Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 28 The First Transaction

Adis didn't rush to get on the horse, but helped Alfie climb on the horse first, and then he rode on the horse next to him.

David turned his head to look at the two, only to notice that Alfie's skin was no longer delicate and white, but a bronze color, and he was wearing a hat made of a fox's head so that no one would notice There is a cloth strip tied on his head, and he will not pay further attention to the hidden things under the cloth strip.

I just wonder if Maloney Mansfield has investigated Alfie's identity?

Judging from Maloney's performance, it seems that he doesn't know. Or maybe he already knew it, but he didn't care at all.

David didn't want to test it out. It's best that no one pays attention to Alfie along the way, and returns to Cold Winter Village safely and smoothly. After completing the fixed inspection process, send these few off Return to Iron Tree Fort.

Thinking of this, David suddenly thought of a question.

At this time, everyone rode their horses and passed through the northern pass of Iron Tree Fort, and there was still a long way to go, so I asked everyone while they were still in good spirits.

My lord inspector, after this investigation, should I go back to Iron Tree Fort with my lord to receive the letter of appointment? Or should I wait for a special envoy in Cold Winter Village?

Perhaps the road was too boring, and there was nothing worth admiring around. Maloney also wanted to chat with someone. David just asked, and he answered the question happily: It's best to go back to Iron Tree Fort to pick up it in person. , if you wait for Iron Tree Fort to send someone to deliver the documents to you, I don’t know how long you will have to wait.”

Maloney's high efficiency does not mean that the officials of Iron Tree Castle are all so efficient. It is not uncommon for things like this that have nothing to do with their own personal interests to be delayed for a year or so if they are counted on to do things.

Besides, it's a good thing for you to get the official letter of appointment early. With the official letter, it will also help you recruit more villagers. Maloney was in a good mood. Apart from answering David's question, he also He pointed out: Even if it is difficult to recruit in Iron Tree Fort, you can still go to the nearby villages and towns.

The reputation of the Northern Plains has been completely ruined in Iron Tree Fort, but the information in this era is not smooth, especially for these commoners who rarely go out, things that are already well known in the next town may not be known here.

Therefore, in villages and towns other than Iron Tree Fort, it may be easier for David to recruit villagers, especially when he holds the official appointment document of the kingdom.

Of course, whether this poaching behavior will arouse the dissatisfaction of the local lords is another matter.

David thanked him while thinking about where he should go to recruit people. Going to other villages and towns to dig people would definitely offend people, but what if he went to a place where some kind of disaster just happened to recruit? That area may have less resistance?

Here comes a new problem, David, who lives in the most remote area of ​​the human kingdom, how can he know whether natural and man-made disasters have broken out in other places?

After much deliberation, he was only sure that Azeroth would be plagued by natural disasters in two or three years, and he had no idea when other places would suffer disasters. Even David was not particularly clear about the specific towns around Iron Tree Fort.

It seems to be too ignorant of the situation in this world.

Previously, he only focused on the things around him, including asking Laura to bring more books about the knowledge of the earth, just to improve his 'personality'.

As for things other than himself, not to mention the overall situation of the Kingdom of Tilan, he was not even very clear about Iron Tree Fort and its surroundings.

This has something to do with David's identity. He was just an ordinary civilian at first, even if he became a qualified hunter, he was still just a commoner.

When he first joined the pioneering team, his original goal was just to get the status of a knight - the Orion is a relatively important armed member of the pioneering team. If the village can be successfully established and developed, as long as the village chief is promoted to the mayor of the kingdom As a real lord, he has a high probability of obtaining the status of a knight.

Don't underestimate the status of a knight. If he succeeds, it means that David has successfully crossed the class and stepped into the circle of nobles—even if he is a bumpkin in a remote country. Further possibilities.

It can be said that David's initial calculations revolved entirely around his own thinking. What does the situation around Iron Tree Fort have to do with him?

It's just that things in the world often don't develop as people predict, and changes in many things always catch people off guard.

The original Orion suddenly became the village head, and the series of events that followed left David no time to think about these matters.

More importantly, even if he wanted to learn and research this information, he couldn't do it. He simply couldn't get a detailed map and various materials of the area around Iron Tree Fort. At present, the only thing that can be counted on is Addis. The old hunter who has lived in Iron Tree Fort for decades should have a certain understanding of the surrounding situation.

After an initial chat, the team became quieter.

There are many reasons. As the leader of the team, Maloney really has nothing to talk to these 'subordinates' without giving any instructions.

Although he was very curious about David and Laura, he would not let go of his reserved status and chat with the two 'civilians' endlessly.

It is also impossible for the subordinates to chat with the leader and superiors when they have nothing to do, and the guards are more careful around the surroundings; Addis has to take care of Alfie, who can't ride a horse, and he hopes that no one will take care of the two of them. He and Alfie would never take the initiative to speak.

David and Laura didn't have anything to talk about, and if they wanted to chat, they usually had the opportunity to talk alone, so it's better to be quiet at this time.

After a few rookies got used to it, the team consisting of 14 people and 20 horses gradually picked up speed - if you want to safely pass through the passage between the Iron Tree Forest and the Tilan Mountains, it is best to The best way is to go there early instead of wasting time on this road.

With qualified mounts, the team moved very fast and arrived at the northern guard post the next evening.

Not long after meeting Captain Gregory again, David took out the potatoes that he always carried with him and made them part of the dinner.

After seeing Inspector Maloney, Captain Gregory, who completely let go of his guard, tasted the new crop that David said, and after taking a few bites, he immediately gave a good review: This thing called potatoes is really good. good.

The taste is very good, and it can be stewed with all kinds of meat and vegetables. It can also be used as a staple food instead of bread when roasted or boiled alone. Considering that this crop has a large yield and matures quickly, it is no wonder that David Villages can be built on the northern plains with so many problems.

If possible, I hope Village Chief David can sell some potatoes to our sentry.

Before dinner was over, David had an unexpected surprise: Of course, how much do you need?

Fifty kilograms.

Fifty kilograms is not too much. There are ten elite soldiers stationed at the northern guard post. These soldiers are all the elite Iron Tree Fort who wear heavy armor and can wield their weapons freely for intense battles.

This group of soldiers was powerful in combat and had a large appetite. Even if they only served 50 kilograms of potatoes as a side dish, they wouldn't last long. If it is the staple food, it will be eaten faster.

But for Cold Winter Village, David is not sure if there are so many potatoes in storage. But this is not a problem, the big deal is to let Laura go home and buy fifty kilograms.

As for the price, the price given by Captain Gregory is not high, but slightly higher than the price of the same amount of wheat, but David doesn't care much about this, as long as there is a market, potatoes can be used as a side dish. It can be used as a staple food for its versatility, and its consumption rate is astonishing. It can be said that no matter how much you grow, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it.

Most importantly, David got his first funding!

The money is not too much, after all, it is only 50 kilograms of potatoes, and another 50 kilograms can not be sold for much, but with this money, he can buy livestock and poultry, and he can also buy a horse to make it easier for him to go back and forth in Iron Tree Fort .

After exchanging a few words with Captain Gregory, David and the other party quickly reached a verbal agreement: when David returns, he will prepare 50 kilograms of potatoes, and Gregory does not need to pay all in cash, but This fee can be paid for by poultry, livestock, and horses of corresponding value.

The northern sentry post is a very well-equipped sentry post. In addition to the ten elite soldiers stationed there, there are also blacksmiths, cooks, assistants, and handymen living here. Their existence is to ensure the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

Also to ensure combat effectiveness, there are a lot of poultry and even dairy cows in the sentry, all to ensure that the soldiers have eggs and milk to eat-the livestock themselves are also counted as food reserves.

However, these are combat supplies, right? David's only concern is whether these items can be traded?

As a result, Gregory didn't care about this kind of thing at all: As the highest officer of the northern sentry, I have the power to mobilize all resources in the sentry.

The supplies are consumed, and they can be replenished after applying to Iron Tree Fort. What's more, this is not considered consumption, it is just replaced by another material, which is completely legal and reasonable-at most, there will be a little loss during the exchange.

At this point, the two parties happily reached a sales agreement, and then David gave Gregory the few potatoes on himself and Laura.

Captain Gregory was also very angry, and handed over two war horses to David as a deposit on the spot. No one could fault the reason he gave: After David returned to the village, he couldn't rely on manpower to transport 50 kilograms of potatoes. Come on to the northern outpost? These two horses were delivered to the village head of David in advance so that David could transport the potatoes he ordered.

Captain Gregory, don't worry, I'll pack 50 kilograms of potatoes as soon as I get back!

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