Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 19

19. Vileplume

Qiantang University is one of the top universities in Longguo with a history of more than 100 years.

It is known as the “cradle” of dragon breeders.

From here, there have been countless Pokémon Breeder and Pokémon research leaders, each of which is second to none in the industry.

Therefore, it is also extremely difficult to be admitted to the Breeding Department of Qiantang University.

Nan Feng just takes Qiantang University as his first choice, and if it doesn’t work, he will drop LV.

After eating the hotel’s buffet breakfast, Nan Feng took a taxi to Qiantang University. Hotels close to Qiantang University are all full, and it is estimated that Nan Feng also came to take the exam at Qiantang University.

The car quickly left the city and was driving on the coastal road. In the distance, a small island could be seen on the sea. The island was lined with buildings, prosperous trees, and lush flowers and plants.

That’s right, there is the “Tingchao Campus” of Qiantang University, a university built on an independent island.

After passing the coastal road, the taxi has to pass a bridge spanning two kilometers across the sea. It is said that when the Tingchao campus was first established, there was no such bridge, and all students went to and from either through the Pokémon of the Flying Department, or the waterway through the Pokémon of the Water Department.

To this day, Nan Feng can still see someone flying into the Tingchao campus while standing on the back of Bi Diao.

In addition to the human-shaped crosswalks on the left and right of the bridge, there are also Pokémon lanes, and I saw Trainers riding Arcanines, flaming horses, and even Rhyhorn running wildly on it.

“Should I capture a Pokémon that can be used as a mount first?” Nan Feng looked eagerly and couldn’t help thinking.

In the game, I don’t seem to have encountered any Pokémon that is suitable as a mount.

Poochyena’s evolutionary Mightyena?

No, that’s too small.

That Onix?

Nope, it’s too big, you’ll be restricted from the road, and you won’t move fast when you’re on the ground.

If neither of these are good, what Pokémon can be used as a mount…

While Nan Feng was thinking, the taxi arrived at the gate of Qiantang University.

“Students, school is here!”

“Okay, thank you master” Nan Feng paid and got off the taxi.

The gate of the school is now full of people. Even though Qiantang University deliberately divides the exam time and divides the staff, both the trainers taking the first exam and the trainers taking the second exam will come to see it first.

If that’s the case, that’s fine, there are mainly parents who send their students to take the exam.

Nan Feng didn’t tell his parents that he was going to take the Qiantang University entrance exam. He was going to tell them when he decided which university to go to. lest they worry.

After showing the admission ticket, Nan Feng was released into Qiantang University.

The sight is a green, as if entering a huge and vast forest. Even if there are human buildings erected in it, they are perfectly integrated with everything in nature.

In addition to the green eye protection, there are also pieces of snow white that are eye-catching.

In addition to being rich in “breeders”, Qiantang University is also rich in beautiful women.

According to the survey, boys prefer to fight, and prefer more violent Pokémon such as fire and electricity, while girls like breeding and coordination, and prefer water and grass Pokémon. Qiantang University is not only the cradle of breeders, but also rich in trainers who are proficient in water system Pokémon.

Naturally, yin flourishes and yang declines, and beauty is like clouds.

Nan Feng swore that he definitely did not come to Qiantang University for this.

Absolutely not!

I have to say that the beautiful students are really a unique and beautiful landscape in Qiantang University, JK, Black Silk, White Silk.

Based on human nature to pursue beautiful things. Nan Feng couldn’t help but admire it a few more times.

“You usually look like an honest person, but you actually like this kind of tune.” Suddenly, a slightly mocking familiar voice sounded to Nan Feng’s right hand.

Nan Feng immediately saw a girl following the direction of the voice.

A brown halter dress with a brown short skirt, black boots, a little makeup on her delicate face, two love earrings, and long burgundy hair behind her that cascaded down.

What a….the powerful sister Sa.

Nan Feng looked at her a little familiar, but couldn’t remember her name all of a sudden.

“You are?”

“It’s only been a month since you graduated and you don’t know your classmates?” Sister Sa snorted softly.

“Classmates….” Nan Feng carefully matched the faces of all the classmates in his mind.

Finally Lock On a person.

“Li Xiaoyu?” Nan Feng couldn’t believe it.

Li Xiaoyu and the person in front of him are seven-pointed in appearance and figure. It’s just that Nan Feng has a hard time combining the figure of the girl in the school uniform with the mature hot beauty in front of her.

Can it grow so well in a month?

“It seems that my charm is worth affirming.” Li Xiaoyu was very satisfied with Nan Feng’s reaction.

“Hehe, Vileplume, are you also applying for the Breeding Department of Qiantang University?” Nan Feng said unexpectedly. Seriously, Li Xiaoyu studied at Qiantang University in her previous life, and even joined the financial circle after graduation.

Because Nan Feng doesn’t participate much in the alumni reunion, she doesn’t know much about her “future”.

Compared with the name Li Xiaoyu, Nan Feng is still impressed by the nickname Vileplume. Domineering, loyal, tall and beautiful, born Machamp, she has been the female boss in the class since the first year of high school.

Therefore, it also got the nickname of “Vileplume”. Now there is a world of Pokémon. In the memory of “Nan Feng”, it is said that she really has a Vileplume at home.

Li Xiaoyu glared at Nan Feng, she had already graduated and called her high school nickname.

“No, I don’t like the breeding department. I applied for the battle department, and I have already passed the exam.”

Saying that, the Poké Ball on Li Xiaoyu’s waist opened, and a Croconaw fell to the ground.

“Howl! (o’Д`o)ノ” Croconaw roared in a rage.

Feraligatr + Vileplume? It’s quite suitable.

But Nan Feng thinks she is more compatible with her mother Machamp, both born with Machamp.

Qiantang University’s battle department and breeding department exams were staggered, and the battle department exam ended five days ago.

“Stop talking, I still have something to do. Let’s go ahead and have a meal together when you have time.” Li Xiaoyu looked at her watch and walked away in a dashing pace.

Nan Feng turned to leave, and it was almost time for his exam.

There is a sign on the main road to guide candidates, and a beautiful senior sister wearing volunteer clothes is responsible for guiding.

Following the signs for directions, Nan Feng quickly found the place for the written test.

In a classroom, there are more than ten people sitting scattered. There are only twenty people in one examination room.

“Why does it feel like a college entrance examination?” Nan Feng whispered.

In fact, it is also the college entrance examination, but the content of the test is all related to Pokémon.

Focused on Pokémon Breeder lore, interspersed with Pokémon Pokédex lore and Pokémon battle lore.

For example, the third question of the test paper issued after the start of the test.

“Torchic occasionally devours small stones on the ground. What else does it do other than help digestion?”

Torchic is a royal family and belongs to the highly popular Pokémon. This question is quite clearly marked in the book knowledge.

Nan Feng, as a scholar, naturally grasps this kind of knowledge from books. What’s more, Li Qianqian already noted this when she designed the Pokémon recipe for her Torchic.

Feel free to fill in “promote digestion and raise the temperature of the flame it spews out”.

The bonus question is a restraint table for dictating the Pokémon Attribute.

Most of the topics are not a big problem as long as you have carefully read the Pokémon breeding books and Pokémon Pokédex.

The only thing that will really open up the score will be the open-ended questions that follow.

Like the last one.

“If you have a regular Nosepass, please write down your detailed Breeder plan for it” (30 points)

Nan Feng was stunned when he saw this topic.

What a coincidence?

Kenin big sister, this is a question for myself!

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