. It is the standard fight till the other gets knocked out or surrenders stuff. No killing of course. The townspeople seemed to be organized because a lot of people gathered to watch, I even saw a booth getting set up for betting. These people love betting on stuff. I saw my buddies appear. Raishin seemed to be happy because he could make easy bucks by betting on me but it seems they didn't allow him to bet because he was too young. It seems about two-thirds of the people watching bet for Donkey and Monkey and one-third for Johnny and me. Hera seemed to be fired up and seemed to have bid a lot on me. “Gogogo Agnis! Destroy them!” Wow, Hera wants to see me win. My buddies also seemed to cheer me on. Cecilia and Charlize seemed to have relaxed faces even though they seemed to have bet a lot of money that I would win.

“Are you nervous? “Johnny asked. Not really, you?

“A bit, I might have gotten ahead of myself a bit there haha.” Oh, this doesn't sound good.

“What buffs do you prefer?” Are you a buffer?

“Yeah…” This is going to be interesting. Just speed will do.

“Only speed? Not attack or magic attack?” Just speed is fine. I can't tell him that I might be afraid I could accidentally kill them if I get a magic attack buff. I managed to fix that problem in my training but a magical attack buff could very well easily undo that.

“Right, I don't know why I’m the referee but you guys can start” For some reason Philip was the referee. Johnny buffed my speed and ran at Monkey. He seemed to buff himself in the process. The first thing I did was shoot a [Water ball] up in the air to summon rain clouds. “Haha, where are you aiming!” I’m over here!” Don’t worry, you're hard to miss.

“Are you calling me fat?!” No, I'm calling you slow. A [Waterball] hit him and drenched him.

“Grrr” He started channeling his long-ass lightning magic. Hey, Donkey wanna race to see who finishes his cast first?

“You're going down!” Great water stream gather in my palms, gather around, and condense. Shape into the form that suits this occasion. Still water, flowing water heed my call! [Water blast]! No magic circle but an incantation. Donkey still didn't finish his magic circle and got blasted by a [Water blast]. In my opinion, it was relatively weak because as I've said before there wasn't much moisture in the air but I made up for it by using an incantation. A part of the crowd cheered, I guess the ones who bet for me to win. I looked over at Johnny. He was fighting with some chains made out of light. He didn't seem to be winning but he also didn't seem to be losing and this seemed to frustrate Monkey. I want to defeat Donkey fast so I could observe Johnny’s fight.

“An incantation eh, too bad it hit like a wet noodle” I’m impressed, you got totally blasted but still are talking tough, don’t worry, beating you won't be hard because you’re still wet behind the ears. I heard Ted cheering super hard, shit I think he heard my pun. He cast another lightning spell but this one was different; I know because it was short. He shot it in the air, and it arched and split into several lightning bolts which rained down at me.

“Hahaha! Dodge this!” Ok. I rushed at Donkey while evading all the lightning bolts raining down, I made some [Ice mirrors] to deflect some and blew some [water bubbles] to trap some lightning within them. And after dodging for about a minute I arrived at Donkey. I kind of took the long way because I wanted to catch a lot of lightning in my water bubbles.

“I was being sarcastic! You weren't supposed to dodge them!” Donkey said while stomping the ground. So unreasonable! I used [Frozen Ground] and slipped him which caused his next lightning attack, which he was charging while I was dodging, to miss me and shot it towards Monkey. Nailed it. Monkey got hit by friendly fire and Johnny capitalized on it. Donkey tried to get up but I chain-slipped him and froze his pants to the floor after which I formed a blade made out of ice and held it at his neck.

“I… I surrender! This fight is so unfair! I didn't know he was this fast!”

“Dunkey surrenders!” Philip said. Monkey looked over to us, my fans cheered and Donkey ran crying to his friends. I made the bubbles filled with lightning rotate around me as I froze myself a couch and sat on it to spectate the battle between Johnny and Monkey. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Gregory roll his eyes. So, it seems Johnny’s fighting style is buffing himself and fighting with short light chains as a kind of whip. They aren't that long though half a meter in length each. So, he had to come pretty close to Monkey to hit him. He seemed to be able to block almost every attack Monkey fired at him with these chains but he still took a little bit of damage every time he did that. Johnny looks a bit beat up but it doesn't seem he took a lot of damage; I assume this mainly got caused by the splash damage of the fire explosions Monkey was firing at Johnny. This type of fighting with fire seemed to be popular here.

A lot of explosive power and power in general but hardly any heat. That is the difference between how I use fire and almost anyone else. Most fire magic would blow up a boulder and the boulder would get destroyed by blunt force, and my fire would completely melt it, this, of course, caused my buddies to complain that my fire is too hot but it isn't really that I do that by choice, phoenixes, and nine-tailed spirit foxes both have a high fire affinity if you would mix that, of course, you would get some monstrous fire magic. Anyways Johnny is skillfully using his light chains, I would argue that he is a better fighter than Monkey but Monkey has superior firepower and doesn't need to get close to deal damage. I hate to say this but Johnny might lose. Johnny buffed his magic defense more and seemed to drop his physical defense buff. Yikes, that is a mistake! This fire attack is magical based yes but the blunt force is physical. Another blast which Johnny blocked but he took more damage from the splash damage than he did before. I wondered if I should help him but he seemed really into it even though he knew he might lose.

“Ugh, why don't you just get defeated!”

“Not everyone accepts being bullied by you!” Johnny pushed through and closed the distance. He hit Monkey’s face with his light chain and tried to follow up but got blasted away. It seemed he blocked it but again not fully.

“Ugh! You annoying rat!” Getting hit seemed to piss him off. I saw some rainclouds heading over in the distance, they would be here in about 10 minutes. Hang on, Johnny! Monkey seemed to power up, there was no boss music this time so I guess that was acceptable. I was contemplating using wires to make boss music but I decided against it. I saw Gregory looking at me as if he read my mind and looked disapprovingly. When did Gregory learn how to read minds? I thought of confiscating more of his liquid shadow vodka. No reaction, maybe he can't read minds after all. Johnny seemed to be running out of steam. He did pretty well for someone who with his magic normally is a supporting role. Johnny dodged a blast and threw his chain which hit Monkey on his face again.

“Aaagh my face again!” I wondered why he didn't do this before but I then realized that the chain just stayed on the floor and no new one appeared. Apparently, it works like a normal object, throw it and you got to retrieve it. Maybe Johnny started to become desperate. Monkey stopped throwing flame waves and fireballs around but formed the fire into a spear which he threw at Johnny. Magic becomes more effective and stronger when it's set to a certain shape. Fireballs and flame waves are regarded as shapeless. Johnny wrapped the chain he had in his right hand around his hand making it kind of a glove made out of the light chain and caught the flame spear. Well, this is surprising.

“I was waiting for you to do something like this!”

“What?!” Ooh is this what they call a hero’s comeback? Monkey threw more flame waves and fireballs at Johnny which smacked them or pierced them with his new flame spear weapon. He buffed his magical attack and started attacking Monkey with the flame spear. He wasn't good at using a spear but he also wasn't bad at it. He was laying down the hurt on Monkey. When things started to go well for Johnny, Monkey snapped and created a [heatwave] that pushed everything away from him. I made an ice wall to protect myself from it. It instantly melted because the water was really thin now. I had to slowly melt my couch to make sure that I had some water to use if Monkey attacked me before the rainstorm approached. Ted seemed to have realized this and looked at me wondering what I would do. Cecilia also seemed to look concerned. It seems most of them realized that I wasn't helping Jonny to keep his pride intact since he was fighting so hard and earnestly. A lot of people seemed to have realized it except for Raishin who was shouting for me to help him. I will help Johnny but only if he asks for it or surrenders. I hope he wins but... Monkey snapped and started to form some really dangerous magic. I wanted to interrupt it but…

“I won't give up until you apologize to Agnis!” What am I supposed to do now? Johnny seems to face off against this dangerous magic fearlessly. He buffs his defenses more and charges into the huge fire monkey shape Monkey made. Can’t say I'm surprised. Maybe monkey is inaccurate, it is a big fire gorilla but calling him Ape doesn't sound as good. The fire monkey slams its fist down on him and he blocks it with the pole of the spear but it's pushing him down with a lot of force and the floor under him starts to crack. Ok, screw his pride he might die if I don't do something. As I get up from my couch to help him, he buffs my speed and surrenders. “I'm sorry Agnis, I couldn't make him apologize.” That is fine, I'm sorry that I let you go through this.

“That is ok, I'm glad that you let me see this through without interfering.”

”Ha! You think I'm just letting you go!” Hey, cancel that gorilla, Johnny surrendered! The gorilla was still pushing down on Johnny.

“Hey, Munkey that is enough! Johnny surrendered!” Philip tried to step in but Philip has 0 firepower so he couldn't enforce it. I saw Charlize and Cecilia getting ready for action. This could get messy if I don't do anything. Monkey, last warning, release Johnny! Oh shit, Agnis is getting mad! Oof who is going to pay for Monkey’s funeral? Not me! My buddies are noisy. I gathered what water there was still left in the environment and formed a [water ball] inside the gorilla close to Monkey. I swiftly pulled Johnny from under the gorilla's fist as a steam explosion went off that sent Monkey flying and canceled the gorilla. Monkey got up and looked super pissed, he was now focused on me.

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